February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Glad to see everyone's numbers improving still!

    All this talk about scale stress - I was up 3, down 2, up 1, down 1, back and forth.

    I still can't get a gauge on whether I am gaining at the right rate, too fast, or not at all and its really frustrating. I sorta feel like I am spinning my wheels. I am also getting like super obsessive about this eating thing...like was at a new friend's house for the first time for puppy play date. She invited me to stay for dinner since hubz is still out of town. We are "courting" this couple, as we don't have a lot of non-work friends and they seem really fun and relaxed like us. Anyways, of course I accepted the dinner offer, but I kept thinking "is this enough food? if I get seconds, I will probably go over - but I have no way of knowing. Am I going to have enough protein today?" Then I got home, was exhausted and feel asleep. I woke up today stressed out that I underate and had to go plug stuff in....weird obsessive behavior is annoying.

    Re: Hipbones. Mine were starting to jut out - like almost too much, now they are disappearing...well, not quite, but I feel like I am getting more muscley around my hips so they aren't as sharp anymore. Dunno how I feel about that yet. I usually use my hip bones as a non-scale measurement of if I am indulging too much. Today is recovery day #2, gonna hit the gym tomorrow morning (when its hopefully dead).

    In other news, someone brought a pullup bar into work and offered a $100 gift card to a local diner (his parents own it) to whoever could do one pullup first (between me and my boss). If I get a hop start, I can do one close grip, but he says it has to be a dead hang wide grip. Boo! I do a lot of negatives during the day, lol.

    ETA: Wooo, rolled the thread! lol
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    All this talk about scale stress - I was up 3, down 2, up 1, down 1, back and forth.

    I still can't get a gauge on whether I am gaining at the right rate, too fast, or not at all and its really frustrating. I sorta feel like I am spinning my wheels.

    Me too! I'm debating on switching to TDEE with a deficit, the trouble is that my exercise isn't consistant from week to week, sometimes I can go for a run, but it's been super icey so I haven't run in 2 weeks! Sigh. I'm still not sure but at least I'm not gaining... lol.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    yeahhhh we rolled the thread..... Im not having a good week ( didnt I say that last week).... as soon as I get off track, its hard to get back onn

    I volunteered to g on night shift t work on a project that would gain me some valuable experience.... but my sleeping & eating hasnt adjusted as well.... and thus my fitness goals are suffering.... and I have another 6 weeks to go of it..... Im hoping next week will level off

    I am only down 8 lbs this month,,,,,,15 lbs was my goal... so far I m down in inches in the hips and thighs....so all isnt a total bust
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    yeahhhh we rolled the thread..... Im not having a good week ( didnt I say that last week).... as soon as I get off track, its hard to get back onn

    I volunteered to g on night shift t work on a project that would gain me some valuable experience.... but my sleeping & eating hasnt adjusted as well.... and thus my fitness goals are suffering.... and I have another 6 weeks to go of it..... Im hoping next week will level off

    I am only down 8 lbs this month,,,,,,15 lbs was my goal... so far I m down in inches in the hips and thighs....so all isnt a total bust

    Sounds like great progress HIITMe...don't be too hard on yourself..though clearly I'm not one to really say that since I'm the worst! Hopefully your body will adjust soon to the schedule change.

    @ everyone...thanks for the encouragement..I admit that I would be happy if my body were losing inches...but it seems to be swelling up..I can see it in the mirror, on the tape measure and how my clothes are fitting..I had to go up a size in pants...ugh. I feel like a total freak.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm about to get all bendy up in here...my *kitten* is a bit sore from deadlifts yesterday.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Julie - I can swell up a LOT after lifting or other random life events (like my pants will be SUPER tight) sometimes, due to who freaking knows what factors, but it will cause all my inches to go up (including waist... :grumble: ) and yeah. It just happens.

    How long has it been since you took a break and ate at maintenance? I think you should do a 2 week break at what you think your maintenance is, if its been a while. I know its super scary to eat more when you're carrying a bunch of extra water.

    I'm thinking that 1) you're having a hard time with your lifts and 2) your body feels really stressed right now, which is why it went into super retaining inflamation mode. A few weeks at maintenance should let you feel better all over -- and you can test out if that's really your maintenance or not.

    HiitMe - 8 lbs a month is pretty huge! I'd dtake that and run with it.

    kit_katty - how inconsistent are we talking though? If you work out either 4 or 5 hours per week, I'd still eat the same amount and not really fret about it. But if you workout 4 hours one week and 10 hours the next, I'd maybe eat like you're doing the 4 hours, then eat exercise cals for the 'extra' during the high activity weeks.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Julie- My weight shot up 3-4lbs after a couple weeks of SL, basically when they weight started getting a little challenging. I assume this was water cause it stuck around (didn't go down the next day) but I've been slowwwwwwwwly losing since then. I know from experience that measurements can go all over. I've always been a measurer and a weigher. Even this week my natural waist measurement went down, but my belly button measurement went up. Especially in the midsection (waist/belly/hips) so much can be affected by water/sodium/digestive situation. You need to think of your body as the stock market. Most people don't sell their whole portfolio over day to day changes. Instead they look at their investments over the long term.

    Hiit- Agree that 8 lbs is awesome.

    Kit_katty- I'm not consistent with any workout, but stronglifts and the bit of cardio I do with it. So on my TDEE calculator I only count that, and take a deficit. If I do more workouts that I feel are worth it I'll log it and eat the calories. So if I go for a nice stroll I probably wouldn't count it, but if I go to spin class or do an hour on the arc trainer I will count it. So pretty much what Tameko said.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I had to skip a bunch of stuff. Keep working those bad *kitten*!

    The scale always fluctuates a few pounds for me, every day. I'm always amazed when people say they've literally been at the same weight for awhile.

    Kit_katty: here's what I was doing up until a few weeks ago. I worked out my sedentary TDEE - assuming I did not work out - to be about 1850. I set my intake at 1800 every day. That way I figured I had a tiny deficit and a little wiggle room even if I didn't workout AT ALL. Then any exercise I did "created" my deficit. So on weeks that I didn't get to work out much, I still ate the same and didn't feel deprived and just figured I would lose the next week. But most weeks I was able to do enough to create a bit of a substantial deficit. it was good motivation because it was very easy to think about my workouts as necessary for my deficit. I switched to 1600 plus exercise calories recently though, because I entered a stretch where I felt like my exercising was going to be really hit or miss. I've been having a hard time staying under 1600, so I may switch back, or up it to 1700 and only eat back half my exercise calories, or something.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Julie - I can swell up a LOT after lifting or other random life events (like my pants will be SUPER tight) sometimes, due to who freaking knows what factors, but it will cause all my inches to go up (including waist... :grumble: ) and yeah. It just happens.

    How long has it been since you took a break and ate at maintenance? I think you should do a 2 week break at what you think your maintenance is, if its been a while. I know its super scary to eat more when you're carrying a bunch of extra water.

    I'm thinking that 1) you're having a hard time with your lifts and 2) your body feels really stressed right now, which is why it went into super retaining inflamation mode. A few weeks at maintenance should let you feel better all over -- and you can test out if that's really your maintenance or not.

    Wow, this just sent me into full blown panick mode...I don't know what you speak of ...what is this "maintenance?" Yeah, I've been on my journy for 2 + years. I'm a chronic under eater...there were times this summer when I was only eating 600 cals and still using the machines at the gym 2-3 times a week and doing major walking...this is me trying to do things right and reseting my metabolism...in my own defense I was suffering from a break up when I was eating that little,..I just was too upset to eat. I thought by still lifting weights I would be okay...my thyroid has gone from hypothyroid to hypERthyroid in the last year...and I'm back to trying to stabalize it...but frankly I think that all this weight loss and exercise has thrust my thyroid into overdrive and I truly don't need the meds anymore...jury is still out on that. So...I have to be honest here...I don't think it is even possible for me to eat at TDEE which is around 1700. I think I would totally, and I MEAN TOTALLY freak out. Netting between 1200 and 1400 is huge for me.

    But I have to say, since amping up my lifting, I've really been suffering. Weakness etc...There are probably so many damn reasons I could never narrow it all down. I'm only at the end of week 2 of SL5x5, last night I actually felt powerful. I discovered how to engage my core to push through the tough OHP reps. Although I do feel like I was arching my back too much. Same with the benchpresses on Sunday. I'm more than willing to listen to advice, hell I'm begging you for it. and if you really think I need to do that I can try...I may need to give it a little more time though. History, started doing TDEE -20% beginning of Jan, started doing SL beginning of Feb...

    @Tree - thanks...you have me thinking that I need to take more than just a few measurements. I've just been doing the natural waist, hips, thighs and now both thighs together since my body has been doing funky things with my hips. I now have that "D" carve out in my butt, but that makes my saddlebags look HUGE in comparison..it is freaky looking.

    Note: sorry I'm being so needy and whiney...I'm not usually, this is just some scary changes for me. I'm really loving the program, I'm not usually one of those people who say "waaa I've been super good for 2 hours, why haven't I lost 20lbs"....for what its worth.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Julie, you're good, chica, vent away.

    Here's what helped me with some lifts...
    OHP: widen the grip on the bar a bit, widen your stance a bit, and point your toes out. That helped my core stability without needing to arch my back.

    Bench: keep your feet flat on the ground--if you can't do that because the bench is too high, stack a weight or two under your feet. Squeeze your shoulder blades and press them to the bench like they're super glued.

    Other people might have some hints, but those two really helped me.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    kit_katty - how inconsistent are we talking though? If you work out either 4 or 5 hours per week, I'd still eat the same amount and not really fret about it. But if you workout 4 hours one week and 10 hours the next, I'd maybe eat like you're doing the 4 hours, then eat exercise cals for the 'extra' during the high activity weeks.

    Well, I was running about 20-30k per week (2-3 days to and from work) but with the ice out there, it's just not safe, so I haven't been able to. But that's a good 4-6 hrs per week that I'm down. I've tried to replace it by doing spin classes, Tabata etc... Stronglifts has been pretty consistant though.

    It's funny that you and Fillreelol mentioned eating at TDEE-deficit for say stronglifts and then count the others as extra, I'd just been toying with something like that after writing my last post. Glad to hear you guys think it's a good idea too!

    And thanks Saraz5, I'll keep everyone's input in mind!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about Stronglifts. :D I started editing my post and then got Leechblocked.

    ANYWAY... Fck it. I had my first roll of shame this morning. :laugh: Funny enough, I actually felt MORE badass with a 75 lb barbell laying across my stomach. No even looked at me as I made my awkward way out from under it. Because I TOTES look like I know exactly what I'm doing. :glasses: :wink:

    I had a good session of squats and decent rows - I do feel like my form is right, but I'm definitely not feeling it in my back. I'm feeling it in my quads and hams. I accidentally jumped up 10 in squats, so I may repeat next time, we'll see. It was only 75 though. :laugh:

    Bench I still couldn't hack it at 75. Back down to 70 again. Le sigh. I think my twice a week schedule is hurting me.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Sorry for the double post, but...

    JULIE - That sounds like a tough hole to dig out of, hon. You are doing a great job refocusing. I do want to ask though, is 1700 your TDEE *with* all the exercise? That seems surprisingly low, but I have no idea what other bodies' TDEEs are.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Sorry for the double post, but...

    JULIE - That sounds like a tough hole to dig out of, hon. You are doing a great job refocusing. I do want to ask though, is 1700 your TDEE *with* all the exercise? That seems surprisingly low, but I have no idea what other bodies' TDEEs are.

    It does sound like a tough hole to dig out of but you're making good inroads it seems. It sounds like its not eating TDEE that freaks you out so much as the sheer number? Like if I told you your TDEE was 1500 you'd be ok eating 1500 (since you said you're netting 1400 some days) but you struggle with the IDEA of 1700?

    What are you typically grossing, with exercise?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Squats today were 2 sets no weights, 2 sets with the 45 lb bar and 1 set with 50. I'm slooooowly inching up there. :laugh:

    Chest presses were 4 sets of 45 lb (that's progress from 3 sets, right? right!)

    Rows ... gave me trouble today. I had my knees locked and legs streight for some stupid reason but I did 4 x 5 with the 45 lb bar. My back was yelling at me afterwards and I might switch to dumbbell rows for a while or try the sumo thing. I had zero trouble with form last time and thought I had it down, and today everything just kinda went south on me. Blergh.

    Rows and Deadlifts are my least favorite but I think it's because I'm not comfortable with my form and my lower back/SI/hips aren't liking them at all. I'm going to just have to have youtube on my tablet going and copy people for a while until I get it down pat. IDK why I thought I could get away with not doing that today. Silly me. Lesson learned. Rippetoe is going to be my buddy again for Saturday's deadlifts and beyond, and Pendlay is going to remain my buddy for these rows for some weeks to come I think. The last thing I want is for my back to sideline me; that would suck so much. If I have to, I'll take some steps back, grab dumbbells and go from there unless someone has a better idea. I'm wide open for suggestions.

    Also, foamrolling = heaven. Hurts sooo good. :bigsmile:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Julie - I can swell up a LOT after lifting or other random life events (like my pants will be SUPER tight) sometimes, due to who freaking knows what factors, but it will cause all my inches to go up (including waist... :grumble: ) and yeah. It just happens.

    How long has it been since you took a break and ate at maintenance? I think you should do a 2 week break at what you think your maintenance is, if its been a while. I know its super scary to eat more when you're carrying a bunch of extra water.

    I'm thinking that 1) you're having a hard time with your lifts and 2) your body feels really stressed right now, which is why it went into super retaining inflamation mode. A few weeks at maintenance should let you feel better all over -- and you can test out if that's really your maintenance or not.

    Wow, this just sent me into full blown panick mode...I don't know what you speak of ...what is this "maintenance?" Yeah, I've been on my journy for 2 + years. I'm a chronic under eater...there were times this summer when I was only eating 600 cals and still using the machines at the gym 2-3 times a week and doing major walking...this is me trying to do things right and reseting my metabolism...in my own defense I was suffering from a break up when I was eating that little,..I just was too upset to eat. I thought by still lifting weights I would be okay...my thyroid has gone from hypothyroid to hypERthyroid in the last year...and I'm back to trying to stabalize it...but frankly I think that all this weight loss and exercise has thrust my thyroid into overdrive and I truly don't need the meds anymore...jury is still out on that. So...I have to be honest here...I don't think it is even possible for me to eat at TDEE which is around 1700. I think I would totally, and I MEAN TOTALLY freak out. Netting between 1200 and 1400 is huge for me.

    But I have to say, since amping up my lifting, I've really been suffering. Weakness etc...There are probably so many damn reasons I could never narrow it all down. I'm only at the end of week 2 of SL5x5, last night I actually felt powerful. I discovered how to engage my core to push through the tough OHP reps. Although I do feel like I was arching my back too much. Same with the benchpresses on Sunday. I'm more than willing to listen to advice, hell I'm begging you for it. and if you really think I need to do that I can try...I may need to give it a little more time though. History, started doing TDEE -20% beginning of Jan, started doing SL beginning of Feb...

    @Tree - thanks...you have me thinking that I need to take more than just a few measurements. I've just been doing the natural waist, hips, thighs and now both thighs together since my body has been doing funky things with my hips. I now have that "D" carve out in my butt, but that makes my saddlebags look HUGE in comparison..it is freaky looking.

    Note: sorry I'm being so needy and whiney...I'm not usually, this is just some scary changes for me. I'm really loving the program, I'm not usually one of those people who say "waaa I've been super good for 2 hours, why haven't I lost 20lbs"....for what its worth.

    Oh dear :frown:

    Well, I have to say that, especially after reading this, I agree with Tameko on a reset. But I think that we might have to baby step you through it (which is what we're here for) because you are probably going to go through a phase or two that you don't like so much. I think that you might also have to start thinking about this as being "healthy" vs being "skinny" although hopefully now that you have been able to experience the boost in confidence that lifting can bring and how powerful it can make you feel, it won't be that far off :smile:

    I'm sorry if that came across as harsh, but I'm worried that by what you described above that you have really done a complete number on your metabolism :frown:

    ETA: I just read some posts that have happened since I started writing this. I'm curious to know, as Tameko mentioned, is it that number of calories that freaks you our or do you sincerely have a mental block in regards to eating period? The way I'm understanding is that you are more accustomed to a VLCD and psychologically believe that there is no way you can get ahead by eating more....please correct me if I'm wrong :smile:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Finally got the courage to take up one of the squat racks at my gym. It was very busy and admittedly, I fumbled a bit and put too much on at first for my benches and some foreign guy came and told me I will injure myself and break my back and that I should take one of the benches and just use the dumbbells. Really off putting and ignorant. Only managed to bench about 45 pounds, which is disappointing after 5 or 6 weeks but then I am only lifting twice a week currently and started lower than I should have.

    Got up to around 65 for the squats which is still pitifully low. It seems to be taking me so long to go up. I maybe could have gone heavier, but it was already painful on my buttocks to stand back up with that weight. I tend to squat low.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Just wanted to say I haven't quite figured out the optimum diet yet for myself either but IM trying to be patient. Most of the great results come after 6 months to a year of sticking with it. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I seem to go up and down two to three pounds each week. This week I managed to gain a pound but lose .5 inch from my waist and .5 inch from my hips. Just like losses, gains can be temporary. I see progress because I'm fitting into a smaller size clothing without losing much weight. My point is be patient try to find something that works and remember its a process. Maybe put away the scale for a month or two, like Vegas did, to make the process less stressful. Most of my problems I've had with not making my lifts or getting exhausted was from missing my macros, not getting enough sleep and/or overdoing it in combination with not eating and drinking enough to compensate.

    I also remind myself of my goals which are not to be skinny but to be strong, healthy and set good examples for my sons. I've gotten skinny before and doing that taught me being skinny but not being "in shape" made me unhappy too. I wanna walk the talk and inspire others to become healthy.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Quick hi to tag the thread! Back to catch up later! *waves*
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Just wanted to say I haven't quite figured out the optimum diet yet for myself either but IM trying to be patient. Most of the great results come after 6 months to a year of sticking with it. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I seem to go up and down two to three pounds each week. This week I managed to gain a pound but lose .5 inch from my waist and .5 inch from my hips. Just like losses, gains can be temporary. I see progress because I'm fitting into a smaller size clothing without losing much weight. My point is be patient try to find something that works and remember its a process. Maybe put away the scale for a month or two, like Vegas did, to make the process less stressful. Most of my problems I've had with not making my lifts or getting exhausted was from missing my macros, not getting enough sleep and/or overdoing it in combination with not eating and drinking enough to compensate.

    I also remind myself of my goals which are not to be skinny but to be strong, healthy and set good examples for my sons. I've gotten skinny before and doing that taught me being skinny but not being "in shape" made me unhappy too. I wanna walk the talk and inspire others to become healthy.

    Wonderfully put! I completely agree :smile: