November 2013 Babies



  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I'm having a tough day! Hormones are no joke, right? Just feel kinda blue.

    Went to the doc yesterday, everything looks is head down! The waiting game is TOUGH though. I'm trying really hard to enjoy these last two weeks of just me and my husband, but I'm also beyond anxious.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • nan199678
    Hi! Still pregnant over here. Really ready to go even being a little over 2 weeks before my due date
    I saw my midwife yesterday & she estimates baby between 6-7 pounds! Head is.down but we didn't do an internal check. She would have but after we talked I agreed it.wasn't necessary yet. I know stuff has to be happening & I really don't want to
    obsess over whatever it was or wasn't. This evening I had a good 60-80 minutes of pressure & contractions but pretty calm after & since! Boo!

    The waiting game.does suck AJZ. It wont be too much longer for any of us! Although each day feels way.too long at this point!
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    AJZ - I, too, have been feeling a bit down lately. Well, it's more like an array of emotions over here. One second I can't stop laughing and then I'm bawling my eyes out because the bird that's outside my window looks cold. I'm a nightmare...
    Ah, the waiting game is really starting to kill me now! As Nan said so perfectly, every day feels way too long! YAY for baby being head down! (:

    Nan - I'm glad your appointment went well yesterday and you are a much stronger person than I am, that's for sure! I am counting down the days until my next appointment so I can know exactly what is going on down there just to stress about it, I'm sure. Sigh. A good, healthy baby weight - yay!! Eeeek, hopefully that means something good is to come in the near future (((:

    Hope everyone is doing well and has some exciting plans to keep them busy this weekend (like....havin' babies! hehe). (:
  • nan199678
    Kinda hoped I was in labor by now! Especially after last night! I couldn't talk & keep my breath through the contractions & back pain but it eventually just eased up. Today I'm having some cramping & pressure but no go yet. I'm 38 weeks today & I think I'm going to stop logging & focus on preparing for L&D. I've gained 16 pounds & I'm pretty happy w that. I'm definitely not going to go nuts for however much longer I am pregnant. :-) Hope everyone is doing well. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    How ya doing, Nan? Hanging in there?

    We finally got our crib up and carseat installed (and checked) so we are just fine. I mean, I wish that nesting would have manifested in a super clean house, but I at least know the very basics are up and ready.

    I've been practicing my hypnobirthing breathing when I lay down to sleep and my sleep has really improved! I do get up a few times a night, but overall, I feel better rested. I'm pretty happy about that. (My doctor's solution to my trouble sleeping was benadryl or tylenol PM which is fine, but I don't want to drug myself every night.)

    How're you all feeling? Any more babies?
  • nan199678
    Hi! Still waiting. I'm down 2 pounds today & I stopped logging days ago so I'm kinda happily surprised! I read that you lose water weight before going into labor. Mayyyyyyybe? Lol. I actually got a good 4 straight hours this morning of sleep so I feel good to go. And I just learned yesterday that I can have my daughter in the birthing room while her baby sister is being born! I've cleaned the house, wrote a note for the fridge for my sisters, just waiting on the baby! I've been trying to stay upright , walking & busy...

    How are you feeling AJZ & SSCH? Anyone having a baby on 11-12-13? :-) :-)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hey gals!

    How's everyone doing today???

    I was secretly hoping that yesterday would be the day, mainly because 11/12/13 is such a cool birth date...but I seem to be holding tight here! Will see if I've made any progress tomorrow when I go back to the doc.

    My mood swings of last week seem to have lightened, and I'm feeling better this week, despite the frigid temps. Brrrr! It's even colder now that I can't button my coat!
  • nan199678
    Hi! I went to see my midwife today. Down 4 pounds. Baby estimated between 6.5-7lbs. I still haven't had a.check but if I make it to my next.appointment I'll done. I really don't want to! I've been really tired today so I could use a little sleep but after, I'm ready! My midwife is on call Friday & Monday so I'm Hoping! Good luck ladies.

    I was hoping for 11-11 or 11-12-13 too. No dice tho!
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi lovelies -

    I so enjoy reading your updates (:

    AJZ - Awesome feeling getting that crib up and ready!! Ah, I wish I would have waited to get all my stuff done until the later weeks because I'm now bored out of my mind and my nesting has included cleaning every part of my house....and the worst part is that if it gets messed up, I'm frantic. Sigh.
    Ooo, that's great to hear that your hypnobirthing techniques are working and helping you get more sleep! At this point with how uncomfortable sleeping is, I'm sure that's welcomed (:
    How did your appointment go? Well, you probably haven't had it yet (although, not sure 'cause it's 8am here) but definitely keep us posted!

    Nan - Hopefully you don't make it to your next appointment!! Ahh, down more weight! I, too, have heard that you lose a bit before going into labor!! Hopefully that's a sign! Great job getting a good, consecutive amount of sleep in! Four hours straight is like unheard of!
    So awesome that you can have your daughter with you in the birthing room! I'm sure that made your day (:
    When is your next appointment?

    No baby here -- had my appointment yesterday and I took a leaf out of Nan's book and didn't get the check done... I don't want to fret over what could be or what isn't at this point. Although next week's appointment I will definitely get one done because working almost 3 hours from my hospital makes me nervous and I'd rather just take some time off beforehand. I went down a bit in weight, as well, and with all the cramping and BH's I was experiencing last night, I was certain it was going to happen. No such luck. My OB and I made some future appointments but she still is certain I won't make it to my due date of December 1... I'm hoping for any day except Thanksgiving - what can I say. I love my mashed potatoes, lulz. I truly hope for sooner than later but whenever she's ready, I suppose....well, within reason. I'm certainly not going 2 weeks beyond my due date again and having another 8lb, 4oz baby. No way.... haha

    This waiting game is really tough!!
  • nan199678
    Good morning SSCH! I'm getting checked if I make it next week. Really don't want to. I'm gonna walk & do a little jumping today! :-). I don't want Thanksgiving either but my reason is stuffing! Lol. I totally understand! :-) our family is planning a floating Thanksgiving. We are aiming for Thursday but it could be Fri, Sat or Sun? So that helps w my stuffing anxiety! Lol My midwife is on call tomorrow so I'm gonna start nudging stuff this afternoon. Wish me luck!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Friday gals!

    I'm 39 weeks today...seem to be about the same. Doc did another check yesterday morning and Im about the same, despite feeling like I might have had some contraction action the day before. (seriously, when you've never expeienced it, every twitch in your body might be something!) But I don't really think the dilation means much...I mean, everyone is different, right?

    I go back on Tuesday if nothing happens this weekend. I'm thinking I'll be back.

    Hope you're all feeling good!
  • nan199678
    Hi AJZ! I haven't even been checked.yet but I'm thinking I'd like to if I make it to my Wednesday apt. I lost another pound Friday! And I met w a Doula who is part of a volunteer group at my hospital! So now I'm really ready! Well minus some last minute things in my hospital bag...not sure why I keep delaying that! Lol it's been a quiet week contraction wise except some BH. If headaches helped dialate I'd be moving! Lol I was kind of surprised my Doula mentioned caster oil as a way to help induce labor. I guess it's still better than medical intervention. Just not sure I can do it. I think if I'm still in this boat next weekend, maybe! I'll be 39 weeks Sunday. Time flew besides these last few! Hope everyone is well!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hang in there girls! Enjoy these last days of your pregnancies. This board will be virtually inactive in two weeks time when you will all be busy with your newborns.

    You will certainly know when the contractions have started ajz. It might be that they start like slight period pains or might knock your socks off straight away. Sometimes they feel like they're all over or perhaps just in your thighs or lower back. This time I woke up to what felt like small twinges in my bladder and I was hoping I didn't have a bladder infection before I realised I was in labour.

    Have you thought ahead at all to how long you're gonna give yourselves to recover before you're all exercising and counting calories again? What are your goals for the next few months? I always said that I wouldn't get back to it until the New Year, which will be about 8 weeks post partum, but actually I'm feeling just fine and started walking again 8 days post partum. I'm logging but not calorie counting yet and thought I'd give it a few more weeks first so that breastfeeding is well established before I start reducing calories. Rosanna is now 13 days old.
  • nan199678
    Hey KCasey! Glad to hear your feeling well enough to walk! I'm kinda aiming for NY to start calorie counting. I'm hoping to feel up to lite exercise in a couple weeks after. I've got a good amount to lose, not from baby, and plan to jump on it while breastfeeding. Plus, I'm already used to logging & calorie counting. Even tho I haven't done that in a little over a week. :-) This pregnancy ive gained 13 pounds but started out 84ish pounds over weight! I've lost over 100lbs before so I'm sure I can do this. And this will be the last time! My goal is to be damn near close to 150 by May. I'm 217 now. I know it seems like a lot but I'm mentally preparing for war on this fat. Lol.

    Now back to going into labor...I am thinking of jumping a little tonight. Still not ready for castor oil. Plus, I'll have some pineapple & pretty sure I'll do eggplant parm for dinner. I am so ready! Lol.
  • nan199678
    How are you Mommas?? Anyone in labor??? Lol.
  • nan199678
    Just downloaded a contraction timer! This could be it!! I'm not ready to.wake up my troops yet but wanted to.share my excitement somewhere!!!!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Excited for you Nan! Wishing you well. Just remember to breathe through it and try and stay relaxed as long as possible xx
  • nan199678
    I managed to get a little more sleep! Now I'm scattering to finish my hospital bag. Lol so excited!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hanging in there with you! Will be keeping an eye out for your updates. Remember the more intense it gets the more you have to concentrate on staying relaxed. He...he...he...hoooooo... :wink:
  • nan199678
    Well after a long day of contractions, no baby! I am a little disappointed but trying to be.patient. I.even had a long period of contractions 4-5 minutes apart. Just not strong enough to move baby out. I did get a bunch of sleep. Hopefully, a day or so & I'll get the real deal! Hope all the Mommas left waiting are doing well!