Introduce yourself!



  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Hey ladies!

    My name is Kristie, I'm 26 years old (I'll be 27 in May) and I'm from New Jersey. I'm single, no kids, in school for my Master's degree (I graduate in May yayyyy!) and I work overnight shift which makes it really hard to meet anyone. My goal is to lose 110-120 lbs and I'm almost down 10 lbs.

    I'm not brave enough yet to put my starting weight on here or post pictures of my body just yet. Until I see a somewhat noticeable difference and have a before/after picture I don't plan on posting it yet.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like... the more support the better.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My name is Angel, I'm 42 years old from California. I've been married for 10 years but with my honey for 18. We have 2 kids 7 & 5. I have been overweight since I was in junior high. A few times I've tried to lose weight and the most I've lost is 25 pounds. I always gain it back, sometimes and then some. I started MFP (again) on January 14. My goal is to lose 140 pounds by Dec. 2014. This time I am committed to ditchng the weight. I am starting to have lots of aches and pains that prevent me from keeping up with my boys. While my body chemistry is still within normal ranges, my last blood tests showed those numbers moving closer to the unhealthy range. I don't want to be there. I'm also motivated because I need to cook healthy food for my husband who is trying to lose weight to control his high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • jessie2k1
    jessie2k1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, My name is Jessica. I live in Kentucky with my 2 beautiful girls and my wonderful husband. I am getting back on the bandwagon and am looking for someone to keep me motivated and keep me accountable. Hopefully you all can. :0) I am starting at a weight of 321, not my highest but not far from it. I really want to get to 199. I know it is still a high weight, but I just want to be in the 100's and we will go from there. :0) I am a substitute teacher and am finishing my education to become a teacher. I would welcome any and all encouragement :0)
  • mhogan83
    mhogan83 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there,
    My name is Melanie Hogan. I am working towards being healthy and losing this excess weight. Recently my daughter-in-love was in a tragic accident. She was in a neurological intensive care for weeks. During that time I was the caretaker for her 2 children. Abby is 2 and Timmy is 7 months. I realized that I must take care of me, too.
    I am the mother of 4 boys. Two of the boys are married and I have 2 grandchildren with #3 on the way in July. A friend and I meet every Wednesday morning to weigh in and check our progress, but I really need to be accountable through my fitness pal, too.
    All help is appreciated!!
    Looking forward to all that is to be accomplished!
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    *peeks in*

    Hi, I'm Dawn from Kentucky. I'm 51, 5'1 and 224 lbs *cringes*

    I've been married for 23 years and have two sons who are 22 and 21. I also have a 2 year old grandson :).

    I'm the nurturing type and, instead of taking care of myself, I've been watching out for everybody else which is one reason I'm about a 100 lbs overweight. I'd like to get down to 130 or maybe 125. I've always been a curvy girl even when I only weighed 100 lbs. I've been on MFP for a month now and have lost 6 lbs. I'm okay with taking 2 or even 3 years to lose the weight. I just hope it doesn't take 10 years!

    I'm looking forward to being inspired and motivated by others' successes and to some day inspiring and motivating others.

    *tip toes out*
  • rlv2
    rlv2 Posts: 21 Member

    I am Rebecca from Michigan... I am a mom to 2 boys and My husband and I have been married 22 years. All of my family members are thin and fit. I have been concerned about my weight for years. In fact I lost 50 pds a few years ago at WW but gained most of it back. I have continued to go to the gym and work out for the past 3 years but havent gotten my eating undercontrol until about 25 days ago. I wound like to lose 105 pounds but am setting a goal for myself of only 10 pds at a time... I really am looking forward to getting some support and helpful hints
  • kkgriggs
    kkgriggs Posts: 15 Member
    Hi My name is Kim, I live in Minnesota.I started at 299 and my goal is to lose 100lbs by December. I join MFP in Aug 2012and just hung out and read things. Then lost my connection until Dec 2012. Started changing my diet for healthier options. I have lost 8 lbs to date. My next step is to start some type of excerise program.My biggest roadblock is myself. I am not good at atlking about myself. So this is all I have for now.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    Welcome to our newer members. Jump in and get involved. Let's support each other together!
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    My name is Melissa and I live in Michigan. At 43 years old I've managed to get up to 249.8 lbs. I know how it happened even though I hate to admit I did it to myself. My whole family is made up of 'easy keepers'.

    After years of dieting, I am choosing not to do that anymore. It obviously hasn't worked. Forget it, I'm done dieting. My goal is to change my habits into healthy ones; the rest will follow.

    I joined awhile ago but life happened. Beginning my new lifestyle tomorrow morning, February 7th. I am tracking my weight using the tools on this site with a goal posted as 135 lbs. I'll just be happy to be able to avoid wearing the frumpy clothing in the fat lady section. You know what I'm talking about.
  • Tcameron75
    Tcameron75 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, My name is Taynay and I am a foodaholic. I have been sober for 4 months now and still have my cravings, but now I have the nutrition education and support that I need to get this 100 plus pounds out of here. I love life and want my outside to reflect all the excitement and joy that is inside. Glad to be part of something so fantastic. Look forward to speaking with all of you.
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    My name is Barbara Ann,I am 65, I live in Sequim, Wa with my hubby of 43 yrs and two Jack Russell Terriorists..... I have weighed over 200lbs since the birth of our twin sons over 42 yrs high weight was 319....the lowest I have ever been able to get was 204....I am the YO YO champion!!

    I am a carb addict, and I comfort eat to make my self feel better for any number of reasons, pain, emotions...I have all the excuses down pat for eating all the wrong things.

    I am working towards living in Onederland for the rest of whats left of my life! I am on the scale today at 268 and need some moral support and am willing to offer the same.:flowerforyou:
  • dialucious12
    Hi, I am 33 years old, about 285 lbs and live with my wonderful boyfriend in massechusettes...can't spell lol. I have been struggling with weight my whole life...having lost 98 lbs back when i was 24 only to gain it back and then some. I have been put on bp meds and feel so unhealthy and tired...i just want to feel better and be free of meds and out of danger with my heart. Nice to know there are so many great people on this board.
  • notjustthefatgirl
    Hey Everyone! I'm 25 years old and live in Oregon. I have always been the 'big' girl and have decided after much unnecessary 'extra bs' in my life that it is time to focus on me and make some changes.

    I started my journey AGAIN with Weight Watchers in January. Third times the charm, right? I weighed in at 308.00, absolutely disgusted with myself. I weighed in this week at 292.2. The weight is coming off slower this go around than my previous 2 WW attempts, but i feel like a lot of that has to do with my motivation. It's not there! You'd think I would be motivated to lose the weight but...... It's easier being fat.

    I have PCOS so my chances of getting pregnant are already lower than most. The additional weight is truly what is stopping me from moving forward and attempting to get pregnant. Yet, here I am, drooling over a piece of pizza.

    So, enough of my rambling. I'm here to make some changes and I need support and advice from others and I need to know that someone else out there is drooling over pizza right now too!!!

    Goal - Lose at least 100 pounds
    Bonus Goal - Lose 150 and get to a 'healthy level.'

    Please feel free to add me!!
  • deprek
    deprek Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome! I've been on this journey since the beginning of January and have lost about 14 pounds so far. Even though it's coming off slow, I'm okay with that. remember, this is about the long-term, long-distance. It's not a sprint to the finish line. And this is not a diet. It has to be a new way of life.

    And unless you are never going to have a slice of pizza again, then it's okay to have it. Just fit it into your day.

    That's my mind set at least. I have not given everything up that I love. I'm definitely learning portion control and I'm making better choices.

    Just set up a few short-term goals for yourself that might help you along the way.

    And Good Luck!
  • moonlitdreams2
    Hey there!!

    Name: Megan
    Where you live: Northeast Missouri
    Age : 28
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose): Starting at 326 and wanting to be 180-200. I'm at 308.

    I'm looking for motivational friends or those who need motivated. Please actively participate.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    Hi Megan!
    I saw you over on the Twin post.

    We have a lot of member in this group, but some days it's kind of quiet. Feel free to jump in! We are usually pretty good at responding to posts--even if we don't always make new ones!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I don't think I introduced myself in here, although I've posted in a few of the threads I think.

    My name is Kristy, I'm 34 and I'm a New Zealander living in Melbourne, Australia. I've been married for 10 years, I have four children - a 9 year old girl, 8 year old boy and boy/girl twins who are 4 and look nothing alike.

    I've been on this weight loss journey since November 2011 with a break for 7 months last year when we moved to Australia and things were a little helter-skelter for a while. I gained a bit during that period but I've now lost it again (with interest!). You'll have to forgive me because I work in kilograms - I have to use a converter for lbs unless it's an easy workout (anything in multiple of 4.5kg/10lbs I can do in my head lol). My absolutely horrifying starting weight was 149.2kg (328lbs). I've accepted that, I've moved on, and I refuse to ever see that number again. As of last Sunday I was 124.8kg (275lbs). Ultimately I want to get to 73kg (160lbs) but I have some numbers I'm aiming for along the way. I'll probably figure out exactly what weight I want to be when I get down towards it, for now I'm just enjoying feeling so much healthier and having to buy smaller clothes. And it was quite nice when my doctor asked me for weight loss tips!
  • Srsmith1955
    Srsmith1955 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I recently joined MFP.

    My name is Shannon. I currently live in Michigan and at the young age of 23. I have been on a journey of losing weight for a solid 6 months of heavy hitting. I am losing motivation and really happy with myself now. But I struggle with my own thoughts that I am still now as healthy as I should be. At my most I weighed 301.5lbs. I now weigh 225lbs. I know outstanding but the emotional part is not changing my bad habits are coming back. So here I am today to start again and lose more weight. I will never be a skinny mini is that bikini tanning on a beach some where in the Cancun. So for my family, my husband, and daughter I am ready to take on this challenge!

    Thanks for reading and joining this group.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    You'll have to forgive me because I work in kilograms - I have to use a converter for lbs unless it's an easy workout (anything in multiple of 4.5kg/10lbs I can do in my head lol).

    No apologies necessary. I don't even have a clue how to convert. (I know it's something about 2.2.) If I HAD to convert it, I would just ask my good friend (Google) "How many KG in 306 pounds". :)
  • nitabean47
    nitabean47 Posts: 35 Member
    Name: Anita
    Where you live: Norfolk, Virginia
    Age: 40
    Starting weight: 254
    Goal (or how much you want to lose): 100
    Family: Married almost 4 years, have an 11 yr old step daughter, 3 dogs, 1 cat and a guinea pig

    Anything else you want to share: In 2007 I was 336 lbs, I have been obese all my life as far back as I can remember. I decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery and the only regret I have is regaining. I was on a roll, on point, had my eating and exercise down adn got down to 211lbs. My goal was 150 then as well. In 2010 I busted my left ACL had to have surgery to replace it, that led into severe plantar fasciatis in my left foot and I am still struggling with both. Gaining 43 pounds after never meeting my goal is draining. Trying to get back in the game....all the support I had before they gained back weight too and they arent ready to face it it is me...myself....and my MFP friends!