What are your goals



  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    - My general goal is to maintain what I accomplished this year.
    - I also want to stay in the 15 - 17% BF% range, preferably closer to 15%.
    - I am also not sure of my lifting potential so I will continue working towards that. Baby steps.
    - I think that is it. Not many goals but I am sure I will find more as the year progresses.

    I am adding "Jumping Rope" Today I discovered I can't do a good job at jumping rope. LOL
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    This is a great thread - I like this thanks!

    2013 goal: let go of stress and choose to be happy!

    January goals:
    - Exercise every day
    - Move over 10,000 steps every single day
    - Run minimum 1x a week
    - Start heavier weightlifting with our home bench and weights - I'm looking forward to Sarah's thread on this! I will do this about 3x a week.
    - start a new cardio/circuit dvd program like turbofire
    - read Eat to Live

    Medium-term goal: reach 150 pounds by mid-March at the latest and then goal weight of 140 pounds. Lower bf% (I don't know to what).

    I haven't lost much weight in 6 weeks, so I also need to tweak something with my diet, but I'm not sure what (any ideas are welcome!). Increase or decrease cals or leave them the same? Someone said I might be loging inaccurately but I'm already doing the best I can so I don't know how to improve that? Eat even cleaner than I already am? Eat out less? (I think I'll try this because restaurant food is harder to log.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I haven't lost much weight in 6 weeks, so I also need to tweak something with my diet, but I'm not sure what (any ideas are welcome!). Increase or decrease cals or leave them the same? Someone said I might be loging inaccurately but I'm already doing the best I can so I don't know how to improve that? Eat even cleaner than I already am? Eat out less? (I think I'll try this because restaurant food is harder to log.)

    Moved question to here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/817167-asking-questions-about-your-intake-providing-info? to keep thread re goals.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Long term:

    DL x 5: 300 lbs
    Squat x5: 225 lbs
    Bench x 5: body weight + 20%

    5k Run time: <25 mins

    10 pullups in a row is also something I'd love to be able to do someday.

    I also have about 40 more lbs to lose (assuming I end up close to my pre-baby weight post-partum).

    My timeline is really up in the air at the moment, but I'm hoping to at least hit my weight goal (or be within 5 lbs of it) by the end of 2013, though it's pretty ambitious given that I likely won't be able to start losing and regularly training until May.

    Eventually, I'd like to be about 145 with 15-17% body fat (I'm 5'8"), but that is at least a full two years away conservatively.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    3 months - complete Cathe's STS program
    6 months - complete 2nd round of STS, hopefully with increased weights/1RMs from the first round

    Longer term/ongoing goals:
    - be able to do at least 1 pull up
    - get over the mental hurdle of intentionally gaining weight and do my first bulk
    - find a good lifting gym and trainer
    - be able to pistol squat
    - fit in more pilates/yoga/stretching to improve flexibility
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Deadlift 200kg / 440lbs
    Squat 150kg / 330lbs
    Get visible abs for the first time in my life.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    So I think my eating plan for Jan. 6-19 will be the following: 1) eat out maximum 1x a week, including lunch at work, takeout or date night, because that's the hardest to log accurately. 2) lower to 1350 cals a day. Maybe this will break my plateau - your thoughts?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So I think my eating plan for Jan. 6-19 will be the following: 1) eat out maximum 1x a week, including lunch at work, takeout or date night, because that's the hardest to log accurately. 2) lower to 1350 cals a day. Maybe this will break my plateau - your thoughts?

    I moved your original question to another thread - see here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/817167-asking-questions-about-your-intake-providing-info?
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I am happy with how my strength is improving on all my lifts except my squat. This lift has always been my nemesis and I would like to master the form and see major improvements in weight increases. Seriously would like to add a 100lbs to this lift this year.

    I would like to add around 8lbs of muscle while remaining under 15% BF this year. I am planning 4 month bulks followed by a 2 month cutting cycles. If I keep calories and macros under control this should be doable.

    I started working out to look better and get bigger. That is still my main goal. My ultimate goal is to be around 180lbs lean. This should take me around 2 years. I have never wanted to be a power lifter but my newest/secondary goal is to have some functional strength to go along with the mass increase.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    (1) I want to figure out what is wrong with my squat form and get back to gains on that.

    (2) 8:00 min mile

    (3) 26:00 min 5k

    (4) 54:00 min 10k

    (5) All that should come along with about 10-15 lbs of weight loss and 5% body fat loss barring disaster.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    1) Squat 1.5x bodyweight.
    2) Deadlift 300+ lbs.
    3) Bench Press 150 lbs.
    4a) Get body fat low enough to see abs!
    4b) If not enough muscle to have abs, get body fat low and then start a bulk!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Stick to lifting 3 times a week even in a few months when it's gonna be harder to find time.
    Lose some fat, keep as much muscle as possible.Slow and steady.
    1.5 body weight deadlift
    Heavier squats in a few months when i'll have access to a squat rack.
    Long term goal: visible abs. This will most likely not happen even when i get to my weigh goal/body fat because i might not have enough muscle. My plan is, once i get there will start a slow bulk to try and increase muscle mass.
    My whole life i was or wanted to be skinny. Now i want to be strong.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Short term:

    Lose the 10 lbs I gained during bulk (8 more to go).
    Continue to workout 4-5 x week

    Long term:

    Drop to 20% bf
    Bulk/cut until I have nice big legs and no belly
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    -Lose 15-20lbs of fat
    -Squat my body weight (currently at 84%!!)
    -Deadlift my body weight (currently at 76%!)
    -Drop (at least) 1 pant size
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I am trying to get my body fat % down, i am pretty thin & have seen some gains in muscle definition in most areas of my body over the past couple months, but my stomach is my fat storage area. I can't seem to shed the weight from there and the more defined the rest of me gets it almost looks worse than before, i hope that is just an awkward stage & one day i will drop the lbs from my gut....

    I haven't set any time limits on myself because i'm not sure what is realistic for me. I want to build up to lifting "real" weight again but i have to take it very slow for fear of injury (I have a previous shoulder/neck injury that rears it's ugly head when i try to increase weight too fast or if i push too hard with upper body workouts. I don't want to end up immobilized with a chronic stiff neck & back spasms because i was impatient....)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women...or to get down below 25% body fat.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I tend to set goals after reaching the last ( keeps my head clear )

    My goal as of now is to get my big three over 1,000 combined, Currently at 910. I just started 5/3/1 to help me get to this goal.

    Then we will see what the next goal will be.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I am trying to get my body fat % down, i am pretty thin & have seen some gains in muscle definition in most areas of my body over the past couple months, but my stomach is my fat storage area. I can't seem to shed the weight from there and the more defined the rest of me gets it almost looks worse than before, i hope that is just an awkward stage & one day i will drop the lbs from my gut....

    I haven't set any time limits on myself because i'm not sure what is realistic for me. I want to build up to lifting "real" weight again but i have to take it very slow for fear of injury (I have a previous shoulder/neck injury that rears it's ugly head when i try to increase weight too fast or if i push too hard with upper body workouts. I don't want to end up immobilized with a chronic stiff neck & back spasms because i was impatient....)

    Depending on how "thin" you are, you might have to do a bulk stage to see the definition. If you don't have enough muscle to protrude through your skin, you will never see it. Sometimes a bulk phase, adding 10-20 lbs of muscle can do wonders for definition.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I am trying to get my body fat % down, i am pretty thin & have seen some gains in muscle definition in most areas of my body over the past couple months, but my stomach is my fat storage area. I can't seem to shed the weight from there and the more defined the rest of me gets it almost looks worse than before, i hope that is just an awkward stage & one day i will drop the lbs from my gut....

    I haven't set any time limits on myself because i'm not sure what is realistic for me. I want to build up to lifting "real" weight again but i have to take it very slow for fear of injury (I have a previous shoulder/neck injury that rears it's ugly head when i try to increase weight too fast or if i push too hard with upper body workouts. I don't want to end up immobilized with a chronic stiff neck & back spasms because i was impatient....)

    Depending on how "thin" you are, you might have to do a bulk stage to see the definition. If you don't have enough muscle to protrude through your skin, you will never see it. Sometimes a bulk phase, adding 10-20 lbs of muscle can do wonders for definition.

    yeah, i'm pretty skinny. What some would say is "too skinny", at least i heard that phrase plenty throughout my life. Basically if I don't work out to put some meat on my bones then I have virtually no shape to me (well, except now that i'm older i get a fat tummy. I always wanted some more curves, but not there!).

    In the past when i lifted heavier weights i put on muscle & looked and felt great. I want that bod back! I am just afraid to set any weight increase goals right now. Having to force myself not to increase as fast as i normally would is hard for me, but my problems from my injury are lingering so i think it best for the next few weeks to take it real slow....
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    By my anniversary - 5/29

    Be in good enough shape to WANT to go to a beach for a vacation
    Find the abs that are hiding under my belly
    Catch my chest, back and arms up to the shape my delts already have
    Have people at work start asking me what I'm doing instead of poking fun at me (they joke that my stomach gets to work earlier and earlier than i do)

    Be healthy, enjoy lifting AND eating and don't feel like I have to kill myself on P90x, Insanity or the like