February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I seriously love this board. Carry on.

    I'm at conferences. Bor. ing.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    So, I'm back.

    Julie: Sorry you're having such a tough time. I agree with a lot of what has already been said, and especially the part where it was suggested 1700 sounds low for TDEE. I'd have to agree, unless you're reaaaaally tiny, plus reaaaaaaaaaally sedentary. Or maybe reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally old. But seriously, though, it sounds to me like you really need to retrain your body and your mind to be okay with eating proper amounts of food. You really cannot function optimally if you are undereating. And ironically, your body will start to resist losing weight if you are chronically undereating, anyways. So then there's really nothing to lose by raising your calories a little.

    Edited to add: After I made the "old" comment, I went back to your profile, wondering how old you were (you know, in case I offended you.) I see you are 99, in which case...well your TDEE may actually be quite low. Quite low indeed. :wink:

    As for me, I had yet ANOTHER sucky workout today. Bah. It's been 3 in a row now, I think. Hoping this means my next workout will be the charm? I am starting to feel like maybe I'm just a wuss and that my sloooooooooooow progress is due to me being a big wimp. Probably I'm feeling that way because I'm falling into the comparison trap, but I'm not sure. I workout alone, at home, so maybe I'm *not* pushing myself as hard as I could? Erch. My husband is always impressed if I tell him my numbers I'm lifting. I don't know. *sigh* Just discouraged and feeling bummed tonight.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Julie: More on TDEE. Even a quick calculator like this one: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html gives me (I'm 5'5", 159 pounds, 37 years old) a TDEE of 1767 if I do NO exercise and have a desk job. 2024 if I exercise 1-3 days per week, and 2282 if I exercise 3-5 days per week. My actual numbers may be slightly lower (due mostly to trial and error) but not by much. I've been slowly losing while eating 1900 daily. I'm thinking my TDEE (including exercise, remember) is around 2200ish.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I am seriously exhausted. Getting married tires the ever living **** out of you.

    Recap of week: rcvd an email Tuesday morning that our officiant had a death and the funeral is Saturday at 4. Our ceremony is/was at 5. We were picking up our marriage license that day anyway, so decided to get married at the courthouse. So we got married a few days earlier...and we'll just announce it at the ceremony and get straight to the reception instead. They are both at the same place.

    Same night my 1 yo Siamese baby blew up like a balloon and had to take him to kitty er. Thought he was going to have to do surgery but just steroids.

    Now finishing shopping, errands for Saturday wedding festivities and we're getting a snow storm tomorrow.

    I haven't slept at all - I'm so tired, but very happy to married to love. He's truly meant for me!

    Now for my workout today-

    120 squats 5x5
    60 ohp 3x5
    160 dl 1x4
    175 dl 1x2

    I switched to a mixed grip today and holy hell it made a huge difference! I could have lifted more but didn't want to push it.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I am seriously exhausted. Getting married tires the ever living **** out of you.

    Recap of week: rcvd an email Tuesday morning that our officiant had a death and the funeral is Saturday at 4. Our ceremony is/was at 5. We were picking up our marriage license that day anyway, so decided to get married at the courthouse. So we got married a few days earlier...and we'll just announce it at the ceremony and get straight to the reception instead. They are both at the same place.

    Same night my 1 yo Siamese baby blew up like a balloon and had to take him to kitty er. Thought he was going to have to do surgery but just steroids.

    Now finishing shopping, errands for Saturday wedding festivities and we're getting a snow storm tomorrow.

    I haven't slept at all - I'm so tired, but very happy to married to love. He's truly meant for me!

    Now for my workout today-

    120 squats 5x5
    60 ohp 3x5
    160 dl 1x4
    175 dl 1x2

    I switched to a mixed grip today and holy hell it made a huge difference! I could have lifted more but didn't want to push it.

    Congrats Lady!!!! All that chaos and you still managed a workout! Good on you! Enjoy the next couple of days :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Awesome workout Darwin!!! Loves for the wedding and kitty crazy.

    Julie, I keep thinking about you. :flowerforyou: Have you joined the group Eat Train Progress? If not, you really, really should. Great advice from well-informed folks about exercising, eating, and how they work together. Sarauk2sf and SideSteel will evaluate your dieting history and workout goals and give you a detailed suggestion on how you should go about getting your eating back on track. At least join, read, and really seriously think about asking them for help. Then you can feel like two knowledgeable people have taken a personal look at your situation, and you can feel accountable to them to at least TRY what they suggest for a few months. There's not much harm you can do in a few weeks or months. If you just look at it as a small increment of time, it might help you to get over your fears.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Darwin you are a bamf!

    Does anyone know good hip stretches that don't involve bending your knee too much past 90 degrees, or have your kneecap on the ground? I'm used to doing pigeon pose, butterfly stretch, and a kneeling hip flexor stretch. I've been skipping them the past few workouts for obvious reasons, and my hips are getting tight! Please help a tree out!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Darwin...CONGRATS!! I love the way you are handling this wedding... So do you get to use those vows from the other thread now on Saturday?? they shouldnt go to waste... ;)

    Im going to try squats, OHP and Dead Lifts tomorrow ( well actually later today since its wayy past midnight) without the Smith Machine...Dont know what intimidates me about that but eff it....then do laps in the pool.... though Im a lil tired and swimming after SLs seems to hurt my endurance ( as it very well should) it seems to help with preventing/easing muscle soreness and recovery.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @Darwin - Congratulations!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I am seriously exhausted. Getting married tires the ever living **** out of you.

    Recap of week: rcvd an email Tuesday morning that our officiant had a death and the funeral is Saturday at 4. Our ceremony is/was at 5. We were picking up our marriage license that day anyway, so decided to get married at the courthouse. So we got married a few days earlier...and we'll just announce it at the ceremony and get straight to the reception instead. They are both at the same place.

    Same night my 1 yo Siamese baby blew up like a balloon and had to take him to kitty er. Thought he was going to have to do surgery but just steroids.

    Now finishing shopping, errands for Saturday wedding festivities and we're getting a snow storm tomorrow.

    I haven't slept at all - I'm so tired, but very happy to married to love. He's truly meant for me!

    Now for my workout today-

    120 squats 5x5
    60 ohp 3x5
    160 dl 1x4
    175 dl 1x2

    I switched to a mixed grip today and holy hell it made a huge difference! I could have lifted more but didn't want to push it.

    Apparently even after cardio my brain has not started functioning. I seriously thought you had adopted a Siamese kid. And then I wondered if they still call it Siam, and then I wondered why your "kiddy er" corrected to "kitty er". Wow. Hopefully that wears off before I do something really stupid when my boss gets in.

    But beyond all that, CONGRATS ON GETTING MARRIED!!! The pic of you and your hubby is super cute! Glad to hear the kitty doesn't need surgery, and have a wonderful time with friends and family this weekend!!!

    On another note, my friend convinced me to try her boot camp tomorrow because they're having a free week. My lifts on Sunday will blow...
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Darwin, I'm so happy for you...for the wedding and the BAMF deads. Mixed grip is like a miracle, huh?

    Tree, where are you trying to stretch your hip? Inner? Outer? Crescent lunch is good for hip flexor and you can adjust the depth of your knee bend...you can drop your pelvis towards the floor and get a good deep stretch.

    I had parent/teacher conferences last night, so I was at school from 7 until about 7:30. I'm SO TIRED!! I'm also going to try and figure out how to work out today because I only have an hour before I have to get my daughter and I have state-testing training during my plan. Needless to say, I'm pissed off about the training. Ugh.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Julie, you're good, chica, vent away.

    Here's what helped me with some lifts...
    OHP: widen the grip on the bar a bit, widen your stance a bit, and point your toes out. That helped my core stability without needing to arch my back.

    Bench: keep your feet flat on the ground--if you can't do that because the bench is too high, stack a weight or two under your feet. Squeeze your shoulder blades and press them to the bench like they're super glued.

    Other people might have some hints, but those two really helped me.

    @ Darwin!! Congrats! that is awesome, you're a married lady!! woot! and such a graceful way to handle a problem!

    @ estra awesome advice! I'm benching tonight, and I believe it is supposed to be 50lbs. I really had to suck the abs in on Sunday to do 45lbs...so we'll see how it goes!

    @Sarah and Tameko and everyone else who is so kind. I used HelloItsDan's way of measuring TDEE, he recommends using lightly active. and so my TDEE was 1761. I am 5'1", 132 (well up to 135) and I'm ...(god I hate saying this number) 50 yo. Yeah that pic is me, I don't look it or act it and don't want to be pigeon holed by it (and yeah my bf is 35 so take that!!! lol). So yeah, my TDEE is low. I suffered a bit from anorexia ages ago in high school...At one time I was 106lbs and wore a size 6 jeans..I wear a size 4 (up from a size 2 when I was 127 lbs this summer)...so I totally love what lifting has done for my body. But my *kitten* is huge and my thighs are 21"!! up a half an inch. I am really freaked about gaining weight..my bf loves it because he says it went all to my boobs, but I can see where it is...there is a lot of it..My body fat percentage is 28%. So yeah, its high, and the fat wasn't coming off with just diet I KNOW the lifting is what is making the difference.

    I'm a nursing student, and I understand what is healthy, applying to myself after years of dieting is hard...really hard. I know that I wouldn't be as freaked if I saw it coming off in inches...but I'm not..I KNOW I'm doing the right thing, but it is seriously hard to watch the scale creepy back up after working 2 years to get 40lbs off. When I'm being rational I know the only way to get the fat off is to eat more and lift heavy ****. I LOVE lifting heavy ****. I want to be strong, I want to look good naked, and I want to get back into my size 2...I want to take a bath and not see the beautiful muscles on my thighs surrounded by the fat floating...its gross. I LOVE that my two boys (9 and 11yo) are trying to exercise and build muscle like their mother...my 9 yo stuffed pillows in his pjs and came in and told me "look how buff I am mom!! I'm so ripped my shirt unbuttoned!" So, yeah, I get it...I really do...it is just so, so hard to watch the scale go up. I do weight myself every day, historically if I didn't I would always feel like I was losing and in fact be gaining...so I do it to stay true and not be surprised. I also did a full set of measurements today. I put them in my diary. I'll open it up to everyone if you want.

    As for my eating...on lift days I'm trying to eat my calories back. I like being able to put my exercise in. I usually do my lifting and then will get on the elliptical for some cardio. I have a touch of asthma so I like to keep the heart and lungs exercised. Though I greatly prefer walking in the woods. I walk fast, about 4mph...and love the silence and beauty of the woods.

    So...thank you all for being so helpful, non judgemental, and such badass b*tches...I LOVE being here..and I am more than willing to take advice...and try my best. To answer someone's question, I think it is the number that scares me..I've been eating at or below 1200 calories for most of my life...my metabolism was shot to hell...I could gain weight on 700 cals at one point. I have science behind the numbers now...and I KNOW that isn't right. I've done a pretty good job of reseting my metabolism...if you know anything about thyroid issues..I have to keep my TSH number at .5 (anywhere from .3 to 7.5 CAN be normal, it really depends on each person what level they feel good at, if my TSH gets above 1.0 I can't function). Back last April my TSH went down to .25, by September is was 0.01!!! I'll spare you all the problems that was causing!!! I've been working with my doctor to bring that number back to a normal range. Currently I'm on a lower dose of thyroid meds than I've EVER been on and it is only 0.10, ugh! That is after 5 months of changes. Also right after I eat my furnace kicks on and starts burning the fuel..that is really cool.

    Sorry its so long...heading to open up my diary for God and everyone to see...Oh and yeah, I have a major sweet tooth...and I don't log what I drink...coffee with milk, diet coke...I will log if I have some wine...and of course I log the water.

    thank you...:flowerforyou:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Congrats Darwin and way to go everyone else!

    Julie, upping my cals and even starting to actually count them and log them (after years of being free from the obsession, I too am recovering from ana and mia) freaked me out for a bit. But I have stayed the same weight and my body is still changing (bodyfat percentage is still decreasing and waist has gotten smaller, have even changed bra size again), I have way more energy and there is no way I could lift this heavy without the calories. You need them to lift...defo...I am happy and mood is steady (undereating makes me a moody *****)

    I have been resting this week, so weak, so tired, my cold has dragged out three weeks now and have chest and sinus infections...FUDGE!!!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Darwin you are a bamf!

    Does anyone know good hip stretches that don't involve bending your knee too much past 90 degrees, or have your kneecap on the ground? I'm used to doing pigeon pose, butterfly stretch, and a kneeling hip flexor stretch. I've been skipping them the past few workouts for obvious reasons, and my hips are getting tight! Please help a tree out!


  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @ nextangel...ooo! feel better, I had the horrible flu in December it was horrible...rest up and be well!

  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Darwin you are a bamf!

    Does anyone know good hip stretches that don't involve bending your knee too much past 90 degrees, or have your kneecap on the ground? I'm used to doing pigeon pose, butterfly stretch, and a kneeling hip flexor stretch. I've been skipping them the past few workouts for obvious reasons, and my hips are getting tight! Please help a tree out!



    Not sure if this will help but it definately was pretty amazing to prepare for squatting. Tree there might be too much knee bending in this one for you but ill leave that up to you to decide.

    It's called super squat pre-sequence workout on YouTube
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Julie, if you are eating back your exercise calories on "lightly active" at around 1700 then it sounds like you are doing it just right. :) You could probably stand to at maintenance for awhile, but I think that is HUGE progress from where you are coming from. And yeah, as your body continues to adjust and normalize, i'm sure those pounds will float up a little and hover and stuff, and maybe you won't see the measurements change right away. You really have to have faith in the long-term impact. Your last post sounded really positive and awesome. :) Your boys sound fantastic.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @ Sarah, thanks...my boys are awesome...I did go join the eating group you recommended..I'm going to get through all the reading material this weekend. And yes, I'm trying to tough it out through all the scary weight gain stuff...hate it but toughing it out. I am shooting for 1400 cals net a day...which is the TDEE -20%...we had a potluck at work today..so oops, I'm already there..but I am hitting the gym tonight.

    NSV!! there are cupcakes here, made by the lady who makes the best cake in the world...I <3 cake...but I chose to spend my cals on more yummy taco meat and salad....yum
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I tried out Bob Harper's yoga DVD this morning for the first time and YES! I really like it! It's an hour though, so not one that I will be able to do every day, but his approach is refreshing, the music is refreshing and there is actually a guy in it which I love!

    I also bought my ticket to see Jillian Michaels on her Maximize Your Life tour and I'm so excited about that! I'm going by myself so that I can take in absolutely everything that I can from it :smile:

    So I think because of all of the talk about calories and such over the last few days, I started to get antsy about my latest stats (it's been 6 weeks since I last weighed and measured). I really wanted to wait until next Friday, but thought hell, let's just check it out today and then take official next week right before the start of my cycle 2 of SL.

    Well, the scale says I'm up 2lbs :grumble: BUT it looks like my inches have finally started to move back down a bit :happy: so I think that I may have started something good here. I'm going to do everything official next week but at this point I think I'm going to continue on with my plan for cycle 2 of SL and not change anything. The end of the month also marks the 3 month period from when I got my IUD too so I think it's best if I don't change anything right now.

    So after weighing/measuring and yoga this morning I had to take my daughter to the doctor for her knee. We are in the waiting area and I notice this big bulletin board full of information about weight loss and such, all part of an initiative from the provincial government. There was one statement right in the middle of the board that I thought was super fitting for me, and for many of us here in this group given all the convo that has gone on lately.

    "Strive to reach and maintain your best weight...the lowest weight you can achieve while maintaining the healthiest lifestyle you can enjoy."

    Happy Friday all :bigsmile:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Darwin you are a bamf!

    Does anyone know good hip stretches that don't involve bending your knee too much past 90 degrees, or have your kneecap on the ground? I'm used to doing pigeon pose, butterfly stretch, and a kneeling hip flexor stretch. I've been skipping them the past few workouts for obvious reasons, and my hips are getting tight! Please help a tree out!



    Not sure if this will help but it definately was pretty amazing to prepare for squatting. Tree there might be too much knee bending in this one for you but ill leave that up to you to decide.

    It's called super squat pre-sequence workout on YouTube

    Holy ****. As someone in the comments said, he did that entire sequence. In jeans...