Ah. The hypocrisy of women!



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Edit to add: So what I'm saying is the guys may think they want the natural woman, but only because they don't realize the enhancement she's done
    i agree with this. this is also why women tend to be better looking than me. we know how to make ourselves look better simple things like eyebrow grooming and makeup contouring can make subtle changes in your appearances that take you from OK to wow.

    also i disagree that women are getting fake stuff like hair extensions solely for men. the type of woman i see getting the fake barbie stuff i notice is usually sizing up very single woman around her. i think for the most part they are doing it for women in order to be what they define as competitive with other women. for instance, why do some women freak out if they are wearing the same outfit as another woman?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Well... listen to an experience I've had recently..

    I put myself back on a dating site. Been off those for months. I get a message from a guy saying he loved how "real" I was. No fake tan, no bolt-ons, etc....

    Met him at a bar to watch a UFC fight. I thought I looked really cute. After talking and getting along great he asked me if we go out again on a date to dinner or a movie if I would put more makeup on and do my hair fancier. Really? So I told him "this is who I am". He hasn't called back.

    So conversely.. .guys say they want real women, but the reality is they drive women to do all the stupid crap that most women do. If guys preferred "real" women there wouldn't be so many fake ones. It's called supply and demand.

    Oh my god!!

    If a guy asked me to do my hair and makeup I'd be out soooooo quick
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    . If guys preferred "real" women there wouldn't be so many fake ones. It's called supply and demand.
    i disagree with this.

    straight guys like women. women still have the power to be the main deciders about when sex will happen in a relationship.

    guys go with the flow with female trends because they are more interested in the end result.

    one of the consistent things i've heard from my guy friends and male cousins is that if i guy thinks you're hot then he's going to think that regardless if you meet in your sweats or all glammed up.

    besides that keep in mind that most of these trends telling us what supposed to make us hot are being decided by women or gay men. for instance, many of my straight guy friends aren't crazy about smokey eyes and super dark nail varnish, but since so many women are wearing it, they aren't going to be like "no no. please take your boobs away from me. i dont like how you have blended your eyeshadow". :laugh:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I completely disagree that women do certain things for men or that it's men's fault why women do their hair or make up. Maybe insecure women who are attention *kitten* and feel desperate for a guys attention, sure.

    But I do my hair and my make up for ME. I like trying new things, I like seeing me in curly hair, sometimes straight hair. I like wearing dresses and skirts because I love my legs.

    I do this because I feel good about myself. It's in no way enhancing myself as I like the way I look natural, especially after a work out or when I first wake up and my hair is a mess. But as a feminine woman, I enjoy those little things about being a woman.

    It's just not fair to blame guys for those insecure women.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    one of the consistent things i've heard from my guy friends and male cousins is that if i guy thinks you're hot then he's going to think that regardless if you meet in your sweats or all glammed up.

    Good point.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I think there is a lot to what Amazon said...

    I also think more women do their hair and make up for other women vice for us men. Not implying lesbianism, rather, women DO notice when another woman put in effort or what not for hair and make up where as, I agree with Janie, I have no idea how long it takes a woman to get ready and what all goes into that. I know when I think someone looks good, and probably would think it is all natural but in reality probably not.

    BLUF: I think women spend more time getting all dolled up to impress other women vice men...
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I completely disagree that women do certain things for men or that it's men's fault why women do their hair or make up. Maybe insecure women who are attention *kitten* and feel desperate for a guys attention, sure.

    But I do my hair and my make up for ME. I like trying new things, I like seeing me in curly hair, sometimes straight hair. I like wearing dresses and skirts because I love my legs.

    I do this because I feel good about myself. It's in no way enhancing myself as I like the way I look natural, especially after a work out or when I first wake up and my hair is a mess. But as a feminine woman, I enjoy those little things about being a woman.

    It's just not fair to blame guys for those insecure women.

    Agree! I like looking good. It's not for anyone. It makes me feel good to wear makeup!
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member

    one of the consistent things i've heard from my guy friends and male cousins is that if i guy thinks you're hot then he's going to think that regardless if you meet in your sweats or all glammed up.


    You can take that girl that look like barbie and put her in sweat pants and a t-shirt w/ no make-up and most guys would still go for her.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I do it a bit for me....but I do not hate male looks and attention. And if I find something that works for me..which in my case is heels, lip gloss, eye makeup, a particular perfume, highlighted hair, cleavage, confidence and a killer smile.... I am damn well going to utilize it to the best of my ability.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I like to play with Barbies!


    Can't stop looking at her chest........
    DAT Hello Kitty! watch...
    It's the 2nd thing I noticed, her legs being the first. I only noticed the watch because every girl I've met in person likes Hello Kitty.

    huh really? Every girl? I actually know maybe 1 whole person that likes Hello Kitty above the age of 22.

    Is she even real? Looks like a mannequin to me!!

    I thought Hello Kitty was for kids? Like under 8 year olds. I bought my little God child HK stuff for her 2nd birthday!! :laugh:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Ok so I wear contacts and make up lol... But I've never looked like a Barbie. I've been told I look like Batty Paige and I'll take that over Barbie anyday
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I like to play with Barbies!


    Can't stop looking at her chest........
    DAT Hello Kitty! watch...
    It's the 2nd thing I noticed, her legs being the first. I only noticed the watch because every girl I've met in person likes Hello Kitty.

    huh really? Every girl? I actually know maybe 1 whole person that likes Hello Kitty above the age of 22.

    Is she even real? Looks like a mannequin to me!!

    I thought Hello Kitty was for kids? Like under 8 year olds. I bought my little God child HK stuff for her 2nd birthday!! :laugh:
    Should have been more clear. When I was saying girls, I mean under the age of 21, though I do know some women as old as in their 50's that like it as well. It's cool with me. I don't judge.
  • mc1217
    mc1217 Posts: 108 Member

    hey now! my a-cups are nothin but legit :laugh:
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member

    Too much muscle on a woman can turn guys off. That is a risk that muscley women run.

    ...and its a risk I'll take. I figure its a trade-off with me. They'll get the very strong, muscular legs....but they also get the big, REAL, wonderful boobs....

    Eh...plenty of guys dig the way I look. If my muscles turn a guy off...he's clearly not the one for me.

    Amen girl. Except instead of BIG boobs... They'll get little ones with a nice shape and a BIG round *kitten*.

    Plus nice strong arms. If you're using your imagination.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    This post is irrelevant for me. I don't even wear makeup. On the rare occasion that I do, I only put on some mascara. I don't like false advertising. The same goes for pushup bras!
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I have more issues with a particular girl who thinks it's okay to be cuddly and kissy (nothing further) when she needs it but the moment I put an arm around on her at a different time she flips out on me.... what gives ladies!?
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Soooo much going on in this post.

    1. It's nice to see so many new faces on here.

    2. I'll color my hair, because the few gray strands that come through are just not flattering. I also wear makeup, but in a natural way (most times) because I do like to be girly at times.

    3. I do believe that there are women that do change their appearances for others, because of self esteem issues. But, there are some that do it just for fun. I am nobody to judge....but, I do hope that those with self esteem issues will wake up one day feeling wonderful. Nobody deserves to feel any less.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I have more issues with a particular girl who thinks it's okay to be cuddly and kissy (nothing further) when she needs it but the moment I put an arm around on her at a different time she flips out on me.... what gives ladies!?

    She's using you as an emotional crutch.

    Men trade emotional support for physical intimacy. Women trade physical intimacy for emotional support.

    Sounds like she's getting hers.

    I'd disregard this woman immediately.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I just look better with makeup and my hair done...in my own opinion. Completely natural is overrated. I rolled out of bed and went to class in sweatpants and without makeup in my first year at university
    I called it natural. Really...it was me just being lazy.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member

    She's using you as an emotional crutch.

    Men trade emotional support for physical intimacy. Women trade physical intimacy for emotional support.

    Sounds like she's getting hers.

    I'd disregard this woman immediately.

    I agree completely. If she seems worth it you could call her on the mixed signals...but...meh.