MFP Grand Tour Cycling Challenge - Discussion/Signup Thread



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    team 3 loaded and ready to roll :)

    Woo-HOOOOOO!!!! 3 teams this time - Excellent!
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    Here's me:

    I tend to run the endomondo app while I'm riding and then upload my garmin data to Strava afterwards. This also means I load my data to garmin connect.
  • agreenmess
    Oh golly, just looked is there space for one more? I'd love to have a go of this as I love watching the tour's and tend to cycle on the indoor bike while they are on (very sad I know!) I'm slow but I'm not scared of any hills and am hoping to rack upwards of 55miles a week :)

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Oh golly, just looked is there space for one more? I'd love to have a go of this as I love watching the tour's and tend to cycle on the indoor bike while they are on (very sad I know!) I'm slow but I'm not scared of any hills and am hoping to rack upwards of 55miles a week :)


    I don't have a problem dropping an extra rider in the third team... :smile:

    EDIT: Actually, provided you've access to either a smartphone or GPS for logging rides, you're in on number 324!
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    The more the merrier :-D
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Okay... I'll post this with a few days to go, in case some people find that they won't be able to comply with the way this challenge will have to operate.

    As there are three teams, in order to cut down on the amount of faffing around I'll need to do to administer this challenge I'm going to have to insist on a couple of things....

    1) all distances to be quoted in Km, all ascents in Metres. It's an Italian Challenge, and we're going continental. Change your Strava/Garmin Connect units for the duration if it makes it easier for you. Anything not in Km or Metres doesn't get counted. End of Story.

    2) All rides need to be logged on either Strava or Garmin Connect, and be available for perusal by any members of the challenge. Any "private" rides or ones I can't check, don't get counted.

    3) Rides to be logged on here using the Following As a Template Specification....

    Stage Date Distance Time Ascent Ride Log URL
    1 04/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    2 05/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    3 06/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    4 07/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    5 08/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    6 09/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    7 10/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    8 11/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    9 12/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    R 13/05
    10 14/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    11 15/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    12 16/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    13 17/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    14 18/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    15 19/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    R 20/05
    16 21/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    17 22/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    18 23/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    19 24/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    20 25/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________
    21 26/05 ___.__km __h__m__s ____m ___________________________________

    Running Total ____.__km

    Just fill in the blanks.

    4) if you don't ride, post a 0km entry as soon as possible

    5) all rides to be entered up within 2 days of the final day of the race. Anything not declared by this time (unless via prior arrangement in case of you being on holiday) does not get counted.

    I know this may sound a trifle draconian, but last year I was spending more time chasing people up and converting to metric than I was spending on the bike - and that was with 2 teams not three!
  • katozdad
    katozdad Posts: 298 Member
    Cheers TBY,

    As a commuter would you prefer to see the morning and evening ride as separate entries or do you want them adding together with the URLs quoted separately?

    Happy to go with either option or a third way if it makes it easier for you.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Cheers TBY,

    As a commuter would you prefer to see the morning and evening ride as separate entries or do you want them adding together with the URLs quoted separately?

    Happy to go with either option or a third way if it makes it easier for you.


    Good point Carl - separate line for each ride would probably be best.
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Thanks TBY! I will submit my rides as the instructions:smile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Thanks TBY! I will submit my rides as the instructions:smile:

    I just thought that if I included a "template" then everyone would be submitting the same thing - i've even put the file up on my website for download if it'll help people -
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I'd love to be number 324. I'm not sure where you get the number icons or if it is still available. I also don't have a GPS and my phone is dumb. (No smart phone with apps). I can however post a .kml (google earth) file of my routes or a screen shot. Is that acceptable?? Let me know, thanks!

    Sorry - I missed the part about not having GPS logging. I'm afraid all rides need to be verifiable for this challenge.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member


    Place 324 currently being held for the lady with the green hair - subject to confirmation :)
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    I would like to confirm that I will be cycling outside on the road, as I would be cycling to work and doing longer cycles at the weekend and I will also be logging by Strava, I will get the other half to put it on my phone.

    Hope this is ok :), if it is could I request a Manx flag :)

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I would like to confirm that I will be cycling outside on the road, as I would be cycling to work and doing longer cycles at the weekend and I will also be logging by Strava, I will get the other half to put it on my phone.

    Hope this is ok :), if it is could I request a Manx flag :)


    Wonderful - thanks for confirming, consider the final slot in team 3 to be yours, and welcome aboard!
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Yay :) Thank you, looking forward to this challenge!!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Whoop whoop... 3 full teams!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    TBY, Are there any slots left?

    Pl put Rajiv Dubey (India)
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I get it....all 3 teams full! Next time maybe!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Sorry Rajiv, but we've been running signups for nearly a fortnight now, and discussion in the Century Cycling forum since before the end of last year...

    I'd always intended cutting off entries today to give me time to create the logging spreadsheets etc., So best I can suggest is to keep an eye out for the signup mid-june for the TdF Challenge
  • RedSunshine365
    RedSunshine365 Posts: 189 Member
    TBY - aside from following the rules to the Tee, do you request any other helpers in the data-crunching or ride-validation department? Or is it just a matter of following the rules so things are quick for you to manage? Let me know if you need any help...

This discussion has been closed.