Primal / Paleo New Year goals...



  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    great posts, love to read them!

    My goals are to stop my sugar stuff mostly, but my hubby does like his sugar fix every coupla days ( reeses peanut butter cups, etc.) and goal is to be able to live my beliefs and leave his goodies alone!! .....I didn't have a problem my first primal what gives?

    Mostly though, I want to change how I've been working out....a slave to chronic cardio :sad: just to be able to eat more great primal foods. (hey - MFP does tend to push the exercise to more eat mentality and I took it to heart....) but now that eating primal is almost second nature, I want to refine how I use the great nutrition I'm putting in my body and build a better metabolism.

    So, I'm changing to heavier and more intense workouts, rather than the long slower stuff. I figure there is a fine line between cruising on a treadmill for hours at a low and slow speed (to earn calories) and killing ones metabolism doing that. So, experimentation with intervals AND more weight resistance as well. I'm 54 and what all the other MFP's would call "skinny fat"....well, we will see about that!! Bring on 2013!!

    Good Luck to you too! :drinker: <~~~~~~me and my bullet proof coffee
  • n_of_1
    n_of_1 Posts: 1
    I've been reading about paleo/primal eating for about 9 months now but life has been busy. I've gradually increased my protein intake (former vegetarian here) and decreased bread in general. Today starts a new year for a new me!

    My goals:
    1) Increase walking/general activity
    2) Eat home-made meals for all but one meal a week
    3) Earn my sweet treat (planning on a 95% clean/5% other diet) until I get to my goal weight.

    I'd love to have some friends along for the journey!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Shifting away from primal/paleo because my neurological health problems have been gradually getting worse ever since adopting paleo eating. I don't know if this is temporary or not. Seeing neurologist next week to get the skinny on it.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I need to cut out all nuts, chocolate and coffee. It's unfortunate but those three things bother my gut like nothing else. This year I would like to finally figure out what's going on in my digestive system and heal it. This has been a 38 year journey and I'd like it to end.
  • ajwolters
    My 2013 goals:

    1. Quit smoking again; new e-cig supplies should be here this weekend.
    2. Get back to 120lbs and STAY THERE.
    3. Wean myself from decaf coffee with stevia to decaf green tea or herbal tea with NO sweetener. I hate unsweetened coffee! Yuck!
    4. Drink more water.
    5. Convince my co-workers that eating "bad" foods is NOT treating myself, but harming myself.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    2013 Goals:
    1. To finish my Whole30 (Starting today)
    2. To stick to primarily Paleo lifestyle.
    3. Get back into running and comfortably run a 5K again.
    4. Be able to say "NO" to foods that are bad for me.
    5. Get back into my jeans and feel good about myself.
    6. Get into a gym routine and stick with it.
  • girliegrrrl
    girliegrrrl Posts: 10 Member
    I love this thread!

    In 2013 I want to:

    -be able to do "regular" pushups - just one, but maybe more! - by the end of the year.
    -go cross country skiing again
    -have my grocery and cooking routine down pat for maximum Paleo and maximum yumminess!
    -try to be more dairy free than I am now. But gods I love yogurt.
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    My goal is to have more willpower when it comes to sugar and eat more vegetables. I have no issue with most things paleo and love how it makes me feel when I'm strict, but if there is cake in my presence I MUST EAT IT. lol The same for pizza. It's like my brain dies and I forget that I will feel like crap after I eat that.
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    -Switch to black coffee. I need to cut out the creamer.
    -Try my damndest to complete a 5K (I'm not a very good runner).
    -Try two new Paleo recipes every month

    I hadn't ran in years and I completed my first 5k in August. I used the couch to 5k program and now I am a 'runner'. I used to hate it and now I love it. I am super slow, but it doesn't matter because really you are competing with yourself. I am happy as long as I cross that finish line.
  • msb803
    msb803 Posts: 31 Member
    Some of my Primal New Year goals....

    1) Eat better and have fewer cheats
    2) Obsess less about the scale and focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit
    3) Complete a 30+ mile backpacking trip
    4) Run a 5K
    5) Do a pull up!

    I started eating Primal in 2011 and had several health set backs(3 broken bones in one year - ouch!) I started Crossfitting in April 2012 and finally regained full mobility of my knee this fall. I hope that eating clean and continuing to progress in CF will help me with my goals!