February Check-n-chat: Bada$$ B!tches do it with barbells



  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member

    Tonight is my 3rd SL workout!!! I am so excited about it! I am glad I finally found something I actually want to do. But I am kinda worried about rows tonight. The first time I did them they were pretty hard and could not really finish my last set with good form. So I wonder if I need to do it at the same weight as the first time or do I increase the weight and see how many I can do?

    Awesome for starting SL. Normally I would say it really depends on how bad the form was on the rep. I know if I'm struggling to get the bar up through a rep there is going to be some form loss. But if I am just way off I wont count the rep. That said you have only done the Rows once and on stronglifts the first few sessions are supposed to be really easy so that you can get your form down. Personally I would deload I dont know if you started with the recommended or lighter. If you did start with the recommended then I would drop to the bar or even beyond that to a 25 or 35 lb fixed barbell. You want to be able to see yourself progress through this and its not going to help you if its already heavy for you in the 5th set . I have seen a lot of the women starting below recommended and they seem to have a better time with it.

    I started off with the recommended weight so I will do just the bar tonight to get my form right. Thanks!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Otherwise they're just doing a disservice to good taste and manners.

    @Doozer -- LOL oh wow, I wish I had been there with ya! How funny, and the way you describe it is even funnier.

    Yea that was super tacky. It's really a shame the level some ladies stoop to in the name of trying to "feel sexy" or get attention. My private bits ain't nobody's business except my husband's and my OB/GYN doc's.

    I'm all in favor of people having the right to wear what they want, but we're not living deep in the sweltering heat of the Amazon jungle or the Sahara Desert, and so I think covering up a bit isn't going hurt anybody.

    Today's numbers (brought to you courtesy of last night's pigout session on pita chips and tsasiki sauce that I used for fuel today):
    Squats - 1x5@45, 1x5@55, 1x5@65 (PR)
    SOHP - 2x5@45, 1x5@50 (PR)
    Deadlift - 1@95, 4X105 (PR)

    Woop woop!

    @IamOnMyWayNow -- always choose form over adding weight. I'm just now inching myself out of the kiddie pool because I probably took a solid month focusing on nothing but proper form and not really worrying about adding weight. If you end up getting sloppy with too much weight on the bar for your body to handle it with bad form, you'll just end up hurting yourself. It's well worth taking the extra time and making sure your form is solid, because that's your foundation you will always work from regardless of how high you go weight-wise.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Oy, you bishes are chatty lately!! I just skimmed after missing 3 pages of stuff.

    Due to meeting after meeting and then me working the basketball game after school, my workout will have to take place after the kids go to bed. Unfortunately, after they go to bed, I'm usually so frelling tired that I don't go. So, if you see me on here after 8, kick my *kitten*, mmmm'kay?

    I should do 115 squats tonight, but 110 was really frelling hard, so I'm debating whether or not to break out my fractionals for it. Ooh, and bench is 90 tonight too. *shudder* I'm scared!!

    ETA: Okay, I just read some stuff.

    Re: dating the 21 year olds. When my son's dad and I split up, he dated a string of 20-somethings (he'll be 40 in a couple months, and he was mid/later 30's when we split) and it was so funny to me. He's a total commitment-phobe, which would explain his dating history. Current FWB is in her 30's so she's a bit closer to his age. Whatevs...he's a dumb *kitten*.

    Re: wearing skimpy clothing. I'm a pretty judgmental b!tch, but I totally support a woman's right to dress however they want. My caveat is that it's appropriate for the venue. I dress like a hooker when I go dancing, but at the gym, my bits are covered. *shrug* If the girls in Doozer's gym were dressing that way and then working out in that manner, they knew exactly what reaction they would get.

    Huh. That totally sounds like I'm promoting "they were asking for it" and I SWEAR I'M A FEMINIST!!!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @extra you be careful now don't you dare hurt yourself!! And yeah I'm a chatty bish..heheh
    Those girls at doozers gym were totally asking for it. And by it I mean attention and looks not a hang bang on the bowflex. Feminism status intact!

    Dayum I'm feisty today. This what I'll be shooting for at the gym tonight. Squats 85lbs, ohp 45lbs, dl 105lb. Snort
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I read everything.... I wanted to comment...but omg there was so much and I think my boss would appreciate it if I'd do some, you know...work.... back eventually, maybe.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    but i will leave you all with this http://flowingdata.com/2013/02/22/map-of-craigslist-missed-connections/

    as it was pretty interesting. (24 hour fitness and LA fitness are the two major gym chains on the east coast, 24 hour fitness gyms tend to be open 24 hours and at least in California there is one or more in pretty much every city. I think Irvine has 5. )
  • vashnic
    My views: You got it? (Or feel confidant enough anyways? XD) Flaunt it! Flaunting it? Do not be too surprised if other people are ogling it! See through panties do probably go beyond the bounds of tasteful flaunting, though. Maybe it was laundry day.:laugh:

    Anyways, so proud of me!

    Deadlift 125 x 5 (bodyweight ohyeah! :drinker: )
    Squats 105 x 5 x 5
    OHP 45 x 5 x 5 (failed in 4th set, need to practice more)

    Finally made the effort to head to the main gym with their fancy squat racks and benches. Olympic bars! Which have currently left a nice long stretch of bruises along my shoulders after squats. :noway: Oops. There is like no soft tissue back there. :embarassed: Considering bringing a pillow to cushion. :flowerforyou:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    but i will leave you all with this http://flowingdata.com/2013/02/22/map-of-craigslist-missed-connections/

    as it was pretty interesting. (24 hour fitness and LA fitness are the two major gym chains on the east coast, 24 hour fitness gyms tend to be open 24 hours and at least in California there is one or more in pretty much every city. I think Irvine has 5. )

    How the hell is Georgia "the car"?! I missed you when you were in my moving vehicle. The abduction was going so well, but then you got away and I had to run from the cops...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My views: You got it? (Or feel confidant enough anyways? XD) Flaunt it! Flaunting it? Do not be too surprised if other people are ogling it! See through panties do probably go beyond the bounds of tasteful flaunting, though. Maybe it was laundry day.:laugh:

    Anyways, so proud of me!

    Deadlift 125 x 5 (bodyweight ohyeah! :drinker: )
    Squats 105 x 5 x 5
    OHP 45 x 5 x 5 (failed in 4th set, need to practice more)

    Finally made the effort to head to the main gym with their fancy squat racks and benches. Olympic bars! Which have currently left a nice long stretch of bruises along my shoulders after squats. :noway: Oops. There is like no soft tissue back there. :embarassed: Considering bringing a pillow to cushion. :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on bodyweight deadlifts!!!!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Had a complete BAMF moment at the gym this morning. A trainer was working with her client near the squat rack this morning, and when her client went to get water she noticed me putting 45s on the bar for my deadlifts. She told me that was a lot of weight and asked if I could pick it. My response? "Oh, this is still a warm up set."

    I love this so hard it's slightly painful. You are the bamfest bamf.

    Everyone has some baller lifts going on. Wooooooooooo. Love it!

    ETA: I love reading cl missed connections and the map finally loaded. I love how MI says super store. I'd always feel so bad for the poor women who's job it is to be friendly, and would get awesome mc's. "I went through your Meijer checkout line and you smiled at me and asked if I had any coupons. I feel like we really had something. Tell me the color of my shirt in the email so I know it's you."

    EATA: Meijer is the OG walmart type store. One does not mess with Meijer. They are awesome. I like how I think Meijer is fine, but I totally judged all the Walmart states. :laugh:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    A bunch of Chatty Cathys! (Cathies?)

    The body image discussion was fascinating. I've always been fat and the women in my family are all made for birthin' babies and working the farm. My sisters and I are the "shorties" at 5'6" (me) and 5'7" (them) and none of us are built to be 130lbs. My youngest sister is around 145 and she's walking the line of looking unhealthy.

    Congrats on the weight numbers! You ladies are awesome! (You too Doozer)

    Workout A for me today. I haven't been upping the weights every workout and I'm kind of liking it at this pace. It's giving me an opportunity to make tweaks/adjustments to my form before increasing.

    Squats: 110 x5
    Bench: 80 x 5
    Rows: 90 x 5

    I feel like I cheated on the rows a bit. I haven't taken the time to rewatch videos to make sure my form is correct. They're my least favorite lift so I'm not as keen to push myself. I did watch some videos from the Eat, Train, Progress group for bench press and made some adjustments to my form. It was so much easier to move the weight. I was still pushing myself, but the bar went up a lot easier. :drinker:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Had a complete BAMF moment at the gym this morning. A trainer was working with her client near the squat rack this morning, and when her client went to get water she noticed me putting 45s on the bar for my deadlifts. She told me that was a lot of weight and asked if I could pick it. My response? "Oh, this is still a warm up set."

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Meijer is the OG walmart type store. One does not mess with Meijer. They are awesome. I like how I think Meijer is fine, but I totally judged all the Walmart states. :laugh:

    I'm a Meijer gal, myself. It probably helps that the Walmarts near me are in the SCARY part of town and they have to have a 24hr security detail.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Kudos to all y'all for those nice, nice numbers!! :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Juliemouse -- you look adorable.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    So I just started the March check in on the other stronglifts group but it is so inactive I dont expect to see much traffic there. Pretty WoWed at where i was just a few weeks ago. Impressing even myself. Mainly because 3 months ago all I did was play World of warcraft for 10-15 hours a day. I am on disability right now and cant work. Working out some issues but hopefully its not long term. I swear I have no filter when it comes to you ladies. Open book.

    Also I swear I post too much... From WOW to MFP addictions. At least this one is better for me I think.

    After the first week of feb
    Squats - 175
    Ohp - 95 and stalling
    Deadlift - 225 bodyweignt
    Rows - 135
    Bench - 115

    Squats - 215 next session will be bodyweight yay!
    Ohp - 95 and stalling still grrr deloaded and worked back up last time was my first re attempt at 5-5-5-4-1 I hate this exercise.
    Deadlift - 265
    Rows - 145
    Bench - 135
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    whew sorry I've been absent folks! Been tracking and logging in, but enjoying my fauxmoon. Getting married definitely makes it harder to track stuff!!!

    So did my first workout this week, also my first day back at work - I was super glad to just jump back into routine, seeing as I haven't had any rhyme or reason to my lifts for the last couple weeks, I'm amazed I could do what I did.

    Squat 5x5 115
    rows 5x5 65 - deload 5
    bench 5x5 65 - deload 10

    Had a hard time with the bench press more than anything - but also I haven't done it in two weeks.

    So while I was at the gym, too, noticed that my gym is doing an Idle Ironman - pretty much you have to do the ironman specs within the month of march. So for 4 days a week I would have to:

    run 1.64 miles
    Bike 7 miles
    swim 11 lengths

    I'm wondering if I could maintain that and my lifts - I don't want my lifts to suffer, cause I feel like they have PLUS I LOVE LIFTING! But I really like running too and for some reason this really appeals to me.

    do I up my calories to support this or something thoughts?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Holy *kitten* I swear I have to stay in my office to actually keep up on this thread! Meh, I went shopping....found cute (not slutty :frown: ) *kitten* so now I'm feeling better.

    Maybe if my man friend could stop being a clueless douchetard for a moment I could actually buy some slutty *kitten* for someone to appreciate :laugh: Oh wait....we should probably have sexy time before that happens. Ugh. This week keeps getting better :grumble:

    Great conversation friends....there is so much I want to comment on but I already forgot half of it. Except Doozer liking young girls haha And the only reason that stuck out to me is because that happened with the last guy I started dating....he ended up not wanting to pursue anything because I'm the type of woman that knows what I want and the 20-somethings just like the fun :laugh: Meh to each their own. I would give a 21 year old a go just to say I did :drinker:

    Oh, and I forgot to add that I think all of the julie's and juliet's need to keep their profile pics the same because I otherwise my poor little brain gets too damn confused and I get mixed up and forget who is who :laugh: Really....it's been that kind of week :sad:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    @ darwin Not sure how much you are currently eating. But anytime you increase your exercise you should be upping calories too. With both of all that for the ironman and strength training you need to be eating quite a bit.

    That's where I would start. I would try all of it and see how it felt. If I felt like it was too much or I was too tired I would back down.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Great conversation friends....there is so much I want to comment on but I already forgot half of it. Except Doozer liking young girls haha And the only reason that stuck out to me is because that happened with the last guy I started dating....he ended up not wanting to pursue anything because I'm the type of woman that knows what I want and the 20-somethings just like the fun :laugh: Meh to each their own. I would give a 21 year old a go just to say I did :drinker:

    I think for me it's a little different because I just turned 30 so the gap isn't too huge yet. I won't be chasing young girls @ 40. My problem is that women my age are mostly looking to get married settle down and have a family. I just got divorced from my HS sweetheart last year after being together for 12 years. So I never really dated at all. It is just safer for me to date young I think right now. Not just to have "fun". Maybe in a couple years I'll start looking again, but right now I feel like if I get into something serious I'll just end up divorced twice before I turn 35.

    Sorry for the double post
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hey, guys! I've been trying to keep up but it's rather hopeless for me today.

    I do have a question, though. I'd like to improve on my pushups but I often can't decide when/where to add them in. Any thoughts?
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Great conversation friends....there is so much I want to comment on but I already forgot half of it. Except Doozer liking young girls haha And the only reason that stuck out to me is because that happened with the last guy I started dating....he ended up not wanting to pursue anything because I'm the type of woman that knows what I want and the 20-somethings just like the fun :laugh: Meh to each their own. I would give a 21 year old a go just to say I did :drinker:

    I think for me it's a little different because I just turned 30 so the gap isn't too huge yet. I won't be chasing young girls @ 40. My problem is that women my age are mostly looking to get married settle down and have a family. I just got divorced from my HS sweetheart last year after being together for 12 years. So I never really dated at all. It is just safer for me to date young I think right now. Not just to have "fun". Maybe in a couple years I'll start looking again, but right now I feel like if I get into something serious I'll just end up divorced twice before I turn 35.

    Sorry for the double post

    I have been gone for a while.....there are so many unfamiliar names. ok - so either run doozer was a lesbian in high school and married her high school sweet heart or run doozer is a guy - of which is RD the token dude?

    help me -

    also had to comment on sexy time Vegas - I bought sexy time stuff for the whole wedding night/reception stuff, but we totally got sick the day after and I haven't had a chance to break it out yet. Nothing says business time like snot running down your face.