February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I color my hair at home--with my hair stylist's full blessing. I highlight it in the spring/summer and then most fall/winter, I'll go a bit darker. I've been a medium brown since October, and this weekend, I put some highlights in it in prep for the spring. I've had a few mishaps, but nothing too severe.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I color my hair at home--with my hair stylist's full blessing. I highlight it in the spring/summer and then most fall/winter, I'll go a bit darker. I've been a medium brown since October, and this weekend, I put some highlights in it in prep for the spring. I've had a few mishaps, but nothing too severe.

    I've been tempted to try highlights myself, but I'm SKEERED.
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Gray hair is boss! (changed my pic so you could see it) I love mine, but I know not everyone likes having it. I used to color to my original dark brown, then just couldn't do it any more. It took 9 months to grow out, like having a baby. The hair color didn't age me, but what has is losing weight! My face got wrinklier. :sad:
    I say we should do what we want -- keep it or color it -- because of our own tastes and not because of exterion pressures.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I color my hair at home--with my hair stylist's full blessing. I highlight it in the spring/summer and then most fall/winter, I'll go a bit darker. I've been a medium brown since October, and this weekend, I put some highlights in it in prep for the spring. I've had a few mishaps, but nothing too severe.

    I've been tempted to try highlights myself, but I'm SKEERED.

    me too, and ditto. Seems so...dangerous.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Honestly, I love the Revelon kit---complete with cap and everything. I've been using it for years and I've always gotten great results.

    Okay, back to lifting...

    This week is my BAB week, so I'm going to try and keep adding 5 lbs to my deads until I can't do it no more! It's so funny, like I got my body weight, and now I'm like, okay, let's see what else I can do! I think I might hit 60 lb on OHP this week too.

    Keep kicking *kitten* everyone!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Not a lifting day for me but I did yoga.....twice.....:laugh:

    Yesterday I picked up the Jillian Michaels yoga DVD and did that this morning then when I was at Costco I found one that focused on strength and flexibility....two separate workouts and only like $7.99 so I picked that one up and did the flexibility one this afternoon. Loves it!!

    I also got the Bob Harber Warrior yoga DVD yesterday :huh: Not sure what I was thinking....but I'm gonna try it on Friday and see how much of a warrior I am :laugh:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm pretty skeptical about anything that Bob does...but that's just me. I'm a hater.

    So, my plans to lift today were thwarted by me not having my rec center card--you can only forget it 4 times in a 6 month period and the last time I forgot it, the old biddy told me that next time, I'd have to buy a new one. Eff that! So, I'm home. It's husband's birthday, so I'll actually cook dinner tonight.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm pretty skeptical about anything that Bob does...but that's just me. I'm a hater.

    So, my plans to lift today were thwarted by me not having my rec center card--you can only forget it 4 times in a 6 month period and the last time I forgot it, the old biddy told me that next time, I'd have to buy a new one. Eff that! So, I'm home. It's husband's birthday, so I'll actually cook dinner tonight.

    I've read decent reviews of his yoga video, and I think his workout video (the one I've seen) is MUCH better than the 30 day shred, which is the most awful awfulest awful thing in the entire world and I do not know how ANYONE does it without hating it forever.

    Also, that is lame. LAME. Why can't they check your ID or something? Can you make a copy and just keep one in every car you might possibly use for transportation? My gym started using a phone number/finger print thing so we don't have to take any card with us. I'm a fan of it even though I felt totally lame the first few times we used it.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Also, that is lame. LAME. Why can't they check your ID or something? Can you make a copy and just keep one in every car you might possibly use for transportation? My gym started using a phone number/finger print thing so we don't have to take any card with us. I'm a fan of it even though I felt totally lame the first few times we used it.

    Ha, I go to an independent gym, and they're completely old school. I got a business card with a number written on it. I just have to tell them that number when I check in (although apparently my picture does pull up on the computer when they log me in to make sure I'm not making up a random number).

    And it was odd this morning. During my rest period I noticed it must have been official red shirt day at the gym. There were at least 7-8 of us (of the probably 15 people at the gym before 6am).
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Gray hair is boss! (changed my pic so you could see it) I love mine, but I know not everyone likes having it. I used to color to my original dark brown, then just couldn't do it any more. It took 9 months to grow out, like having a baby. The hair color didn't age me, but what has is losing weight! My face got wrinklier. :sad:
    I say we should do what we want -- keep it or color it -- because of our own tastes and not because of exterion pressures.

    I love your hair!!! But I agree everyone should do what they like!

    I've changed my photo too!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Re: the red shirts....I bet they all died shortly after their workout. (lame Star Trek reference for those of you way cooler than I.)

    The whole rec thing is so stupid--they put in my name, I confirm my address, and my PICTURE POPS UP from the card number. It says in the HOA crap that we need to keep it on us, in case they need to see it, but no one ever does. The only reason you might need it after you check in is if you are using cardio equipment or you check out a basketball or something.

    I'd love to join a gym, but use of all 4 rec centers is built into our HOA fees and the free weight sections are pretty decent. We live there in the summer so the kids can hang at the pool.

    I love those of you rocking your gray! My grandmother had really, really dark brown (almost black) hair and she let it go gray and it was so gorgeous. My mom...it's hard to tell, she still highlights it. Between my mom, my sister, and I we have no idea what color we are naturally any longer.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Wow! I finally read through the bulk of this thread and feel like I have gotten to know a bunch of you, already. :flowerforyou:

    My goals for the rest of this month are to:
    A) Get my squat form right, even though it will kick me in the ego to stay light until it's right. I know an injury-free back will thank me for it later.

    B) do three workouts per week (should be easy enough, as I hate I have to skip a day, and am really liking this, already).

    C) Take one hard rest day per week. I am doing some light cardio and balance on Sun-Tues-Thurs, and taking Saturday off. I feel like a lazy sloth if I don't do SOMEthing on days I'm not going to be lifting.

    D) Get used to eating more. My mind screams, "OMG don't to it! This is how you got fat in the first place, but the math doesn't lie. I wasn't MOVING when I was eating heavy, lol.

    Darwin, your vows totally rock! Congrats on your wedding!

    To everyone: thank you for making a chubby, weak, noob feel welcome and at ease here.

    When I get better at this, I want to be Bada$$, too!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Well I must say that the only reason I bought Bob's Warrior Yoga is because my mom was buying them for me and the deal was 2/$15 or 1/$10 so she was all like "it's only $5" and I'm all like "okay you're paying". Plus I think Bob is hot. Happy Family Day to me!

    Plus I have this weird kind of obsession with The Biggest Loser. If Dolvett comes out with DVD's I'll probably buy them too. But in that case it will probably be more to just watch him workout.

    That's why I don't buy GSP Rushfit. I wouldn't be able to workout because I would be too busy watching his fine *kitten* rep it out :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    D) Get used to eating more. My mind screams, "OMG don't to it! This is how you got fat in the first place, but the math doesn't lie. I wasn't MOVING when I was eating heavy, lol.

    ^^ I struggled with this, not with eating more per se because I *wanted* more, but I struggled with the idea that I could weigh 40-50 lbs less and eat pretty darn close to the same as before, just by not sitting on my *kitten*. I treat myself a LITTLE less often but that's about it. Maybe averaging about 200 less per day than I did when I was fat, and I can live with that.

    Just remind yourself - at some point, your diet becomes your daily intake and you have to LIVE with it. Better make sure its an amount you can live with.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Wow! I finally read through the bulk of this thread and feel like I have gotten to know a bunch of you, already. :flowerforyou:

    My goals for the rest of this month are to:
    A) Get my squat form right, even though it will kick me in the ego to stay light until it's right. I know an injury-free back will thank me for it later.

    Ha, I totally know how you feel. Thanks to the stupid left knee, I'm only squatting 65, and progressing very slowly. I'm deadlifting more than double that, and benching more than that. The only thing lagging behind my squats is the OHP (which was developed by the devil. And Loki. They conspired...)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wow! I finally read through the bulk of this thread and feel like I have gotten to know a bunch of you, already. :flowerforyou:

    My goals for the rest of this month are to:
    A) Get my squat form right, even though it will kick me in the ego to stay light until it's right. I know an injury-free back will thank me for it later.

    Ha, I totally know how you feel. Thanks to the stupid left knee, I'm only squatting 65, and progressing very slowly. I'm deadlifting more than double that, and benching more than that. The only thing lagging behind my squats is the OHP (which was developed by the devil. And Loki. They conspired...)

    OMG speaking of knees, I think you guys jinxed me, last time I squatted my left knee was really bothering me even though I haven't had knee issues in like .... EVER, but certainly not for over 8-9 months. Like. DAMN YOU LOKI.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    The World According to Tameko:

    "Just remind yourself - at some point, your diet becomes your daily intake and you have to LIVE with it. Better make sure its an amount you can live with."

    You are right on as usual!

    Vegas, I love Bob! I used to do Super Strength and ...What was the other in that series? Oh I know, Ripped Core Workout. They were the Inside out dvds...Anyway I was doing those videos for most of last year. He said some things that were annoying. I know my husband doesn't like him but I found I could do his workouts without hurting myself. (with modifications of course.) For some reason Jillian's workouts really hurt my body.(and not in the good way.) Anyway, Enjoy your DVDs! Happy Family Day!!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Horrid, horrid workout today. But I am blaming my most horrid-est sleep last night. I am pointing my finger at it and narrowing my eyes.

    I am also doing some pushups and dips to make myself feel better. I'm a weirdo, I know.

    Anyone do tricep pushups? Dear Lord, I find them SO HARD.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    The World According to Tameko:

    "Just remind yourself - at some point, your diet becomes your daily intake and you have to LIVE with it. Better make sure its an amount you can live with."

    You are right on as usual!

    Vegas, I love Bob! I used to do Super Strength and ...What was the other in that series? Oh I know, Ripped Core Workout. They were the Inside out dvds...Anyway I was doing those videos for most of last year. He said some things that were annoying. I know my husband doesn't like him but I found I could do his workouts without hurting myself. (with modifications of course.) For some reason Jillian's workouts really hurt my body.(and not in the good way.) Anyway, Enjoy your DVDs! Happy Family Day!!

    This yoga DVD will be the first of Bob's that I've tried actually! I"m a big Jillian fan though and have a crap load of hers and I do quite like her even though she is a little bit insane lol I noticed tonight while I was watching The Biggest Loser that Bob and Dolvett have a couple of DVD's out too now. I tried to do Ripped in 30 on non lifting days not too long ago and yeah, that didn't work so good so I'm think that I'll have to wait for any more craziness like that :laugh: Happy Family Day to you too!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels DVDS. Although I like to do them sporadically. I just tried to do insanity. We finished the first month but i dont think i can do the second month. The videos are longer more bodyweght exercises and too much to mix with SL and pole dancing. When summer comes I'll be trail running again. I love running up rocky hills and jumping over logs. Makes me feel like a wild woman. I always use mountain biking trails.

    Today was awesome! I'm on session 11 in the SL app.

    Squats 5x5x85
    Bench press 5x5x60. Gonna repeat this the bar was tilting. During my last rep of the last two sets. I was a little worried I might drop it on my head this time but I was at one of those BP racks with the safety catches so I reassured myself with that.
    Row 5x5x65. Used the 45lb bar and stacked up weights under and I think it was my best day for form. I'm still doing a bit of a chicken head move which I'm gonna try to work on more.

    I really think for me keeping myself fueled and well rested will be my key to success in this program.