January challenge - GET MOVING



  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    Thirty minutes of tae-bo this morning:smile:
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I just joined today but I walked 60 min everyday since Jan. 1st. I might have to find something different for tomorrow since I have huge blisters on the bottom of my feet
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Did 55 minutes of Punch, Kick & Jam and then 20 minutes of Ab Jam. Really had to force myself to do this one; have been super muscle sore all day. But I did it! Keep moving ladies!!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    I just joined today but I walked 60 min everyday since Jan. 1st. I might have to find something different for tomorrow since I have huge blisters on the bottom of my feet

    Welcome!!!! Maybe try a stationary bike, or do push-ups, sit-ups and leg lifts instead to give those blisters time to heal. Nothing's worse than getting your fitness goals derailed by injury. Don't let them stop you!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    Also walked last night for 30 minutes, today is gonna be hard, so much to do. It was be midnight before I get todays in!
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    did 30 minutes of tae-bo this morning.
  • ky06092012
    Did 25 minutes of high resistance cycling interval training and also weight trained my chest muscles yesterday. Plan to do 25 min intervals again at noon then head the gym with my husband and do my 25 min intervals plus a back muscle weight training workout :)
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I did a big 22 mins on the wii fit, I don't feel too bad and should have done more but now I have to start running kids around so maybe some more tonight
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    My normal 30 min walk and 30 day shred.

    I'm feeling really energized and while I don't love exercise I don't hate it, it's just another job that needs to be done, like the dishes :)
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    I'm in grad school all day today (7:30am-6:30pm) and have a friend's birthday right after, so I won't have a chance to work out, but I'm walking up and down 4 flights of stairs on each break so I should have about 450-500 steps by the end of the day. Not quite 20 minutes, but will try to squeeze something else in after dinner.
  • Bebeharden
    Bebeharden Posts: 76 Member
    Hi All,

    Forgot to post yesterday, but I walked for about 30 minutes around downtown San Francisco. Today I'm going on an hour walk with the dogs :)

  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    did 45min on my exercise bike
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Nice job everyone! So happy that so many were able to squeeze a workout into their busy Saturdays!!!

    One week down - let's stay consistent!!!
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    did 30min tae-bo:happy:
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Weather was rainy all day, but finally got hubby to do a 2 mile walk with me through Waikiki in the evening. We were soaked by the time we got home but we laughed about it.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Week one is nearly over, what are the barriers to exercising you have encountered and how have you overcome them? Mine have been :

    Heat - we are in a heat wave and if I can't get it done by 7am I don't do it. I get up as early as I can but it leads to barrier number 2

    Time - I can't exercise unless some one is free to watch the girls, but I don't like to wake them so early just so I can work out. It was ok while hubby was on holiday, but now he's back at work I have to wait for mum.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Got a 3 mile walk/jog in this morning, and then did Ab Jam - burned 562 calories in 65 minutes!

    Barrier - My husband is on vacation right now, and because we've had so much time apart the last few years I want to spend every minute I can with him until my semester ramps up again. He's been great in doing cardio with me, but he doesn't want to strength train with me so I haven't gotten away to get to the gym. He goes back next week though, so I will have it under control by then.

    Other challenge - SORENESS. Man, I am just so sore and don't want to work out sometimes. I know it will get better, but some days I have been waiting til the very last possible minute to get my calorie burn on!
  • Joyyfull4u
    Joyyfull4u Posts: 33 Member
    I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party 2. 40mins.
  • alyssam6
    alyssam6 Posts: 16 Member
    30 min on the stationary bike, 20 min lifting following http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/womans_lean_sexy_bible.htm "upper body monday" and 30 day shred.... Im ready for bed now haha
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Hiked the Makapu'u lighthouse trail up and down for an hour, almost 3 miles round trip from where we parked, with over 500 ft of elevation change. HRM said I burned over 900 kcals! Will try to post pics later.