Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hi there

    22 Y
    2 children
    Heaviest : 197 lbs (after babies)
    SW (Jan 1): 181 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs
    GW: 160 lbs
    BF% 25.3
    Eating 1670-1800 calories a day
    Working out in beast mode 6-7x a week
    Goal is to build muscle, lose fat.
  • Hi all!

    I'm 5'8" and as of recently, 157 pounds.

    150 by April
    145 by June

    My short-term goal is to track ALL food in MFP for the next *two weeks* with a 1400 calorie/day limit - and 3 gym sessions per week. Please message and friend me if you'd like to buddy up on this two week challenge!!
  • 25 Years old
    Height- 5'6
    Heaviest - 230 lbs
    CW- 135 lbs
    GW- 120 lbs
    Dream GW- 115lbs
    BF%- no idea
    BMI- 21.9
    Eating 1200 calories a day
    Extremely sedentary but just bought a treadmill today. My goal is to do at least 20 mins on the treadmill at least 4 times a week. Starting small.
  • Hey girls!

    21 years old
    max weight 161-162
    actual weight 157
    goal weight 140-145

    Hope I will find my twin :happy:
  • Hi all!

    I'm 5'8" and as of recently, 157 pounds.

    150 by April
    145 by June

    My short-term goal is to track ALL food in MFP for the next *two weeks* with a 1400 calorie/day limit - and 3 gym sessions per week. Please message and friend me if you'd like to buddy up on this two week challenge!!

    Really close ! I just posted a messa, I am 5'7, and 157 pounds exactly. I would like to be 145 as well :)
  • PamelaAKW
    PamelaAKW Posts: 2 Member
    I am 27
    hightest weight around 180
    current weight around 135
    current body fat % roughly 33
    goal weight around 120
    goal body fat % 20-22
    I don't have any children
    I workout 6 days a week, weights and cardio combo. All low impact due to joint issues.
    Ultimate goal: toned with mildly defind muscles
    Never been really over weight, however stuggled with weight most of my life.
  • JessicaP327
    JessicaP327 Posts: 64 Member
    I am 5' 3.5"
    Heaviest: 157
    Current: 151
    GOAL!!!! : 138 (for right now. Then I eventually want to get to 120)

    Hey Krissy. Looks like we're pretty much twinning.
    Current: 148
    Goal: 138 by April 26th (vacation!!)
    Ultimate goal: about 126-128ish
  • Hey everyone!

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'7
    Heaviest: 142 lbs
    Current: 128 lbs
    Goal: 120lbs
  • I think we may be twins!

    height 5'7
    HW: 142
    CW: 128
    GW: 120
  • Age: 32
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 134
    CW: 128
    GW: 120

    I think we may be twins!

    height 5'7
    HW: 142
    CW: 128
    GW: 120
  • emomonster92
    emomonster92 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm Sharon,
    Height: 5'7
    HW: 174
    CW: 174
    GW: 155

    Started at 167 but seems i've been gaining weight instead of losing it and i really need some support and ideas from whoever may be my twin!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hi there! I'm Sharon,
    Height: 5'7
    HW: 174
    CW: 174
    GW: 155

    Started at 167 but seems i've been gaining weight instead of losing it and i really need some support and ideas from whoever may be my twin!

    I think we are pretty much twins, a few lb CW different but thats OK with me
  • Age: 23 years

    Height: 5'3

    GW: 121
  • emomonster92
    emomonster92 Posts: 3 Member
    REally? That's great! and fine by me also.
  • Height: 5'10"
    Starting weight: 143
    Current weight: 126.8
    Goal weight: 110-100ish

  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    Age 28
    Height: 5'3
    HW: 185
    CW: 126
    GW: 110
  • I do believe I am quite a bit older than you but........we are close to twins.
    I am 5' 2 also. HW :145 (8 years ago) CW: 127 GW:120 and tone up. I just turned forty six today! I joined MFP in Jan~ Started at 129lbs. lost 5 lbs the first month. Then started the EMWL plan and gained 3 lbs back so I am hoping my metabolism resets soon and I get back on track. I work out 6 days a week. I lift weights 3X a week, walk and do Zumba.
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    Height- 5'8
    Hw-175 after I had my daughter 9-2-12
    Lw- 135 before I started lifting weights and right out of high school
  • Hello, I'm new to this site!

    Height: 5'3 ft.
    HW: 130 lbs.
    CW: 105 lbs.
    GW: 95 lbs, if not I just want to get really toned. Scratch the gw I prefer if I was able to fit into size 2 jeans, I'm currently a size 4 down from a 7.
  • incitata
    incitata Posts: 12
    Height: 5'0"
    HW: 117
    CW: 116
    GW: 110
