Introduce yourself!



  • jpskitts7
    jpskitts7 Posts: 134 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I'm Leslie Fay, 37 years old and from North Carolina. I tipped the scales at 394 lbs yesterday...the heaviest I have ever been and ever will be. I spent the first few minutes wanting to cry and in that moment I realized it is now or never.

    My full-time job is at a desk Monday-Friday. I also work part-time at my mom's restaurant, but that work is getting harder and harder because of the joint pain in my knees and feet. Most evenings, you'll find me in my garden, with my chickens, or at the bowling alley. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I don't know why you don't lose any weight when you are so active." I know exactly food choices. I love it all, and lots of it!

    So, exploding food choices meet myfitnesspal. I am determined to lose at least 185 lbs, possible more, but I won't know until I get there.
  • JEBx3
    JEBx3 Posts: 6
    Hello all!

    I am Jamie and from Oklahoma. I am 39 years old and have two kiddos: Joel is 8 and Jackson is 2. My starting weight was 338.6 and my long term goal is around 175. Honestly, my first goal is to break 300.

    I work for the State of OK in child welfare services which means I spend a great deal of time doing paperwork. I don't exercise like I should and find it hard to work it in. I separated from my husband after 17 years recently. Being a single mom is one of the greatest challenges of my life. I also have some pretty low self esteem since we separated so that compounds the problem. Long story short, I was traded in on a new model.

    I will stop just surviving and take this life by the horns. My kiddos need me to be healthy and happy and everyday they are reminders of my gaols. Plus, it wouldn't be all that bad to look amazing when their dad picks them up. Just a reminder of what he threw away.

    Since I committed to lose weight, I am finding my inner strength again. I want to have a community to help keep on track and to encourage me when I stumble. I can't do this without you!
  • cupcake7073
    My name Tam and I have been looking to lose weight for quite some time. I have been trying but I find that I easily get discouraged because I let a set back derail me and every time it seems that set back lets a few more pounds creep back up. I am 38 years old and I am currently 274 lbs, which is my heaviest and I am not happy about that at all. I live in Michigan and I have 3 children (ages 11, 9, and 7). I have been married for 12 years and I work a desk job in Healthcare, which I am sure does not help much.

    My first goal is to lose 40 pounds (they say to start small and that is still significant to me). Once I attain that goal my goal is to get under 200 and then ultimately at and end weight of about 150 pounds. But first I want to work on the first goal. I hope this site will allow me the opportunity to keep myself in check and be held accountable for my actions. I think this might be easier when I have other people who are working towards the same goal as a form of support. I can't wait to start this journey for what I hope is the final time with great success!! I would like to be close to my final goal of weighing 150 pounds before I turn 40!
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Hi, y'all! My name is Kat and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm 44 - turning 45 in November. I have 2 grown children - a 22 year old son and a 20 year old daughter. I just got married for the second (AND FINAL!!!) time in January to my wonderful husband who never knew or saw me when I was thin, Gawd bless him!!! :-D (He's a professional chef).

    Why do I want to lose weight? I've always actually been thin...size 5 prom dress, bought size extra-small clothes when I left for college...but once I had my kids, my weight ballooned. I never learned about eating healthy growing up, so when body changes and hormones hit me, I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. Then I became complacent; in fact, I would often use my weight as a defense mechanism to "keep people away" from me, particularly in the romance department. For a very, very, long time, it was just my kids and I.

    Then one day I met my husband and my perspective changed. He loves me for me - he doesn't care if I lose weight or not if I don't want to. He always tells me, "I just want you to be happy." But, since he's a chef, he did pay careful attention to what I could/couldn't and/or would/wouldn't eat, and he goes out of his way to make sure that whatever he cooks for me meets the standards of my current health plan. I love that!

    I ordered the Food Lovers Diet months ago and never even opened the box until this past Saturday. (How's THAT for lazy???) Finally, I decided I was in the right mindset and ready to embark on this huge (no pun intended) journey. I voraciously read through everything and decided to start with their "7 Day SizeDown" jump-start plan first. We went grocery shopping, and on Sunday I cooked the food I would be eating for the rest of the week (well, almost all of it.)

    Lo and behold - this has been a great plan for me! Here are my stats:

    SUN: 286.2 lbs
    MON: 284.6 lbs
    TUE: 283.4 lbs
    WED: 280.4 lbs
    THU: 278.4 lbs

    That's right - 7.8 lbs lost since Sunday!!! And trust me, I AM eating!!! The past couple days I've actually had to force myself to eat a snack and/or dinner because I just wan'st hungry. I'm eating every 2-3 hours - 3 meals per day and 2 snacks.

    I'm very happy to be in this group with you all - let's support and encourage each other...and share our successes!!! You beautiful ladies all motivate and inspire me. :-)
  • ehamommy
    ehamommy Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Wendy, a 38 year old mom of three lovely girls. I have been overweight my whole life but seem to have gained about 10 pounds a year for the last decade. Ug, So, after many, many failed attempts, I finally feel ready to take on this problem - I am going to give it my all. So tired of feeling like a failure, inside and out.

    My starting weight was 296
    My current weight is 288
    My goal weight is 175.

    I look forward to connecting with others who are dealing with the same struggles.
  • junisauntie82
    junisauntie82 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Aimee and am 37. I live in Wisconsin with my husband and our 2 dogs. We don't have kids due to struggles with infertility. I have done many programs including MFP many times with small successes but then I give up. Trying again since I am back at my highest weight of 308.
  • shockca9753
    shockca9753 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Cimia and I'm from Dayton, Ohio. I'm 26 and I live with my boyfriend, his mom, and our fur baby, Coal.
    My current weight is 190 and my current goal is 150. Once I reach that I will set new goals.
  • Penniwood
    Penniwood Posts: 7 Member
    Tiffany, Catskill, NY -- 46 yo, 332 -> 199
    I left my husband about 6 months ago and the divorce is still pending. My daughter is a senior in high school and we are trying to get her situated for college.
    I have been working behind a computer for the past 25 years. I sit way too much, I have stiff joints and this week I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. The doctor also suggested bariatric surgery, to which I scoffed. Screw that. I'm going to make this work and I'm not getting surgery.