Daily Check In Thread



  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Got through W7D2 today with no issues. My breathing has been great, just a nice easy pace. Keep the good tunes going and my feet rolling! I can't believe I'm doing 25 minutes straight with no issues. 2 months ago I was running for 60 seconds at a time! Crazy...

    Keep on keeping on, everyone!

    Congrats on W7D2 - you are almost done with week 7! One more to go - you are awesome! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member

    I did W7D3 today, the wind was strong after turning around again, and it makes it so much harder, we still finished but it was gruelling. I think we are going to swap routes next week so that we aren't facing into the wind haha.

    You are doing awesome! Keep pushing! :)
  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Just finished W8D3! 2.8 miles in 30 min :)

    Wow... You're killing it! Is that the last week? Or are you on a 9-week program?

    @amber_beaney I haven't even braved outside yet, still using the treadmill, so you are way ahead of me! Good job!

    Got through W7D2 today with no issues. My breathing has been great, just a nice easy pace. Keep the good tunes going and my feet rolling! I can't believe I'm doing 25 minutes straight with no issues. 2 months ago I was running for 60 seconds at a time! Crazy...

    Keep on keeping on, everyone!

    Well done! it is great to think how we are now able to run for 25 mins straight when to begin with just 60 seconds was really tough (for me anyway!) The wind really has been a problem for me on the last two runs as it's been so strong against me on my way back, I don't have access to a treadmill otherwise I might have tried it that way, although in the past when I've used a treadmill i got quite bad shin splints. A friend of mine uses a treadmill and says he gets bad shin splints running outside, it's funny how we all react differently isn't it :)

    Only 2 more weeks to go now, although I think next week I will be going back to week 6, as my running buddy has been out of action due to being poorly, she's now feeling better but she is on week 6. I figured it's all extra practice anyway, it just means I will be a couple of weeks late 'graduating'.
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Just finished W8D3! 2.8 miles in 30 min :)

    Awesome job! Well done! Only a week until your 5k event now isn't it? I'm excited for you! :)

    Yes, it is! I'll do two more 3mi runs next week before my race next Saturday! :)

    Well congratulations for graduating! :D Are you going to carry on running after your race? Once I've finished C25k I'm not sure whether to stick with the same distances but work on my speed, or work on going for longer distances before worrying about speed.
    Good luck for your race, I know you will Rock! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited March 2016
    Are you going to carry on running after your race? Once I've finished C25k I'm not sure whether to stick with the same distances but work on my speed, or work on going for longer distances before worrying about speed.
    Good luck for your race, I know you will Rock! :)
    I will start training for a 10k race as soon as I am done with 5k. I already signed up for it - will have 10 weeks! :)
    From what I've heard speed comes with distance. I am happy with my 12 min/mile pace - I know I can do a little bit better, 11 or maybe even 10, but I'll concentrate on distance now. Thanks for wishing me luck - I promise a race report! :)

  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Had to skip a running day because of several days of demolition prep, and then the full demo yesterday, so I'm going to see what happens today.

    Today is W6D2 (10 min run, 3 min walk, 10 min run) when if I'd stuck to the schedule I'd be on W6D3 today, so I'm thinking I'll start running and try not to stop until at least 20 min, if not the 22 needed for W6D3 so I won't be behind any more. However, I am sore from the demo and may need that break in the middle. We'll see. I won't be mad if I have to stay on D2, but I'm interested to see if taking the break makes me more or less capable since many do better on races by running less the days before hand. Different situations, obviously, but whatever gives me hope I won't be a day behind, haha.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    And update (because I know everyone is dying to know :expressionless: ): W6D3 done! Skipped D2 due to reasons above and just moved on to where I would normally be. It was HARD, but I pushed through, and I'm pretty proud of myself! Noticed on the treadmill that I ran ~1.5 miles in that 22 min run. I won't be doing a 30 min 5k at that speed, but I think 1.5 miles is a great accomplishment :smiley: . I gave myself permission to walk at 10 minutes per D2, but I didn't end up needing it even though I was tired.

    The funny thing is, at about 19 minutes a good song came on and the last 3 minutes were a breeze! I thought could have even kept going with that song on repeat, but I didn't want to over do it. I've been having such a hard time figuring out the best way to distract myself; I've tried radio (too many songs I don't like and have to skip), movies (not distracting enough), TV shows (bit better, still not distracting enough), etc. I think I've had a eureka moment tonight though! What I need is a playlist of songs that I like, but also that match my cadence. Every step of those last 3 minutes were in time to the music and I think that's why it felt so much better.

    I've heard of an app that finds music by BPM, I think I need to search for it. An app that kept a beat as well would be super helpful during the softer start and end of songs. If anyone knows of a good one, please let me know!

    Sorry for the novel. I'm excited that I may have found a good solution for myself to keep from clock-watching out of desperation, haha.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I repeated W3D3 today. The weather had kept me from running outside since last Sunday and although I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday and Thursday (not C25k runs, I just ran for about 30 minutes with brief breaks when needed), I didn't get any run in on Saturday. It was still cold and windy today, but not too bad. I was slower than the last time I did it, though.

    I thought about trying to go on to Week 4, but I'm only going to be able to run once more this week (on Tuesday) and then I'll be too busy for formal exercise Thursday through Saturday (but, I'll be on my feet a lot). So, I decided to stick with Week 3 until after the FIRST Robotics competition. Then, I'll get back to a regular schedule (weather permitting).
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I repeated W3D3 today. The weather had kept me from running outside since last Sunday and although I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday and Thursday (not C25k runs, I just ran for about 30 minutes with brief breaks when needed), I didn't get any run in on Saturday. It was still cold and windy today, but not too bad. I was slower than the last time I did it, though.

    I thought about trying to go on to Week 4, but I'm only going to be able to run once more this week (on Tuesday) and then I'll be too busy for formal exercise Thursday through Saturday (but, I'll be on my feet a lot). So, I decided to stick with Week 3 until after the FIRST Robotics competition. Then, I'll get back to a regular schedule (weather permitting).

    That's great! It'll work out for you. Hopefully the weather works in your favor from now on. :smile: Why don't you do the C25K days on your treadmill days? Because the conditions are different? (I know it's harder for me outside vs TM)
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Okay, W7D3... DONE! Chalk up another 25 minute run for the home team! Next stop: WEEK 8!

    @Aine8046 nice job! Look at you! Not even done with the 5K training and already looking ahead to a 10K! Talk about having goals! You go!

    @xLyric you are so right! When I started getting to Week 6 & Week 7, I started some of those runs giving myself permission to stop if I wasn't feeling it, but those turned out to be some of my strongest runs! So much of this is mental, not physical! Also, I am exactly the same with looking for "distractions", and I have settled on music as the only thing that really works. I downloaded an app called Rock My Run, and it has a bunch of playlists (DJ style) that mix songs one into another with no breaks, so you just keep on plowing ahead. Some are better than others, but it is so much better than just listening to my same old playlist on shuffle over and over again. I really love it! I play a lot of old 80's music and rock, but they have tons and tons of options! I even played an Irish rock mix last week for St. Patty's day!

    Keep on keeping on, everyone!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    xLyric wrote: »
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I repeated W3D3 today. The weather had kept me from running outside since last Sunday and although I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday and Thursday (not C25k runs, I just ran for about 30 minutes with brief breaks when needed), I didn't get any run in on Saturday. It was still cold and windy today, but not too bad. I was slower than the last time I did it, though.

    I thought about trying to go on to Week 4, but I'm only going to be able to run once more this week (on Tuesday) and then I'll be too busy for formal exercise Thursday through Saturday (but, I'll be on my feet a lot). So, I decided to stick with Week 3 until after the FIRST Robotics competition. Then, I'll get back to a regular schedule (weather permitting).

    That's great! It'll work out for you. Hopefully the weather works in your favor from now on. :smile: Why don't you do the C25K days on your treadmill days? Because the conditions are different? (I know it's harder for me outside vs TM)

    Well, I'm not so sure about the weather. March came in like a lamb but it looks like it may go out like a lion. Oh well, that's not unusual here and we can use the moisture.

    I don't do C25K when I'm forced inside onto the treadmill for multiple reasons.

    First - I already did it on the treadmill. I didn't come close to running a 5K by the end, but didn't have any guidance for how to get there. The program just assumes that if you run the times it specifies you'll run a 5K. Doing it outside this time, I'm using the rundouble app which can use distance, not time, for the intervals. But, it can't do distance when using the treadmill.

    Second - My gait is totally different on the treadmill. I run much slower (compared to my outside average) and with a shorter stride. My speed is imposed by the treadmill, rather than adjusting to my effort. Plus, it doesn't have the hills that I have to tackle outside. It just isn't equivalent, so if I tried to do the next run on it, I wouldn't make the progress needed and I'd just have to repeat it outside anyway.

    Third - I hate manually changing the speed on the treadmill. When I was doing C25K on it I used one of the user programs to preset the speeds to the approximate intervals called for so that I didn't have to mess with the speed controls during my run, but that gets tedious.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Good Morning all..... I've been lurking (again) for a while, I must say congrats to all that have come so far, on time and pretty much on schedule! I am restarting again..... its a constant battle for me :) I seem to get on track for 2-3 weeks then life gets in the way and it is a week - 10 days before another run... sigh, drop back to week 3, try again! Reading of all your successes definitely motivates me to keep trying, so thank you!

    @brian_gunther great job on your progress! I also swear if anyone stole my iPod they would give it back..... 700+ songs mostly from the 80's.. but I thought of you last night, not sure if you are familiar with Fallout by Marianas Trench, its a 4 min song that makes that run fly by.

    @xLyric there are a few programs out there that will match your bpm to a variety of songs that would sync with your tempo. Also, once you figure out what your bpm is there are other sites that show you popular (and some not so popular/contemporary) songs and rate them in order of slowest to fastest so you can make your own. I actually have sat down and done about 10 play lists so I didn't' get bored with just one. http://www.runskiprun.com/beats-per-minute-chart/ gives you a starting point also www.run2r.com is helpful. Pinterest is remarkably informative too :sunglasses:

    Have a super day!

  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    @NancyN795 That makes a lot of sense! I run at 3.7, so I definitely won't be anywhere near a real 5k when I'm finished. I'm hoping the incline I use will help me transition outside, but I don't know if it really will. And I hear you about stride length; I don't run outside much yet, but I can feel that I'm taking baby running steps on the TM if that makes any sense, haha.

    @brian_gunther Well done! You're so close! Thanks for the app suggestion, I'll give it a try!

    @showjumper Thanks for the suggestions! That sounds great!

    The song at the end of the run that matched so well was 156 when I googled its BPM, and I came across jog.fm which brings up songs that are a similar beat. I made a preliminary playlist with it, since it'll (supposedly) let me play it through Spotify which I already have. Their Spotify link seems to be broken at the moment though, so I'll probably check out the suggestions from you and Brian instead!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Week 9 is here! 3 miles dne in 32 min!
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Week 9 is here! 3 miles dne in 32 min!

    Wow! You are on fire! Way to go, @Aine8046 ! Amazing! I hope to do half as well as you are doing when I get there next week!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Week 9 is here! 3 miles dne in 32 min!

    Wow! You are on fire! Way to go, @Aine8046 ! Amazing! I hope to do half as well as you are doing when I get there next week!

    Thanks! It was nice and easy today... However, I do run on the treadmill and I am a little bit freaking out about running 5k outside this Saturday... Will see! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    xLyric wrote: »
    And update (because I know everyone is dying to know :expressionless: ): W6D3 done! Skipped D2 due to reasons above and just moved on to where I would normally be. It was HARD, but I pushed through, and I'm pretty proud of myself! Noticed on the treadmill that I ran ~1.5 miles in that 22 min run. I won't be doing a 30 min 5k at that speed, but I think 1.5 miles is a great accomplishment :smiley: . I gave myself permission to walk at 10 minutes per D2, but I didn't end up needing it even though I was tired.

    The funny thing is, at about 19 minutes a good song came on and the last 3 minutes were a breeze! I thought could have even kept going with that song on repeat, but I didn't want to over do it. I've been having such a hard time figuring out the best way to distract myself; I've tried radio (too many songs I don't like and have to skip), movies (not distracting enough), TV shows (bit better, still not distracting enough), etc. I think I've had a eureka moment tonight though! What I need is a playlist of songs that I like, but also that match my cadence. Every step of those last 3 minutes were in time to the music and I think that's why it felt so much better.

    I've heard of an app that finds music by BPM, I think I need to search for it. An app that kept a beat as well would be super helpful during the softer start and end of songs. If anyone knows of a good one, please let me know!

    Sorry for the novel. I'm excited that I may have found a good solution for myself to keep from clock-watching out of desperation, haha.

    Nice! It happened to em and I LOVE this feeling! Great job! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I repeated W3D3 today. The weather had kept me from running outside since last Sunday and although I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday and Thursday (not C25k runs, I just ran for about 30 minutes with brief breaks when needed), I didn't get any run in on Saturday. It was still cold and windy today, but not too bad. I was slower than the last time I did it, though.

    I thought about trying to go on to Week 4, but I'm only going to be able to run once more this week (on Tuesday) and then I'll be too busy for formal exercise Thursday through Saturday (but, I'll be on my feet a lot). So, I decided to stick with Week 3 until after the FIRST Robotics competition. Then, I'll get back to a regular schedule (weather permitting).

    Well, you know the magic - slow and steady! You are doing great! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Okay, W7D3... DONE! Chalk up another 25 minute run for the home team! Next stop: WEEK 8!

    Keep on keeping on, everyone!
    Finally, week 8 is here! Whoo-hoo! Congrats - you made it to the final week! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    NancyN795 wrote: »

    Second - My gait is totally different on the treadmill. I run much slower (compared to my outside average) and with a shorter stride. My speed is imposed by the treadmill, rather than adjusting to my effort. Plus, it doesn't have the hills that I have to tackle outside. It just isn't equivalent, so if I tried to do the next run on it, I wouldn't make the progress needed and I'd just have to repeat it outside anyway.

    Treadmill has its pros - it's air-conditioned, and you can watch a movie. I still prefer the outside, but only few months a year (spring and fall)! :)
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    NancyN795 wrote: »

    Second - My gait is totally different on the treadmill. I run much slower (compared to my outside average) and with a shorter stride. My speed is imposed by the treadmill, rather than adjusting to my effort. Plus, it doesn't have the hills that I have to tackle outside. It just isn't equivalent, so if I tried to do the next run on it, I wouldn't make the progress needed and I'd just have to repeat it outside anyway.

    Treadmill has its pros - it's air-conditioned, and you can watch a movie. I still prefer the outside, but only few months a year (spring and fall)! :)

    I wish. The treadmill is in the garage, so the temperature is 50ish in the winter, hotter in the summer. No movie capability - I get to stare at the wall. I have thought about getting a Chromebook or tablet and attaching some sort of mount to the wall so I can stream something to watch. Mostly, I listen to podcasts. I am glad I got the treadmill. It enables me to get a good, heart rate raising workout no matter what the weather. And there are good reasons for keeping it where it is. But, there is also an incentive to get outside instead.