Menopausal Mad Hatters: Jan. 1st, 2013



  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Carol- hmm, not quite sure what you are referring to for a picture, but if you are referring to the bike, the geese, the pup, the bleachers, etc, I'm not sure how I might manage that one-sorry!

    hmmmm.... choices.....

    canadian geese for snoozie with the bike for merobi to narrow it down... smiles and thanks, you're the best!

    How about Snoozie walking ignoring a Canadian Goose? LOL

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks seehe - perfect!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lol love it Susan !! I look fabulous thank you for that ! More later puter is having a meltdown and typing on my phone but love it and he looks just right .... hungry and looking for a bite of snoozie
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snoozie, when I use the MFP phone app, it doesn't let me see the message boards- do you go onto MFP through the internet on your phone or do you use the phone App?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I go right to the site from the internet on my phone ..... I haven't downloaded any apps yet lol... every time I look at the reviews for any of them they seem to have a lot of ads and glitches... so for now im just using the broswer on my phone ... at some point I'll get around to using apps but I didn't like the reviews on the app and there seem to be a lot of posts regarding it messing up in the tech section.. and im a weenie when it comes to technology as we know... lol

    I just found out I have to call my carrier and figure out what i need to turn OFF on it before I go away... apparently twits like me can come back and a find a $7000 phone bill from wifi charges and roaming and data and stuff.. gak!! All i want is to be able to use the camera on the phone while I'm there :sad:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snoozie, where are you traveling to with your iphone and bathing suit?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    and happy Friday for those who are doing the happy dance for it LOL..

    Our first week of the new year is almost under our belts; how's everyone finding it getting back to better habits? Getting one whole day of good choices was the hardest for me (well day #2 was too) but once I got to two of them it got easier.. and feels good to be honest!

    Merobi posted something the other day about it being easier to stay on the path than take a break and get back again and after the holidays, I think its so true... I'm still in total agreement about taking a DAY off now and then, but my planned one day turned into a week or 10 days way too easily. and it will be good for me to keep THAT in mind while I'm on vacation (we're going to Costa Rica btw Seehe) The good news ts its almost easier there food wise because someone else is doing the cooking, and there are always loads of good choices always available at every meal; it's just going to be up to me to use portion control, food choices and exercise to keep on track. I'm also looking at it as an opportunity to see how I do - since this is a lifetime change and I plan to have a couple more vacations down the road, seems like an excellent time to try out incorporating the mental habit changes I've been working on, and the memory of how easy it is to go offside is still fresh enough to keep me vigilant... :smile:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    New year, healthy us! It is so great to see everyone approaching the winter as a time to get healthier and fit! I complain that there are not as many great fruits and veggies as in the spring, but just think about what is available in the supermarket that is so much better than what we had when we were kids. Our kids told us about "First world problems" which are problems that only people who have the basic things they need in life would complain about. So my first world problem of today is that the greenhouse tomatoes just aren't as good as the natural Maryland tomatoes of summer.
    Snoozie, reading about your trip reminded me of a Daniel Ho song, it is called the Breakfast Song and most of the words are Pineapple, Mango…So you will have some great breakfast and other meal choices in Costa Rica. For me the danger would be the fruity drinks! Get lots of Vitamin D from the sunshine, but don't forget the sunscreen and a big floppy hat. I use the iPad app for doing food and exercising, but I can not get to the community section without going to the internet. The MFP scanner function is fun, just scan and the nutritional information is there. Do you have your reading set aside? I am a magazine junkie and our library just started making magazines available through zinio.
    This morning when I went to Body Pump, I had no trouble doing the two sets of 16 push ups. In July I could not even do one! I do them on my knees, so today I decided to do the full pushup on my toes. I managed to do 3 of those, so that is a start!
    I am constantly on my kids about the dangers of drinking and driving. So last night the 22 year old asked if her friends could crash here after their night out. We said ok, but we were not counting on them waking up the neighborhood when they walked here at 2am. When I got home from Body Pump at 7am, I turned all the lights on and blasted christmas carols, so they got the message it was time to get up and get out! Since DH was unable to go back to sleep and had to go to work today and then go to the hospital to deal with getting MIL back to rehab, I figure it is only fair that I do not let the 22 yr. old go to sleep until he can go to sleep. So right now she is cleaning the family room and the bathrooms and I will decide what she can do next. That is one of my lessons of parenthood. When I punished the kids by depriving them of tv or something, I felt like I had to suffer through the punishment too. So I figured out that if the punishment would be extra chores, then I benefited and they were too busy to whine as much.
    Happy Friday!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - your note about the young people made me chucke - and oh by the way.... the 18 year olds PS3 isn't working... makes mae so sad.....(for not being able to watch videos / DVDs)... but makes me happy that he can't play the Call of Duty Games.....and he needs to start working on getting scholarship money for college....:angry::grumble: :laugh:

    wising you blessings and good thoughts with the DH issue and the MIL issues.....:flowerforyou:

    and yes, fruit is more expensive in the fall / winter but we have access to a local market and that 's where we get our fruits and veggies....

    Talk to you all soon....:smile:

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Janet... HUGE IPOU on not only the 16, but the 3 full ones!!!!!!!! those are amazing accomplishments!!! Congrats!!

    and yup, got my kobo loaded with books, and my sunscreen and floppy hat already packed. and yes... the drinks may be my downfall!

    and love the punishment tool LOL.. my sister came home intoxicated early one morning when she was young.... with full expectations of dropping into bed for the day... my dad had other ideas when he met her at the door.. i don't remember all the things she had to do before being allowed to go to bed, but SHE remembers having to start with cleaning the bathrooms and scrubbing the floors with a brush to this day..! and nope.. never happened again lol
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snoozie- Wow Costa Rica-what fun! Lucky you! BTW, after my holiday hiatus, I am also finding Merobi to be wise in her post.

    Hairspray- 16 pushups on knees and 3 regular ones-holy cow how impressive! Hope things run smoothly with MIL rehab.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Oh Costa Rica sounds wonderful Snoozie. Let us know about any new experiences. I also read the other day about not being able to log in..I am not sure about being unable to log for that long but I logged in one minute after 12 (two different times !!! ) I contacted mfp and they adjusted my account, so that may be a possible solution. When you get back I will send email with the steps.

    Janet, we have to start somewhere and 3 is more than I can do but one day !!! As for the cleaning we think alike. I totally think believe family contributions are a great way way to go.

    There has been so many supportive post over the last few days and I thank each of you for them. Merobi was correct for me I quickly slid from one day, into two days, three days. Getting started back each morning began with good intentions but by night fall fell apart as I said just this or just that. It wasn't a lot but just enough that I didn't feel good about my choices. Not feeling good you would think would make it easier when it came time to continue on the journey but that little bit of indulging made me have second thoughts about some of my choices. I have stayed strong and not given in but it has taken some doing. I am glad to have this behind me and continue on the journey. I am excited to be a part of another challenge and have set my goal at 20 pounds for the this one. I finished the last one at - 30 for the 3 months. I would love for this challenge to end the same, but being realistic I am expecting as I continue to lose that things will begin to slow down and I don't want to deal with the feelings that would come along with not meeting that as a goal. So better to set at what I know I can do.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend !!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Just thought I would give everyone a good LOLOL.

    Got up early today and met a lady to buy a couple of pair of capris for the summer. I know its not that time yet but the price was right and I have found that when buying used sometimes you have to get things when you can.

    Anyway after the meeting my husband and I needed to waste a bit of time before the bank opened so we hit the grocery store since I go back to the classroom bright and early Monday. When we got home the oldest girl had to be driven to a bake sale (raising funds for her trip to Madrid, Paris, and London after graduation !!!) So as he went to drop her off I got busy putting things away I went to pull my pants and they weren't there :blushing: They were down almost to my knees !!! :noway: :laugh: There are the pants I purchased in August, needless to say they will be washed and added to the donation pile.

    Its really has been a struggle with so much time but this was just what I needed to motivate me.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    HOWLING, Tammy!!!:laugh: TOO FUNNY!! THANK goodness you were home and not still out!!!!! omg.. THAT is an NSV!!

    little behind in my posts; just home from work and have to make dinner and lunches and then will be back to catch up!

    still chuckling...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    K, dinner done but still have breakfast and lunch to make up, but wanted to pop in for a few as I've been a little remiss in my profile posts too! I've been happy with my food choices the past few days, and I've been swigging water til my back teeth are floating (too much info maybe??? don't read on then! I swear.. I'm gonna have to order a trial size "Depends" at this rate because I'm running to pee every five minutes!! And I'm experiencing a rather .. uncomforable .,. situation shall we say, even with the GALLONS of water I've been drinking so if something doesn't kick into gear soon my pants are NOT gonna fall off like Tammy's, they're gonna start popping buttons and zippers and it ain't gonna be pretty!! (NOW is it TMI???) Hey if ya can't talk about your bowels with the ones ya love... well... moving on.... (haaaaaa i just realized that's a pun.....and not intended.... mwaaaaahahaha i slay me!!)

    Tammy: did you get any of the capris btw??? I tried on a bunch of stuff like that from last year for our trip and was happy to see they were a little loose... totally wearable tho which is good cause I don't want to spend any $ on new stuff.. but nice and comfy rather than tight which was a nice little perk! Thanks for the offer but I got the form from the tecchies to fill out when I get back to get my days adjusted!

    Seehe how are things in your neck of the woods??? I was going thru some of your profile pics when I was choosing pics of the Hatters for my "page" to put on the cupboard and saw your pups... I am so jealous!! Our resident nun came to work today (there's a convent near us and she often brings us lots of baked goods and treats... and we send some of our guys over to fix things and move stuff and whatever in return lol) but they have a new puppy (named Abbey lol) who is only 11 weeks old and a mix of doberman and shepherd.. he is adorable and of course, hasnt grown into his long legs and wipes out every time he runs down the hallways, tumbling head over heels... i think we all have a few biscuits in our dsk drawers now!

    Now I've forgotten what I was gonna write... sigh.. it's almost 7pm anyway so I better get cracking on the food prep for work tomorrow; bedtime for Bonzo comes early on this shift so will wish everyone a good night and a GREAT WEEK!!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie, yes I got two pair of the capris. I haven't even tried them on since I was really just thinking of the summer when I saw them. Both pair are blue jean material so they should be durable.

    I knew you would just love my nsv and yes I was lucky to have made it home, but will retire this pair. Well its Sunday night and I have procrastinated to long and not finished lesson plans, so I do need to get back and finish. Everyone have a wonderful week with lots of good choices and water (maybe not as much as Snoozie LOLOLOL )
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    TA... I hate to be a dream killer, but as your friend.. I believe it is my duty to point out ..

    you DO realize...

    by the time the weather is suitable for wearing those new capris.... ahem....

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Tammy, what a NSV!! I know you are sooooo glad that didn't happen while you were out shopping. I agree with Snoozie about the new pair, whith the way those pounds have been coming'll have to buy more.

    Snooozie, That old folks stuff....Metamusal , works wonders. Just drink it fast.....before it thickens too much.

    I think I made up for the brownies today.
    I tried to eat the bare minimum......Although I still have a few hours to go...and I got in an hour walk.Drank my's a good day.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    That's not a good day T2... that's an AWESOME DAY!! fabulous getting in an hour walk!!!! and acing the water... AWESOME day!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    You ladies may be correct but I did get one size smaller in anticipation of the continued lost and with it becoming summer here earlier than many other areas of the country I hope to get a few months of wear but on the plus side I would love for them to be to large and down around my ankles by then !!!