Galvestongal & ChocFiend - trying to lose the last 24lbs



  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    hi, love your new profile pic by the way.

    i wa 175.8 this morning, so 6lb between us........i'm going to try and catch you up. my goals for this week are:
    - drink more water
    - eat more fruit
    - reduce snacking frequnecy

    will update tomorrow x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    FINALLY got a new BodyMedia Fit Link coming in the mail! Just in time cause my BodyBugg is giving out on me. Should bring me a little motivation I hope. I am actually putting my measuring cups to use this week measuring portions to make sure I log the right amounts and try to put it all in perspective. I am finding so far that it seems a little easier to stay within calorie goals doing this. I was going to start walking or exercising this week but after busting my butt on the mounting block yesterday I am so sore and the knots aren't going away so I think I will start it on Monday instead. I too need to reduce my snacking. It seems like once I start I can't stop. Everytime I walk by the kitchen I have to grab a bite. BUT I have been good about adding more fruits and vegs and drinking more water. The water is the hardest part, I don't like water, would rather have sweet tea or juice lol.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    i am having turkey salad today for lunch - first time in ages!
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Sounds yummy!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    ho sorry ive not written much the last couple of days.

    I've joined the healthy eating club at work today - we're meeting every thursday at 1pm to eigh and swap reciepts etc so hopefully that will help.

    My dairy yesterday was terrible - today so far is better. ive had mainly fruitand yogurt for my lunch. i did have chocolate this morning which I shouldn't have had.

    I will try to be good tonight and not eat after 8pm. (I have my diary set now so i can record when i eat after 8pm).

    the exercise side of things needs to improve as well. i haven't been drinking plain water enough - more hot drinks mainly tea. today i have drank 750ml water with some dilute vimto in it so that is better.

    when are we next weighing? x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Sounds great!

    This town has a Recreation Center not even half a mile behind my house I am thinking of joining. They have a gym and pool and stuff. And beside it is Longhorn Park which has a cool walking trail.

    I am TRYING to get a hold on my eating snacks, its like once I get started I can't stop!

    Lets just have Monday as our weigh in day since that is when we started. :) That okay with you?
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    yep monday is fine just remind me.

    my spelling is terrible, sorry! I meant to say hi at the start of my last post...i wasn't calling you ho :-)

    tonight i am having the tiniest portion of sweet and sour chicken with orange peppers and pineapple with some potato wedges yum yum
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    HAHAHA! OMG! I didn't even notice you called me a ho! Must be cause me and my friends call each other that a lot of times. So hey! You'd fit right in! lol
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I am sitting here at home...bored to death...waiting for a FedEx package. And I am realizing that I am a boredom snacker...I have reached for I don't know how many snacks (luckily have lots of fruit on hand). But its crazy! I can't seem to get enough even though I am not really hungry. I have been doing laundry, vacuuming, and its like nothing takes my mind off it...If I had to stay at home all the time I just might be screwed!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    ive been watching game of thrones on a night which has stopped me snacking. now ive watched them all im going to carry on reading the books to keep my mnd off food
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    the weekend! Ive mucked out my horses big stable this morning (he's deep littered so it was a big job) so I'm hoping ive burnt some calories - i'll see what my fitbit calorie adjustment is today.

    what are you up to? and hows it going? i dont think i will have lost much when we weigh on monday
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Well, I did good all week. met my cal targets and everything BUT the weekend may screw me over come weigh in time. Lots of high sodium food and NO activity today. It was wet and cold today and I basically used today to catch up on training DVDs and schedule trail rides. Saturdays usually are my rest days as I am off from the barn that day and I lack any motivation at all to do ANYTHING but necessary housework. Tomorrow I am supposed to meet my husband for lunch so it won't be much better. BUT I do work the barn tomorrow so that'll help. My goal for next week is to make sure I walk the dog, do a DVD or run at least 30 mins a day before going to the barn. Also next week I will be working my boys more because I am steps from riding Cajun and I have to fit Cinco up for Competitive Trail Rides AND help my friend get his horse ready as well. I love being busy with horsey things though!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    yes its great to be busy with horsey things. unfortunately im unable to ride before or after work at the moment as its winter here and we only have an outdoor riding arena but no lights. i was going to ride this weekend but we've had such a frost that the surface has frozen like concrete. i don't ride out because we are straight on to a busy road with blind corners and i dont like it! some people come very fast!

    im at a lunch today at my god mums (also where i keep my horse) too, - i know what the menu is though as she's made it all;
    - starter; olives (which I wont have as i dont like them)
    - main Fish pie (coley, salmon with mash potato) and veg
    - dessert: meringue and fruit salad

    im also out tuesday for an early valentines meal - there is a menu online so i'll look and see whats best to have.

    weigh in tomorrow!!!
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I am scared of weighing in tomorrow after this weekend lol. Saturday and Sundays are never good for me food-wise. I need to add more activity on those days, besides the grocery shopping and laundry. But those are my unwinding days so it is hard to convince my self to do that. Although Monday will start a new routine for me. I plan to try to make more time to walk my dog and sqeeze in a workout DVD...I HOPE. Also I am starting a new phase of training with Cajun and Cinco that will add some activity also. I will weigh in first thing in the morning...cross fingers and pray!!!! LOL
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    :-( well what a difference a day makes. i did have a look at the scales yesterday and they said 175.2 so i thought even if I stayed the same for today it would be an overall loss for the week........alas this morning 176.8!!!!!!! i haven't been this high in months :-( **must get *kitten* into gear**

    short post im to work now and then the farrier is coming this afternoon, will update on my day tonight.

    Hope you've had a better weekly result which im sure you will have xx
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Well my weigh in was okay I guess, although not what I hoped at 168. I kinda screwed myself eating pizza last night, makes me swell like a balloon. But its okay just havemore incentive to work it harder this week.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    my plan to ride went out of the window today. i left work at lunch time so i could ride before the farrier came at 3pm, but he came early at 2.10 so i didn't get chance. its not even 8pm and im so tired - not sure if its diet related (ie with the crap ive been eating) or just tired in general

    im going to weigh tomorrow just to see what the scale says given that there was nearly 2lb diff between sun and mon
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    It was probably water weight. I weigh myself daily but only check-in once a week. I screwed myself by eating junk over the weekend. I had big plans of riding today too but the weather made a change and the temps dropped and rain fell so it is too slick to ride without falling. And tomorrow is not looking any better...
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    I was down a lb this morning but haven't updated mfp stats, i'll keep weighing daily just for now to see if mondays was a bit of an oddity.

    out for a meal tonight, will try to be good x
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I am so SORE!!! Day 3 of 30DS and I don't know how I made it this far. We are planning a Spring Break trip though and I am determined not to go flabby if I can help it. I want to go out on the beach in a bathing suit and feel good about it. My weight is driving me nuts...I am sure it must be water fluctuations I hope. I am up almost 2 pounds over night so I don't see what else it could be...