Daily Check In Thread



  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    W6D1 yesterday and We6D2 tomorrow.
    Not feeling as energized to get up in the morning, which is really hurting my motivation.
    Hoping this feeling passes and I can feel excited about running again.
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    So great to hear of everyone's successful runs!

    I started Week 8 today - and I definitely noticed going from 25 minutes to 28 minutes! Those last 3 minutes were tough! But I stuck it out and feel awesome! I started to feel a small cramp in my side, but after breathing through it, I pushed through. I'm hoping this means working on my breathing the last few runs is paying off.

    I used Endomondo to track my distance, so my first mile was slow because it included my warm up. But I ran the second mile at 13:42. I'll take it!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Thank you taeliesyn, CherylP67, & Toni_mmh! :flowerforyou:

    Bostonandie - Yup I wore a visor and contacts! Unfortunately it’s not as warm here as it is in Florida but wet is wet...great job to you running in the rain!

    Insomniaddict - WOW that is a crazy story. Glad your all safe!

    My foot is still healing so I did the elliptical this morning....sure hope it recovers soon. I want to get back to running. Although Saturday REALLY made me miss the outdoor runs even more:ohwell:
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I started c25k back in January and ran my first 10k race on Sunday. Yesterday I started over c25k with my kids. Although I didn't find it hard this time round I was still sweating and out of breath by the end of it! My kids however were fine!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Did w8d2 this morning. I have an early day today, so I was up at 4:30am to run. It is sure cold and dark at that hour. I did run a little longer. I figured as long I was out there and feeling great, I might as well. I ran 35 minutes plus the 10 minute walk for wu/cd.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done on the 35min Amy!

    W7D2 for me tonight, managed my 26 minutes running without too much trouble, probably could have gone a few extra minutes, but I'm happy to stick to the program
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Great job amy and tael...

    W7D2 finished for me as well....lil slower than D1, but i'll take it...First 5K is Nov 9th I believe .
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I found out my daughter started teething yesterday literally on the way to dropping son off/doing my run. So, instead of the run, I went to the store to get her some teething tablets. Decided to let her stay cozy sleeping in the car in lieu of a run. So today I'm going for W7D2. I hate skipping an extra day of running (Tues, Thurs, Sat - but I work out on other days too), so hopefully my body isn't too mad at me for that.

    Wish me luck! I'm going to have to do it with the treadmill today.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Everyone is moving right along, keep it up!

    I ran W8D3 today. One more week for me. I'm running a 5k on October 22, that was the goal that got me to start C25k again, for the 7th time.
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    I did week 5 day 1 last night and it was surprisingly easy! I'm actually looking forward to the 20 minute run!
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I did week 5 day 1 last night and it was surprisingly easy! I'm actually looking forward to the 20 minute run!

    I love this, that 20 minute run was my favorite moment of this entire experience!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I completed W7D2 today. Ran for an extra minute (trying to gradually increase).

    I ran 1.81 miles. It's kind of discouraging knowing I have another 1.3 miles to tack on, but I remember that 7 weeks ago this was impossible!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I'm new to the group and am reporting W4/D2 as complete. I'm one of those extremely intimidated by W5/D3, which really irritates me since I've completed C25K before and consistently ran 3+ miles prior to a knee injury in January. I'm getting started again and am finding that starting over with the aches, bad breathing, and distance fears are still there, even though I've surpassed them in the past. It's all mental, and I will get there.
  • cbeanies
    I'm doing week 4 day 3 today. I'm hoping the track is free. On Monday there was an event going on and I jogged on sidewalks through town. I'm not fast and I don't like jogging in public, plus I really like that the track is flat and I always know where I'm going. I'm behind where I thought I would be because of overtime days at work but that's ok . I don't think it has messed me up
  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    I completed W7D2 today. Ran for an extra minute (trying to gradually increase).

    I ran 1.81 miles. It's kind of discouraging knowing I have another 1.3 miles to tack on, but I remember that 7 weeks ago this was impossible!

    This was exactly me a couple of weeks ago. 1.8 miles on W7D2. I decided to go back to week 6 and do the distance program instead. I, in hindsight, should have probably gone back to week 5 in the distance program, or just stuck with it and worried about adding distance later, because the change proved difficult and I had to do week 6/distance twice, but it is working for me, so I am happy. My goal was to do a 5k at the end of the program.

    Today was W6D2. I ran 1mile, .25 mile walk, ran 1 mile. It took me 32 minutes but I did it. Tomorrow is a rest day, then Friday is 2.5 miles, uninterrupted.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I completed W7D2 today. Ran for an extra minute (trying to gradually increase).

    I ran 1.81 miles. It's kind of discouraging knowing I have another 1.3 miles to tack on, but I remember that 7 weeks ago this was impossible!

    This was exactly me a couple of weeks ago. 1.8 miles on W7D2. I decided to go back to week 6 and do the distance program instead. I, in hindsight, should have probably gone back to week 5 in the distance program, or just stuck with it and worried about adding distance later, because the change proved difficult and I had to do week 6/distance twice, but it is working for me, so I am happy. My goal was to do a 5k at the end of the program.

    Today was W6D2. I ran 1mile, .25 mile walk, ran 1 mile. It took me 32 minutes but I did it. Tomorrow is a rest day, then Friday is 2.5 miles, uninterrupted.

    My first 5K is in three weeks. I figure if I add 1 minute (at least) to each workout at this point, I'll be pretty close to the 5k.

    However, I'm worried, as I heard the 5K is a little hilly. I'm going to have to try to do a few runs in that area (not knowing the course).
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    w2d2 tonight. terrible 1st half due to equipment failures but made up for it in the 2nd half. will post report a bit later
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    So Friday at my daughter's Cross country meet I stepped wrong and my foot hurt.(The one I sprained) Plus without working out on Friday I put over 12,000 steps on my fitbit (I usually do around 10k with a workout if not it's like 3-5k). So my legs were sore. Forecast was rain and more rain...I almost had myself talked out of running the 5k on Sat. I'll do one when I'm all healed, Do I really want to be soaked and miserable on my first 5k....Yes the queen of excuses came up with them all. I couldn't sleep Friday night I realized that I had to do it. No excuses, Fatty Kathy makes excuses not Fit Kathy! So I got up and ran in the pouring rain...If my son could play a soccer game & then a flag football game in the pouring rain with no break in between....I could run a 5k!!! I ran it and made it in time to watch Football. I used my Nike Run app and it measured the distance different than the course. So at their finish line Nike said I was at 2.9 something miles, I felt so good I kept going! I ran until my app said 3.10. There were two "hills" I didn't expect so they sucked and I was the slowest of the runners (but I beat the run/walkers and the walkerstongue ). However, I kept a couple that ran in front of me in my sight the whole time. I finished their 5k in under 36 minutes and I finished mine (The Nike app) in 37.54 which is the slowest I've ever run but I've never run in public, on hills, in the pouring rain. So bottom line is that I'm super proud of myself regardless of my time. The next time I'll work on my time. My foot was a little sore after but not too bad. Then that night we invited friends over for family game night...the Kinect killed my foot!sad

    WAY TO GO MAMA!!!!!! Great time too - I hope to do about that on SATURDAY for my first 5K WOOT WOOT!!! :) You are an inspiration girl, you should be so proud!!!
    Did W5D1 no problems.. until after the run was over.

    I always run in a group. Last night we had two other females, 1 male. During our cool down, we ended up walking by a completely random guy walking around with a very large knife in his hand. Extremely long story short, we wound up being barricaded in by police who appeared to be searching for somebody. We approached the police car to let them know about the guy with a knife, they asked his race. When we told him he was a tall white guy with a knife they lost all interest. Apparently they were ONLY seeking a black male with tools burglarizing houses and wanted nothing to do with our knife guy. Called the Sheriff's office.. same thing. They said the guy we saw 'wasn't their guy'. They also told us on the phone to stay inside because their guy actually was armed and they had k9 units out on the streets to find him.

    Still shocked over it! lol I guess that's one way to keep my runs interesting. Hope your runs are going better than mine did!

    HOLY CRAP!!! I would be terrified to run by myself if I saw something like that!!!
    I started c25k back in January and ran my first 10k race on Sunday. Yesterday I started over c25k with my kids. Although I didn't find it hard this time round I was still sweating and out of breath by the end of it! My kids however were fine!

    Congrats!!! I hope that's me sometime in the next few months... 10K feels like FOREVER away right now :(

    >>>Update. I started a bridge 5K to 10K app program for the next 6 weeks. It starts you at run for 10 mins, walk for 1 min, repeat x4 and then goes up in time each week. HOLY CRAP this was so much harder than I thought. Before, I was running 2.35 miles at a crack, now I am running almost 4 and feel like I am going backwards because I walk every 10 mins per the program. That really chafes me because I was so proud I could run 30 minutes straight, you know? But the C25K program was like that, run walk run walk, run, so I have to figure the training people know best!

    Lastnight I was too scared to do the full 4 repeats, because I overdid it Monday and pulled a muscle somewhere I didn't think I even had muscles, so I didn't want to hurt myself because my first 5K is Saturday, so I did 2 repeats, then just ran till I hit a 3.1 - 5K distance :) I just have to talk to my mind and tell it it can't stop every 10 minutes on Saturday!! I really talked to myself a lot on yesterday's run - no sleep, worried about leg = pretty rough. :( But I will not give up and I will run like the wind on Saturday and all will be awesome!!!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    >>>Update. I started a bridge 5K to 10K app program for the next 6 weeks. It starts you at run for 10 mins, walk for 1 min, repeat x4 and then goes up in time each week. HOLY CRAP this was so much harder than I thought. Before, I was running 2.35 miles at a crack, now I am running almost 4 and feel like I am going backwards because I walk every 10 mins per the program. That really chafes me because I was so proud I could run 30 minutes straight, you know? But the C25K program was like that, run walk run walk, run, so I have to figure the training people know best!

    Lastnight I was too scared to do the full 4 repeats, because I overdid it Monday and pulled a muscle somewhere I didn't think I even had muscles, so I didn't want to hurt myself because my first 5K is Saturday, so I did 2 repeats, then just ran till I hit a 3.1 - 5K distance :) I just have to talk to my mind and tell it it can't stop every 10 minutes on Saturday!! I really talked to myself a lot on yesterday's run - no sleep, worried about leg = pretty rough. :( But I will not give up and I will run like the wind on Saturday and all will be awesome!!!!

    I started C25K last May. When I start the 5 to 10k program, that first week just wiped me out! Just as you said, I was so proud about being able to do 30 minutes and, in my case, the five 8-minute runs with 1-minute walks was just a bit too much for me. After a week of working up to it; did just four of the 8-minute runs on the first day, did a really fun 2 mile run as fast as I could do in an area that was fun to run in on the second, and, I think, ran up and down a large hill on the third; I was able to start the first week and had no problems after that.