No more Late Night Snacking - January 2013



  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Late night was a go!

    ME: 3
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    LNS: 0

    I am a bit sore from my second training session of C25K, but, the soreness is something WELCOMED, cause after it is gone, I will be that much more toned and STRONG (smile).

    **Mar** Wonderful determination :bigsmile: That is why I am here. Those darn Ritz crackers called my name the other night, and I succumbed, but, only had a few cause it was nearing 8pm...and that number on the clock is my time to quit. It *is* a great feeling.

    **Wlhanisch** Glad for your post. It took me a good two months to stop LNS'ing, and the BENEFIT was I was no longer on a plateau, and moving down in weight loss again. You will do it. Our accountability is to ourselves...and it is NICE that others here are in GREAT support. (smile)

    **Kate** are doing AWESOMELY!! (big smile)

    Everyone is doing great for the 5th day of the New Year! :drinker:

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me: 4
    LNS: 0

    So happy about that. Now, I just need to curb my frenetic snacking during the rest of the day.:ohwell:
    Enjoy the week-end.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Even though I only had a quick look through the posts, I :love:d reading them :smile: Well done everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I am happy to report also:
    Me: 4 - LNS: 0
    and to say that it's not always a "piece of cake" doing it. But I think of you and that helps :wink:.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Another great day, just because I knew I had to report in and I wanted to put a 0 again. Funny how this one little digit can have power over cravings that I'd struggled with for years. I did pick up the rest of my morning tortilla after yoga today and ate it without thinking. But that was in the a.m.

    Me: 5
    LNS: 0
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Dewdrop: and to say that it's not always a "piece of cake" doing it. But I think of you and that helps .

    This is my point exactly!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    marpeters, I couldn't agree more. Thank goodness for this challenge. 9:30p.m. stops me in my tracks. I, too, dread having to report in the LNS column so I stay far away from the kitchen. During the months I had skipped this challenge, I would just eat mindlessly. Now, I feel so good about sticking with this challenge. The positive reinforcement really helps to keep going.

    Me: 5
    LNS: 0

    Enjoy Sunday everyone and good luck this coming week. :flowerforyou:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 5
    LNS: 0

    Getting ready to go to the gym an fulfill my C25K W1D3 obligation (Week 1, Day 3)...I have really enjoyed this training so far! Yesterday, I had a blast being with my family for my Uncles 70th birthday. We ate Chinese Buffet, and though I did NOT overeat, I had one piece of fried chicken leg, and fried rice, bringing my weight this morning to 8 oz above what I weighed yesterday. lol...I know I shouldn't pay attention to the scale from day to day...and those extra oz's don't bother me, cause I know it is sodium retention. Tomorrow, I am expecting to be down again. I had a Grande Soy Chai Tea to end my day...and ate NOTHING after 4pm cause I was sooo full.

    **Zaza** sooo happy to see your posts. Yes, this forum does give us ACCOUNTABILITY :bigsmile:

    **Mar** PROUD of you! You are doing sooo WONDERFULLY WELL :love:

    **Dewdrop** Magnificent :flowerforyou: Congrats on staying ZERO on Day 5 of our New Year!! WTG

    Everyone is doing Grrrreat!!!

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    ZAZA54....that was me tonight. I was just craving food. Don't know why. Stayed downstairs and watched Top Chief Seattle, Next Iron Chef and Sweet Genius. Opps...maybe I was watching too much food! Didn't think of that til now. Funny!!!

    Anyways....I am proud to report Me: 6, LNS 0
    Tonight it was a little tougher. Does it get easier?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    marpeters, sorry to disappoint you, but (at least for me) there will still be nights when this is going to be really hard. I've been at this for long and I still fall at times. Many times. The past two nights have been hard, but I've also be tough :wink: (read strong at it):

    Me: 6 - LNS: 0

    Almost a week into it! You ladies are doing awesome! :flowerforyou:. Remember to stick with it even when you fail - this only proves that this is real and hard, but you are getting back on the wagon :smile:.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 4
    LNS: 2

    What a crappy start to the month! I'll be glad to go on vacay when there is NO pantry in my room and I can just KNOCK IT OFF! Gosh, it's been BRUTAL fighting the night-time munchies thus far!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 6
    LNS: 0

    You gals are doing fantastically. **Mar** one time I had the cravings sooo bad. I spend at LEAST an hour perusing through the MFP boards to keep my mind off food. I had *different* kind of day yesterday, snacking on those high calorie carbs but oddly and happily staying within my calorie count. Today I am back on track...and happy :) Thanks for sticking with us :)

    **Dewdrop** Way to go on your accountability...still at "0"...High Fives :drinker:
    **Mar** PROUD of you! You are doing sooo WONDERFULLY WELL :love:
    **ZaZa** Keep on keepin' on:wink:
    **Beeps** We just keep trying...thanks for coming in and reporting :flowerforyou:

    Everyone is doing Grrrreat cause you are here. I noticed we have some newcomers who haven't posted. I hope you all will share your challenges..we are here to SUPPORT! WELCOME!!

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I have been to busy to post but as of this morning here are my stats.


    I am also proud to say that even thought I thought I would be basking in the snacks at the hockey game box, I ate my supper and that was the end of that.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Wow...great going everyone. Loved to see wilhanisch did well at the hockey game...MAJOR WIN....

    Keep up the fight, Beeps...can you just leave the kitchen area and NOT come back...?

    I just got soooo hungry tonight after work that I came home and ate dinner at 4:30. Went to the gym, exercised, watched a movie and am headed to bed with no desire to eat. Maybe I need an early dinner every night. Who knows.

    Good luck tomorrow everyone. You can do this!!!
    LNS: 0
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    High5, Debi :wink::
    Me: 7 - LNS: 0

    Beeps, you are highly successful! How would you stand without the challenge? Did the LNS take over? Not by far! Keep it this way - show them who's in charge! :flowerforyou: - you can do it!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me: 7
    LNS: 0

    mar, you made me laugh about the cooking shows. I like watching them,too, but they are dangerous.:laugh:

    wlhanisch, good for you avoiding snacks at hockey! :flowerforyou: I remember taking my boys and I couldn't pass up hot chocolate during their games.

    I think what is helping me now is having a late cut-off of 9:30. I got through the first week pretty easily so I am moving my cut-off time to 9:15 p.m. On nights out, I will still keep it at 11:30.

    Got to get moving - have a good day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 5
    LNS: 2

    All of your suggestions are very good. Alas, I *know* the reason for pantry raids and, it is spelled T-O-M. Now that it has come and gone, I expect a relatively easy January!

    And, for me, having a "0" for LNS isn't my goal.....because, sometimes I "plan" for popcorn! But, undoubtedly, BOTH my LNS points, so far, this month, have been COMPLETELY unplanned and, frankly, were TOO much food ingested in TOO short a time and WAY too late in the day! It's period-related....I get it....
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I am ready to hit the hay one I post here and on one more board. I know I will only be grabbing a glass of water to accompany me to my room.... so I can safely add last night and tonight to my stats...

    ME: 7
    LNS: 1

    So glad to see how supportive everyone is here. I definitely like the "supportive" boards vs. the "I wanna beat myself up mentally for my flaws" boards.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 7
    LNS: 0

    Was successful with Week 2, Day 1 of my C25K training. Looking forward to becoming stronger with sustained stamina :smile:

    **wlhanisch** Thanks for your input re: Support Boards...and I feel the same way...POSITIVE for me is always the better way to go :) Glad you are enjoying the forum along side of all of us :happy:
    **Dewdrop** Way to go on your accountability...still at "0" and it is already for Jan 7...High Fives :drinker:
    **Mar** You have assimilated sooo well here...and glad of it!
    **ZaZa** "Got to get movin" is sooo true!!
    **Beeps** Planning is everything, so when something isn't...everything goes into a tizzy. Planning for the unplanned may be a plan :ohwell: :happy:

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    hello peeps:smile:

    I am doing pretty well so far. In fact its 100% to me :wink:

    LNS 0:laugh:
    Me 8 :love:

    I am trying to stick with no processed cakes this year. If someone has cooked a lovely fresh cake than I will happily eat some but cakes out of packets are out. I am trying to keep off the sugar and floury stuff where possible too but did not do so well yesterday with lots of ginger cookies and breadsticks!!:ohwell:

    Yesterday we had a joint lunch at work. I always take my own which means I can stick to being healthy and portion controlled. Whereas yesterday a couple of people had bought vegetarian quiches especially for me so I indulged...a lot. Then when I got home I stuffed lots of houmous, gaucamole and bread sticks. But today I am back on track :drinker:

    well done ladies. Everyone is doing great :flowerforyou: