September Brides..wanna be weight loss buddies?



  • mtbardell2013
    Woo Sept. 21!

    40ish lbs to lose. My man is super fit, so I don't want to be the chunker next to him on the big day (of course he says I'm fine just the way I am, but I want to feel my very BEST starting our life together...even though we've lived with each other for a couple years...oh well).
    My big problem is eating while watching a show on the computer! So bad! Any tips?
    For working out I just did a two week intensive session of bikram (hot) yoga - LOVED it. Now I'm back at the gym mixing cardio and strength training. I swim once a week too.
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    HI! I eat in front of the tv too. I still do it lol! Sometimes if I'm watching a show I'll fold laundry or something to keep my hands busy. That's awesome you've done the hot yoga!! it scares me lol I've been doing the 30 Day Shred lately, I really like it!
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    That's a really good tip! I may have to try that. I usually try to measure out my food but usually end up taking more if it's just sitting there lol
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Weight is not budging. I'm really at a loss. I don't know if I'm eating too much/not enough/the wrong foods.

    It's getting really frustrating!!!
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Do you do measurements at all? I find sometimes when the weight isn't coming off it still shows loss in inches. I know everyone says this but, it is very possible it is muscle gain since you just started running full time again ( if that's correct?)
  • mtbardell2013
    I just got a heart rate monitor! I'm excited to see what the machines vs hrm say, but I'm most looking forward to seeing what bikram yoga burns! Online the calculators say upwards of 1200 cals/90 minutes, but I find that hard to believe. We'll find out tomorrow morning!
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    That's great!! I hear it's so much better with a HRM, much more accurate.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I don't do measurements! Maybe I should. Some days I feel "thinner" if that makes sense. But the scale never backs it up. Everyone is like "maybe you are gaining muscle" but I doubt after 1.5 weeks of running I'm gaining muscle. Unfortunatley i've been down and out ALL week with a stomach bug and haven't done any exercise.
  • AlFreebs
    AlFreebs Posts: 24 Member
    I'm August 31... close enough to September, right?? I'm down 16lbs, 24 to go! It's easy to stay motivated during the week, but weekends are rough. Let's keep each other going!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Welcome~! and yes you are CLOSE enough to a september bride!!!!
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    I'd definitely try taking measurements, sometimes they make all the difference. Scales can be all over the place and we naturally fluctuate in weight so its hard to know what's your real weight sometimes.
  • ens102
    ens102 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there, we are getting married on September 7th by the seaside, Easter and going to France for a wine run really ruined my weight loss. I have decided to start 5:2 in an attempt to lose inches and kilos! Has anyone else been doing the same? I only started last week, lost 2kg in my first week and didn't gain it back after fish and chips for dinner (I was worried that was just the difference between an empty and a full belly), I am gonna try and stick to calorie counts on my feeding days in the short term to lose faster but long term this could be pretty easy.
  • silverchick
    silverchick Posts: 42 Member
    Anyone else feeling the pressure with only 4-5 months left! I feel like I'm not where I want to be and worried that I will get desperate with the time crunch and try some stupid fad diet!

    How is everyone else doing with the deadline pressure?!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    i'm not doing well at all. I'm like "Eh, I still have 4 months!" and act like I have plenty of time. I've gained instead of lost and it's a horrible feeling. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't lose weight. I know i'm not exercising as much as I should, but balancing two jobs and making time to exercise is hard. I just NEED to do better.
  • gosioux08
    gosioux08 Posts: 28 Member
    Nice to see some new faces joining the board - welcome ladies!

    bburg - I second and third the ladies saying to take your measurements. Lol I would also look up wooshes and stalls online - I don't know how much truth there is to it, so take it for what it's worth, but that may be part of what's happening for you. I would also recommend checking out the "In Place of a Road Map" posts in the forums here on MFP - it really helped me to get things moving again on the weight loss. I had stalled out while eating toward a 1200 calorie/day goal. I followed the IPOARM guidance and upped my daily calories to 1450 and added more running (eating back at least part of what I burned) and the scale started moving downward again. Might be worth a try anyways. Keep at it and best of luck!
  • jessbrooksforgan
    jessbrooksforgan Posts: 3 Member
    I'm feeling way behind too. It's been a month since I got down to where I am now, but now I have gained a pound. I am doing about half of what I keep telling myself I need to do, which is depressing. While I'm supposed to be teaching my students (high school), I spend more time researching exercises and fitness motivation that I never seem to actually use. So then I'm mad every morning that I spent the whole previous day thinking about exercise instead of doing. I still have at least 30 pounds to go before I will feel somewhat good about rocking my dress, but 40 would be even better. Right now I am doing 60 minutes of Zumba (kills it on calories!) two days a week, walking for 30-60 minutes about two days a week, seeing a trainer at my gym once a month, and being way more lazy than I should the rest of the time. I just need to make myself get up and go, but when you work 60-70 hours a week, it's hard. My dress arrived this past weekend and I'm so in love with it, but it won't zip up all the way to the top. It's close, but about two inches away. I definitely need it to fit, but needing to have it taken in would be amazing too. I just need to make it happen! Anyway, sorry for my long rant. Just excited and frustrated at the same time. Friend me if you want to help keep each other motivated - I could sure use it right now!!! Thanks all!

    Jess =)
  • ens102
    ens102 Posts: 37 Member
    I am keen on measurements - after all that's how I'm gonna know if I will get into my dress. I want to tone my arms, I also need to make sure my waist and mid section is looking ok, wont be on show on the day but we have a honeymoon after that I wanna look sizzling hot for! I have been lacking in motivation recently but started freaking out about having my little sister's wedding in less than a month, need to fit into my bridesmaid dress and write my speech! Argh!
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Definitely feeling the pressure!! I still wanna lose at last 40lbs before or wedding but its going very slowly... I'm doing the 30 day shred right now. I'm getting some results which is good, I just gotta get my eating in check. We still have time, let's make it count!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Still need to lose 16 of the 18 lbs! eekk!!
  • daniebeth315
    daniebeth315 Posts: 364 Member
    I know this board is for September Brides but I'm getting married the first weekend in October... looking for motivation to lose about 20 lbs before then. Also training for a half marathon in september. If anyone wants to be motivation partners please friend me!