July 2013 Babies



  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you for sharing your birth stories ladies. Things don't always go to plan but it sounds like you both did a great job advocating for what you wanted and exploring your options before moving on to the next step. They were lovely stories and congratulations on your beautiful babies!

    Igottaworkout- really hope something happens for you soon. The waiting is the worst!

    freckledleann- Day 4 overdue for me too. I've got the doctor on Tuesday and the midwife on Wednesday. Would love to not make it to either but nothing happening!!!!! Everyday is essentially a pity party. :(
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member

    Tomorrow's my birthday and induction starts Tuesday. I'd like to have this happen pre-induction too. Sigh.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Kelly and FreckledLeann I hope that you guys go into labor before induction.. hopefully not on your birthday though! I've been having contractions on and off during the last few days.. not as bad as the night two nights ago though. With my other three kids I only had contractions once at birth so this is really weird for me and annoying lol.. I never went to the hospital though so at least I didn't waste my time going in.

    Are you guys having any contractions?
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I think I've been having contractions since late yesterday afternoonish. Clearly very early. It feels like cramping under my belly. Some bouts of pain in my lower back on and off too. Nothing very consistent.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Freckledleann, hope you're in labour as I type.

    Tobias Conrad (Toby) was born yesterday 22/7/2013, at 5:54 am in a birthing pool in our conservatory with hubby and 2 midwives in attendance. I had a bloody show on Sunday morning so we spent the day getting sorted, did the grocery shopping, cleaned, etc. I had very mild contractions all day but nothing exciting. After dinner we decided to go for a walk and as we were leaving the house I felt a gush and realised my waters had broken. It was a very small amount of fluid and never leaked anymore so I'm guessing it was just the forewaters and his head sealed it off after that. I decided not to call anyone as I knew they would push for induction at 24 hours after waters breaking and I knew it was safe to monitor my own temperature etc. for up to 96 hours according to WHO guidelines. The waters were clear. We went for our walk. Around 10 the contractions started picking up. I went to bed to try to rest and listened to my hypnobirthing cds until 2 a.m when I became too uncomfortable to sleep. I spent the next 1.5 hours walking around the house, eating and drinking, listening to my cds and in the shower. At 3:30 I woke up hubby and said we should fill the pool and call the midwives. The first midwife showed up at 4:15 and low and behold it was my aquanatal teacher (wasn't expecting that!) who is also a midwife. I stayed on my feet through the labour and rocked back and forth on all fours through contractions and focused on breathing. The midwives stayed very quiet and did their thing while hubby rushed to fill the pool with pans of boiling water as the hot water had run out by that point. I asked not to have any cervical checks as I knew I would know when it was time. I got to transition by 5:30 but felt very calm and none of the panic I had with my first. I was eager to get in the pool and told hubby he better hurry up. He didn't realise how far along I was as I apparently made no noise during contractions and talked normally between them. I got in the pool at this point and with the next contraction felt the need to push. I let the midwives know and they took their places. With 2 pushes the head was born and despite pushing for 2 more contractions the body wasn't born. The midwives said I needed to stand as the shoulder was caught so I did and as I hooked my leg over the pool the shoulder was born and baby was caught by the midwife. We relaxed back in the pool and I saw it was a boy! A big surprise. I had to have an injection for the placenta due to a blood clotting disorder I have and with the homebirth didn't want to risk hemorrage and having to go to hospital but still got lots of skin to skin. I got out to deliver the placenta which took longer than expected and was mid that when our daughter came downstairs and met her brother. I had no tears (hooray!). I got cleaned up and had toast on the sofa watching the news and saw the royal baby was on the way and knew Toby would get a silver penny. :) The midwives cleaned everything up and left at 8am. It was a wonderful experience and the midwives assured me they thought the hypnobirthing was a success.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh Kelly, beautiful story! I am so thankful to have your positive story in mind as we head into our home birth. So glad to hear you were able to remain calm and relaxed, that is amazing! So happy for you!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    @freckledLeann I hope that you went into labor! It looks like your body was getting ready!!

    @kelly wow what a beautiful story! I'm so glad you had your little baby boy and that his shoulder got unstuck so easily too! How much did your little Toby weigh? It sounds like a really beautiful experience and much better then going to the hospital! Too bad I can't do that.. the nearest hospital is almost an hour away so I don't feel safe doing it at home in case of an emergency.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Did any of you guys that are almost at due date loose your appetite? Well actually I am hungry but as soon as I eat my stomach feels so full and like in pain and I'm nauseous. I've not had my protein requirement/calorie goal met in almost 1 week I think. The on/off contractions are also so uncomfortable.. I hope baby will arrive soon.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats Kelly! What an awesome story. Still no baby for me. Was supposed to get cervidil put in this morning to get things going, but there was a problem with the paperwork between the clinic and the hospital. Went in for a non-stress test this afternoon and thankfully baby is still healthy and looking good. Maybe cervidil tomorrow now... sigh.

    IGottaWorkout: I definitely have lost my appetite. Eat now because I know that I'll need the fuel, and not because I want to.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Kelly what a beautiful story. I am very happy for you ;) dealing with shoulder distocia like a champ.

    I definitely had less appetite. I felt full so easily! Thinking of you gals.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    @Kelly: congratulations on your little man!!! Sounds like a great delivery!!!

    Re: Appetite: I lost mine a few weeks before I delivered, mostly due to no room. Too bad it came right back lol!

    Hope you are all doing well! Looking forward to more deliveries!!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Yes, I lost my massive appetite about 3 days before! Hope you girls aren't far off.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    That makes me feel better, I've been feeling guilty for not eating enough and/or right, just kind of crappy food and in small amounts lol! I hate the waiting to go into labor. I hope it happened to you since yesterday freckledLeann :)
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Got cervidil put in this morning. Cramps and contractions now. Not fun.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Got cervidil put in this morning. Cramps and contractions now. Not fun.

    Wow, it's going to be any minute now! How exciting! I hope you have a good delivery!!! God bless :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    its been so quiet here, hope that means everyone is having babies!!!!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Hey guys! I just had my baby yesterday at 3:08pm! He was another big one, 9.05lb! We still don't have a name picked out yet. He is such a little sweetie.. Here is the birth story (I was telling my sister and just copied pasted the convo because I'm a bit tired to start over) :)

    Sister: How was the birth?

    Me: yeah it was kind of hard.. the baby was not in the right position. he was supposed to turn 1/4 turn and started turning the other way so he was transverse. the worst part of labor was actually the longest part the the midwives kept telling me not to push because we were waiting for the baby to turn. (2 hours in the last phase which is supposed to be the shortest/most intense)
    they said i should get an epidural so that i don't have the urge to push and so that baby will turn. then i got an iv put in and she (one of the two midwives) went over to fill out some paperwork for the epidural (while the other went to fetch the epi guy outside).. and i just pushed without them looking lol.. then i yelled he's coming!

    Sister: Ouch! I am sure you're glad he is out

    Me: and they all ran over and could barely make it.. the head was born pretty easily but the rest of his body was kind of stuck
    she had to help pull him out because he was so big and in the wrong position

    Sister: Yikes ouch!

    Me: yeah but it was ok, i didn't tear... i'm just really glad i didn't have to prolong the labor with an epi! Then the epi guy came in and I was already holding the baby

    Sister: That's trundling. They tend to not let the body do its work sometimes

    Me: we were shocked at how big he was.. me and john both guessed he was 8lb but he was 9.05lb

    Sister: That's funny. I'm glad you didn't have to get the epi.

    Me: yeah i'm actually really glad the midwife went across to room and turned her back to me and the other one left.. then i just did what i wanted to do for a long time

    Sister: Your sneaky

    Me: she kept telling me to look in her eyes during contractions and when i started to push she stopped me.. I'm just glad I didn't have to be in the labor any longer :) And I didn't tear so it was ok. I feel great now :)

    So that's my story :) Here is a picture of my little baby guy!

  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @igottaoworkout: great story! You are such a rebel! Love it! So glad he is here, that you had no major complications and that you were able to deliver the way you desired. What a blessing! Great plan on healing and enjoying baby and worrying about those last seven pounds later! Bet you won't even have to do much :) can't believe he was so big! How are his siblings doing?
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Haha, @dawn, I wish! #stillpregnant
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Baby Eric Bennett Stroh was born at 5:57 a.m. on July 25. Water broke at 1 a.m., was 3 cm dilated. At nearly 4 a.m., I was almost 7 cm dilated, but his heart rate kept dropping with every contraction. It had done this all along, but at around 4 it stopped bouncing back up. The obstetrician on call came in to do a c-section, though he was awesome and I'm confident he did everything he could to avoid the section. He put it off for as long as possible. Everything went well, and baby is healthy and chill. We're pretty smitten with him.