February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I love that I read your comment about eating more being life-changing while I was stuffing my face with popcorn that sent me over my calories for the day. :drinker: Swimming still makes me ravenous!!!

    VETTE!!!!!!! You are a seriously KICKASS BAMF! Congrats on hitting body weight! I hope you never change your profile pic, because it is a super motivator.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Doing my third night, so workout A for the second time tonight.


    squat - 40lb (smith machine)
    benchpress - 35lb (smith machine) - Did learn a machine that is the same move as benchpress that will help build up stabalizing muscles
    barbell row - 55lb
    overhead press - 30lb (smith machine)
    deadlift - 80lb

    Just wanted to post for accountability and to see how I progress...

    Workout A last night...I cornered the gym owner to ask how much weight the smith machine barbell had. He basically told me not to count it at all since it was on the pulley system I could move it with my finger. So I've reset my starting weight above. He also gave me a quick Deadlift 101 training to help me correct my poster on the return to the floor. I was moving the barbell too far away from my body and it was straining my back, hence the twinges on the left side. I did a couple of practice lifts without any weights and him watching. I feel a lot better about it.

    Last nights numbers:
    Squats - 55lb 5x5
    Bench Press - 45lb 1x5 - then deloaded to 40lbs 4x5
    Barbell Row - 45lb 5x5 - I went down from last week since I struggled so much for form. I was able to do it easily this week, so I'll move it up next week.

    I honestly didn't feel very good about last night's workout, but I am definately sorer than **** today....so I guess I did what I needed to do..I'm just frustrated. I've been lifting weights (machines) since last May, starting in January I moved to free weights, and upped the intensity of lifting and cardio. I also upped my calories, which is really hard to wrap my brain around being a chronic, long term undereater. I've dropped a 1lb, but it goes up and down 5lbs, clothes are tight, measurements are up (except for waist) and I'm struggling to eat enough protein. I know you can't spot reduce, but my body is remodeling itself it a uniquely ugly way..my hips and gluts are obviously improving, but it is making the saddle bags on my thighs look grotesque...

    Ok, I guess I've bi***ed enough, yes, I know about water weight, I know about fluctuations and how you can't gain a pound of fat, let alone 4 lbs since Sunday...so it will even out...My head knows all of this, I just am frustrated because I don't see progress and my body wants to hit flight mode and head back to eating under 1200 because it worked before...but I don't to just be skinny, I want to be strong and lean. I want the extra fat to leave...now would be good.

    And now for some support, you ladies are badass, deadlifting your body weight!! that is amazing!! I'm seriously happy to be in your company, and promise not to be such a whiney beaotch all the time...forgive me my little rant as I know now what I'm doing...as yet.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Doing my third night, so workout A for the second time tonight.


    squat - 40lb (smith machine)
    benchpress - 35lb (smith machine) - Did learn a machine that is the same move as benchpress that will help build up stabalizing muscles
    barbell row - 55lb
    overhead press - 30lb (smith machine)
    deadlift - 80lb

    Just wanted to post for accountability and to see how I progress...

    Workout A last night...I cornered the gym owner to ask how much weight the smith machine barbell had. He basically told me not to count it at all since it was on the pulley system I could move it with my finger. So I've reset my starting weight above. He also gave me a quick Deadlift 101 training to help me correct my poster on the return to the floor. I was moving the barbell too far away from my body and it was straining my back, hence the twinges on the left side. I did a couple of practice lifts without any weights and him watching. I feel a lot better about it.

    Last nights numbers:
    Squats - 55lb 5x5
    Bench Press - 45lb 1x5 - then deloaded to 40lbs 4x5
    Barbell Row - 45lb 5x5 - I went down from last week since I struggled so much for form. I was able to do it easily this week, so I'll move it up next week.

    I honestly didn't feel very good about last night's workout, but I am definately sorer than **** today....so I guess I did what I needed to do..I'm just frustrated. I've been lifting weights (machines) since last May, starting in January I moved to free weights, and upped the intensity of lifting and cardio. I also upped my calories, which is really hard to wrap my brain around being a chronic, long term undereater. I've dropped a 1lb, but it goes up and down 5lbs, clothes are tight, measurements are up (except for waist) and I'm struggling to eat enough protein. I know you can't spot reduce, but my body is remodeling itself it a uniquely ugly way..my hips and gluts are obviously improving, but it is making the saddle bags on my thighs look grotesque...

    Ok, I guess I've bi***ed enough, yes, I know about water weight, I know about fluctuations and how you can't gain a pound of fat, let alone 4 lbs since Sunday...so it will even out...My head knows all of this, I just am frustrated because I don't see progress and my body wants to hit flight mode and head back to eating under 1200 because it worked before...but I don't to just be skinny, I want to be strong and lean. I want the extra fat to leave...now would be good.

    And now for some support, you ladies are badass, deadlifting your body weight!! that is amazing!! I'm seriously happy to be in your company, and promise not to be such a whiney beaotch all the time...forgive me my little rant as I know now what I'm doing...as yet.

    I'm proud of you! I took a break from heavy lifting for a while to get back to form and ensure that my squats were nice and low and I was actually using my legs for my DLs (I'm very flexible and have a strong back -- I found that I used that to break form often when things got heavy). I totally understand the let down of the lighter weights, but in the long run, it will help you lift WAY more than you'd be able to otherwise. Definitely best to correct any potential issues at this stage.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Second workout B last night:

    Squats 110 5X5
    OHP: 50 5X5
    DLs: 105 1X5

    I focused on warm ups, as per reading here and from Mehdi. I had a great workout! I was tired after, but today I feel awesome.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Vette.....so super badass that you nailed your bodyweight squat! BAMF!!!! :bigsmile:

    @extraordinary....I have found the exact same thing since I increased my calories and it's really only been by a couple hundred calories but that combined with getting a serious *kitten* pile of protein has made a crazy difference. I will be doing my weight and measurements at the end of the month, right before I start cycle 2 and it's a double edged sword. Part of me is so excited because I'm sure I'll see some improvement but I'm also super scared because I was really excited at the beginning of January but that was a complete disaster :sad:

    I :heart: FOOD!!!

    @Julie....I totally get your frustration! I have struggled with the same thing and it's the worst! I know on one had that I'm doing everything right and that at the end of the day I'm getting healthier and stronger but sweet Jesus I still have some damn pounds to get rid of! I know that my body has changed....I look so much better naked now :laugh: and I have these really sweet lines on each side of my abs and my *kitten* is much perkier but when the scale and measurements don't reflect that it's so frustrating! :grumble:

    In other news....workout A for me today and it was BADASS!!!

    Squat 5x5 @ 140# (against Mehdi's recommendation, I have started to squat these heavier weights twice, purely for form purposes)
    Bench 5x5 @ 61# (YES! Finally officially over 60#!)
    Row 5x5 @ 80# (So I stacked plates and did it from the floor. Yeah, huge difference. I feel like I have finally got this down the way it should be done!)

    Happy Wednesday all!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Vegas and Extra: I hear you on the food! I sincerely think that is what is finally helping me push past the weights that I have been stuck on for so long. I am eating about 500 more calories a day than what I was eating a month ago and I am finally crushing some of my lifts! Food = Great!

    So many new people here! Yay!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Okay, here's the results of the squat poll:
    Straight Ahead
    Straight Ahead
    Straight Ahead
    Check that I'm going parallel!
    Straight Ahead
    However feels comfortable, I've never paid very much attention because I'm busy squatting. I think I look down-ish
    Straight Ahead
    Straight Ahead
    Just above horizon
    I gaze lovingly into my own eyes in the mirror.
    Straight Ahead
    Straight Ahead
    Between straight and up

    And here's the link to the handy-dandy pie-chart with percentages!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    In other news....workout A for me today and it was BADASS!!!

    Squat 5x5 @ 140# (against Mehdi's recommendation, I have started to squat these heavier weights twice, purely for form purposes)
    Bench 5x5 @ 61# (YES! Finally officially over 60#!)
    Row 5x5 @ 80# (So I stacked plates and did it from the floor. Yeah, huge difference. I feel like I have finally got this down the way it should be done!)

    Happy Wednesday all!

    @Vegas - holy crap batman!! 80# for row??? sheez not to mention 140# for a squat...yeah, in my dream...that is some awesome badassery!!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    At what point does one move to a 3x5?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    At what point does one move to a 3x5?

    Technically, the program says stall 3 times - after the third time move to 3x5 on that exercise. So in theory you'd actually do a few weeks that looked like:
    Squat 5x5
    Bench 3x5
    Deadlift 1x5
    Ohp 3x5
    (since those are the lifts people stall on first).

    In practice though, for the ladies, I think that metric doesn't quite work for all of us because the gains on the upper body stuff are SO slow, and we sometimes stall because we need to use fractionals or increase volume or something before we can go up 5lbs,

    For me it actually came out sort of ok (I'd say it aligned fairly well with my stalls), but my husband threw a tantrum and said he wouldn't' go unless we dropped everything to 3x5 (and then he threw another tantrum and didn't want to go at all so I moved us to 5/3/1 as that's much lower volume on the big lifts, kind of).

    so the answer is ...it depends. But ...when you feel like its time, go for it. you wont' be hurting yourself or setting yourself back. The higher volume is very useful for getting accustomed to the movements but 3x5 is just fine for progress.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    At what point does one move to a 3x5?

    For me it actually came out sort of ok (I'd say it aligned fairly well with my stalls), but my husband threw a tantrum and said he wouldn't' go unless we dropped everything to 3x5 (and then he threw another tantrum and didn't want to go at all so I moved us to 5/3/1 as that's much lower volume on the big lifts, kind of).

    so the answer is ...it depends. But ...when you feel like its time, go for it. you wont' be hurting yourself or setting yourself back. The higher volume is very useful for getting accustomed to the movements but 3x5 is just fine for progress.

    For the highervolume or increased volume - what would that be?

    I'm stalled at the bench and the OHP pretty much - making gains on everything else. Should I go to 3x5 instead? I've been mulling this over myself.....Since I'd really like to lift more on BP.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm getting to that point on the OHP and the BP as well, and I started the program with 3x5 squats. So, I think I'll keep going 5x5 until I start to fail, then switch to 3x5 on the lifts that I need to, keep on at 5x5 with the others. I need to figure out how many weeks I've been doing this...okay, I checked, 5 weeks, going 3x per week. I guess at some point I need to switch to a different program, but I have a few weeks before I want to worry about it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    At what point does one move to a 3x5?

    For me it actually came out sort of ok (I'd say it aligned fairly well with my stalls), but my husband threw a tantrum and said he wouldn't' go unless we dropped everything to 3x5 (and then he threw another tantrum and didn't want to go at all so I moved us to 5/3/1 as that's much lower volume on the big lifts, kind of).

    so the answer is ...it depends. But ...when you feel like its time, go for it. you wont' be hurting yourself or setting yourself back. The higher volume is very useful for getting accustomed to the movements but 3x5 is just fine for progress.

    For the highervolume or increased volume - what would that be?

    I'm stalled at the bench and the OHP pretty much - making gains on everything else. Should I go to 3x5 instead? I've been mulling this over myself.....Since I'd really like to lift more on BP.

    Go ahead and switch to 3x5 for those two and stick with 5x5 for the squats until you start to stall there too.

    By higher volume I meant 5x5 is more volume than 3x5.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Thank you oh wise one :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Everyone has awesome lifts! Agree with everyone else that it's so cool to have tons of new posters.

    Vette- HOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I vaguely remember saying we should have cake when you hit body weight squats, so you know, next time you're in PA...

    Extraordinary- Hooray for squats! I love your new avatar. Snorg Tees had a model when I was in college that would not shut her darn mouth. and she was always there in the sidebar. That was before the days of adblock. Now I don't have to see her ever again. \o/

    Sarahz5- I remember reading you get super hungry from swimming because your body temp doesn't go up or something. Although I think I read it in my grandma's women's world so who knows how accurate it is.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    In other news....workout A for me today and it was BADASS!!!

    Squat 5x5 @ 140# (against Mehdi's recommendation, I have started to squat these heavier weights twice, purely for form purposes)
    Bench 5x5 @ 61# (YES! Finally officially over 60#!)
    Row 5x5 @ 80# (So I stacked plates and did it from the floor. Yeah, huge difference. I feel like I have finally got this down the way it should be done!)

    Happy Wednesday all!

    @Vegas - holy crap batman!! 80# for row??? sheez not to mention 140# for a squat...yeah, in my dream...that is some awesome badassery!!

    Thanks :blushing: I'm in week 11 so I'm very pleased with my progress! And super happy that I haven't actually "stalled" on anything yet.....failed definitely though :laugh:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Vegas...you are amazeballs.

    Tameko, thanks for being such a great resource. I can read, so I know I could JFGI, but I'd rather JFTI. :wink:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Wowee....leave the office for a day to do some actual work in from of actual customers and I miss SO DAMN MUCH!

    I actually just wanted to share something funny I came across on youtube. If you search "awkward gym moments" some really funny shiit comes up. Highly recommend for a giggle!

    @Fisher....didn't know you are in Canada! Where are you?!

    I was also bragging to my colleague about all of us badass *****es and our ongoing badassery today. I think I even started to get her interested in lifting...here's to hoping!

    Vegas I'm in Calgary! We're close! 140!!!! 80!!! you are one bamf!!! I also want to say I envy your "perkier *kitten*" I have what is technically called Sharpei Butt! Waiting for body recomp to happen! lol! I hope your back is ok and it was just a temporary twinge.

    Vette you are my Hero!!! Body weight!! Woo hoo!!!

    I did the workout with the OHP and DL at 45 today. My back is feeling better but I'm going to wait till next week I think to add weights unless I get a valentine's day miracle! time to go hop on the elliptical.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Vegas...you are amazeballs.

    Tameko, thanks for being such a great resource. I can read, so I know I could JFGI, but I'd rather JFTI. :wink:

    Thanks Lady!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Wowee....leave the office for a day to do some actual work in from of actual customers and I miss SO DAMN MUCH!

    I actually just wanted to share something funny I came across on youtube. If you search "awkward gym moments" some really funny shiit comes up. Highly recommend for a giggle!

    @Fisher....didn't know you are in Canada! Where are you?!

    I was also bragging to my colleague about all of us badass *****es and our ongoing badassery today. I think I even started to get her interested in lifting...here's to hoping!

    Vegas I'm in Calgary! We're close! 140!!!! 80!!! you are one bamf!!! I also want to say I envy your "perkier *kitten*" I have what is technically called Sharpei Butt! Waiting for body recomp to happen! lol! I hope your back is ok and it was just a temporary twinge.

    Vette you are my Hero!!! Body weight!! Woo hoo!!!

    I did the workout with the OHP and DL at 45 today. My back is feeling better but I'm going to wait till next week I think to add weights unless I get a valentine's day miracle! time to go hop on the elliptical.

    Oh no that means we are supposed to be enemies! :laugh: I was just there last week actually....I spend a few days every month there for work!

    My back is feeling better from yesterday....but those rows and bench did a good work over on my back/arms this morning so the pain has just moved I think :laugh:

    Glad to hear your back is feeling better also....taking it slow is a good plan though :smile: