Big & Tall People, UNITE!



  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    How's it going, gang? Thread's been pretty quiet lately. Lost another couple pounds and I'm now only 9 lbs away from being under 300lbs for the first time in 10 years. Can't wait. Even got a massive shoulder workout on Memorial Day, and didn't let myself binge eat. Drink? yes. I did drink too much, but I (stupidly) made up for it by not eating but once a day Sunday and Monday.

    So, what's up with everybody else? Good holiday (here in the states) for everyone? Success Stories and Setbacks? Bring em on!
  • megamac33
    megamac33 Posts: 34 Member
    goin good now, strep throat behind me and a horrible eating holiday weekend, but back on track now, rockin the 30 day shred and walks in the evening
  • jldad
    jldad Posts: 10
    I made some bad choices over the holiday weekend, but I kept logging them in. I've gotta get back on it. Make better choices, drink more water, and get out and walk. Keep it up guys!
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    I suppose I should introduce myself.

    I'm "only" 5'11-3/4" according to the bariatric doctor. (Please don't kick me out over a 1/4 inch!) Granted, I was about 480 when they first weighed me a few years back. Got down to about 425, now I'm somewhere around 450-460. I'd LOVE to get down to 300# (my high school weight) but truthfully, I'd be willing to try and do cartwheels if I can even break 400.

    Due to my weight, I have a lot of physical issues. Most important one here is severe osteoarthritis. The pain keeps me from walking or standing for any significant amount of time. I managed to do about 30 min of slow walking today, but that was over a total of 5 hours or so. *sighs* But I'm going to do what I can to be more active. I know if I can just get doing it regularly, it'll get easier and should get less painful.

    Don't have a whole lot to say at this point. Went to and they top out at menu plans for 3200 calories a day. That'd cause me to lose about a pound a week, so it's something I'm shooting for. Right now, I'm just eating more or less like normal and logging it here. I saw more or less because the mere fact that I'm writing it down is causing me to make healthier choices.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard, brother! No matter what you have to do, or how slowly you have to do it, Forward is the only direction to go. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and encouragement.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I started at 314 last August. Currently at 245 but still feel like I could be a big guy again if I don't stay on top of it. Well done everyone in this group. A group that I can very much relate to
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    Monday... Made some bad food choices over the wknd, but did enough landscaping to cover the (Calorie) spread, and break even on the scale. Back at it. Anyone else notice the gym is not as busy this last month? I'm at the Y, so before work is 65% senior citizens, but still, been thinning out. Everyone must be on Vacation. Keep it up guys!
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I go to a small non-chain gym by my job and everyone else in the nearby office parks has got to be at their offices by 8am. (I go in at 9.) When my co-worker and I get to the gym at 7:30 to start our hour, it is DEAD. one or two seniors, and maybe a high school kid or two, but I have never seen more than 6 people total working out at once.

    I went to two baseball games Friday and Saturday. I ate a hot dog both days, but only one instead of 3 or 4, and I chose a small bag of pistachios instead of peanuts and drank bottled water inside the stadium. Outside I drank beers. and they were great. I only ate once both of those days, so I didn't tank my calories, and after flushing my body with water on Sunday, I lost another 2 lbs to 308. 9 pesky lbs to go until I'm under 300 for the first time in 10 years. So close I can almost taste it. Big shoulder bicep day at the gym, felt great, nice crisp salad for lunch with turkey sausage, and I'm on a roll!

    Keep up the good work, big and tall! How's everyone else doing?
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Just joined the group this morning. I'll be 36 in a couple days and just recently busted the 300 barrier with a 297.8. Started MFP 8 weeks ago at 329.1. My heaviest was in April of 2010 at 359.6. That was a bad day. I am more committed now then ive ever been and can honestly say that I have changed my life. Still a ways to go. My goal when I started was 250 but I will not stop there when I get there. Its a lifestyle
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Glad to have you, brother. Keep us posted on your routines/successes/setbacks, and join the July challenge, if you want!
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Actually had my first setback last week. Got sick (during 100+ weather) and was only able to work out once, I still ate well just no workouts. At one point in the week I was up over 9 pounds so I was pretty worried about my weigh in on saturday. Ended up only +1.1 so I wasnt too upset. But considering up to that point I had lost 32 in 7 weeks it was pretty tough to take. Im back in the saddle this week and working hard again. All I do is watch my calories and do cardio. Try to stay between 1800 and 1900 calories daily. Im hoping for a 4 or 5 pound loss this week. I have high expectations because im pretty sure the weight gain last week had a lot to do with being sick and congested. Time to work out
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I guess I really need to up my intake. From February of this year to just about now, I was eating 1200-1300 cals a day, tops. I just upped it to 1600 for the last two weeks, and added creatine to my heavy lifting regimen, and gained 3 lbs. I was told this was water weight from the creatine, and not from the diet. Evidently, my resting TDEE was around 3200 calories, and MFP recommends I eat 2200 a day to lose 2 lbs a week. I am currently eating 1600 a day, and not seeing any weight loss, so I am about to go back to 1200 unless I can find some research that says eating more will help me lose weight, because I'm fairly certain that eating more is what got me here in the first place.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    It may be more about when and what kinds of calories you are eating as well. Im no dietician but I have been told its very important to eat at least 30g of protien in the morning so that your body starts burning fat instead of muscle. On days I work I usually eat a cup of low fat cottage cheese with either a yogurt or fresh pineapple (thinking about adding acai to that as well). Non work days I do 6 eggs (only 1 yolk) a hash brown patty and all the hot sauce I can get on there. I recently stopped eating the dry toast I used to eat with it. My lunches which I pre make for the whole week usually consists osome sort of whole grain rice bowl consisting of chicken vegies and rice. Ive also done tuna and am thinking about going with a pork loin as well, it's surprisingly very lean. I also havr 2 whole wheat sandwiches. I load them up with romaine, tomato and hot banana peppers. I also skip the mayo and go mustard only. Iin between meals I also have 2 pieces of fruits, whether it be blueberries, strawberries, apples, or bananas. When I get home I usually have something fairly light for dinner. A lot of times itseven just a simple salad, sometimes Iill put some chicken on it if I have some premade. I guess my overall philosophy would be to eat proteins in the morning carbs are good thoughout the day but closer to dinner I eat something very light and I rarely eat and carbs for dinner.

    I know I see better results and feel a lot better when im right around 1800 to 1900. Ohh and I also try to make sure I drink at least a gallon of water a day, I don't always get there but its my goal each day. I know I try to make sure I eat enough calories because im always scared my metabolism will shut down and my body will go into "starvation mode". Ive heard other people talk about it taking a few weeks to get it back going after it slows like that. Ive never actually experienced it myself but am always fearful that it will happen and I'll get stuck at a certain weight. I would stick with the higher calorie count for a little while longer and see if it starts to reverse itself
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    First thing every morning, I hit the gym for an hour, doing the Savage 4x4 Strength/Hypertrophy split routine. Then, breakfast is a protein shake (32g of protein) and lunch is a big mixed greens salad with turkey, chicken, or turkey sausage. Dinner is sensible, lean meats, veg, low carbs and clocks in under 800 calories. If I can reach 1600 calories a day lately, I'm happy. I'm thinking of adding 2 more protein shakes to my day, which would add 360 calories, but another 60g of protein. It would also finally bring me up to 1700-1800 calories a day, which I need to be eating anyway if I want to build more muscle. I work at a desk next to the water cooler, so I fill my 32oz Nalgene bottle up at least 3 times a day, and I only drink water at home, too. After consulting a nutritionist, she believes I desperately need to up my calories to at LEAST 1900 per day to build the muscle I am lifting for. My goal weight as it stands is 265 (my college athletic weight) with large, visible muscles. Doc said I wasn't doing those muscles any favors starving them. I apologized to my muscles, and we're cool now.
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    If you're looking to add calories you could try adding almonds too. Its right around 160 calories an ounce and are super good for you and keep you filling full
  • moolfson
    moolfson Posts: 29
    6'5", 352.8 (down from 390 before MFP) It's so nice to be with a group of people who won't sugest starting fat loss / strength building with "some easy pull ups"

    I've always been huge, so I finally figuered i'd drop the fat, pick up the muscle and look like a beast. I did a 6 month cycle of Stronglifts 5x5 and and now doing 5/3/1 4 days a week with 30 minutes of cardio, adding in foam rolling when I remember and have the time before work.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard, man! Good to have you contributing!
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Lost another 3.1lbs this week, see ya later 290's I'm now at 289.2. That makes 39.9lbs in 10 weeks. Only 2.2lbs to go to in 4 weeks to meet my 14 week goal of 42lbs. Feeling awesome, just tried on some shirts in my closet that had never fit and now they do.
  • baird3605
    baird3605 Posts: 28 Member
    Well I'm on board here! I'm 28, 6'5" and when I weighed in monday I was at my highest weight, 382lbs. I started MFP last February and had good results and friends that were doing it with me. They have all since either stopped.

    I'm just tired of not wanting pictures taken. I'm tired of very little selection of clothes. And I'm tired of pulling on my shirts because they don't seem to fit right!

    Please let this be a semi active group. I need support from others that know what I'm talking about.