Menopausal Mad Hatters: Jan. 1st, 2013



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, great NSV, dont trip on your pants when you stand up! I have this mental picture of you meeting someone in a dark alley-and you buying capris in a plain brown wrapper! I think I saw that on an episode of the Wire.
    We went to see Lincoln yesterday. Try as I might I have not been able to disassociate movies and popcorn. I showed a lot of restraint when we saw Les Mis on Christmas, but I knew it would be too much for such a long movie. So I popped my own healthier version. I poured it from the pan into a lunch sack, that looks like a pocketbook. Then when I got to the movies, i put my cup of Iced tea in the sack and carried it very carefully until we got to our seats. DH and I agree we need to find a happy movie for next time.
    Tomorrow is my one year MFP anniversary. I am still trying to figure out how to get my pictures into my post for tomorrow. I am excited, I have never made good on a new years resolution before!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    One year ago today in a post holiday slump, scared that the removal of my thyroid would be the final end to any hopes of weight loss I signed up for MFP.
    275 was not my highest weight ever. Some years ago I weighed 307, and I never went back to fast food, so I "only" returned to 275.
    Today I weigh 200 (so close to onederland, but not yet).
    My pictures are on my my profile. (photo bucket did not work for me)
    I know many others are starting the year as I started 2012, full of determination, but also fear. So I wanted to share what I wrote last year.On January 9, 2012 I wrote
    ***I am willing to weigh myself once a week, no excuses.***
    I have not missed a Monday morning with the scale,
    ***I am willing to eat healthy foods in healthy amounts.***
    When people ask me what I am eating, I don’t know how to respond. I say that I try to get 30grams of fiber a day. But I am internalizing healthy food choices and I rarely eat red meat.
    ***I am willing to exercise on a daily basis.***
    Some days my only exercise is a 20 minute walk, but other days I play tennis and do body pump.
    I talk more about my year on my blog
    I read the number one indicator of whether you will weigh more on dec 31 than you do on jan 1 is whether you start the year on a "diet" this is not a diet. this is a lifestyle change and to make a lifestyle change studies have shown that you need lots of support. I have only made this lifestyle change because of your support. thanks.
    fashion note. in my latest profile picture I am wearing a double breasted wool suit size 16, the suit has brass buttons with Mickey Mouse that I sewed onto the blazer in 1984. I have not worn it since then until now!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ Janet - very proud to call you one of the mad hatters.....

    I've been here since July 2011 - think the 20th.... and some days are better than others....

    Happy annversary - one day at a time baby.....

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Janet, first and formost HAPPY ANNIVERSARY such a wonderful achievement to give yourself.

    You made both my husband and I LOLOL as I read the alley and brown paper !!!

    We saw Lincoln as and while I did enjoy the movie, I worry how long it will take before the movie version will replace history. As a history teacher that worries me especially when so many are clueless about Lincoln's individual feelings about war, slavery, and the United States. I actually sat amazed and wish I could show it to my 7th graders but b/c of the language I am not comfortable with that, but it would be such a wonderful debate tool to discuss the issues of the war and the real causes and sub causes. Of course many of the students may watch it and we may can debate from there, we shall see when we get to that Unit.

    Well I need to log and then bad bad me has 3 lesson plans to prepare for classes tomorrow since I procrastinated myself into only preparing them for Monday !!!

    Everyone have a terrific Tuesday
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Yea Janet!!!

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone. How I long for the summer months. Living in the southeastern section of the US has its advantages but it also has disadvantages. Maybe I am just a wuss. I hate the cold of any kind and yesterday was 56 degrees and windy. If the wind hadn't been blowing it would have been fine I think but I got no exercise after work and that makes me sad.

    Janet, I am so very proud of all that you have accomplished and you are an inspiration to me.

    Seehe, thank you for posting pics, I may have more of the pups soon. I got an Android tablet for Christmas and still haven't figured out the lighting for taking pics. I have taken some but they aren't very good. I miss the days of a handheld real I haven't ever really thought of myself as old but all of the new technology just makes me crazy.

    Tammy, I need to see Lincoln, I have heard wonderful things about it and I grew up 5 miles from the Chickamauga battlefield and spent tons of time there. Ringgold, Chattanooga and Kennesaw are rich in history of the civil war but not as well known as some others.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Wow....January long and lean , Janet!! Looking like a million $$.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Janet - looking like a tall glass of water! :drinker: (or long island ice tea).... giggle snort.....

    Here's to you and let's see what 2013 brings! Bring it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Just realized altho I PM'd you Janet.. never posted in here about your fabulous anniversary pics! you ARE gorgeous.. and look fantastic!! So happy for you; and every timje I see that 75 I remember yes it CAN be done!! congrats!!

    Seehee - that was no nice of you to post those pics... our own little techno Hatter.. yhou rock!

    Tonya - I laughed just a little when I read it was only 56 degrees in your part of the world... cause the next line i read was Language Lassie burning calories shovelling snow .. (we live in the same region lol) but I do feel for ya and when its *****in cold I get the same way... i think it's some prehistoric gene that says to us oh oh cold weather time to store up the fat in case and MAKES us want the comfort foods.... im stiking with that reasoning anyway lol - we were doing the happy dance at work yesterday cause the forecast says we're having a january thaw this week and temps might hit 10!! woo hoo!

    will do more at work.... but hope everyone has a fab day!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I hope everyone has had a great day so far. I am slammed with construction stuff and all manner of things at work. Just wanted to pop in and say hi

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Janet love the pictures !!! I am so going to wish I had taken some btw beginning and one year but oh well.

    Seehee your a doll for all the tech help !!!

    Snoozie January thaw LOLOL I was glad I wasn't drinking my water when I was reading b/c the scentsy wax on it is enough (:grumble: without water. On the bright side it is the school keyboard and not mine though I am not sure how this will go over with the higher ups. But really have you ever smelled 20 plus students coming in from PE? Its a must to have something to eliminate the oders

    Well I am going to run ( its only 3:50 and I am leaving for home yeah for me )
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, everyone will see how fabulous you look and won't need to see before pics, but I hope you are now taking some in progress pics. They really help when we hit the inevitable plateaus!
    Tonya, sounds like you are in the start of the year frenzy at work. Hang in there!
    Snoozie, you are always so supportive to all of us, I know you will get to your goal and you will enjoy your respite from the cold, I also thought it was funny to see a complaint about the "cold" 50's temp!
    As for me I need to get the frost off of my windshield and head to work. I have been listening to books on my hour long commutes. Right now I am listening to Great Expectations. I am a little disappointed only because a few months ago I listened to Tale of Two Cities and that was so amazing. I like rereading old classics. I have a different view of things as an adult. For instance in high school for my book report I wrote a sequel to Jane Eyre and everyone was happy. When I read it now, I thought why would Jane ever trust Rochester and my sequel would not be so happy. I guess I am jaded!
    Happy day Hatters.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    LOL, I get the 50's cold temps...I just can't help it...I am a wuss. Last night I was complaining it was too was 60 last night. This morning on the way to work it was 62. I guess we are never happy. I hope each of you have a great day and I look forward to seeing you here.

    Tonight I am meeting an MFP friend for dinner. I have met one other back in August and I can say it was wonderful. Donna was everything I thought she would be and more. Tonight I will meet Stone/Sharon . Donna had recommended that we become friends through MFP and it has been great. I am so looking forward to the day when I can meet all of you. I appreciate all of your love and support. I could not be here without you.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I have been keeping up with everyone's post dispite my not chimming in as of late. It seems everyone is motivated & back on track after the Holidays. For myself I would say only about a 50% effort. I really have no reason why. I have been back to running on the dreadmill, but need to put more focus on the suger intake.

    How is everyone fairing the flu season? I work in the medical field & the office has been hit hard. My area of cardiology has Dr's schedules hard hit with cancelations. The other areas of the building have lots of staff out sick & busy schedules. I am hoping I can avoid getting sick We are constantly sanitizing & my hands are getting dry from the constant use of hand sanitizer. Speaking of which I think I better do my own home tonight.

    Do you all remember my story of the woman I had difficulty with at work. The one who will not speak with me, or even look at me & did not acknowledge the christmas gift I gave her. Today I was called to my supervisors office to discuss the situation. It seems other people had noticed & had gone to the supervisor about it. This woman told the supervisor her beef with me goes back to when I went thru my divorce, that I was "nasty" and she will never forgive me for it. The supervisor asked her what it was all about & she relayed "I do not remember, but will never foregive her for it" . My divorce was 7 YEARS AGO! Basically my supervisor told me to ignore this person, make all my contact with her just professional and that this person has been stearnly warned that I could go to human resources and above it I wanted to file a complaint. She went on to tell me If I even thought of giving this person a gift next year she would break my hands.

    While I acknowledge you can not rationalize with this person, I have always tried to treat people with kindness & respect. Did any of your mothers tell you as a child to mind your P's & Q's? Mine did & It has stuck with me thru life. I am confused & still frustrated at the situation. Do any of you have any advise?
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Bisland, keep treating the lady with respect and recognize how she accepts it is a reflection on Her and not you. Thebest thing to do to someone who has decided to dislike you is to show that their antipathy has no impact on you what so ever. If you continue to act as if this lady's attitude doesn't bother you,one day you will realize you can truly and completely not care how she treats you! If her attitude impacts your work, you need to talk to your supervisor again. Not easy, but you can do it, and you can always vent to all of us!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Howdy Ho Hatters!

    Sorry I've been MIA, working days this week and I leave tomorrow on vacation so I've been trying to get everything washed and sorted and the place relatively cleaned out afore I go.. I have been reading everything tho even if I haven't had a chance to post!

    I won't be logging in while I'm gone; the roaming and rate charges on a cellphone here in Canada are from what I understand the highest in the world (i hear in the states you guys can call state to state even for free sometimes?? That would be way cool lol... anyway I'll just have the techs reset my logging days when I come back, but just didn't want any of you to think I've bailed LOL.. I'll be thinking of all of you (probably at every meal, and every time I haul my butt out of the lounger to work off some calories!) Have a great week and see ya'll when I get back - keep the home fires burning, k?

    Bis: the chick at work is a total whackjob. Dont waste any more of your lovely life thinking about her at all! (ok, that was my un-politcally correct comment) but my previous opinion stands from the original post... as HSH said too; treat her cordially and professionally when you HAVE to deal with her.. but consider her no more important than your belly button lint in the big picture. You won't change her mind, so shrug it off as her loss and give your time and attention to those co workers you enjoy being with (plus the more you laugh and are obviously having a good time at work, the more it will annoy the crap outta her.. side bonus only lol). PS: you're not the only one struggling wth getting back on track; but you've worked way too hard and accomplished far too much to stop now... hang in there sweetie.. and just take it one day at a time - one meal at a time and you will soon be back where ya wanna be!

    Tonya: while I'm looking forward to temps around 31C (HOT in farenheit i think lol)... I dont know what the heck im gonna do if a hot flash hits while I'm there!! Here I can open a window and instant cold.. there I might have to stick my head in the room fridge! How was the meet with your MFP friend Stone???

    Janet: I'm an avid reader, but as my commute is rather short I've never tried an audio book; I haven't read any of the classics over again but might be an idea for a nwe perspective as you said!

    Tammy: nope cant say as I have smelled what 20 PE students are like.. at least not since I was ONE of them LOL.. do they make a Fabreeze for PE???

    Time2: glad you're enjoying the protein shakes.... now that the stairs at work are under construction I miss seeing the Stair Mistress posts I must say LOL.. and I'm still planning an okra run one day!

    Seehee: so glad to hear Jake is all better.. both of you had a bad night for sure!! Saw you and Tammy and CBM all had losses today; AWESOME!!! doing the happy feet dance for all of ya!! Thanks so much for doing the pics for us all btw.. you are a peach!!

    Lassie and Patrice.. you two are doing great.. so proud of both of you.. and I admit I chuckle every time I see the Bikini DVD (because of our trip name being "Bikinis - No Weenies!" and when I see DUCK pond walk.. yep.. i still picture P doinga duck walk..
    what can I say LOL :bigsmile:

    K.. better get back to work.. see ya'll in the morning and have a great weekend Hatters!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Well, I can hear Snoozie, ~`giggle-snorting~~ all the way over here.. I know she is having such a fabulous time. Did she take her sunscreen?? I don't know , but I know she took that wide brimmed hat to read by the pool, while she's throwing back a drink or three....I hope so any way.

    I have a friend to introduce that just recently joined our group..Summer17, I hope you like it here. We have such a wonderful group of girls that stop by to post most days. We just pop in and out letting everyone in on your Day or maybe a commical event( tonya's puppies and bra's ) . I f you just need to vent ...we do that too. Snoozie or Janet or anyone else, usually starts us a page to post on for a week or month ,whichever.. We would love to hear a little bit about you.

    I'm still yo yoing up and down with my lbs... I still eat too much at night. I'm trying to eat a larger meal at lunch and my protein drink for dinner...I hope this works. I've got 9 weeks until vacation...And I tried on my suit I bought last year...still not a great fit, but I can wear it.. If the "girls " (as Tonya says) weren't so Big!! They just get in the way!
    I mentioned to Babe that a woman at work got hers reduced for $130 with insurance. He didn't seem as excited as I was ... I told he'd feel different if he had to carry them around all the time....Men!!

    Best wishes for the week...

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    ..Oooops, sorry, It's Summergirl17.

    While I'm here....Bis, I feel for you with that woman, I find it hard to work under such conditions... but Janet is right , I agree with her, just act like she doesn't bother you a bit.
    she's the one with the problem..... to hold a grudge for 7 yrs!! Sounds like a snapping turtle to me .....snaps at anything and never lets go!!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies, and Time you discribed her well. She is a snapping turtle.

    Welcome Summergirl 17, glad to have you join the group.

    It has been unseasonably warm hear in New Enlgand, but a rather damp & gloomy weekend. After donating blood J & I ventured to a local barrier Island yesterday & walked the beach. The island has been suffering a lot erosion over the past couple of years & 3 more homes were condemed recently. 20 feet of dunes lost in 30 minutes during a storm 2 weeks ago & now million dollar homes about to be washed into the sea. Growing up in the area I used to go to the beach here all the time, it's sad to see how the beaches have been disapearing. Walking in the damp sand used different muscles & my legs felt it last night. No formal exercise today, but lots of heavy house chores. Getting ready to do some painting, stipped wall paper & washing walls, have left my arms tired, but in the end it will all be worth it.

    I trust Snooozie is having a great time. Speaking of Snooozie, does anyone remember the story behind her name? Just curious.

    Have a great evening all!!!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Totally relate bisland. Would you believe we turn the a/c on last night to cool the house down before retiring for the night? Jan and a/c something is wrong with that !!! I can only imagine what we have coming this summer but before then, tomorrow even they have forecast snow? A/c yesterday and snow tomorrow (shakes head) :noway:

    I can just hear Snoozie giggling and having a sharp reply for the crazy with the 7 yr grudge. I have to say REALLY it is so important she can't remember what only to stay mad !!!! What a sad life she must lead to have nothing better to do with her life. But in all honesty I think she must be in need of some serious prayers.

    Well we have flood warning again tonight so maybe if I cross everything no school tomorrow again !!! Is that wrong? Yeah I know but would just really enjoy getting caught up on a few things around here.

    Hope everyone has a great week !!!!