Oct. 22 Mad Hatter Chatter



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ time2 - nope, not bad at all - i get confused too....
    Let's just blame it on too much to do and too little time.....

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    And i'm wondering about MeRobi too... Hope she's OK...

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    St. Christopher must have been riding in my car today to keep me safe, even if he didn't protect my car. I was driving to work on I-95 when the car in front of me stopped, I stopped and the car behind me did not stop until plowing into me. Fortunately it was stop and go and the car in front went forward before I hit them! I went to be checked out for concussion just in case. So far so good, the back of my head hit a nice sturdy head rest and I don't think I have any signs of whiplash, everyone says wait until tomorrow. In 1997, a truck ran a red light and smashed into my door, I had to be cut out of the car and I still take medication to prevent headaches, after having my heart stop in the ER. So I feel very fortunate that it looks like I will be fine.
    My rear bumper is smashed, but my car is drivable. The other (purple!) car is totaled, fortunately the driver is ok, he was an extremely upset apologetic 25 year old. He was not on the phone, if he had been I would not have been sympathetic to him, but he was so sweet and he was wearing an Orioles cap. Before the police were finished his fiancé arrived to take him home and she was so relieved to see that he was ok. Bob never checks messages but today he did so that was how he learned about the accident. He is also relieved.
    After I left the patient first place, the phone rang in my car. I never answer the phone so I continued driving for a half hour. It was patient first they forgot to return my license and insurance cards.So an extra hour and a half in the car to go get them.
    BUT the worst part of the day--I had to be weighed at the doctors office. Different scale and I didn't take off my shoes or my jacket and it was 11 pounds more than Monday. I KNOW that it doesn't matter, but it just pissed me off. So then as I was driving home (a second time) I realized I hadn't had lunch and I was starving. I decided to stop at the mall. For the first time in months all kinds of junk food was calling my name, chinese food or pizza or cookies I wanted it all. Instead I had a lite frozen yogurt with strawberries and slivered almonds. Then I was still feeling out of sorts and I decided I needed to prove to myself that I didn't need that food and I had not gained any weight. So I went into the brand new Boscov's and started trying on clothes. I rocked a short dress in gold spangles.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Janet!!! OMG!

    What a day.. I cannot even IMAGINE how you're feeling right now; physically or mentally - but I'm awfully glad you weren't hurt more than you were (broken bones etc)... specially after having survived the previous accident, then to load up one thing after another with the ID etc on top of getting rear ended.. :sad: :sad:

    ((((((((((((((((((( Janet )))))))))))) HUGE HUG!

    i HAVE NO idea either how you managed to turn that obviously broken dr scale moment into a victory, but you did!!!! I am so proud of you.... what better revenge on that nasty piece of plastic trying to mess with your head.. (and yes, every one of us would have been just as p.o.'d, logic tells us its impossible but emotionally, miffed wouldnt begin to describe it! but fabulous revenge to rock a short, gold spangled dress!! You are awesome!! So so proud of you;I think I would have eaten my way through the whole food court still, but the next time I feel that way I am gonna say "look what Janet went thru.. an how she handled it"!! I'm afraid you might indeed be pretty stiff getting out of bed tomorrow morning; but if you didn't see him coming at you maybe it won't be too bad.. (we tense up when we see an impact coming and hence how a lot of the muscle type injuries happen.. ) but I will keep my fingers crossed you'll be fine in the a.m.

    I really am so proud of you Janet...and so relieved you are not worse off! Hug again!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    seehe, I can not wait to see the pictures and see what you see "just around the next corner". I have added this park to my bucket list.

    Janet OMG, I would be beside myself & stress eating big time. You deserve a soak in a hot tub & glass of wine tonight. Relax and enjoy.

    Snooozie the labels confuse me too. Lean cuisine for example. Sounds healthy, but most have a days worth of sodium. Home made is far healthier. I am going to do some cooking over the w/e for work lunches. Like you I freeze & am set for a while. I am thinking chili & some soup. .

    I spent 1/2 my day on leaves, but now you can not even tell. The yard is filled again. Leaves are like dishes and laundry, the sink/basket is never empty.

    Tomorrow another adventure day for me. I am going to Lake Winnipesaukee (NH) for the day with my Mom, son & BF. The foliage will be past peak, but the scenery should still be beautiful. We should be able to get some walks in & a visit to my favorite country store and Heart's Turkey Farm for lunch. This is an annual trip we make, usually spending the night, but it is just a little more than an hours ride so making it a day trip this time.

    Take care all
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Hairspray: OMG! I am soooo sorry about your accident and sooooo glad you are OK. Car accidents are so scary :-( I can totally relate to how you feel as I have been in 4: twice rear ended, twice T-boned. In 1994, like yours, a truck ran a red light and slammed into my car, but it was on the passenger's side with my 6 year old! It gives me the shivers still to think about it. And then to have to go get your stuff back, and go to the doctors only to have to face the cruelty of that scale! This is the second time I have been writing about that awful scale, so I just have to post this 'cause someone used to have it as their profile picture but it's gone now:


    I am so impressed with how you treated yourself to rocking a short spangled dress instead of food. I totally agree with the soak in the tub and glass of wine for your evening's pleasure.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Janet -

    So glad you're OK - OMG!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Like I always say - metal can be fixed - the body not so much.....

    Glad to hear the young man is ok too......

    Makes me shudder.....

    Take a nice hot shower, have some nice tea and go to bed early....((((HUGS)))))).....


    how ironic that the other car was purple....
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    For Hairspray & my mad hatter friends......(esp # 14 when in the dressing room at a thrift store)......


    Just wanted to share, this it's too funny.

    How to dress after 50

    Many of us over 50 . . . or on the way to 50 . . .are quite confused about how we should present ourselves. We're unsure about the kind of image we are projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to conform to current fashions.

    Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together and should be avoided:

    1. A nose ring and bifocals
    2. Spiked hair and bald spots
    3. A pierced tongue and dentures
    4. Miniskirts and support hose
    5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
    6. Speedo's and cellulite
    7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
    8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
    9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
    10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist
    11. Bikinis and liver spots
    12. Short shorts and varicose veins
    13. In-line skates and a walker
    And the ultimate 'Bad Taste' in fashion :

    14. Thongs and Depends

    Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when you shop.

    Hope this makes you laugh 'til you...."have to go"... from too much water......:drinker: :laugh:

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Carol, You did make me laugh! thongs and depends, I will have nightmares.
    Thanks everyone for your warm wishes. I went for a very long bath, but was a little paranoid about alcohol with a possible head injury.
    I cut off abruptly earlier and I just wanted to say, I did not buy the gold dress with the spangles, just used it as very cheap therapy. I left my camera in the car or I would have take a picture to post. LOL
    The doctor said not to work tomorrow, I will enjoy the last day before the start of the Frankenstorm!
    To those of you already feeling Sandy's wrath, you are in my prayers, stay safe and hopefully with electricity.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Many thanks for all the acknowledgments on dealing with this year, students, and the whole situation. It feels good to know I have somewhere safe that I can share my thoughts without our fear of retaliation = job loss. While some days I want to throw in the towel and look for a position at a new school next year what I really would like is to see changes for the best interest of the students at the current location and to be a part of that. So that means being patient and not making hasty decisions. Having this safe place has helped more than I can express. The support has helped me from going crazy and crawling into another bottle of Verdi :blushing: I love reading the post each day and escaping even if I don't post.

    Now time to get in that bed so I can make that last day !!! Going to do some meal planning over the weekend. The weather is suppose to take a turn for the cold with some rain. Sounds like perfect soup and movies weekend since the little one will be off to her sister's for a visit.

    Best Friends are like a four leaf clover
    Hard to find and lucky to have one

    Wishing all my friends a wonderful weekend.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Janet, I am so glad you did not get damaged along with your car... I read it earlier and could not get my home computer to work for me. With the day you had , You did make some great decisions...IPOU... The little dress will be waiting for you as soon as you get Carol's purple pants.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters.. and TGIF for most - enjoy the weekend!!

    Tomorrow is my "Monday" so I'll have to do a little planning this afternoon; supposed to be hitting some cold rainy weather so may make up a big veggie soup tonite to freeze down, but this morning think i'll do a surprise visit to my senior friend with a coffee and perhaps a few chores... but need to get my butt out and about; its too easy to sit in front of hte puter which is one of the things that led to my current weight (but also led me to MFP and the Hatters.. so can't blame the tool, just the carpenter!)

    Arrrgh my screen flipped; thot I lost my post and started another; then realized it had grabbed part of my first.. sigh.. better type quick like bunny and hit the road!

    A few quick notesL

    Janet... hope you're feeling okay this morning; suspect you might be feeling like you got hit by a mack truck tho:cry: take it easy over the weekend and keep us updated on how you're doing pls... (btw.. i just assumed you had only tried on the dress for therapy, not purchased it LOL...)

    BIS: have a great time today at Lake W.. (yep can't remember how to spell it lol)

    TA: I know it's been a struggle but I'm hoping with the recent test results too, that parents will give you a chance and some support over the next few months.. know its taking a toll on your to keep going (swimming upstream against the current!) but must be satisfying to lay your head down at night knowing you tried to make a difference! We'll be here for cheers or commiseration anytime!

    Tonya: so sorry to hear about your friend John's condition... am so glad you had that lovely weekend together recently and will keep him in prayers and thoughts today .... hugs

    T2: will take the stairs down to the parking today!!

    Kobie hope every day finds you a little bit better my friend!

    cbm love the new pic!

    Abbe - breeders cup coming up soon I think?? hope your fully recovered from the bug and can enjoy

    Patrice keeping fingers crossed that plateau will soon be over!

    seehee have a great trip.. !

    Would love to hear from some of the other 50 or so other Hatters sometime - but understand if some aren't comfortable posting..
    and Merobi.. we're all getting a little worried; hope all is okay but know we're here for ya anytime.. lanterns are all lit!

    and a little thought for those who struggle with the weekends..."choice, not chance, determines destiny!" Have fun, get some R&R in and be good to yourselves Hatters... you're awesome and deserve the best!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Just a quick note to say I am thinking of all of the Hatters today.
    Praying for all of those in Sandy's path and for dear Janet as she recovers from her accident yesterday. I will post more in a bit....work is crazy today. "They call me the Fireman....puttin out fires all over town"!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Welcome to all our recent members.....Just jump in and let us know a bit about your world... we'd love to know...

    Fresh Crayons, Hi......I have loved that name since I first saw it on Tonya's post... I peeked at y our profile page when I saw we had a new member. Have you always lived in Pensacola? I used to live there for around 7 years in the 80's......yep, waaaaayyyy back then... I miss it sooooooo much!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    Hitting the sack early as I start days tomorrow; hope everyone had a good day and gets some time to enjoy themselves this weekend at some point! :flowerforyou:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I know these are too big but at least I got them to post...lmao....
    We are seeing them again tomorrow and they will be 5 weeks old so look for more..hehe

  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Tony, the pups are adorable. Have you picked names yet? I love dogs, but have not had any pets for the past few years. The last l had were bunnies, but I have had everything from ducks, chickens to cats & dogs.

    We had a lovely time at Lake Winnipesaukee today, it was a perfect fall day. I have really enjoyed this week off. It has been nice to get off on a few day trips to revisit areas I have not been to in a while and get off on some hikes to explore new ones. Now back to reality. I am scheduled to return to work on Monday, but that is when the storm is supposed to hit us and stay with us for a couple of days. It is looking like they may end up declaring a state of emergency. If that happens no work.

    Well keep safe everyone