January challenge - GET MOVING



  • Joyyfull4u
    Joyyfull4u Posts: 33 Member
    I did Les Mills Ultimate warrior workout 60mins!!! I thought I was going to quit on this but I pushed and forced myself to complete this workout. I had to do a lot of shouting lol.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I've lost my mojo a bit today. I walked the dog and did my workout, but without my normal enthusiasm and energy. It was a chore not something I enjoyed. Im taking a rest day tomorrow. I will still walk the dog as he needs it, but no workout. Might just take the kids for a swim.
  • Joyyfull4u
    Joyyfull4u Posts: 33 Member
    60 min Kickboxing and 60 squats. I go to keep it going.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    walked the dog but taking a rest day from everything else. If we go swimming tonight I might do some laps, but probably not :)
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I walk about 45-50 each day - brisk walk pushing a chariot.
    I didn't miss my walk yesterday even though it snowed a lot and was still snowing, and the sidewalks weren't cleaned :)
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday and just walked the dog. This mornings workout was the best I've had all week. If your feeling tired or working out is getting harder, it might be your bodies way of saying "hey, give me a break".
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Hiked the Makapu'u lighthouse trail up and down for an hour, almost 3 miles round trip from where we parked, with over 500 ft of elevation change. HRM said I burned over 900 kcals! Will try to post pics later.

    This was the first part of the hike with great views of Oahu's South Shore
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/91DD4623-391E-4036-8976-8BBD9FC7EB28-4234-000010BE1CEC8ADD.jpg[/img]

    The trail was paved, so a good choice for a rainy day
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/6F590872-98AC-4B3E-992A-5941B14F3C07-4234-000010BE4593D959.jpg[/img]

    Sometimes you can see humpback whales from this hike, but there were too many whitecaps today to make them easy to find
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/D40E9D4C-C4E7-4FB6-99CA-BCA027DFDBE7-4234-000010BE4F410C54.jpg[/img]

    We got hit by rain when we were nearing the top, but here are some previous hike's pics from the top: gorgeous views of the Windward Shore
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/Atkinson082_zps03157c85.jpg[/img]
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/Atkinson081_zpsc512e4ab.jpg[/img]

    On the way back down, so tired, and can barely see my car (we parked the furthest away from the trailhead, naturally)
    [img]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q666/PancakesMajor/Makapuu Views/D90D6FF3-80FD-4003-93F6-FE0CD106648C-4234-000010BE3A691DF2.jpg[/img]

    And that was my hike!

    No exercise yet today, I just had an IUD put in for the first time yesterday and wasn't prepared for all the cramping. Feeling better, but think I will hold off one more day.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I didn't miss my walk yesterday even though it snowed a lot and was still snowing, and the sidewalks weren't cleaned :)

    Brrrrrrr.... now THAT is dedication!

    I'm still walking. Not a lot, but I'm getting in my 4,000 steps a day, even if I have to pace the short hallway in my house at 11 p.m. to do it.
  • Joyyfull4u
    Joyyfull4u Posts: 33 Member
    30 minutes of Les Mills and 70 squats today.

    Forgot to post yesterday's moving challenge, I did 30 mins of Les Mills on 1/10/13 and 65 squats
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    nothing yesturday but today 30min tae-bo
  • Bebeharden
    Bebeharden Posts: 76 Member
    Haven't logged in for a few days :/ But I've been taking 30 minute walks everyday, except today.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    30 ds and c24k. My cheeks are hurting, and it's not the ones on my face!
  • Joyyfull4u
    Joyyfull4u Posts: 33 Member
    Did 30 mins on the treadmill combination of walking on an incline 4mph and running 5mph (no incline).
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    did 30min of tae-bo
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    C25k and level 2 30ds.
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    30min tae-bo
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Haven't posted in a few days, but got moving today with a vengeance!
    Did Hip Hop Abs "Fat Burning Cardio" AND "Cardio Groove", and then 30 minutes of a stretching DVD.
    (I had to make up for all those off days... and ice cream :blushing: )
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I have done 2 walks and zero motivation to do 30ds, but if I don't do it I will regret missing a day, but if I do do it I won't give 100% what a dilemma!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    havent posted in here, but I have done Elliptical or walking everyday! I cant believe I havent missed a day! :bigsmile:
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    I have done 2 walks and zero motivation to do 30ds, but if I don't do it I will regret missing a day, but if I do do it I won't give 100% what a dilemma!

    Demilade - I would say just go ahead and do the 30DS, even at 50 or 70% effort you're still getting *something* in, and chances are your endorphins will kick in halfway through and you'll increase your effort by the end. We're rooting for you!