Daily Challenges



  • tosha_e_1
    tosha_e_1 Posts: 19
    Thursday Challenge DONE!
    Except, of course, the water. That will be ongoing :) Finishing up my 4 cup and it isnt even lunch time :)
  • River__Song
    River__Song Posts: 126 Member
    Friday: 20 minutes low impact aerobics
    Saturday: 10 reps/3 sets/ bicep curls
    Sunday: 25 squats
    Monday: Challenge completed. Did not weigh in.
    Tuesday: Not able to do burpees
    Wednesday: Did not do. Large chested, so I don't do jumping jacks.
  • NinjaKelly
    I CAN NOT possibly be the only large busted one here. How in the world do you manage that? Even the best sports bras that I have bought don't make this task easy. ???
    Just wondering how you pull that one off lol I know that was WAY TMI, but I am curious. If effects me when I am jogging or running too

    Tosha you need to try the under armour sports bras. I have a large chest as well. I used to have to wear 3-4 sports bras and still felt pain when I did any kind of running or jumping. They are awesome and now I only have to wear one and it supports me.
  • NinjaKelly
    Thursday challenge complete
    3 sets of 8 tricep dips
    3 sets of 20 push ups
    3 sets of 12-10 lb shoulder press
    3 sets of 12-10 lb bicep curl
    3 sets of 12-10 lb tricep kickbacks
    18 mins walking on treadmill at 3.5 mph
    18 mins jogging on treadmill at 4.5 mph

    3/28- 341 calories burned

    Why does MPF not give you the option to calculate how many calories you burn doing strength training exercises???
  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
    Wed & Thurs challenges done
    5 mins of jumping jacks
    50 bicep curls
    I'm at 6 cups of water...2 more to go, no problemo :)
  • akjellin
    akjellin Posts: 30
    Thursday challenge complete!
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Thursday's challenge completed: (310 reps with 10# dumbells) 50 tricep exensions, 50 row ins, 30 lateral raises, 30 hammer punches, 30 uppercuts, 30 punches, 30 hooks, 30 overhead presses, 30 bicep curls

    14 glasses of water (112 ouces)

    Did not weight today :)
  • NinjaKelly
    Done Friday's challenge :-)
    2 x 30 sec plank
    2 x 25 8 lb medicine ball squats
    2 hours of kickboxing class
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Friday's challenge completed. 40 minutes of cardio, 30 squats and 1 min planking (holy crap is a minute a long time!!!!)
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    Supermans – Your choice: Hold one second, rest one second, 20 times, 3 sets OR hold for 15 seconds, 5 reps. (Directions http://www.fitsugar.com/How-Do-Superman-Exercise-1110085 ).
    Then, do 30 burpees or jumping jacks.

    Come within 75 calories of your goal intake,
    don’t weigh yourself, and
    Side lunges - Do 30, each leg.

    Plank it out – 15 seconds, 3 reps.
    Downward dog – try for your personal best, or try to hold at least 15 seconds.
    Mountain climbers (or burpees, if MCs make you want to die) – 50.

    I'm not at home, so I'll post the rest of the week by Monday!
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I am sick today so won't be doing today's challenge and with Sunday being Easter, I plan to eat all I want (candy included) so I won't be meeting that challenge either (although I won't weigh myself and I will do the side lunges).
  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
    Fri & Sat challenges done!! Whoop.
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    Plie squats – 40.
    Bicycle crunches – 20.
    Flutter kick – 30 seconds (or personal best) without stopping.

    Side lying hip abductions and adductions – do 15 for each leg and exercise.
    Plank-to-pushups – 10.
    Lunges – 15 each leg.

    Crunches, any flavor – 50 reps.
    Goblet or weighted squat (hold a jug of water, your cat, your kid, whatever, just hold some weight!) – 30
    Skater leaps – 30. (If you can’t because of joint issues, sub in squats instead.)
    (Basically, you jump from side to side. You get into an almost-squat, and jump sideways – land on your right foot, and immediately push off and land on your left. Don’t stop – this is a continuous exercise.)

    Weigh in!!!
    Then, take 10 to relax, and congratulate yourself on a job well done this week (no matter what happens at the weigh in). Have a cup of tea, water, whatever.
    After that, do 50 reps of burpees, jumping jacks, inch worms, or mountain climbers (or any combination of these equaling 50).
    Then, you’re going to want to do some more plank-to-pushups – probably 20.
    Lastly, Bird dogs, cuz they’re fun. Do 5, each side.
    (Similar to a donkey kick. Get down on your hands and knees. Extend your right leg straight out behind you. At the same time, extend your left arm out in front of you. Hold 5 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.)
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    You guys are all doing great! Sorry I've been absent... went away the weekend before last, then turned around and drove 10 hours to my parents new place - I've been helping them paint, shop for furniture, etc. Now I'm back, and I'll try to get the weigh in and challenge results done by tomorrow.


    WEIGH-IN results are up on the weigh-in thread! Great job guys!

    Also, for challenges some of us are unable to do for physical reasons... I'm trying to come up with alternatives. Seems like jumping jacks and burpees are our biggest offenders, right?

    Here are my ideas:
    First, JJs and burpees can be interchangeable. So, if you can't do burpees but can do JJs, just do JJs (or vice versa).
    Mountain climbers instead
    Plank for 5 seconds for every rep (obviously, splitting it up would be okay... I wouldn't ask anyone to do a 5 minute plank. LOL.)
    30 seconds per rep of some cardio (like biking, rowing, jogging, walking, butt kicks, boxing, etc.)

    What do you guys think?
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Tuesday's challenge completed: 50 pile squats and 50 bicycle squats (did a bonus 150 deep lunges, 100 jumping jacks, 100 sit ups, 150 rear flys).
  • NinjaKelly
    I'm slacking on the the daily challenges this week. I just saw them today so I did Monday & Tuesdays challenge today :-)
  • NinjaKelly
    Wednesday's challenge complete plus 5 burpees and some extra hip exercises
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Wednesday's daily challenge competed: 50 side laying hip adductions, 50 side laying hip abductions, 50 lunges, 50 push ups.
    *Did a bonus 200 side knee lifts, 200 calf knee raises and 100 overhead claps
  • NinjaKelly
    Thursday's challenge complete- 25 bicycles + 25 crunches, 30 squats with 20 lb, 60 skater leaps, 15 burpees (another challenge I am doing)
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Thursday's daily challenge completed: 50 ab crunches, 50 weight squats
    * bonus 50 quadruped hip extensions, 100 overhead tricep extensions, and 600 jump ropes
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