November 1st - Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter :laugh:



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Being a Canuck I didn't have to worry about voting, but we'll be facing our own nightmare in a few months - one of my friends from Michigan posted she had 10 msgs on her answering machine this morning from various political parties LOL.. she was NOT a happy camper! :sad:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I turned 18 on nov 10, 1972, which meant I was days too young to be among the first 18 yr olds to vote for president.
    Snoozie, we also use poppies to commemorate our veterans, who we honor next week,but it has been years since I have seen anyone with poppies.
    Right now I feel as I do on New Year's Eve. It would be nice to know who wins the election or ring in the new year, but I am too tired and want to sleep. But no matter who wins, I have tomorrow's outfit picked out. Navy blue , size. 16 wool slacks (yes I did say size 16!) a white blouse and a red jacket (an eBay find that I spruced up by adding gold buttons), my stylized American flag scarf and my heart shaped American flag pin. It is time for us to stop being red or blue partisans and resume being red,white and blue Americans. We have a lot to do, including helping to rebuild the areas devastated by sandy and the droughts and fires of the summer. So God bless the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, other homes of hatters (shout out if I missed your home) and ALL of the world.
    Had a lovely 36 th anniversary, since our 35th, we have lost a total of 90 pounds, my 65 and his 25. Of course in another of life's inequities, he lost his 25 by giving up sugary drinks and he is at goal. But we are both so happy to be so much more fit this year.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    One week into the month already; how's everyone doing?

    I've been prone to some emotional eating; several not pleasant anniversary dates of things have come and gone, and a few more happen this month.. certain dates are always triggers for me; I have managed to resist some but not all dives into old habits of turning to food; but this month will focus on recognizing them and working hard at breaking that particular habit. Found a good article on the subject which I'll post at the end in case its of any interest.

    A few quick notes before breakfast:

    Janet: huge, huge congrats on those 16's!!! That's so awesome; you must be so proud of yourself for working so hard and succeeeding so well... and I bet you feel like a million bucks getting dressed this morning! Happy belated anniversary.. so glad you enjoyed, and what a fabulous second reason for celebrating - the wonderful feeling of both of you having achieved so much together!

    TA: hope the littlest one is well on the mend and glad you got some down time yesterday for yourself!

    Tonya: how's the sleeping going with the pups in the house?? LOL... just asking as I remember the days! I know your daughter was taking care of the cooking; how has it been going; is she embracing your goal to eat healthier or are you having to struggle a wee bit with the change still?

    Gail: felt your "nekkid" pain yesterday without your fitbit lol... don't forget it this morning!!

    cbm.. 393 calories net?? I'm really hoping you ate after that post! LOL

    Need food.... off to make breakfast. Have a great day hatters!

    KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS (by Dede Barbanti

    We have all experienced them during our weight loss journeys. Numerous times, they cause us to fall off track, become easily distracted, complacent or completely cause us to overlook our initial reason for starting a weight loss plan. Yes, I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about and have experienced them more often than not! Triggers can be a variety of different emotions, conditions or foods that hinder your weight loss efforts, unknowingly causing overeating.

    Does this sound familiar; you have been following your plan for a few weeks, feeling great, and noticing results. Your clothes are fitting better with a decrease in weight directly reflecting in a positive outlook in nearly every aspect of life. Unexpectedly something happens and causes you to go into a whirl wind which causes you to reach for a food item(s) that you cut back on while on your journey! This is where it all beings, the Trigger Effect! Maybe it is a friend or family member calling to share a stressful situation, or, you get a call from your boss who tells you that you have to be on a flight first thing in the morning for an unexpected business trip.

    Whatever the situation or emotion you are feeling you decide snack on available foods, let’s say cookies because you think you are still in total control. Besides, one or two cookies are not going to hurt you even though you know that cookies are one of your (and many other people out there) greatest guilty pleasure. While cookies are an example for several people, the key is to identify your unique Trigger Effect and get back on track.

    As challenging as it is to stay on track on the time, these circumstances can all be avoided by learning how to control your trigger(s) and becoming a master of the following steps.

    1. Pinpoint you trigger(s) - Being aware, determining and pinpointing your trigger(s) are part of the first step to put an end to this cycle. Keep post-its or a journal near you and track emotions, conditions or foods that may be your personal triggers. For some this might be a shorter process than others. This is something you really want to think about, as this is the foundation of being able to rid yourself of the cycle.

    2. Make a Decision - Once you are aware of the emotions, conditions or foods that are your personal triggers, now it is time to make a decision to learn how to control them. Writing down the decision and posting it where you can see it regularly is a fantastic idea. This can serve as a point of reference and becomes a concrete decision. We all have the ability to accomplish the goals and move forward if we have reminders and believe we are in control of our habits and want to continuously improve ourselves.
    3. Make a Plan - Strategy is everywhere, let’s put it to work for us and come up with a game plan, so when the trigger arises, you are prepared to fight it! The more detailed your strategic plan is, the better you will be prepared when you experience a particular trigger. Each trigger that you identify in step one, should have a few ways that you can either reduce or eliminate the cause.

    4. Stop Responding - Once you have created your strategic plan, you need to continually stop responding to them. You want to be able to control your triggers instead of having your triggers control you and it is ok to remain flexible with a resolution that achieves results as long as you stay on course. In the beginning it may be challenging to stop responding, but you were able to start your weight loss journey and this is a similar stage towards maintaining your hard work and I promise you, each time becomes easier. You will be proud of yourself for not giving into them! :smile: (THIS is the one I need to work on most!)

    5. Practice - Talk is cheap! Now that you have completed the 1st four steps of your strategy and have an understanding of your personal triggers, it is a good idea to put a situation in place and practice. This may sound silly, but when it really happens you will be better prepared because you already did a pre-run!

    Please keep in mind, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about creating healthy behaviors and involves managing your triggers. Soon, you will discover comfort in situational food triggers and reap the benefits of managing your weight loss journey.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie you always have just the right words at just the right time. Any hints on horses???? We could all chip in bet large, then set the vacation date !!! Now be strong and continue to make good choices, you are at 11 and just think about how it is going to feel when you report back to the doctor and have made even more progress !!! YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!!

    Just two more days and the 2nd six weeks is over and behind us with just 4 to go. Glad report some students have began to get with the program and are finally studying.

    It's late and I am not done grading with just a couple of days I don't want to get caught not finished so I better get back to the papers.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - Happy Anniversary! Great work you and the hubby are doing - loved the note about how he lost weight so quick and how hard it is for the ladies! Bet you looked awesome today! Yay size 16!:wink:

    @ snoozie - did end up having a yogurt last night... :smile:

    Have a great night everyone - see you soon.

    And tell the weather people to stop sending miserable weather to the East Coast!:grumble:

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning Ladies....

    Hopefully the scale is telling the truth... "181" - lost .5 lbs since the 4th...will count the loss if it stays gone for a few days...

    Smile - it will make them wonder what you're up to.....:wink:

    Have a better than awesome day - and please - take the snow away....:laugh: :grumble:
    Again, the snow went to my work but stayed away from my house...."smiles".....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    @ hairspray - Happy Anniversary! Great work you and the hubby are doing - loved the note about how he lost weight so quick and how hard it is for the ladies! Bet you looked awesome today! Yay size 16!:wink:

    @ snoozie - did end up having a yogurt last night... :smile:

    Have a great night everyone - see you soon.

    And tell the weather people to stop sending miserable weather to the East Coast!:grumble:


    I have an idea.... all you wonderful east coast MMhatter's can come move to sunny Tucson where we can hang out together :drinker:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Seehe, now the Beetles song about going to Tucson Arizona is stuck in my brain--get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged. Fortunately, the snow did not come as far south as Maryland. Some of the folks in NJ, had their power restored for about 24 hours when the snow knocked the power out again. If anyone hears of any good ways that we can help out our NJ neighbors let me know. (I don't think we are going to be able to do the caravan to Arizona, as appealing as that sounds.)
    The cold weather brought another NSV. I have a green rain/all weather coat that I have been wearing for years even though the bottom buttons don't fit without creating a big gap. Well, not only does it fit with room to spare, I also found the lining that has not been used in years. So it actually kept me warm today!
    Tomorrow might be the first morning that I will need to defrost the windows on the car when I go to Body Pump at 6am. Some mornings I will be tempted to drive the 3/4 miles with just a little space cleared from the windshield, but I will fight that temptation and try to wake up an extra 10 minutes earlier.
    Hatters keep hanging in there and making healthy choices. Janet
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    So excited- my new baby which I will be picking up in California Saturday :-)

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - thank you for explaining the situation in Jersey - lot better than I could have....

    everyone should take a look at the news - very sad - :cry: :sick: we were just there in August....

    between Sandy and the noreaster those affected should have power back by Sunday....:bigsmile:

    go to and make a donation (if you can and are inclined to).... every little bit helps...

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ seehee - very nice....:bigsmile:

    when can we have a ride? congrats...
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    It finally happened. The plateau is broken! 6 LOOOOONNNNNGGGG weeks of stagnation is finally over!:drinker: It was very frustrating, but it is over! I am currently showing over 2 lb loss! IPOM for not giving up.:blushing: I need some motivation from the scale every so often. However, I must say that my smaller clothes are fitting even if the scale wasn't showing it. Phew! On to more and more losses in the next several weeks... Today is a great day!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    WONDERFUL news Patrice....that is a HUGE accomplishment I am so very happy for you. .
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yeah! So glad for you!! Patrice ...I know how frusttrating it is... the new baby!! It such a pretty Carol's Red apple ....a run for it's money........( whatever that means)

    Janet, congrats on the coat having extra room!! only thing better is if you had found $money in the pockets from last year!!

    Kimberely ,Welcome home!!!...sorry about the luggage....You must have had such a grand time...

    Daniran... I loved your post about how we view only the negative...... it really made me aware of how often do that.....

    TA...I hope everyone is getting well in your household...and the school children are waking up and realizing they have someone wiling to give them her all, to help them with their future ..

    Snoozie, I know you're working, Miss you!! I Believe!!

    Tonya... sending you a big {{{{hug}}}].....just because..

    Still sending out best wishes and prayers to everyone effected by the storms.... And it's so cold to be without power.....
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    It finally happened. The plateau is broken! 6 LOOOOONNNNNGGGG weeks of stagnation is finally over!:drinker: It was very frustrating, but it is over! I am currently showing over 2 lb loss! IPOM for not giving up.:blushing: I need some motivation from the scale every so often. However, I must say that my smaller clothes are fitting even if the scale wasn't showing it. Phew! On to more and more losses in the next several weeks... Today is a great day!

    Yippee Ki Yay !!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just checking in. Looks like most are doing good. I am going to be out of pocket for a few and wanted to let everyone know all is well just busy. Keep up the good work !!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Had a wonderful time at this really awesome historic landmark hotel called the Mission Inn in California this weekend but holy cow -gained 4 pounds! Well, back in Tucson today and hopped back onto the wagon, so we'll see how long it takes to get it back off. Good thing you didn't go with me Snoozie- too many temptations! It is food for thought -ha ha- that I seem to have difficulty with my plan when I travel. I was offered a terrific part time job not to long ago,involving traveling. I haven't followed up on the offer, although I would like to, because I took this year off on purpose to focus on my wellness plan, and I think I really better stick to that idea!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Missing everyone :(

    It's that busy time with the six-weeks ending and getting grades posted (late day) , faculty meeting (late day), wedding shower for fellow teacher tomorrow (late day), trying to finish things up before the holiday Thursday (late day ) but the football team made the playoffs so we get out at 11 Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Going to plan working until normal time and getting things done so that I don't have so much to do at home during the break. That is IF the little one is well by then, one week back at school an sick again :( Made another trip to the doctor today if she stay fever free she will be able to return to school Thursday if not guess I will just load everything up and come home at 11.

    I was one of the winner in my 12 week challenge group this week with 2 lbs. I am shooting for a 5 lb lose this week.

    NSV: Ran into a friend today that I haven't seen in 6 months or more. She was like "Wow you going to melt away" In the past compliments have always made me nervous but I accepted and even said thank you. After having someone admit they didn't know I had lost weight when this week started this really felt good.

    Remember keep good for you food in your fridge and you will eat good for you food !!!!

    One step at a time will bring us success on our journey !!!

    Wishing everyone a Wonderful Wednesday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters...

    Pretty quiet in the group lately; busy time of the year kicking in right about now; hard to believe the holidays are so close!

    Today was my weigh in; am exactly the same as last week right down to the ounce lol.. but I upped my daily calories by 150 a day exactly 7 days ago, so i will give it another week to see if i can sustain a loss at the current amount with the increased intake; was feeling a little listless some days; think perhaps I'm realizing I expend far more energy during a 12 hr work shift than I do at home, so may have to "calorie cycle" in the end; up them on work days and lower on rest days.. it's still a learning curve - but I know I'm losing inches as I moved my belt in a notch at work yesterday and I could still sit AND breathe LOL.. and it's a thick (high?) belt.. about 2 inches high so there's not a lot of wiggle room if it's too tight... everything moves up and OUT over it if it's too tight!

    I've been setting an alarm on my email at work.. comes up with a "task reminder" every 30 minutes now .. i titled the email GET UP and MOVE.. so every 30 min it pops up on the screen to remind me to get up and go for a walk... (mind you.. being not the best puter chick.. the first few times it was hidden and just the chime went off.. i kept asking everyone what's that noise?? who's phone is that"? duh....

    Last shift tonite then a couple of days off so will catch up with everyone then.. but I think it's the American TG this weekend from some of the posts... yummmm feel free to invite ME for dinner anyone lol! I'll bring the wine!!

    k.. gonna post this before i lose it; and then make a quick trip back for comments
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    HSH: know i sent a PM, but realized i didn't put congrats here on the coat!! Still wearing it and enjoying im assuming? how's the body pump going.. know you were worried about the morning defrost on the windshield!

    Patrice: couldnt have been more thrilled with your news.. so happy for you!

    Seehee: LOVE the new wheels... so purtyyyyy!! I'll happy travel there to get a ride!! Travel absolutely can hinder anyone's goals; you're at hte mercy usually of restaurants and/or staying with friends and between temptation or no other options, it can be a struggle for sure! I have no doubt those couple of pesky pounds will be gone in a heartbeat tho.. can understand why it impacted your decision on a job offer involving it!

    Kobie: hope the recovery is going well; you're doing a lot of exercising i notice lately.. so assume all is well.. great job!

    Time2: I noticed youve been doing amazing logging the past few weeks... I know between lack of puter accessibility and time it's always been a challenge for you, so just wanted to say awesome job my friend!!!

    TA - huge congrats on being one of the winners in your challenge!!!! Every day I see the 57 lbs lost on your ticker it inspires me to keep going.. that it can be done!! Your hard work is paying off .... so proud of your accomplishment.. ! and happy to hear about your friend commenting... i know how you feel about the difficulty with compliments too.. i get embarrassed sometimes and try to re direct the convo if i get a compliment, but am trying now to simply accept em with a "thank you" and a smile.. still tend to want to brush if off or babble to change the convo tho.. wonder if anyone else has probs with this issue? As for whoever the person was who "didn't know you had lost weight"...... seriously??? that is one person who is obviously so wrapped up in themselves.. they simply dont notice anyone else... which is awfully sad for them.. BUT just gives more importance to not letting someone like THAT derail you mentally... you could probably give birth in front of her and she'd probably just take a look and say "oh, who's kid"? You know the type... quite frankly i wouldnt waste a second on anything she thinks or doesnt notice... next time you look at her, put her in the category of "you deserve as much attention from me.. as the lint in my bellybutton".. and whistle on down the hall!

    Tonya: love the puppy names LOL.. where did "buzz" get his from? (im assuming not buzz lightyear?) good luck with the turkeys today... and remember.. puppies in the house mean dont leave anything on the counter you want to eat! My bassett hound once ate 3 dozen shortbread cookies cooling on the counter.... I'm not sure who felt worse.. her and me having to clean up after her for the next 3 days!!!)

    Cbm: some yummy diary entries .. love trolling thru peoples diaries toget ideas for myself.. hope you're having a good week!!

    Know I've missed a few but after tonight will do a full catch up! Hugs to all the Hatters... lets make these last few weeks of the year great ones... its gonna feel awesome heading into a new year for a change NOT saying I gotta go on a diet... yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee