No more Late Night Snacking - January 2013



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 8 - LNS: 0
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Great job everyone!! :flowerforyou:
    I am SO motivated by all of you and this challenge. I think of you every night!:laugh:

    Then every morning I have a big grin on my face (even though I am still not completely on track) because this challenge works!!! The scale is creeping down. :happy:

    Me: 8
    LNS: 0

    Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 6
    LNS: 2
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hello all you voices in my head....that's right. You all are living in my head and help me keep from eating at night. Thanks so much for wanting to share and involve yourselves. It's working for me too...scale is going down.

    Katemateg: great job....I find eating other people's food to be hard too. It's ok to have a big day. Actually, some people think you should over eat every once in a while to jump your metabolism.

    Dewdrop: super job.
    Beeps..super job
    Deb...great as always....

    Let's finish out the week on the winning side!!!
    Me 8
    LNS 0
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 8
    LNS: 0

    Had a WONDERFUL day today with strolling my grandkids in the double stroller and walking my granddog..:bigsmile: I found a park and play structure for my grandson to spend time in the future...and I loved the hills that I have to challenge to get there. Just came in from a meeting, and for some reason I am HUNGRY. Will enjoy my hot tea as lend my SUPPORT :happy: then turn in for the night :smile:

    **Mar** I just *love* your Cheerleading :):)
    **Beeps** Great accountability
    **Zaza** I am MOTIVATED that everyone is, too :):)
    **Dewdrop** WTG :drinker:
    **Kate** with all your running and calorie burning in the 4 deserved your day today :happy:

    I hope others are checking in that we haven't heard from. Accountability is Fantastic :):) ...and NOT wanting to LNS will BE TRUE one day...I got there :bigsmile:

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Mar, you've totally gotten the spirit here. These voices in our heads (or to me the thought of the story I have to tell the next day) is what keeps us off the late snacks/binges.

    Zaza, I am really impressed - this is the "you'" that I got to know a while ago :flowerforyou:. I always love to have you back in the challenge, more so when you are doing this great!

    Deb, thanks for taking the time to mention each of us :heart: and support us. That means a lot! You know it, right? :wink:

    Kate, wtg on "no processed" sweets! I for one cannot go cold turkey on sugary stuff, but then why put also all the other chemicals in my body?! There were many times in my life when after a few week's break, chocolate didn't even taste that well... Now after a "readjustment" after Christmas, I am afraid that it tastes well again, but I am also proud to say that I still have lots left and seem to eat sweets slowlier... I drink tea when I feel knocked down or under stress and not having sweets handy helps :wink:.

    Beeps, so happy to see that you are back on track. Goodbye, Tom! For a while. I am in the same boat, btw, with this "friend" of ours.

    Last, but not necessarily least, I almost failed last night, but then I actually didn't :happy: (admittedly, I had 3 dried apricots right after 8 o'clock, but since my "plan" of failing the night afterwards failed itself, I will not count those). So it's
    Me: 9 - LNS: 0

    Have a lovely day, ladies! We're speeding downhill towards weekend! :happy:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Hi everyone! I'm back! It's been so tough to get back into the groove after 3 weeks away and then going back to work. Blah. Anyway, I actually have been doing great this month with no LNS and my score is:

    Me: 9
    LNS: 0

    Great to see some new folks this month too!!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: [9] oops forgot to input my number :laugh:
    LNS: 0

    Hi Everyone, I have to share that I stepped on the scale this morning, and I am ONE POUND away from my Weight Goal. Right after I saw this, my old habits of wanting to sabotage my good work came into play. I wanted JUNK FOOD...and that is the way I sabotage my efforts. It is my personal battle with my mind and body. lol...soooo thanks to MFP, I began perusing for members who talked about THEIR demons of being a Junk Food Junkie. Meanwhile, I found an apple to eat. I prepared a marinated chicken breast and brocolli...and now I am FULL again...with no thoughts to be "bad". :laugh: (thank goodness)...cause it *is* no laughing matter. The only saving grace I can rely now is No LNS'ing...thanks to this forum and all of you :bigsmile: I get to do my C25K W2D2...YAY!! Will report tomorrow :)

    **Kris** Welcome Back!! We are sooo happy you made it through to be here :bigsmile:

    Everyone is doing sooo well! It *is* one day at a time :):)

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Deb...Way to face those demons and show them whose BOSS!!! You were so smart to seek out others and their stories. I think its the stories that help me see that I can actually meet my goal. If someone else can then so can we.

    Everyone is doing great.

    My story today: Was at Costco again and actually took a sample of roasted soy old favorite, realized that I was mindlessly going to eat it, checked to see if my stomach was hungry, decided that I still felt full from lunch and threw away the snack. I just don't want to eat unless I am really needing to. The cravings are less and less now after 10 days.

    Well here's hoping everyone will have a strong and successful tomorrow. Good night!
    Me: 10
    LNS: 0
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    need to try this again. Has knee replacement surgery in november and finally got the ok from physio to start going to the gym again. For me that is a huge part of staying on track with food. Needless to say i have not done well so far :sad: :sad:
    but i just had a big cup of tea so i think i will be done for the night....perhaps tonight can be my first success???
    LNS 9
    me 0
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Deb...Way to face those demons and show them whose BOSS!!! You were so smart to seek out others and their stories. I think its the stories that help me see that I can actually meet my goal. If someone else can then so can we.

    My story today: Was at Costco again and actually took a sample of roasted soy old favorite, realized that I was mindlessly going to eat it, checked to see if my stomach was hungry, decided that I still felt full from lunch and threw away the snack. I just don't want to eat unless I am really needing to. The cravings are less and less now after 10 days.

    Me: 10
    LNS: 0

    Grrreat job being 10 and 0 in your favor, Mar! I love that we are soo accountable here...and find myself excited to *report* the LNS'ing...cause I don't take it for granted! :noway: Of course, I've had it the other way, too...and like this much better. I appreciate your thoughts on my efforts to stay away from the junk food today. I know I shouldn't have it in the house, but, I *really* don't want the foods to bother me. If I had my druthers I would pick cheetos over carrots...:laugh: But, to have a healthy body is about making healthy choices, and having snacks that I won't eat mindlessly. I will have cheetos again...I just don't want them to haunt me if they happened to be in the pantry after a party or something. Just rambling! Thanks for your are always great support (big smile).
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    need to try this again. Has knee replacement surgery in november and finally got the ok from physio to start going to the gym again. For me that is a huge part of staying on track with food. Needless to say i have not done well so far :sad: :sad:
    but i just had a big cup of tea so i think i will be done for the night....perhaps tonight can be my first success???
    LNS 9
    me 0

    WELCOME back Karen :):) We are rooting for you that tonight you will accomplish NO LATE SNACKING (big smile)... :flowerforyou: Deb
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 10
    LNS: 0

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 10
    LNS: 0

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    finally had ONE eveing with NO late night snacking thanks to this thread!!
    LNS 9
    Me 1
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    ME: 8
    LNS: 2

    Tonight should go well.... As long as DH doesn't pop that popcorn... (I ate a ton of popcorn last night when I stayed 4 hours late at work to get my stuff done).... I did take in a total 24 grams of fiber.... 16 from popcorn (right along with 1600 grams of sodium)

    Good luck and good night MFP friends
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi everyone!!! sure doesn't let up does it. From popcorn to surgery to cheetos in the cupboard we are always faced with decisions. I had a really early morning (3:15) to get daughter back on plane to college. Walked in the snow up and down some pretty big hills and then just grazed for dinner...Took me about an hour to eat. Part of that I have to say was probably snacking...eating after I had finished what I'd gathered for dinner. But I stopped eating at 7:30...which was good. Really wanted to not just graze.... Early to bed tonight and off to a new day tomorrow. I just have to remember that every bite does count!!!

    Karen: This site has saved many a snack attacks for me. Glad you are here to start a new habit of EATING the way you want.
    Wilanisch: Dear me...Popcorn is my weakness. Sometimes my husband and I just have it for dinner. That way we aren't snacking....just eating something yummy for dinner.

    Have an inspired weekend to hold fast to your goals. You are WORTH all the trouble!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Popcorn is my FAVOURITE snack. I make it in a paperbag in the microwave!
    LNS 9
    me 2
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi!!! How are you doing with the weekend? I've stayed busy and out of the kitchen. I think that is a big key for me...just stay away from the food area. My husband just came home with two sugar free dark European chocolate bars. DARN HIM!!! Will have to save my pieces for tomorrow. I can do this...I can do this...I can do this...

    Well, have a super strong couple of days here. Let's call it another WIN!!!

    Me 12
    LNS 0
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 12
    LNS: 0

    Didn't get to do my C25K today, cause gone all day. Came home and *still* getting in my support, and now it is after midnight. Tired... Overate, but was able to stop before 8pm...Will be back in tomorrow night :)

    Keep up the great work, Everyone!!:drinker:
