Anyone starting on the 25th March?



  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    I started on Monday too. I've been following the kickstart exercise plan with the extra cardio 1 and so far I'm feeling great about it. I love Jillian's style, it's exactly the type of motivation that works for me, and the workouts aren't boring. Before I can even look at the clock, I'm sweating and Jillian is yelling "we're halfway! don't stop!". Through Mon-Wed of the kickstart I've done Cardio 1 four times and I have loved it each time. I'm not following the meal plan because I don't think it suits my needs, but I'm eating cleaner foods and keeping an eye on calories and macronutrients as much as possible.

    I'm not totally unfit, and I don't need to lose weight, but I really want to get into better shape and I'd like to tone up a bit more. I'm going to continue with the extra cardio DVDs beyond the kickstart period - or perhaps I'll substitute in some "Zombies, Run!" (has anyone else got this app?) missions and stationary bike along the way if the DVDs become repetitive. The strength workouts are great on their own, and I was definitely feeling some decent muscle soreness after workouts 1 & 2, but when I'm honest with myself I know there is still room to push myself a little further each day without burning out. The great thing about BR is that the extra cardio is optional - it's so nice to feel like I am *choosing* to do a "bonus" cardio workout if time permits than to to feel forced into daunting hour long workouts like in P90X.

    Very encouraging to see so many people have started at the same time - I hadn't even looked here before I began. Let's do this! :happy:
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Day 4 and I'm just about ready to tackle workout 1 again. It really made me sore the first time. Even without kickstart, I stayed within 1200 calories for 3 out of 4 days. I really like the cardio circuits, and the 30 minutes eliminates my "I don't have time" excuse. Off to see Jillian!
  • juliemboyle
    juliemboyle Posts: 4 Member
    I started Monday March 25th. Finished 2nd workout 1 today. So far I am loving it! I love JM, she is so motivating and although I am relatively fit, I am impressed by how wiped out I am after 30 minutes. AWESOME!
  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    About to join Jillian again for day 5 (workout 2). Long weekend or not, this has to be done! Hope everyone is putting in just a little bit extra to counter any indulgences!

    Edit: Also mustn't forget to add EVERY easter egg to my MFP diary... (Just discovered that even some of the little ones can be around 100 calories apiece. Ouch!) I can lie to myself, but my body will know the truth... :P
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Day 5 check in! I did Jillian DVD 2 this morning and am looking forward to the cardio tomorrow. I think I'm going to do cardio again on Sunday, even though it's supposed to be a rest day, or do a Firm DVD on that day. I really want to keep the momentum going.
  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    Hi all! Just finished my day 6.

    Quick question: can anyone think of any high intensity alternatives to the suicides in Cardio 1? On some days my living room is in use by others, so I have to relocate to my very small bedroom and they're impossible to do in such a small space. (I tried just doing jumping jacks and running men really quickly, but it's nowhere near as intense!) It really shows how much they add to the workout when you can't do them. I barely broke a sweat and my heart rate was nowhere near as high as usual throughout.
  • yaybazinga
    I started on Monday as well! I really like it so far :) workout 1 and 2 are a lot of fun and low impact on the knees. I haven't done any exercise like that for a couple of months due to knee issues. I'm a bit worried about the more advanced workouts and will probably have to modify quite a bit. I haven't done cardio 1 this weeks bc I was helping a friend move that day, cleaning and moving stuff all day was enough cardio for me ;)

    I'm not following her meal plan but counting calories. MFP tells me to eat 1360 kcal a day so I'm aiming for that.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Onwards to week two today. After Sunday Brunch, I remembered that I needed to be working out on Sunday's to get my 6 days in. I don't really recommend working out with Jillian after having a mimosa! :)

    (I also swore I wasn't going to drink at all for the 90 days-I better get back on track with that!)

    Hope all of you have a wonderful Easter and an amazing and productive week!
  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    Just managed to sneak in my first workout for week 2. I intended to do the "bonus" cardio workout today but don't think I'll get a chance as I've been called into work. I'm trying my hardest not to feel guilty about it because the extra cardio isn't officially part of the program, and I'll be on my feet for hours at work anyway. But I'm still feeling positive about this!

    I gather that "*kitten* starts to get real" after the first two weeks, so I'm both excited and nervous for what's coming. I've had a peek at some of the upcoming workouts, but if I've learnt anything from Jillian, it's that it's hard to judge how hard a workout will be until you actually try it! I figure that if I really struggle, I can repeat previous weeks until I'm ready.

    I hope everyone is hanging in there after the Easter period - I barely gave it a thought when I started last Monday, but I think I did well, all things considered. Sadly I did go over with my MFP calories on Saturday after an incident involving a couple of ciders and some delicious pizza, but not by *too* much. :P
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm right there with you on being nervous about the next phase. I remember how badly DVD 1 whipped my butt on the first day! Oh well, I know that tough is good, so that's what I'll keep telling myself even when I'm grumbling about sore muscles.
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    I started on March 17th (St. Pats for good luck). I did Workout 3 Sunday for the first time, and Workout 4 on Monday. I am very, very sore. There are 3 exercises on #4 I can't approach yet. One is kneeling and then getting up with weights in the hand. The only way I can get up from kneeling is to push on one of my quads and struggle up. Hollowman is no joke. It's as bad as flutter kicks or worse. But definitely something to work for. I can feel my shoulder muscles standing up to the position of attention! I am going to really stretch today before cardio. I am proud to keep going with this - her drill sergeant attitude clicks with me, no-nonsense, get her done. :)
  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    mellymo29 - Great to hear you're sticking it out. I totally agree about Jillian's attitude - it really works for me too. Other fitness video instructors just haven't managed to motivate me this much (although the 30 minute thing probably has a lot to do with it, too!)

    I'm still only on week 2, but even now, as you said, I can already see that this program is "no joke"! I think there are a lot of Jillian haters out there, but the truth is, the workouts are tough. They're designed to be tough, and they don't make excuses about how tough they are, but Jillian still manages to motivate you through them.

    Good luck with workout 4, I'm sure as you grow stronger you'll gradually ease into the moves! The best thing about this program is the gradual increase in intensity; you're not working through the same old videos in week 1 as you are at the end, and weeks can be repeated/intensity adjusted as needed. As sunshinestate said above, "tough is good" and we're all here with you. :)
  • yaybazinga
    I use a heart rate monitor during my workouts and I noticed that my heartrate stays higher throughout the workout if I do a longer cardio warm-up! I do Jillian's warm-up and then hop on an exercise bike for 10 minutes. By doing this my heartrate is higher during the rest of Jillian's workout and I burn more than 100 calories more than without the cardio warm-up! if you don't have an exercise bike at home, maybe try jogging in place or some moves like they do as a warm-up in aerobics classes :)
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    More progress on Cardio 1: this time I did all the exercises except arm circles on the last kickouts, and did NOT get dizzy! I wasn't huffing and puffing so badly, either! I thought I would be weaker after almost passing away during my first times doing workouts 3&4. yay! I think I will supplement cardio with Davina McCall, the British chick. I like her fun, cheeky attitude and her funny faces she makes.

    Therupon: thank you for the kind encouragement.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Just checking in: I'm half way through week two. Already looking forward to getting the new dvds in the player next week! Hope everybody else is having fun and getting strong!
  • booyakazam
    I started JMBR 3 weeks ago! It is definitely challenging but so worth it!

    I did Workout 3/4 for the first time this week and am incredibly sore. That's a good thing!!!

    I am thinking about adding additional cardio workouts at night!

    Hollowmans and Plank-ups are absolutely killer, but you feel so good getting through the workouts. Also, you can feel your body getting stronger!
  • Thereupon
    Thereupon Posts: 52
    I did "workout 1" for the final time in the program today. Upped my weights by almost three times as my new adjustable dumbbells arrived, and OH MAN, the shoulders are feeling it today! Hope everyone else is travelling well!

    I'm looking forward to starting the new workouts next week. I love that most of the workouts are refreshed every fortnight. For the short duration that I did P90X, I hated that the workouts stayed the same, just repeated in different orders. I was bored and unmotivated. I enjoy Cardio 1, but I've subbed in C25K and the 'Zombies, Run!' app missions for cardio a few times already. It gets a little repetitive listening to her say the same things day after day, especially after doing it so many times during the kickstart week.
  • yaybazinga
    ^today was my last workout 1 day as well, I love workout 1! (except for planks right after modified push-ups, kills me every time)

    btw, I like the group of people that do the workouts in the background, they're all very fit and do just the right amount of cheering and clapping. I remember doing a billy blanks dvd a couple of years ago and like every minute someone would go "wohoooo" and "yeah!!" and after the workout they all started to high-five and hug each other, it was a bit too much haha!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    ^^ I agree!!! sometimes i giggle when I see them need to "cheat" a bit on some of the moves - reminds me that we're all human and even these fitness professionals have trouble sometimes with balancing or they need to rest their legs down for a second in a move.... Its nice to get a laugh in during the work out sometimes :)
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Done with week two! How is everybody else doing?