Whose 'cruising' with me ? ;)



  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I looked to see what Ortisan fruit cubes are and I am not sure they are available in my area. Hopefully, I settle down and will not need them :)

    Is anyone else having difficulty eating enough? I am not hungry and sometimes have to force myself to eat because I know I need to. Even so, I am below 1000 calories every day and most days below 700. Maybe I am not calculating correctly.

    Today was a typical PV day for me:
    Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg 80 cal
    1/2 tbs oat bran 20 cal
    Lunch: 1/2 tbs oat bran 20 cal
    mixed lettuce 20 cal
    3oz grilled chicken 120 cal
    Snack 1/2 tsp oat bran 20 cal
    more lettuce 20 cal
    2 slices ham 60 cal
    1 slice turkey 30 cal
    Dinner chicken thigh 120 cal
    tomato sauce 30 cal
    quark 60 cal
    bechamel sauce 60 cal

    Total: Estimated 660 and I am done for the night. I would eat more but it is almost time for bed. Some days I have some more snacks throughout the day such as boiled shrimp or nonfat cheese. I usually have fish or seafood for dinner.

    Is anyone else losing while eating so little? Do you eat larger portions? More often? I feel that I am missing somethIng important. I love this diet and am losing but I am new at it and want to be successful. When I lost weight previously, I was eating more calories and exercising daily. I am not able to increase my exercise beyond the minimum guidelines because of health issues.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    @toadqueen I really think you should try and up your calories to at least your minimum. It's not really healthy for any opus to go that low with calories. And we must remember that Dukan isn't really about calories restriction. I know you are finding it difficult to eat right now because of a reduced appetite, but maybe you could try modifying each meal to incorporate more calories. For example, I think red meat is higher is calories lb for lb vs fish/ chicken . On days when I eat lean beef steak, I find my calories for the day a lot higher. For example yesterday, I went over my daily recommended but it really doesn't bother me in the slightest as I know it was a lot of protein.

    Being this is my second time around on the diet, I didn't want to ever experience that dreaded feeling of being 'bunged up' as I really suffered on my first time around. My top tips :

    Water water water....oh and a peppermint tea just before bed usually helps me. (Mentioned above but so true)

    EAT OATBRAN as recommended, do not reduce quantities.....big mistake as this is fibre and also oatbran actually helps in these processes. (Remember : 1.5 attack, 2 cruise DAILY ALLOWANCE in tablespoon measures)

    Rhubarb - allowed on cruise PV days only. Treat as a vegetable and not a to,errand item.....works wonders trust me. Lots of good preparation ideas in various blogs etc. my favourite is sweetened stewed rhubarb with chilled 0% Greek yogurt (topped with cinnamon....gorgeous)

    Exercise where possible always helps , doesn't have to be vigorous activity . (again mentioned above and makes a difference)

    Hard boiled sugary re sweets have a laxative effect. So I use these sometimes whilst satisfying any sugar cravings. Yes, I am the one that still has sugar cravings on the Dukan. Obviously have these when required to maximum Dukan limit guidelines
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    I have not investigated the tolerated list yet. A co-worker is borrowing my book.

    I could never find the tolerated list in my book, but i have the 2010 version and not very up to date? Try this link, the best and most accurately compiled list I have found so far:


    Good luck exploring x
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I looked to see what Ortisan fruit cubes are and I am not sure they are available in my area. Hopefully, I settle down and will not need them :)

    Is anyone else having difficulty eating enough? I am not hungry and sometimes have to force myself to eat because I know I need to. Even so, I am below 1000 calories every day and most days below 700. Maybe I am not calculating correctly.

    Today was a typical PV day for me:
    Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg 80 cal
    1/2 tbs oat bran 20 cal
    Lunch: 1/2 tbs oat bran 20 cal
    mixed lettuce 20 cal
    3oz grilled chicken 120 cal
    Snack 1/2 tsp oat bran 20 cal
    more lettuce 20 cal
    2 slices ham 60 cal
    1 slice turkey 30 cal
    Dinner chicken thigh 120 cal
    tomato sauce 30 cal
    quark 60 cal
    bechamel sauce 60 cal

    Total: Estimated 660 and I am done for the night. I would eat more but it is almost time for bed. Some days I have some more snacks throughout the day such as boiled shrimp or nonfat cheese. I usually have fish or seafood for dinner.

    Is anyone else losing while eating so little? Do you eat larger portions? More often? I feel that I am missing somethIng important. I love this diet and am losing but I am new at it and want to be successful. When I lost weight previously, I was eating more calories and exercising daily. I am not able to increase my exercise beyond the minimum guidelines because of health issues.

    I ate larger portions and made sure I was never under 1200 calories. I don't know what is in your sauces, but I don't think I ate any sauces on Dukan Cruise. I also ate my greek yogurt EVERY day on Dukan, and still do most days on the 4th stage.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Thanks for the responses and the tolerated food list. I had already added some of these in from recipes I found online for PV days. I have made an effort to eat more and will add more beef. I doubled my eggs and had a hamburger for dinner. On the weekends it is easier because I can cook fresh and use more egg whites.

    It seems that I am very dehydrated according to recent lab results so I have increased my water too. I am also making sure to eat the 2 tbs of oatbran early in the morning.

    I bought the Greek yogurt but really do not like any yogurts and will not get it again. I do like the quark, creme blanc and ricotta. I think cottage cheese may have caused my sugar to rise too much. I was once diabetic and never want to go there again.

    I used the recipe from the Dukan Diet book for the Bechamel sauce and I made the tomato sauce from adding spices to a can of low sodium, low sugar canned sauce. I track all of the ingredients and I think they are allowed on PV days in cruise.

    I plan to go to Whole Foods tomorrow to check their cheese offerings and pick up some rhubarb and maybe splurge on veal.

    pkw58 - you are such an inspiration. I do not think of phase 4 just yet as I muddle through phase 2, but it is always encouraging to hear from those of you who have made it.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Ok - now for the love! Has anyone tried Dukan Pizza? I saw a couple of recipes online and think I will try to make one this weekend. If it is successful, I will share the recipe.

    Still no sweets yet for me and I am not much of a baker. However, I know that will not last and I am going to look for some chocolate recipes and one for cheesecake. They keep talking about Junior's at work. It is supposedly the best cheesecake in the world - at least to the world of New Yorkers. It was good but I am sure I can make one as good with Splenda and oat bran :) Maybe I can add the rhubarb?

    I'm cruisin' in my car...I turn on the radio...I'm pulling you closer...you just say no - to fat and sugar!!!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I redid did the kale crisps last night and they came out perfectly.

    After washing make sure the kale is completely dry. I kept mine out in the kitchen for a couple of hours.
    Preheat oven to 275F
    Toss kale with 1tsp olive oil, sprinkle lightly with salt
    Bake for 20 minutes

    I also made my first oatbran pancake and it did not stick and was delicious. It was savory. I used creme blanc instead of yogurt, no sweetener and seasoned it with salt, pepper, thyme and caraway seeds. I had one half yesterday and the other today as a base for a softboiled egg - yummy! I had the rest of my oatbran allotment plain.

    I cannot imagine the oatbran in a dessert. It is so dense. I am certainly willing to try though once my sweet tooth returns.

    I saw 3 doctors yesterday, told them of my eating regimen and got endorsements from all three. What a change from previous diets and doctors. I am so inspired.

    How are others doing?
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member

    Regarding constipation issues, I had issues before dieting as well. So I guess the diet just made it worse. I have a good supply stock of laxatives, but they are not very effective either ( used to be though lol ) So I am back on eating a lot veg on PV days.

    2 good recipes, which I borrowed from Monika Sankov, was a green bean soup and raw cabbage salad. Those two made some movement in my belly :)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Toadqueen, I wish I had the same problem with eating less lol My problem is that I would eat even though I am not hungry ( especially sweetened diary products) Now I simply watch that my daily carbs would not be too high ( not more than 50 -60 gr) and have more than enough of protein. According to Dr Dukan, a person needs 1 gram of protein for every two pounds of body weight. So I calculate this and watch that I would not go below that.
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Good morning cruisers!

    Anyone doing PP today? I am as figured will help with the weekend slip-ups :)
    What are we all eating?

    I started with an oat bran galette with cinnamon, lunch will be ham and quails eggs, and dinner will be sea trout with extra light philadelphia, milk and herbs. Will have a low fat fruit fromage frais at some point too....

    Anyone exercising too? I am off to the gym in a bit....
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I am on my PP day as well. Started my day on roller blades and that was my bit of exercising for today. For breakfast had my usual breakfast cheesecake with oatbran and am having grilled hake for my dinner. Last couple days were very 'fishy' for me lol

    By the way, for a snack had an amazing dessert. Smooth blended fat free queso blanco ( something like curd cheese, I guess) with sweetener, added some gelatine and left it in the fridge. Came back from a shop and was nicely surprised!!

    Shall I add walking as an exercising lol ???? Planning to go for one later this afternoon :))
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Good morning Louisa - today is my PP day too. I alternate every other day. Today I start off with a hard boiled egg and 1/2 tbs of oat bran, then a 97% fat free Hebrew National Beef frank with yellow mustard and another 1/2 tbs of oat bran. Lunch is a meatloaf I made this weekend - yummy! with a beef/veal mixture, my afternoon snack will be left over ginger-soy chicken and on the train home I will have cold cuts (turkey, roast beef) and a laughing cow cheese wedge. I need to add another 1/2 tbs of oat bran somewhere. I wait until I feel hungry or by 1400 if it does not happen. Dinner will be fish with olive oil, garlic and lemon.

    I missed my morning exericise - overslept - but I walk to and from the subway and will walk at lunch and sneak my strength exercises in a few.

    vaidajurgaity - Hola! to you. Constipation still a major issue. I was hoping rhubarb would help. I eat that and took some turkey rhubarb. I may have to try the magnesium citrate but that gave me the runs last time. It is amazing that I can lose without going regularly. However, today was the first day I gained some weight back - 1.2 lbs. I feel badly of course, but know that it is likely just water retention. Then I went to work and everyone commented on how good I look! Yay! I did have the pizza and perhaps the baking powder had something to do with it - high sodium it seems. It was delicious and worth a pound :)

    Are you still eating without being hungry? My carbs are below 20 on PP days and below 50 on PV days. I have not been calculating my protein as you have. I am guessing we use our current weight and not goal weight. I also try to keep my sodium below 2000 - not always easy.
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds good. What's your breakfast cheesecake vaidajurgaity ?
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Breakfast cheesecake 2 portions

    1 egg
    sweetenet to taste
    125 gr fat free cheese blanc ( or any other cheese)
    4 tbsp oatbran
    1 tsp baking powder
    lemon skin, vanilla essence

    Beat the egg, add sweetener, smooth blended cheese ( I use my hand blender for extra smooth consistency), oatbran, baking powder, lemon skin and essence, put in the baking tray ( my one is pretty small, just an exact size for such a small size cake), bake 175 C for approx 30 min. I cover the tin with alu foil, just to prevent dehydration. It is important not to overbake it. Last time I left it in the oven for too long, so the cake lost its moist.

    I normally prepare 4 portions and freeze 2 parts of it, to save hassle in the morning :-)

    Tomorrow I am visiting my friend and am going to prepare Chocolate cake. Will let you know how did it go :-)
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Great thanks! Will have to find a fromage blanc alternative. Maybe quark?
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Louisa, I found quark to be a little bit sharper than fromage blanc but not too much. If you are looking for sweet - maybe ricotta? Or adjust the lemon peel?

    Thanks for the recipe, vaidajurgaity. I love cheesecake! I think when I start sweets it will be my first indulgence. It is between that and chocolate cake so let us know how that goes for you :)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    I think fat free quark would work best. I just can't find it here.
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Guys, do you track your daily carbs? How many do you consume daily?
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Guys, do you track your daily carbs? How many do you consume daily?

    ......I actually feel so guilty when I see my carb totals from my diary, it adds up so quickly. I have almost decided to ignore most of the macros around Dukan because things like yogurt (even FF Greek) has carbs. I just like you just stick to really high carb and follow the diet as per the book (95% of the time .....naughty) and not pay too much attention to it.

    For example, some days my fat grams are through the roof because of eggs , smoked mackerel or even lean (ish) minced beef (or ground beef as sometimes referred to). My carbs can equally rocket when I include goji berries, corn flour or other tolerated items allowed on cruise. I usually average around 60grams carbs but with double protein. I am hooked on sweeteners right now......darn that prominent sweet tooth !
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    P.s. for Dukaners in the UK, shirataki noodles (zero noodles) are 'BUY ONE, GET 2ND HALF PRICE' currently at Holland & Barretts. I have just stocked up.......lady thought I was a little weird when I cleared the shelf of all the remainder stock ha ha.

    I buy the 'miracle noodles' as opposed to the 'eatwater' brand as they are both 200g packets, the latter being more expensive through clever branding and packaging. Both taste the same and great for attack or cruise PP/PV days