October Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    As of October 3, 2012:

    Me (Gwen) - 3
    The Binge - 0

    (It *almost* got a hold of me twice today (10-3), but I ate what I wanted to eat and then stopped!)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    As of October 3, 2012

    Me: 3
    Binge: 0

    I had the calories to have a few nibbles on the snacks I wanted, and I felt full and then stopped. I say this is a win. :bigsmile:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    October 2012

    Diane: 2
    The Binge: 1
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Elizabeth 2
    Binge 1 (10/3)

    So it seems that every Wed. I end up bingeing. I do get a lot of exercise on Wednesday's, my fit bit calculated almost 600 calories burned. I find myself very hungry and start eating something that looks good in the pantry and end up binging. Last night was after dinner and I was still hungry. Instead of just making something else to eat I started snacking and before I knew it had eaten 5 cookies that I had made and then some nutella and then got into the kids snack cabinet. Today is a new day and I am really trying to break the cycle. I think I need to come up with an eating plan on days I burn more calories than other days b/c I tend to eat close to the same foods all the time...or maybe that is the problem?
  • dopeydani10
    dopeydani10 Posts: 5 Member
    After an 'okay' September, I was even more motivated for October, until I gave in to the binge monster yesterday. I noticed I can go a few days at a time, sometimes even a week, but then I give in. I'd like to try to go at least the next 7 days, and ideally much further. I hope to check in regularly too! Thanks for being here everyone!

    October: Me 2, The Binge 1
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of October 3, 2012--goal: to binge no more than 7 days

    Me: 3
    Binge: 0

    I need to remember to log in at night before I go to bed.
  • 13Gwendolyn13
    13Gwendolyn13 Posts: 11 Member
    Gwendolyn: 4
    The Evil Binge: 0
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    As of October 4, 2012:
    28 or more BF days and a 20+ day BF stretch
    Me (dani) - 4 (day 12 BF!)
    The Binge - 0
  • nerak50
    nerak50 Posts: 17 Member

    the binge=0
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    October Goal: Read Geneen Roth's "eating guidelines" early in the day each day to remind myself how to approach food and eating.

    R, Oct 4

    beatrix: 4
    The Binge: 0

    analysis: I'm trying to eat a few more vegetables, and I have been making an effort to eat slowly. (I've been a fast chewer for...ever! Over time, I'm hoping to develop a slow-eating habit.)
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    :heart: Daily Reminders--Geneen Roth's Eating Guidelines :heart:
    1. Eat when you are hungry. (Truly hungry, body hungry not mind hungry)
    2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.
    3.Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspaper, books, intense or anxiety producing conversation and music.
    4. Eat only what your body wants. (Big difference from what your MIND wants!)
    5. Eat until you are satisfied. (This is different than full.)
    6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.
    7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.
    ❤ and...❤
    8. Eat slowly.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    "Hi" to all the new peeps and the old peeps, too. :smile:

  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    DeTaart - 3
    The Binge - 1

    Managed to put on 4lbs from Wednesday's binge. Hoping it's just water weight and will level out. Feel pretty gross.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    U_S- 3

    Binge - 1

    Last night was a binge, and this morning I am feeling pretty gross......
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of October 4, 2012--goal: to binge no more than 7 days

    Me: 4
    Binge: 0
  • studenthealth
    studenthealth Posts: 4 Member
    5th October
    Me: 1
    Binge: 4 :(
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    DeTaart - 3
    The Binge - 1

    Managed to put on 4lbs from Wednesday's binge. Hoping it's just water weight and will level out. Feel pretty gross.

    Oh, the scale does that to me after a binge. It may be due to high consumption of salt that resulted in temporary weight gain as it caused your body to retain water. Therefore, try drinking lots of water to flush it out. I've learned to weigh myself ONCE a week and not after a binge. Give yourself a few days and try again. I guarantee that scale will be a little nicer.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    As of October 4, 2012

    Suzanne: 3
    Binge: 1

    The last real binge I had like this was a few weeks back.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    October 2012

    Diane: 3
    The Binge: 1
  • 13Gwendolyn13
    13Gwendolyn13 Posts: 11 Member
    Gwendolyn: 5
    The Evil Binge: 0
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    As of October 5, 2012--goal: to binge no more than 7 days

    Me: 4
    Binge: 1

    So disappointed with myself. The binge wasn't as bad as it could have been but I was doing well this week. I talked myself out of going to the gym earlier; a mistake. It would have been a better way to get out my frustrations. I purged a little bit, but not everything. I hate vomiting more than anything so I guess it's a sign of how desperate I felt in the moment. I'm still under my weekly calorie goal, but I feel gross, fat, and my stomach hurts. Blech.