Menopausal Mad Hatters: Jan. 1st, 2013



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Looking forward to the Newbies checking in. I believe that the new year brought new ladies here who have been reading but still waiting to talk. No matter what stage of your fitness journey you are in, someone here is there too and someone else has passed through that spot.
    The scale refused to budge from 200, and I really thought I was going to onederland today. I started furious at MFP for telling me every night that if every day was like today I would be in the 180’s. But I am letting it go. I will forget about the scale and know that with your support, I will get to onderland and stay there very soon.
    This is PURPLE WEEK! I hate, really detest football. But since grade school I have loved wearing purple. So now that the Ravens are a game away from the Super Bowl, Baltimore is getting its purple on. I can now wear whatever outrageous combinations of purple that I want and people will smile at me for showing such Ravens spirit.
    NSV the purple clothes that I have worn those other years when the Ravens were in the playoffs, do not fit and have been sent off for others to enjoy. Even this morning, I put on some purple silk pants which would not have fit six months ago and they were so big, they looked like clown pants. Instead I am wearing a long suede-like dark purple dress, with a light purple raw silk duster, with a short purple glass necklace, a long purple dark purple freshwater pearl necklace and purple suede shoes. I don’t think I look quite as ridiculous as that sounds. I have worn the duster in years past but have never before been able to button it. I will let you know what other purple things I have found in my closets this week. I may just need to go out and buy those purple skinny jeans I have been thinking about.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Just a quick fly-by as I am still in construction mode.

    Bis- Remember my Bimbo stories...your lady sounds the same. All you can do is continue being polite and professional and realize that some just don't have it in them to be that way.

    Janet, I hope for us it is the Falcons and the Ravens! I might would even wear red and purple together that day just to honor you :laugh: although red better win!

    Welcome to the new members you will find this place full of laughs and support

    Tammy, we are also under a flood watch stay safe and I hope no school for you

    I really hope Snoozie is having a grand time and I am sure we will have awesome stories when she gets back.

    Puppy update: They are growing like weeds and have found their voices..oh my how they can bark. We are teaching them to grab their squeaky toy every time they start to bark. We did that with Zeke and it was wonderful. Last puppy vet visit tomorrow and I am anxious to see how much they weigh. I need to get a picture off to Seehe so she can post their progress.

    Have a great day all!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Hi there everyone. I can relate to you Janet with your scale not budging. I am not making any real progress even though I've been back on the wagon, and actually gained a few :huh: SO I am making some changes and including my dog walking calories burned into my customized TDEE instead of extra calories to burn. Then I will just count the other intentional exercise I do, such as Curves or a new Wednesday yoga class, as exercise where I can eat back the calories. I'll still be walking my wild and crazy dogs for sure, just won't be posting it so as not to confuse my calorie calculations.

    Tonya, I can relate to the barking issue and would love to hear more about the squeaky toy solution. My biggest gripe is that when my dogs encounter other dogs, Jake, my emo dog, whines and whines 'cause he wants to play, and Sophie barks and barks. Drives me nuts! Sophie didn't do it when she was in obedience class and not around Jake, but I think she gets competitive or something. Would love any suggestions for that one! BTW, keep those puppy pictures coming, I'd love to post them :-)

    So is this weather crazy or what? Some of you in a heat wave, some of you in floods, and Tucson the COLDEST it's been in forever! 20's at night and low 40's for a high-Brrrrrr winter-cold-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Hope Snoozie's weather is agreeable and she's having fun frolicking in the pool with friends water-polo-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Have a lovely rest of your night, ladies, or good night's sleep for those of you in a later time zone sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Update-our pipes are frozen and we have no water!!! Pray they don't burst!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh, no...stay warm!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Seehee, how are your pipes? We had pipes burst one year- not good. Hope things are ok!
    NSV, good news-- my purple silk pants were too big, bad news-- I really did like those pants. There is a Talbots in my town that I have driven by for ten years never stopping, since I buy most of my clothes at the consignment shop or Gabriels and the shop does not have a Talbots Women section. Yesterday, the sign “Up to 75% off” was incentive to stop. In the clearance rack (I didn’t even look at any other rack) there were some beautiful silk/wool ankle pants, in size 16 they were coral. I happened to notice a pair of vivid purple in size 14. I decided what the heck, I can see if they are close enough to be an incentive purchase. When I tried them on, I was amazed to see that the zipper actually closed! I thought they must be too short because they did not hit the top of my shoe, but then I remembered ankle pants are supposed to be short. There was a matching purple sweater with shiny buttons that I could not resist. Both were 75% off the original (too high) price. I am saving them for the Super Bowl party that I always go to even though I hate football.
    Pants-$, Sweater-$, Being able to fit into size 14 Talbots pants-PRICELESS!
    Meanwhile day 2 of Purple week-eggplant pants and sweater and a blazer in a tweed with two shades of purple, greens, black and white. All size 16 and getting a little too big.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Janet- congrats on the shopping success:-) I love Talbots, especially their sales and 75% off is great! They no longer have a plus size in Tucson (which has saved me a lot of money! ) Your outfits sound lovely:-)

    Thanks Tonya for the squeaker details. I'll have to try that.

    My water is still frozen and so am I! The pipes haven't burst so far so holding my breath and crossing all appendages. I only have cotton sweaters and pants. Luckily I do have a wool jacket and leather gloves. The cold air and wind have been going right through them still. I am such a wimp but I've lived here since 1978 and my blood has thinned out to adapt to the usual heat. I would use this as a good excuse to go shopping but surely this cold can't last here????? Uh oh, pipes making a bad sound right now, better go check!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Janet... great minds think alike...

    I ended up at Talbots on Saturday... sssh.... but good news is size 14 black pant and yellow top for $60 - love the sale - got in and got out before going broke....

  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Seehee, hope the pipes are ok. Weather sure is crazy. 60 degrees in here in New England on Monday and now today it is cold and snowing. We are supposed to get 3-5 inches today. Sounds like a soup for my work lunch kind of day. I think I will have some turkey soup from what I have stocked in the freezer.

    Janet, looks like a little friendly rivalry. I will be a "fair weather fan" for the Pat's on Sunday. I will be the one behind the scene doing the cooking while everyone is in the living room watching the game. I will have to think of a mixture of what they like and healthy to cook.

    I have another fatality of a major appliance. Now my dryer, hoping it is a simple fix this time. In the past 2 months I have replaced my stove, fridge, garbage disposal, brakes and exhaust repair on my car. My "Mr Fix it" BF is going to look at it for me this weekend.

    Hoping everyone has a happy, good choices kind of day!!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh Bis, where is your Falcon loyalty???? lmao We need to win this weekend, although my heart tells us we will not.
    Sorry to hear about all of the appliances. I know it must be frustrating. We had plumbing, flooding and water heater issues, back to back months 2 years ago. It really can wear on your nerves.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Seehe, Hope you check in soon, I am worried about your entire house turning into an ice rink! Not good, especially in Tucsan.
    Bisland and Tonya, I hope that our red v. purple rivalry does continue until February. And in honor of our friendship and because I am an old lady, I will wear my red hat when I go to the Super Bowl party in my purple outfit. I am headed to Florida on Sunday with my 24yr old son, who will get to watch the game with his granddad. I ordered the maryland crabmeat to be delivered to them on Friday and I will make crab cakes for dinner before the game and then because you know how superstitions get started-I will need to make a berry cobbler for half time because that is what I made this Sunday and they said it was the best game ever. I already told them to stock up on the Plant City strawberries. I'm glad my son is coming with me on this trip, getting my exercise done when I am with them is always a struggle but Greg and I will be able to play tennis every day.
    Carol, It would be nice to be able to go for walks with you, but I am glad we are not at the Talbots fighting over the size 14 sale aisle!
    NEWBIES, lets hear from you, how are you doing? we all know the most difficult step is getting started.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I am more than relieved to repot that our pipes did not burst !!!! I got running water yesterday afternoon so I left every faucet dripping and wrapped our above ground water pipes with insulation because there was another hard freeze warning for last night . The insulation and water dripping technique worked and my pipes remain unfrozen and intact this morning. Whew - what a relief! This is not something I have ever dealt with in Tucson before. As long as I have lived here it has never been a high of only 20 degrees and low of 15 degrees at night/ early morning. It's 39 degrees right now and supposed to be warming up rest of week with highs in 60s and 70's and lows In mid 30's I was really stressing about the pies and frustrated with no water and cold, so I really appreciate all your listening and support. Here's to happier days in lovely Tucson normal weather :-)
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Janet...Old lady, you have got to be kidding me. I think we are about the same age and I do not consider myself old. Some times I even forget how old I am. Enjoy your trip this weekend, how long will you be gone? Enjoy those Plant City strawberries.

    Seehe, glad you are ok. I have never been to Arizona, but it is on my bucket list. From what I see in pictures it looks beautiful.

    Well catch you all later & have a blessed day!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Bisland, I am definitely kidding, I am a very young 58. When I turned 50 I had a giant celebration, and since I already had lots of purple clothes, I got my red hat. I never joined a red hat society, but happily accept the lines of the poem
    With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me."
    So I was just referring to my readiness with red hat for my mfp falcon friends and purple for Baltimore ravens. But upon reflection that poem does not apply to me because my red hat (and all of my hats) suit me very well. When I returned from the consignment shop with a $2 white floppy hat, I told bob you can never have too many hats and he said I might need to seriously consider whether I am getting to the point of too many hats.
    I wish my daughters would wear hats, they both spend too much time in the sun and everyone should wear a hat in the sun.
    Seehe, DH was complaining about the cold and he said he understood people moving to Arizona I said its FREEZING. In Arizona!
    TA, how is the flooding in your part of the world?
    Hopefully, Snoozie is enjoying a drink with an umbrella in the sunshine --while wearing a hat!
    My visit to Florida will be Sunday to Thursday, but he has wifi, (like this hospital) so I will be here checking in with everyone.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    for Janet...

    Good luck in FL.... thinking of you....

    Having my water from a purple water bottle while wearing my purple (size 14 misses straight cut) pants....:laugh: :drinker:

    For seehee - good luck on the weather issue.. would never imagine ice in AZ.... :noway:

    See you all soon....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Happy to report the ice is GONE - yipee! No more hard freezes!!! Highs all week are in the high 60's -low 70's and nightly lows no lower than 38, and mostly in the 40's.Back to normal Tucson lovely winter weather, which means more time to concentrate on fun stuff, like, perhaps,

    Tonya's beloved and adorable Zeke fashioning sunglasses (as opposed to a bra) or snoozing by the heat :-)


  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    check out my profile notes from today....

    all I can say is Wow!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Just delaying the need to go out in the cold!!! I walk to Main St. every Saturday, even these winter months when there is no farmers market and this is the first saturday that I thought "its freezing, forget it" But I have a prescription to pick up, so I will sign off and bundle up!
    I was debating whether I should get on the scale today, because I will be traveling and won't be able to weigh on Monday and Sunday I will be in a rush. So I was so happy that I did.
    Onederland, 199, I am still letting that sink in. The last time I weighed below 200 was after surgery in 1986. It was a stressful time with a baby and a very demanding boss, by the time that I got pregnant in 1987, I was up to 235. And now here I am! Its a good thing that the drivers license information is not under oath. I have stated that my weight is 190 since 1986 and it has been untrue ever since. So my next goal is to make an honest woman out of me, by weighing what my license says I do.
    Hatters--do you weigh what your license says that you do?
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Oh my gosh Janet your post made me think I am within 15 lbs of my drivers license weight. I don't know that I have been there in 35 years.

    So proud that you pushed through. We are working on getting that small workout room together. I am hoping it will be done by Monday. We me being sick before Christmas and the husband being sick all through Christmas until the New Year we have just been in survival mode around here and haven't done much. We have managed to get everything packed away but the husband is just now getting everything back into storage.

    The daughter and I did manage to change out the dressers and clean out the little ones room before I went back to school but since then I have been so tired (I suspect from being so sick) that I am just now beginning to not be so tired so no way could I fuss at the husband for not doing things quickly b/c I know how he feels.

    Now this just makes me so happy to think of another milestone I will accomplish this year. I have been making good choices but the weight is just hanging on. My thoughts have been "its like my body didn't know what to do when I took a few days off during the holidays and now its refusing to let go of anything"

    All that said I keep doing what I know to do and figure sooner or later it has to let go and then I will be back into my groove. I have come way to far to give up. I am determined to make - 100 by my one year. This has made me a little leery of what will happen when I make goal and how my body will react. I just keep focusing on how long its been since I have been in this place and all the future places that are yet to come and how wonderful and amazing it will feel when I make it to onderland and goal. That makes me stand strong and not give in to the temptations. If my memory is correct I have not been below 225 in 35 years and this year (very shortly even) this will become my reality as I move even below that to even lower than when I graduated high school.

    Stay strong my wonderful ladies, dig deep find the strength and memories that will set you free and keep you focused.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Watching the game today. Go Falcons! Cousin Lynn went home today and that makes me sad. Thank you See he for posting my Zeke pictures. He is sure missed around here.