BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Subject change: do any of you guys chew gum to help? I personally chew gum basically all day, half a pack at work and I chew at night when I get cravings. I think it helps but I would like to stop the work gum chewing as one time I forgot my gum and I was so THIRSTY! I couldn't believe how thirsty I got when I wasn't chewing gum :S

    Not sure what I make of your thirst. My first inclination is to think maybe chewing gum masks your thirst or something. Do you drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day? Might be something to consider. Then again, it might not. *shrugs*

    For me, I don't chew a lot of gum. If I'm chewing I must be eating, and if I'm eating a little, I might as well make it worthwhile, right? I can easily go through a pack or more at a time and I just don't think that's healthy, not even if it's sugarless as (a) the sweetness can be triggering for me and (b) I'm concerned about what that much aspartame/sorbitol/sucralose/xylitol/whatever might be doing to me. I try to keep a reign on my diet soda for the same reason, and even dilute my Crystal Light to half-strength.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    For me, many times a day, it's "15 minutes at a time"! Lately I've been losing the battle to food, but I'm still fighting :-)

    Hope everyone has a great and successful weekend!
  • lambchoplewis
    New to this group but I have been fighting the binge for years. I am an emotional eater and can do great for weeks and then blow everything with a 5000 calorie pig out. I feel like crap for a few days but I do get back to eating right and exercising. I try to think of why I do this and I had a breakthrough when I actually told my hubby that I do this. I am lonely sometimes and I think the feeling of not being appreciated leads to binges. Food does not fill the void but I try.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Had a BUSY weekend. I did not eat within my food plan. However I chose to eat off plan and did not binge. I kept myself under control while I was out of the house.

    My son's baseball team had a tourney 1 hour away and I chose not to pack food this time. So I ate out a lot. His team won first place so it was all worth it.

    It was a success as far as no binging with less healthy foods. I was able to keep it under control and still had some healthy meals too.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Subject change: do any of you guys chew gum to help? I personally chew gum basically all day, half a pack at work and I chew at night when I get cravings. I think it helps but I would like to stop the work gum chewing as one time I forgot my gum and I was so THIRSTY! I couldn't believe how thirsty I got when I wasn't chewing gum :S

    I do chew gum a lot. Not daily but often. Sometimes the act of chewing does help. Not sure why you were more thirsty? That is new to me. Maybe you had less saliva because no gum is being chewed? Do you get dry mouth? Maybe ask your doctor or dentist about it. I had some medicine that caused dry mouth and gum would help (and water)
    Good luck
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    @karen Is that your son in your profile pic? hes cute!
    I do chew gum a lot. Not daily but often. Sometimes the act of chewing does help. Not sure why you were more thirsty? That is new to me. Maybe you had less saliva because no gum is being chewed? Do you get dry mouth? Maybe ask your doctor or dentist about it. I had some medicine that caused dry mouth and gum would help (and water)
    Good luck

    I have since then made a more conscious effort to drink more water, but it could also just be the habit of having my saliva sloshing around all the time, that a 'normal' mouth feels weird to me. I do think I need to cut back or else I'll be on my strange addiction haha, I have to go to costco and buy several cartons of spearmint gum at a time but I wonder if its a bad habit or an unhealthy habit.

    I also chew it for exactly an hour before swapping the piece, its kind of like a timer for me I can tell when ive been chewing it for an hour because I know the texture change and flavor loss. It freaks my workmates out that I can time an hour perfectly just by chewing gum haha

    I wonder if theres any health implications of chewing all day, and maybe the extra calorie burn from working my jaw is helpful :P I have been chewing half a pack a day at work for over a year now but I recently started chewing at night to help cravings and I think it does help.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    tsikkz Yes that is my son. His team won a tourney over the weekend. I am in a challenge that wanted us to change our profile pic so I chose him :)
    I bet your mouth is just used to the gum chewing. I sometimes get addicted to things too.

    I have been doing better. Less cravings which help a lot. Not sure why I am not craving as much food but I am so glad.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    Since Molly has encouraged us to share, share, share, I am going to share. :smile:

    I have big issues. When I see others "completed their diary and were under their calorie goal", I feel major pressure to do the same and if I don't I feel like I'm bad and I also feel...gasp, I'm going to admit it...jealous. Not helpful. I don't know how to get over it and not compare myself to others. So then I feel the need to restrict more which feels like I'm on a diet and I'm slowly realizing, once again, that diets don't work (thank you Molly and others). Am I the only person that feels like this? I'm thinking, yes, probably. I know I am REALLY screwed up. But I had to share it.

    Thanks for listening and not judging. I already feel bad enough for feeling the way I do so please no hating.

    I know this feeling yet I can be under my goal for many days and weeks at a time then it all goes to poo on a stick instead of 1500 I can totol 5000 in a day so maybe don't be so jealous and lots of people fib too!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I can see how other's diaries can add some stress. Try not to compare yourself to others. We all are on a different journey. I have looked at several of my friend's diaries and they are all different than mine.

    Last night we had crazy storms. Tornados, hail etc...

    I think my Wellbutrin is helping me some. I was very skeptical but something feels different. I still over ate over the weekend but I did not binge after eating foods that would normally trigger me (I did eat some high calorie foods but did not binge)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hi new to group today. As I posted in the challenge thread, I am a night time binge eater. I will eat 3x's my daily cals in the middle of the night. I just wake up so anxious like I NEED to eat to go back to sleep and eat a lot of carbs. I have been suffering through this for years. Even when dieting, I have finally just started recording my binges and counting them towards the next days calories. My doctor has put me on trazadone to help me sleep, which it does help me GO to sleep but I still wake up 4-6 times a night to eat. Ugh. I am going back to her tomorrow to see if there is ANYTHING else we can do. If I could get the Night time eating under control, I could finally lose all the weight I need to. I just don't want to have it be such a battle every damn night. Anyone else suffer from this here?
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hi new to group today. As I posted in the challenge thread, I am a night time binge eater. I will eat 3x's my daily cals in the middle of the night. I just wake up so anxious like I NEED to eat to go back to sleep and eat a lot of carbs. I have been suffering through this for years. Even when dieting, I have finally just started recording my binges and counting them towards the next days calories. My doctor has put me on trazadone to help me sleep, which it does help me GO to sleep but I still wake up 4-6 times a night to eat. Ugh. I am going back to her tomorrow to see if there is ANYTHING else we can do. If I could get the Night time eating under control, I could finally lose all the weight I need to. I just don't want to have it be such a battle every damn night. Anyone else suffer from this here?

    Welcome to the group!:flowerforyou:
    I have had night time eating problems in the past. Last summer I did it a lot. I had trouble sleeping and would just eat and eat! I bet you will find a lot of Binge eaters have problems at night.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Another good day. I am almost in shock I am doing so much better. I have overate this month (when traveling, oops) but I made the decision to do that. I was able to stop which almost never happens. I don't know if the Wellbutrin is helping or if it has a placebo effect either way I am happy. :happy:

    I hope everyone is doing well.
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    Glad to hear you've found something that's working for you karendee.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks wwnchina !!

    I hope everyone is having a great Weekend!

    Happy Father's Day to the Dad's!!
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have been actively fighting binge eating for 18 months with lots of progress, but no weight loss (boo) So I joined MFP to track.( I just did not like SP tools) I used a sparkpeople group and another but want to stick to one website, so will try this out! Happy to be supported and give support.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    keepongoingnm WELCOME! I used Sparkpeople for my first 100 pounds. I needed a change so I came to MFP. It has been great.


    I had a binge yesterday. I chatted with my MFP friends and worked through it. I may be eating too few calories. I am burning a lot lately and I am doing Strength training. I don't eat my exercise calories so I need to make a change. I admitted the binge and I am moving on.
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    Congratulations on the 100 pounds Karen!

    I like your attitude. Dwelling in remorse over a binge is the worst thing to do! Move on...

    Speaking of binges been eating on and off like crazy all day. The good news is I cant remember the last time I did this. I should not of shopped at Costco today.
  • eustinjean
    eustinjean Posts: 13 Member
    What a beautiful poem! Moving
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I realized I have some major issues with food. I thought it would be called Binge Eating, then I went to a website to see how they defined binge eating. I have most of the behavioral and emotional symptoms....actually all but one out of twelve (I don't stockpile food). I also experience all of the signs. It did mention that an episode typically lasts about two hours....I don't experience episodes that last that long, maybe an hour. Usually, the episodes that lead me to believe that I might be a binge eater consists of one of two things....either I get fast food and I order what would be like two meals + or late at night when everyone else is asleep or if the house is empty, I start eating and keep getting more and more until I feel so full that I just can't eat another bite. Mind you this usually starts after I have already ate a meal and I'm not hungry at all. My heaviest weight was 430. I have lost some of it but tracking my food made me realize these patterns. I'm definitely an emotional eater. I get stressed and I lose my mind. I can have an episode and not even recall everything that ate after. I started seeing a therapist a few weeks ago. I wish I would have recognize this years ago. I have done damage to my body.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome Meadow Sage, I don't stockpile food either. Mostly due to my trying to lose weight. I think a lot of Binge eaters have some but not all the signs
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