Galvestongal & ChocFiend - trying to lose the last 24lbs

ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
Hi galvestongal
today i was 175.4 and my end goal is 153.8 so im currently at 21.6lbs to go. i'd like to get to 160 by may/june.


  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Great goal! I am at a CW of 168 and have my goal set at 145. Although I will settle for a good 150! I have been yo-yoing between 185-174 for months now but I am determined we can do this!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    we'e pretty similar then :-) I was 172 at new year so I need to get 3lb off asap
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I have changed my eating patterns during the new year thanks to a stomach virus. It seems since the virus that my body is not as tolerant of fried foods and things like that. I have definetely seen a difference since doing this. Not on the scale but in the shape of my body. I have began eating more fresh foods like berries, fruits, vegs and salads; like adding berries to my oatmeal or grabbing a snack of a pear instead of cookies. Really hard for me since there are my fave cookies currently staring at me from the kitchen counter LOL. BUT I have noticed since I have quit eating as much processed foods I am feeling better and my tummy is not as bloated looking. I keep telling myself to keep taking these small changes and eventually it will be habit. I think that we can keep each other accountable and we can get this done! I am hoping to get the extra weight off by April or May (in time for the horse shows). I want to look good in a pair of breeches. Its a bit of a motivator as my friend I ride with is my height and 130 lbs, toned and fit. I want to be that way too.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    sorry i haven't replied sooner Ive been on amazon looking at pilates book and dvds specifically for the horse rider.

    How tall are you out of interest? im 5ft 9ins - i dont remember being 130lbs. like ever!

    My problem is that i eat too much chocolate. I hate been trying to make an effort to have breakfast and to try and incorporate more protein in to my diet, as ive always been a carb lover and im not too good with eating meat.

    I'm so glad we've done this - it will definately help me be accountable knowing we have this dedicated place to talk to each other - i'll make the effort to come on everyday, keep me food diary filled in, and update you on my progress on here x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I am only 5'4". My friend is the same height. I got to enjoy being 120 pounds for about 6 months out of my whole life. I had struggled with weight for years and finally lost it while training my barrel horse. But I got pregnant soon after and havent seen anything near that since lol. I am also looking into Rider specific exercises. I did find one I like but havent tried call BioRider Fitness. Have you heard of it?
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    ive had a much better day today, haven't logged foods yet but lookiing at about 1500 AND I WENT FOR A RUN!!!! :-0 (well a jog) first time in well months and months,

    rider specific things Ive been looking at on amazon are things like pilates for the horse rider


    this dvd looks cool

    haven't looked biorider- going to google it now

    hope youve had a good day xx
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I have not had the week I had intended to lol. I meant to start adding a new workout this week but was faced instead with dealing with a sick child during my spare time. But thats okay. Next week will be a new beginning. I have been trying to keep my eating between 1800-2000 cals (sometimes not succeeding). That is a higher number for anyone who claims to be dieting BUT I am willing to put in the extra work if I don't have to deprive myself of the things I like to eat. I have renewed my old BodyBugg and it is telling me that on my barn work days I am burning between 2500-2800 calories per day. So I figure if I start walking the dog again and maybe do a DVD workout every day or so I will lose a good rate. I have decided I am okay with a slow weight loss as long as it stays off! LOL
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    i aim for about 1800 a day even though mfp says to aim for 1250cals. i am the same as you i would rather do more to keep eating more.

    today i am 2.2lb down to 173.2 so 19.4lbs to my goal x
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    oh dear not a good weekend. last night involved copious amounts of alcohol followed by a takeaway. resulting in today being carb full (see my food diary!)

    i'll *kitten* the damage in the morning and try and get on track this week. - i have another night out this friday coming and a christening on the sunday, arrrr!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    galvestongal where are you? x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Sorry gal! LOL I have been a little busy the last couple days and havent really even sat down at the computer to do anything but log food. Monday was nuts! I got talked into eating junk all day. Taco Bueno for lunch and Little Ceasars for dinner...REALLY? My totals were like 3000+ cals for the day. Not to mention the *ugh* fast junk food feeling I had all day. My weight is making me crazy. I way every morning even though i know I am not supposed to. One morning it will say 167 and the next 170 and back and forth back and forth. I am trying to motivate myself by getting new DVDs, a new BodyMedia Fit, and new workout toys like a stability ball and stuff.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    the scales read 173 this morning but i havent had a good day re food. birthday at work = carrot cake in morning & random cake gift from colleague = cupcake in afternoon. not good! planned to skip tea but it was waiting for me when i got home and felt rude to the OH not to have it when he had made the effort.

    ive been a bought 2 resistance bands and 2x 4kg dumbells to add to my home gym collection. i already have a kettlebell and stability ball.

    i am going to join the slimming club at work too as its only £1 a week so much cheaper than i.e. weight watchers.

    we'll crack this eventually x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Wow I never realized weight watchers was so much! There are several weight loss centers around town here but I am skeptical of any of them. I have never been one that can stick to a plan or have rules that I have to follow when it comes to what I eat and how I live. I am just too stubborn for all that LOL. I don't have a problem with calorie counting as long as I can eat what I want. But the numbers make me crazy trying to stay under or at a certain amount. I keep looking at things like HydroxyCut, reading reviews and stuff. I guess we all want that magic pill even though most have been proven to be a scam. I keep telling myself that it only probably does more harm than good. I think after I get my new BodyMedia Fit I will start back on the 30 Day Shred or maybe some Tae Bo...I need to tone up some of this flab. Maybe if I can't get it off i can at least make it look better! Hahaha
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    so ive gained a couple of pounds - not suprising looking at my food diary.

    I have a girls night out tonight and a christeniing on sunday so alcohol and food full, eek

    I'm going to try and go back to slim fast even its just one meal per day, this is pureply as a short term, quick start option. before when i lost a lot I used to have slim fast for breakfast and lunch on weekends only so ater this weekend im going to try that again
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I am thinking that is maybe what I need to do too. I have not eaten well this week at all. And MFP is calculating WAY above what my BodyBugg says I am burning. I am thinking I may just reasonably enjoy myself this weekend and maybe start back Monday fresh and with some added workouts. I have been bouncing back and forth between 165-175 for so long now I am wondering if I will ever crack it. So yeah...I am getting a little discouraged so I think a couple days of break from this is in order...Monday will be better!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    shall we weigh in monday and go from there? and set ourselves some realistic targets for each week, and we'll take a day at a time and post on here?

    Ive decided that as things get eaten in the house crisps, choc, etc that im not buying them anymore and if the OH wants them he'll have to have his own cupboard in the kitchen that im not allowed in LOL
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Absolutley! We will weigh in and start fresh on Monday. I am also doing the same with the junk food in the house. As it gets eaten I am not buying anymore. Periodically my child or husband brings some home but it disappears quickly between the two of them. I am making sure to have plenty of fresh fruit, berries, yogurt and smoothies on hand for snack emergencies LOL. I find that is my main issue is I love to snack. Little things here and there but they add up quickly! As soon as I get my refund for my bum BodyMedia I am going to buy a new one and follow its guidelines and set my MFP up with it. Hopefully it will give me some insights and help me along the way. TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    i am a serial snacker too!

    I have the christening today i'll try not to eat too much at the buffet. what do you think about bread? do you think I should stop buying that? at the moment i only buy wholemeal and 400g loaf, and at most i would have 3 slices a day (about 180cals i total)

    I've also emailed the gym near the stables to see how much their membership is, even if I just have a short term 3 month membership to get me through the end of winter, until I can start riding regularly again.

    I have a fitbit - I wear it most days but I'm going to try and go for 10K steps a day

    will check in tomorow xx
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I don't tend to buy into the whole don't eat bread, don't eat wheat, don't eat this or that fads. Sooner or later they will have sick people who quit eating all these things and then they will start saying you are supposed to eat it LOL. I buy bread and eat it. I have yet to hear anyone who said they couldn't lose a pound by eating one or two slices a day. The only thing I don't bring in the house is Sunbeam White Bread cause the one thing I LOVE to do is break out a slice and roll it up into little tiny balls to eat and I could eat it all day! Although I am thinking about checking into the don't eat gluten thing, seems like if it is bad for our animals it might be bad for us...I don't know.

    I have an iPhone app called Fooducate, it is really interesting. You just scan a food and it gives you a grade A-F of its nutrition and why it is bad or good. Really opens your eyes to what you are sticking in your mouth. Like Snapple (I love me some Snapple!) is not really made from the best stuff on earth unless of course the best stuff on earth is sugar LOL.

    AND my old faithful BodyBugg is crapping out on me so I hope to get that refund and get that new Body Media before it quits me...

    Tomorrow is our day girl! ;)
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Weighed in at 169.8 lbs this morning. I think I am going to dive in slowly. Make small changes that way I am more likely to stick to it longer. This week is Portion Control week. Try to retrain my body and eyes to take in the right portions, eat smaller over the day; 3 reasonable meals and 3 small snacks like SlimFast shakes and the smoothies and yogurts I bought yesterday. It looks like it is going to rain most of this week so I am going to try to do some DVD workouts. Just have to see how it all goes this week. If I don't add them this week I will next week. I woke up this morning with a lack of motivation LOL I think I owe it to my hormones and it being almost TOM...ugh!