Daily Check In Thread



  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Tonight was a 25 minute run. I was a little nervous but I trusted the program. If it said I was ready then I could do it. I ran 2.24 miles in 25 minutes. I shocked the hell out of myself. I have never been a runner. I never thought I could be a runner. Tonight I felt like a runner. For the people who are just starting, stick with it. You'll be amazed by what your mind and body can do.

    Great job and very inspiring! I have week 5 ahead of me. Starting it tomorrow morning, so by the end of the week I have a 20 minute run I am very nervous about! Thanks for sharing your success as it is a good inspiration to those of us further behind you!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    W8D1 bagged!

    It was supposed to be 28mins but because it felt good, I had the day off work and it was a lovely cool morning I kept going until I had clocked up 5k rather than stop! Took me just over 36mins so I'm very happy with that as it's the first time I have actually run the whole 5k with no intervals.

    Morning runs definitely work better for me and leave me less excuses for not 'getting around' to it :)
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    week 4 day 1 and it was VERY difficult.Not sure if it's b/c I was lifting yesterday but it KILLED me!
  • sadhanagopal
    sadhanagopal Posts: 24 Member

    I am on W2D1. Have never run in my life so am so excited to be able to do something I never thought possible!!

    That's great! You should enjoy it. I ran when I was a kid, but then high school happened, and I got involved in other things, then university, and then marriage, and now, I say, ok, let's get back to this. I've been loving it.

    Finished W6,D2 today. I maintained a 5.3 mph average, but it was not pleasant. Some mosquitoes decided to feast on my ankles the other day and now my ankles are so swollen you can't actually see them. My shoes felt too tight and the hinge motion wasn't comfortable. Benadryl doesn't seem to be working. I did it anyway, and just pretended I had Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels chasing after me.

    LOL at the Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels....Gosh w6 sounds so intimidating right now...Have you tried icing your ankle?
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    W5D1 complete...I refuse to let this infamous week psyche me out!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Yesterday I did Week 9, Day 1 of C210K. My GPS says that I went 4.35 miles, including the warm-up, cool down and walking intervals. :smile:
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    go Babyrover!!! I will be doing the same this morning, but my legs still feel tired after a weekend of adventure! I am going to die, but I will die trying! ;-)
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Yesterday I did Week 9, Day 1 of C210K. My GPS says that I went 4.35 miles, including the warm-up, cool down and walking intervals. :smile:

    Yahoo! congrats! Can't wait to be at that distance!
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Finished W2D3 last Saturday, it wasn't a good one! I barely got any sleep that night and was up at 7am, then decided to do my run at 10am since it wasn't so hot yet. I felt like my legs were caving in underneath me for the whole run, HR was up at 180 and I was completely out of breath. It was so disappointing since W2D2 went pretty well.

    I'm a bit scared to start W3D1, jogging for 5 minutes.. I'm not too convinced I can do it. Plus a bee decided to sting me in the foot last Sunday and my foot is still swollen!

    Did anyone notice a change in energy levels doing this program? I am constantly tired and I know I'm totally out of shape. I started hiking in April and have hiked an average of 40km/25mi a month since. I know that all-in-all it still isn't a whole lot of exercise, but since I came from zero exercise it's a big improvement ;-) Still, I don't feel any difference in energy levels and stamina. So then I started C25K three weeks ago, hoping to see an improvement but still nada. I drink plenty of water and have 2 servings of fruit plus 2 servings of veggies every day. I'm not sure what else I can do to improve energy levels.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Don't be down on yourself, DesireeNL - I'm pretty sure everyone has days like that where they think they're going backwards.
    A few weeks back and I used to die a death after a run - my legs would ache for a couple of days, I'd make those weird grunting noises getting up from my chair, you know the thing! The stamina seems to come as you push on through the weeks; I haven't changed my diet since I started this but I definitely have a bit more spring in my step.

    Keep at it, I'm sure it will get easier in time :)
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Week 5 Day 1 Complete! Feeling that runners high! Ya know, the one (I assume) is similar to a meth addict's high, like I can take on anything! ;-) Hee hee!!! Looking forward to the rest of the week! BRING IT ON!

    It's amazing how much easier (and faster) it is to run without a stroller and a 30 lb toddler to push along!

    RunDouble Update
    I completed C25K Week 5 Day 1 (1.88 miles), in 21:00, pace 11:11 min/mile, with @RunDouble
    1.88 miles in 21:00, speed 5.36 mph Total distance including w/u&c/d= 2.47 miles @12:32min/mile
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks yamsteroo, I'll keep that in mind! :-) I decided to put on my running shoes after posting and just finished W3D1. Luckily, it wasn't 5 minutes of jogging, but 'only' 3, so that already felt less discouraging ;-) I finished it and it definitely went better than last time!! Maybe I'm just not a morning runner, which makes sense since I'm not a morning person either! lol
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Finished W2D3 last Saturday, it wasn't a good one! I barely got any sleep that night and was up at 7am, then decided to do my run at 10am since it wasn't so hot yet. I felt like my legs were caving in underneath me for the whole run, HR was up at 180 and I was completely out of breath. It was so disappointing since W2D2 went pretty well.

    I'm a bit scared to start W3D1, jogging for 5 minutes.. I'm not too convinced I can do it. Plus a bee decided to sting me in the foot last Sunday and my foot is still swollen!

    Did anyone notice a change in energy levels doing this program? I am constantly tired and I know I'm totally out of shape. I started hiking in April and have hiked an average of 40km/25mi a month since. I know that all-in-all it still isn't a whole lot of exercise, but since I came from zero exercise it's a big improvement ;-) Still, I don't feel any difference in energy levels and stamina. So then I started C25K three weeks ago, hoping to see an improvement but still nada. I drink plenty of water and have 2 servings of fruit plus 2 servings of veggies every day. I'm not sure what else I can do to improve energy levels.

    You sound like me when I was trying to run too fast!!! The best thing I learned on this forum is to GO SLOW!!! You will feel like you can walk faster than you are running, but the mechanics of running is so much more difficult than walking that you need to start off easy or you will burn out!!!

    Sleep is important as well as enough calories. Not sure of you eating habits, just wanted to put it out there. I have learned to eat a piece of sweet fruit like a pear, or banana about 30 minutes before I run! Also, stay hydrated!!! It's not the speed that counts. Remember the rabbit and the tortoise? Be the tortoise and just concentrate on finishing. Do not worry about speed. In the beginning you may have to force yourself to go slow. I did. I thought running was a certain speed. It's not!

    Good luck!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I haven't checked in on here in a while.

    Today, I finished w4d1 of 5 to 10k.


    2 runs of 2.7 mi with 500 yd walk in between.
    Overall pace: 12:01
    Fastest Interval 11:36

    Inc. wu & cd: 6.36 mi
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Week 9 Day 1
    2.5 miles in 30 minutes. Not a great run, I've had stomach cramps all day, but managed the 30 minutes so I'm pleased. Can't believe I'm on my final week!

    For those struggling with the early weeks, we've all been there. I used to have to ice my lower legs after every run just so that I could actually walk to work the following morning! Everything ached and I felt exhausted. Just keep going, I promise it gets better, your body will grow stronger and fitter with every session, it's really quite amazing. Keep at it, you're all going great!! :smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    week 4 day 1 and it was VERY difficult.Not sure if it's b/c I was lifting yesterday but it KILLED me!

    Slow down. Week 4 does that if you're not running slowly enough.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Finished W2D3 last Saturday, it wasn't a good one! I barely got any sleep that night and was up at 7am, then decided to do my run at 10am since it wasn't so hot yet. I felt like my legs were caving in underneath me for the whole run, HR was up at 180 and I was completely out of breath. It was so disappointing since W2D2 went pretty well.

    I'm a bit scared to start W3D1, jogging for 5 minutes.. I'm not too convinced I can do it. Plus a bee decided to sting me in the foot last Sunday and my foot is still swollen!

    Did anyone notice a change in energy levels doing this program? I am constantly tired and I know I'm totally out of shape. I started hiking in April and have hiked an average of 40km/25mi a month since. I know that all-in-all it still isn't a whole lot of exercise, but since I came from zero exercise it's a big improvement ;-) Still, I don't feel any difference in energy levels and stamina. So then I started C25K three weeks ago, hoping to see an improvement but still nada. I drink plenty of water and have 2 servings of fruit plus 2 servings of veggies every day. I'm not sure what else I can do to improve energy levels.

    Look at your calories and sleep when it comes to energy levels - otherwise I don't know.

    I'd write off W2D3 as a bad run. Usually the next one is pretty good, so don't put it off.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hi, I'm new here, but I just finished Week 1, and am on Week 2 Day 2 today.... Hoping to be able to run a 5k by October. My time sucks since I'm taking it slow, but it's working.

    Hey. You're running. That's a total win.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Tonight was a 25 minute run. I was a little nervous but I trusted the program. If it said I was ready then I could do it. I ran 2.24 miles in 25 minutes. I shocked the hell out of myself. I have never been a runner. I never thought I could be a runner. Tonight I felt like a runner. For the people who are just starting, stick with it. You'll be amazed by what your mind and body can do.

    Love this!!! So happy for you!!!

    The "never will be a runner" typing this message is planning 7 miles tonight. Isn't it crazy what you can do when you stop telling yourself that you can't?
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    I graduated a couple weeks ago and ran my first 5K this past Saturday but I am still putting in consistent workouts so I can run another 5K on September 7th. The friend that I ran the first 5K with wants to do a color run in October too so I have my goals to keep me motivated.

    Had my toughest run in a few weeks this evening. I normally run in the early morning but wanted to switch things up so I ran after work today. My legs felt like lead and I couldn't get a consistent pace to save my life. I will be going back to my early morning runs from now on.