Daily Check In Thread



  • pmcbrady
    pmcbrady Posts: 31
    Just finished week 2 day 2 (for the 2nd time). I was able to run all the running parts slowly! I am doing each week until I run all the runs completely. I never thought I'd say this, but I am actually enjoying it.
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W5 D2 done. I struggled a bit, but not in a bad way, kind of challenging good rather than omg I will never make it. Once again, a boring 'so far, so good'.
  • khyman
    khyman Posts: 28 Member
    W5 D3 done!!!!! I can't believe I ran the whole 20 minutes. I started out at the 5 mph I'd been doing but assumed I would have to slow down at some point but I made it all the way at that speed.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member

    Week 6, Day 3 and according to RunKeeper:


    And I'm still alive?!

    How accurate do you think this app is?
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    I had to take a couple of days off from running because of food poisoning. Ran this morning. Week 5 Day 2 complete. I slowed waaaayyyy down to ensure that I could finish. If I were going any slower, I would have beeen moonwalking. I felt golden after the first 8 minutes. Breathing was ON POINT! I did'nt even want to stop for my walk break. Actually, from here on out, I'm skipping the intervals. I just want to ruuuunnnnnn. <<<Never thought I'd type that....
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    . Actually, from here on out, I'm skipping the intervals. I just want to ruuuunnnnnn. <<<Never thought I'd type that....

    LOL I felt the same way after doing the 20 min run yesterday. I know W6D1 goes back to intervals and I'm not sure I'm going to like that. I'll probably still follow it though.

    Hope you feel better. I've had food poisoning several times and it makes you want to die quickly. :sick:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    . Actually, from here on out, I'm skipping the intervals. I just want to ruuuunnnnnn. <<<Never thought I'd type that....

    LOL I felt the same way after doing the 20 min run yesterday. I know W6D1 goes back to intervals and I'm not sure I'm going to like that. I'll probably still follow it though.

    Hope you feel better. I've had food poisoning several times and it makes you want to die quickly. :sick:

    I think the intervals in Week 6 are good. Weeks 5 and 6 really do build you up. I was surprised by how hard I found W6D2. I'm in Week 7 now and am glad to be done with intervals, but I don't regret doing them in D1 and D2 of W6.
  • silverbelle69
    silverbelle69 Posts: 14 Member
    Regarding the first 20 minute run: I didn't think I could do it either but I did it! It was absolutely amazing. I had posted on here that I didn't think I could do it, and another poster told me that my body was ready. She was right. Whoever devised this program knew what they were doing!

    I am now repeating the entire program, just trying to do it a bit faster this time. I am going to get dressed now and go! I am going to run like I stole something! :tongue:
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I ran my first 5k since completing the C25K program. I never imagined that I would be able to run the entire thing. I did 2 5ks in the past and I did more walking than anything else, and of course my time reflected that. This time I was determined to run the entire thing. Last night I made a playlist to get and keep me fired up through the run. I was ready to go. Then when the race started my headphones died. I tried to fiddle with it during the start of the run, but no luck. Realizing that I would have to do this run without music was a scary thought. I had nothing to motivate me but myself. Nothing to listen to but my heavy breathing. I thought, how can I do this? Why is this happening today of all days? Then i stopped feeling sorry for myself, and pushed through, determined not to walk one step of that race. I crossed the finish line just past the 35 minute mark. Not sure my exact time right now. Waiting for the official results. I am super impressed and proud of myself. I was running less than an 11:30 min mile, that is my fastest yet. Generally I only do 12 min miles when I'm on the treadmill and more like 12:30 or 13:00 min when I'm outside and that is with the music keeping me going.

    To all of you still in the early weeks of C25K, you can do this. Keep pushing. 3 months ago I would have never thought this was possible. I started running 7 years ago and a 1.5 mile was my max. In three months I more than doubled that. I can't wait for the next race, an 8K in 3 weeks and then a 10K in August. I will also be on the lookout for other 5ks to improve my time.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just finished W7D2, and did dramatically better than W7D1. Day 1 I ran 1.94 miles @ 12:52/mi. and today I ran 2.04 miles @ 12:13/mi. I also dropped my walk pace from 16:08 to 15:45. There are a lot of factors that went into doing better (like coming off a rest day), but I'm still really pleased with my results.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks. I'm feeling a bit better but still dealing with some dizziness. I completed my 20 minute run today with no problems. Could have even kept going. Woot woot! I felt great. But dizziness kicked in afterwards. I can't wait until I'm fully over this stomach bug. Week 5 conquered. Gonna get into week six Monday.
    . Actually, from here on out, I'm skipping the intervals. I just want to ruuuunnnnnn. <<<Never thought I'd type that....

    LOL I felt the same way after doing the 20 min run yesterday. I know W6D1 goes back to intervals and I'm not sure I'm going to like that. I'll probably still follow it though.

    Hope you feel better. I've had food poisoning several times and it makes you want to die quickly. :sick:
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    So pleased. Did W4D1 today and i struggled with the 3min runs last week but this week they felt half the time and the 5mins were even easier than the 3mins last week. Yay :)
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    I completed week 4 day 1. Every day I finish its such a great feeling of accomplishment.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Week 7 is complete!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    It's supposed to be hot today so I set my alarm for 5am and got up to run. The thing is, I'm probably the most opposite of a morning person of anyone I know. I absolutely HATE to wake up before 9, but I did it. I got up, and I went outside at 5:30 to do W7D1. My pace was a full minute slower than W6D3 so I only got through 1.8 miles in the 25 minutes, but I felt more comfortable at the end of it and kept my heart rate in the zone the entire time when usually it's over.
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W5 D3 done!! YAY!!! When the friendly lady said, "Two more minutes to go" I wanted to scream that I could not take it anymore... :noway:

    But hey, apparently I am proven wrong, because I did it!!

    I wish I could do something more to celebrate, it feels really like a small victory for me :bigsmile:
  • sunkissed1109
    sunkissed1109 Posts: 19 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 complete. I feel like doing a little victory dance. I normally stick to this outdoor track because I'm so self conscience. I went around the track once, then broke away. best feeling ever that i actually did it!
  • spartania
    spartania Posts: 88
    Completed W5 D1 today!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Just finished W6D1. Never thought I'd be listing a week past 5. :laugh: It was mid afternoon and a little more humid than I like, but I worked last night and just got up. Anyway, did the intervals again, seems almost like a let down after the big 20 minute run. During the first walking part, I saw a deer nearby so I was able to stop and grab a picture. I thought there were four runs in this one, not three and thought the last one might be a bust, but was happy to hear perky lady say "one more minute."

    Got a coworker to download the app last night. I'm bringing people into the cult :tongue:
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    W5 D3 done!! YAY!!! When the friendly lady said, "Two more minutes to go" I wanted to scream that I could not take it anymore... :noway:

    But hey, apparently I am proven wrong, because I did it!!

    I wish I could do something more to celebrate, it feels really like a small victory for me :bigsmile:

    Which app do you use? Not that I am in week 7 and there are no more intervals I wish zen labs c25k had a couple of prompts. I find myself pulling out my phone to check the time and make sure the app is still running.