What are your goals

psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
To increase accountability and to help motivate people, i thought I would post my short and long term goals. I would love to hear what yours are too..

Short Term (3-6 Months)
1. Complete 1 round of Les Mills Combat (ultimate warrior set) with up to 10 lbs of fat loss
2. Eliminate diet soda and all drinks with artificial sweetners
3. Reduce supplements and improve nutrition to eat more natural foods.

Long Term (6-9 months)
1. Abs - this is my ultimate goal by Mid-Late June (vacation)
2. Clean up my eating - increase whole food intake, decrease processed foods and drinks.


  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member

    These are my fitness related goals, mostly, for this year.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Lose 10 lbs of mostly fat
    Preserve lean muscle mass
    Reduce BF% to 17%
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Don't really have any body composition goals other than get bigger and looked jacked. I'd like to eventually bench 3 plates and pull 4, but that will take a while. Can't squat due to knee currently...
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Bulk until about mid April, then cut down to (hopefully) single digit body fat by June. Reassess then.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Gain Muscle Mass/decrease fat.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Gain Muscle Mass/decrease fat.


    to be my best one day at a time.
    and look good naked.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Short-term (3 months)

    - get down to a low enough BF% to bulk (probably need to be down about 2 - 3% more)
    - lifting:
    - get the big plate on for my bench
    - squat 1.5x BW
    - get 3 big plates on for my deadlift
    - OHP over 100lb
    - run/walk 5k in less than 30 minutes (only because I was tricked into doing it!)


    - keep doing bulk/cut cycles until I am happy with my body composition
    - I am not sure what my potential is for lifting so just want to keep progressing
  • AyySixPack
    AyySixPack Posts: 144 Member
    Achieve my six pack that I've been dying for.
    Once that is complete I will go on a nice clean bulk to make some more gains everywhere esle.
    Nd progress in my sport by pushing myself nd working harder to better myself overall nd stabalize a solid jumpshot! :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Short-term (3 months)

    - get down to a low enough BF% to bulk (probably need to be down about 2 - 3% more)
    - lifting:
    - get the big plate on for my bench
    - squat 1.5x BW
    - get 3 big plates on for my deadlift
    - OHP over 100lb
    - run/walk 5k in less than 30 minutes (only because I was tricked into doing it!)


    - keep doing bulk/cut cycles until I am happy with my body composition
    - I am not sure what my potential is for lifting so just want to keep progressing

    I just laughed out loud at this. 1.5xBW? Am I understanding that right? 1.5*BW in weights on top of you? 'Cause I squat like .08 lol. *cries* I just looked up a video of someone doing their body weight and I am super impressed. That's incredible.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Short Term (until mid-Feb):
    - 475+ lb CF Total (back squat + OHP + deadlift)
    - lower BF% to <25%, Bod Pod appointment for mid-Feb
    - increase speed for running (speedwork workouts twice a week)
    - bench press 100+ lbs

    Longer Term (6 months):
    - Long Island Marathon, Half Marathon, 5/5/13, sub 2:15:00
    - lower BF% to ~20% by half marathon
    - 500+ lb CF Total

    Long Term (big picture):
    - No more ED issues, binges included
    - try a tri :) Tri for the Cure
    - BCF Showdown in August, first CrossFit competition
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    1). Reach my goal weight
    2) Maintain my weight
    3). Design my own personal resistance workout
    4). Do it! And keep a diary of my workouts and progress.
    5). Run 3 times a week and run the 10 km Vancouver Sun Run in April. ( this is something I do every year complete with champagne and jello shooters after the race)
    6). That reminds me, cut back on alcohol consumption, use ibuprophen and prescription drugs for pain:)
    7). Go into surgery with no inflammation ( from proper rest and physio) and achieve optimal recovery afterwards. (No shoulder pain, build rotator cuff muscles and pour coffee with my right hand again:). )

    I anticipate that 2) maintain my weight will be the trickiest, I've never deliberately done this before
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Short-term (3 months)

    - get down to a low enough BF% to bulk (probably need to be down about 2 - 3% more)
    - lifting:
    - get the big plate on for my bench
    - squat 1.5x BW
    - get 3 big plates on for my deadlift
    - OHP over 100lb
    - run/walk 5k in less than 30 minutes (only because I was tricked into doing it!)


    - keep doing bulk/cut cycles until I am happy with my body composition
    - I am not sure what my potential is for lifting so just want to keep progressing

    I just laughed out loud at this. 1.5xBW? Am I understanding that right? 1.5*BW in weights on top of you? 'Cause I squat like .08 lol. *cries* I just looked up a video of someone doing their body weight and I am super impressed. That's incredible.

    :smile: Yes - I can currently do 1.4x BW but I am not expecting to up it too much over the next couple of months while cutting more. And thanks.

    It really just takes doing it enough and making sure your form is good to improve your stats. Watch loads of videos and read loads to get your form down. Eating a decent amount helps too. :wink:
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    When I set time contraints I get over stressed and usually fail, but goals are. . .

    1.) healthier relationship with food and eating
    2.) build up my bench/overhead press
    3.) gain overall strength
    4.) eat more natural foods for nutrients sake
    5.) sleep better
    6.) lower sweetener intake
    7.) educate myself
    8.) learn to feel good about myself
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Squat bodyweight

    lower body fat, eventually to 20-22%

    run a consistent 8 or 9 minute mile.....Not that you guys gaf about that. :)

    be able to see all of my abs.....not just 4, under a bunch of fat. lol
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    oh, and do more than 5 pull ups.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    oh, and do more than 5 pull ups.

    Ooo - thats a good one. I think I am going to include a chin/pull up goal also.
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    OK, so I am a bit embarrassed by my measly goals to compared with some that have been posted, however here goes :ohwell:

    In the next 3 months : 1. Reduce my body fat levels to under 30% (dependant on the DEXA scan at the end of this month, I will get more specific then).
    2. Complete a set of walking lunges,
    3. Average 10 000 steps per day ( guess who got a Fitbit for Xmas ? :wink:)

    Of course my ultimate aim is to look more like Sarauk2sf, and less like Mr Blobby!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Most of my goals aren't specific to any time frame - the only one that is specific is that I would like to run 1000 miles in 2013. I'm closer to some than to others but what I generally do is set a new goal as soon as I reach one.

    Finish a Half Marathon in less than 2 hours (current PR is 2:21:41)
    Finish a 10K in less than 50 minutes (current PR is 54:41)
    Finish a 5K in less than 23:00 (current unofficial PR is 24:03, official is 25:23)
    Do ten consecutive pull-ups (I might be able to do one right now but I haven't tried in a while)
    Bench Press 225x5
    Squat 285x5
    Deadlift 315x5
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    - My general goal is to maintain what I accomplished this year.
    - I also want to stay in the 15 - 17% BF% range, preferably closer to 15%.
    - I am also not sure of my lifting potential so I will continue working towards that. Baby steps.
    - I think that is it. Not many goals but I am sure I will find more as the year progresses.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    My biggest goal is to maintain balance and keep a zen approach to my fitness. I'm horrible with specific fitness goals because my motivation doesn't tend to work that way. I know...lame, but at this point in my life, that is how it is. If I have to nail down some specific, tangible goals other than that, it would be:

    - to hold my handstands for much longer with control
    -hike the Manitou incline in less than 35 minutes (my best is 36 minutes)
    -hike Pike's Peak this year
    - have enough zumba choreography down to certify and be able to teach two different classes worth of choreography
    - improve my lifts, even if by a little (lifting is not my top priority)