BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hey guys I have a question, do any of you feel like youre making the choice to binge and you just dont care? Usually when I binge have it set that im going to binge and will go well out of my way to make that happen. My favorite is pretty much any type of fast food or going to the grocery store for candy/snack cakes. But I eat a ridiculous amount of food and then my tummy hurts and I hate myself afterwards. Im starting to realize that I have the control but when stressed/unhappy just say eff it and eat a ton. Other times im just at home and end up binging on cereal, peanut butter anything else good.

    YES I have done that. it is like I decide to give up and will ignore any thoughts of stopping. I will go buy the food I want even. Or eat stuff I don't even want just to binge. I am working on that though.
  • marigold85
    marigold85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys I have a question, do any of you feel like youre making the choice to binge and you just dont care? Usually when I binge have it set that im going to binge and will go well out of my way to make that happen. My favorite is pretty much any type of fast food or going to the grocery store for candy/snack cakes. But I eat a ridiculous amount of food and then my tummy hurts and I hate myself afterwards. Im starting to realize that I have the control but when stressed/unhappy just say eff it and eat a ton. Other times im just at home and end up binging on cereal, peanut butter anything else good.

    YES I have done that. it is like I decide to give up and will ignore any thoughts of stopping. I will go buy the food I want even. Or eat stuff I don't even want just to binge. I am working on that though.

    Absolutely, yes. Sometimes I've basically lied to myself saying I'll buy this bag of that and just have one or two or the serving size... but then in the moment I will decide eat the whole bag/pint/whatever. The key word is decide. I'll think about how I need to stop, but I knew what I was doing when I made that purchase and I go forward with the unspoken plan. Working on this as well. :)
  • marigold85
    marigold85 Posts: 5 Member
    Question for the group:

    Does anyone have the experience of binges being triggered by alcohol? For example, I make pizza each Sunday and we have drinks with dinner. Last Sunday I sat down to have a serving of dessert, but due to being tipsy plus tendency to not stop, I just kept going and ate the whole thing. Maybe when inebriated, we're more likely to lose control and say "the hell with it?" Today, I waited a bit after dinner so I wasn't as tipsy before having dessert so I wouldn't go overboard again. Anyone have similar experiences?
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Question for the group:

    Does anyone have the experience of binges being triggered by alcohol? For example, I make pizza each Sunday and we have drinks with dinner. Last Sunday I sat down to have a serving of dessert, but due to being tipsy plus tendency to not stop, I just kept going and ate the whole thing. Maybe when inebriated, we're more likely to lose control and say "the hell with it?" Today, I waited a bit after dinner so I wasn't as tipsy before having dessert so I wouldn't go overboard again. Anyone have similar experiences?

    Not that I remember. Part of beating BE is learning your own personal triggers. For me it can be emotions, boredom, being tired, sick or a certain food might trigger me. Maybe the alcohol is one of yours?
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Well I had a binge yesterday. I was doing so well. I had a doughnut and then later in the day I was craving sweets which we did not have. So I ate a lot. I ate at the movies and I ate at home even when I was not hungry. I see my new doctor this week and I can't wait.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Reading through this thread, I find pieces of myself in your stories.

    My binging started as a young girl and hasn't stopped since. For a few years in my teens/early 20s I was able to get to a slender weight even with the binges because I started exercising for hours a day to compensate. When marriage and kids came, exercise time was harder to come by. At the same time, my binging got worse. So my weight climbed. And here I am today looking to lose 100 lbs.

    I'm still trying to figure out what's causing the binges. I am an anxious type of person (like for no apparent reason), so tranquility is #1 on my list of things to focus on. I was able to stop a binge last night by calming my mind and deep breathing. I read about this technique on one of the threads here, so thank you to whomever suggested it! I wasn't sure if it'd work on me, but it paid off.

    This morning I stopped from buying over 3,000 calories worth of binge food at the grocery store by telling myself that the taste wasn't worth the regret. I drove out of that parking lot and nearly drove to another store to buy the junk. It is hard to break this bad habit because it seems to be on autopilot, but the alternative of an early death makes me want to try my best to be free of the binging.

    If anyone is looking for more support on here, friend me. I know I could use accountability with the food diary. :)
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Well I had a binge yesterday. I was doing so well. I had a doughnut and then later in the day I was craving sweets which we did not have. So I ate a lot. I ate at the movies and I ate at home even when I was not hungry. I see my new doctor this week and I can't wait.

    Sorry about the binge. Looking at your profile and seeing you've lost over 100 lbs, that's amazing dedication! It shows you are one strong woman who'll make it over any hump.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I have to tell you all that if I don't come on here and read your comments on a regular basis, I get very mindless about eating. Just reading this one page has really centered me a lot!! Being able to talk about it helps so much, it actually shocks me what a difference it makes in my level of hope and determination :):heart:

    I've been in binge mentality for quite a few days. Not a binge yet, but playing around in risky ways. Like someone said earlier, I know what I am doing, and I go out of my way to get stuff in the house, or conversely, I tell myself that the food is for my teenage son, but if I was honest, I know I will eat it. It's sad when he goes to get some of it and it's totally gone....:embarrassed: I feel so ashamed to be like this in front of him....and... that made me cry.
    I am ashamed a lot on here too, as my food diary is open and some people don't get that I am a binge eater. I want to keep it open, though, because the comments sometimes help, but once in a while they really sting. That may be because I am already in the binge mentality and feeling quite vulnerable as I make a commitment to myself day after day and don't follow through. I know better than to beat myself up, but I do it anyway.
    I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but I have the exact same behaviors with spending money. Just adds to the shame and feeling of being out of control. I guess it's another form of consuming something to feel better. I don't buy big ticket items. Mostly food, actually, but eating out and spending too much on groceries can totally blow a tight budget. When I get back to my healthy eating patterns, the spending gets healthy, too.
    I keep going back to the ADHD issue. The tendency, of course, is to be distracted and bored at the same time. The missing brain chemicals also lead to thrill me, the rebellious, " no one can tell me what to do" and " I don't follow the rules like everyone else has to" mentality. I'm 59 years seemed normal in my twenties, but now its obviously abnormal thinking. My point is that I have to take my medication. Today I did after a while off of it, and my thought processes are so much more logical and focused. I sometimes wonder how many binge eaters are people with untreated ADHD.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Reading through this thread, I find pieces of myself in your stories.

    My binging started as a young girl and hasn't stopped since. For a few years in my teens/early 20s I was able to get to a slender weight even with the binges because I started exercising for hours a day to compensate. When marriage and kids came, exercise time was harder to come by. At the same time, my binging got worse. So my weight climbed. And here I am today looking to lose 100 lbs.

    I'm still trying to figure out what's causing the binges. I am an anxious type of person (like for no apparent reason), so tranquility is #1 on my list of things to focus on. I was able to stop a binge last night by calming my mind and deep breathing. I read about this technique on one of the threads here, so thank you to whomever suggested it! I wasn't sure if it'd work on me, but it paid off.

    This morning I stopped from buying over 3,000 calories worth of binge food at the grocery store by telling myself that the taste wasn't worth the regret. I drove out of that parking lot and nearly drove to another store to buy the junk. It is hard to break this bad habit because it seems to be on autopilot, but the alternative of an early death makes me want to try my best to be free of the binging.

    If anyone is looking for more support on here, friend me. I know I could use accountability with the food diary. :)

    Thanks for the kind words! If you want to add me feel free. I am on the way out the door and won't have time.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Today I am seeing a new therapist/doctor. Maybe the third doctor/therapist will be the right one. Some of you might remember my last one told me there is NO TREATMENT for BED. She did not even believe it was a disorder.

    I am reading Crave right now and according to the author BED out numbers Anorexia and Bulimia combined!! WOW.

    I will check back later and make some responses to everyone.

    Have a great day!!!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hey guys I have a question, do any of you feel like youre making the choice to binge and you just dont care? Usually when I binge have it set that im going to binge and will go well out of my way to make that happen. My favorite is pretty much any type of fast food or going to the grocery store for candy/snack cakes. But I eat a ridiculous amount of food and then my tummy hurts and I hate myself afterwards. Im starting to realize that I have the control but when stressed/unhappy just say eff it and eat a ton. Other times im just at home and end up binging on cereal, peanut butter anything else good.

    Yes, this is totally me. It is as if I hit a point where part of my mind switches off, and primal instincts take over, along with a need for total freedom and release. I am usually a bit of a control freak, to the point of having quite severe OCD, as well as suffering depression, and I think I just hit points where my brain needs a total break. I will go out and buy whatever I want, well I used to, but now, it might mean I go and get cake at 3 or 4 different cafes and then consume several pints of ice cream later on, and maybe chocolate. I am not as bad as I used to be, when I would buy bags full of binge foods. I can, to a degree, control how much I buy now, and choose between foods. But I am also a purger which means I can consume that much more.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Question for the group:

    Does anyone have the experience of binges being triggered by alcohol? For example, I make pizza each Sunday and we have drinks with dinner. Last Sunday I sat down to have a serving of dessert, but due to being tipsy plus tendency to not stop, I just kept going and ate the whole thing. Maybe when inebriated, we're more likely to lose control and say "the hell with it?" Today, I waited a bit after dinner so I wasn't as tipsy before having dessert so I wouldn't go overboard again. Anyone have similar experiences?

    Yep. I do not drink alcohol anymore, partly for this reason. It took away my self control.
    Sadly, the sleeping pills I am on seem to do the same thing, to a degree, which can be very difficult.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have to tell you all that if I don't come on here and read your comments on a regular basis, I get very mindless about eating. Just reading this one page has really centered me a lot!! Being able to talk about it helps so much, it actually shocks me what a difference it makes in my level of hope and determination :):heart:

    I've been in binge mentality for quite a few days. Not a binge yet, but playing around in risky ways. Like someone said earlier, I know what I am doing, and I go out of my way to get stuff in the house, or conversely, I tell myself that the food is for my teenage son, but if I was honest, I know I will eat it. It's sad when he goes to get some of it and it's totally gone....:embarrassed: I feel so ashamed to be like this in front of him....and... that made me cry.
    I am ashamed a lot on here too, as my food diary is open and some people don't get that I am a binge eater. I want to keep it open, though, because the comments sometimes help, but once in a while they really sting. That may be because I am already in the binge mentality and feeling quite vulnerable as I make a commitment to myself day after day and don't follow through. I know better than to beat myself up, but I do it anyway.
    I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but I have the exact same behaviors with spending money. Just adds to the shame and feeling of being out of control. I guess it's another form of consuming something to feel better. I don't buy big ticket items. Mostly food, actually, but eating out and spending too much on groceries can totally blow a tight budget. When I get back to my healthy eating patterns, the spending gets healthy, too.
    I keep going back to the ADHD issue. The tendency, of course, is to be distracted and bored at the same time. The missing brain chemicals also lead to thrill me, the rebellious, " no one can tell me what to do" and " I don't follow the rules like everyone else has to" mentality. I'm 59 years seemed normal in my twenties, but now its obviously abnormal thinking. My point is that I have to take my medication. Today I did after a while off of it, and my thought processes are so much more logical and focused. I sometimes wonder how many binge eaters are people with untreated ADHD.

    I always assumed it was bipolar that made me this way. I have noticed the same behaviour in me. I will get days I go and spend money without considering the ramifications and bills I have to pay, sometimes on clothes, sometimes on food, just so I have plenty in. It is as if I have to get stimulation somewhere, and this is how. Or maybe because buying things, makes me feel artificially happy, if only for a short time.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I saw the new doctor and she is great. She is the head of a eating disorder clinic. She was a big help. So far I have new anxiety meds. Once those get stable I will try some other things. She has a great treatment plan for me. She also said I have ADHD. I knew I had it as a child but did not realize I never grew out of it. She explained it to me and it fits. So next I might treat the ADHD. Lastly we will think about meds for BED.

    If anyone is looking for a doctor/therapist make sure you keep looking if the first ones do not work out!

    Today I ate too many of a certain snack (one serving of this snack would be fairly healthy). It was sweet and I could not stop. It was 1800 calories when I was all done!! (on top of my regular meals) OH THAT SUCKED. I hope I get this under control someday. For now some things I might not be able to eat. They just trigger a binge.

    I am going for a walk to relax and get some exercise. Sometimes exercise helps me calm down and get control.
  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    I joined this group a while ago and have decided through everyone else's courage to share on here that I have found my own courage to share (I had posted in the forums once about binge eating-with little response and was so afraid that people would judge me). I started using MFP in April of 2011. Successfully lost 75+ pounds. Over the past few months (January maybe) I have gained back about 15 pounds-due to binge eating, and I am truly disgusted with myself! I hopeless about my problem with binge eating! I wake up every day and tell myself that it's a new day...that today it will be different yesterday...and then at night when all the rest of my family has gone to bed I stuff my face with everything in sight. I do it in secret...I do it in shame...and I don't knowhow to stop! I don't even want to guess how many extra calories that I have consumed over the past few weeks that I have been on a night time binge bender! I will be fine for a week (no binges...loose a few pounds)...then I will binge at night for a 2 weeks (give or take). And if I am not binge eating (actually eating), I am mentally binging. I always tell myself before a binge starts that I know I'm gunna hate myself for it...but I keep going back for more...over and over again!

    Don't know what to do to make it stop...but I do know that I love that there is a place that I can come and talk about it without judgment or fear.

    I just want to get back on track...I want to loose the weight that I have put on and feel comfortable in my own skin again. I want to get rid of my dirty little secret...say bye-bye to it forever...and I still have HOPE that I can do it. So...Here's to having the will power to kick binge eating out of my life.

    Thank you for reading and letting me rant...feels good to let it out!

  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Great news, Karen!

    I'm actually contemplating seeking a therapist for BED. Not that I will take action any time soon, but at least I'm thinking about taking action! It's as start.

    Lately I've been reading the boards to help keep me motivated and focused, but haven't been replying too much. Sometimes I feel as if my typing doesn't really convey what I'm trying to say, and people end up getting offended, when absolutely no offense was meant. I've always had difficulty saying what I mean and having people understand me and what I'm trying to spit out - my DH jokingly says its because I'm from Michigan and no one can understand me haha (no offense to fellow Michiganders :)

    Anyway, my weight loss has stalled lately, but it's because I'm not pre planning like I used to, for one. I'm lucky to have maintained the weight I have lost, because I've had binging tendencies rear the ugly head lately. I've had a few NSV, like tossing the licorice my DH brought home, but after eating a serving, and having only a bite of this and that, instead of the whole danged package (except for pizza - I can't handle being around pizza). This is leading to my plateau too I'm sure. That, and the SIX slices of deep dish pan pizza I inhaled in 10 min earlier this week :( Wow, I do feel better getting that off my chest, here in a place where people can understand how that can happen!

    Again, thanks to all who post - I really DO stay motivated from reading these boards :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    "If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results." -- Jack Dixon

    Thank you. I can see this phrase being VERY useful in the coming weeks and months. *hugz*
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    "If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results." -- Jack Dixon

    Thank you. I can see this phrase being VERY useful in the coming weeks and months. *hugz*
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Ladies, do any of you have experience supplementing with chromium to control sugar cravings? I picked up a bottle and I figure it can't help to try
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    "If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results." -- Jack Dixon

    Thank you. I can see this phrase being VERY useful in the coming weeks and months. *hugz*
    It does help!
This discussion has been closed.