Whose 'cruising' with me ? ;)



  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    I agree toadqueen, best to tweak where you can to suit your personal lifestyle. I still add sesame seeds to my Asian style cooking and have nuts here and there.......makes it manageable .

    Will start taking my D3 again ( I was already deficient ) and maybe a multivitamin daily .
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    It's midweek so just thought I'd check in on everybody ? I hope you are all doing really well and keeping motivated :happy:

    @toadqueen how did your re- attack go ?

    @monika I hope you are positively embracing those sugar cravings? We all have them, goodness knows I do and mine are probably around the corner.

    So my day has been awful on the macros but honestly......I never beat myself up when I go over the odd day. The alternative menu to being on Dukan would have been based on just pure indulgence so I figure that I can go over here and there. I am just over halfway on the weight loss and here are my thoughts so far :


    1. I miss sushi terribly!
    2. Lattes & nuts are my biggest temptations
    3. Exploring markets and fabulous restaurants is a pastime I have held back on.
    4. My boyfriend loves carbs ( every which way) as well as my cooking so that causes temptation .
    5. I keep forgetting to drink water

    Positives :

    1. Weight keeps coming off on the scales (though honestly , I don't feel too much smaller)
    2. Having control and working towards a positive goal
    3. Shirataki noodles.....love them !
    4. Green tea.......fab for kick starting any plateau

    Post your questions/ updates ladies and gents, lets keep this thread active :glasses:
  • ladyjay71
    ladyjay71 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on day 6 of cruise, but I've been modifying a bit, for example I'm doing PV for the rest of the week because it's a holiday week and I don't think I could just do protein with all the events coming up. I also add a little bit of fruit like blueberries but not much. So far I've lost 3 pound but it's only my second week, I lost 1.5 after attack phase and I'm down another 1.5 this week. I love veggies so that's not a problem for me. I considered myself a "carboholic" but I can honestly say I haven't crave so much. So far I'm happy with this system, it works for me.
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all, like Ladyjay I also add a little extra to what I'm supposed to like a handful of blueberries and an odd glass of wine. Also we went out to Prezzo this week and I allowed myself a mini lemon drizzle cake. All seems to be working ok though. I find social situations the hardest where you go to someone's house and there are always carbs! Most of the time its ok but sometimes not. However, still losing every week which I think is down to the calorie counting along side Dukan.
    So good to know there are other Dukaners out there!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all, like Ladyjay I also add a little extra to what I'm supposed to like a handful of blueberries and an odd glass of wine. Also we went out to Prezzo this week and I allowed myself a mini lemon drizzle cake. All seems to be working ok though. I find social situations the hardest where you go to someone's house and there are always carbs! Most of the time its ok but sometimes not. However, still losing every week which I think is down to the calorie counting along side Dukan.
    So good to know there are other Dukaners out there!

    Happy Dukaners are successful Dukaners #lemondrizzlecake..........yummy ! :happy:
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    gg08 - I am still in Attack until Sunday. I had a couple of false starts. I really like how you list your Challenges and Positives. What an excellent way to stay focused! You are an inspiration.

    I am looking forward to cruising soon...
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    It's midweek so just thought I'd check in on everybody ? I hope you are all doing really well and keeping motivated :happy:

    @toadqueen how did your re- attack go ?

    @monika I hope you are positively embracing those sugar cravings? We all have them, goodness knows I do and mine are probably around the corner.

    So my day has been awful on the macros but honestly......I never beat myself up when I go over the odd day. The alternative menu to being on Dukan would have been based on just pure indulgence so I figure that I can go over here and there. I am just over halfway on the weight loss and here are my thoughts so far :


    1. I miss sushi terribly!
    2. Lattes & nuts are my biggest temptations
    3. Exploring markets and fabulous restaurants is a pastime I have held back on.
    4. My boyfriend loves carbs ( every which way) as well as my cooking so that causes temptation .
    5. I keep forgetting to drink water

    Positives :

    1. Weight keeps coming off on the scales (though honestly , I don't feel too much smaller)
    2. Having control and working towards a positive goal
    3. Shirataki noodles.....love them !
    4. Green tea.......fab for kick starting any plateau

    Post your questions/ updates ladies and gents, lets keep this thread active :glasses:

    Hey, you don't have to miss sushi - I go and request rice less and they all make it for me... I live in Houston, TX and there are more and more sushi special rolls popping up with no rice - some of them even fit PP days!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks. I shall try that in the UK or even try my own next weekend using shirataki noodles :))
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I bought some shirataki rice in a local grocery store. I have not tried it yet. Also, I was watching a cooking show where the cooks grated cauliflower to use as a rice substitute. I am not sure how that could work in sushi but it might be worth a try on a PV day.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am back on the cruise! Feeling very bloated and in pain from inflammation after eating roasted Brussels sprouts and broccoli with veal cutlet (lunch) and trimmed broiled pork shoulder (dinner). I am going to eat celery on my next PV day and see how that goes, then lettuce.
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    May have been those sprouts!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    So my # 1 way to beat the "bloat" on cruise was to drink 16 ounces of water before my coffee in the morning, and take psyllium fiber capsules...in the US, I just buy the biggest bottle of metamucial psylium fiber capsules they sell at Costco. I take 3 to 6 with each and every meal. Dukan approved!

    The other thing I do is make sure I get in my pilates/yoga/barre 3 or wiifit everyday. I try to get my 10000 steps or 3000 Nike Fuel Units in as well. The more "twists" I do that strengthen more core, the less bloat. Side, front and back of my core muscles helps with keeping me regular. TMI, but it works for me!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Ladies! I fell of track completely for 3 days and I mean OFF TRACK ! Long story but have started a new job which involved tasting various indulgent products oh and champagne.......wasn't such a painful task ;) added to all the non allowed food including chocolate & bread (yes bread) , I only exercised once this week over the time away ( 25 min jog) .

    Just to put you in the picture :

    Cajun chicken wraps
    Crisps (potato chips)
    Chocolate raisins
    Lindt chocolates
    Flap jacks ( oops forgot to log....genuine error)
    Almond cake
    Toasted bread & butter
    Sweets from the naughty sweet bowl

    Miraculously, I stepped on the scales this morning and I have still lost a little on last week. Only a 0.4kg (almost 1 lb) but I was completely in shock . My boyfriend also commented that i looked quite lean around the waist. Added to the indulgence, I am on my TOM and this usually adds on 2-3 lbs average to my weight from my experience. I will not log this new weight because as a rule, I tend to skip weighing on Tom week. My next official weigh in should be next Tuesday 16th so lets see what happens once things settle own again........this will be interesting .

    So started again today with a PP day and will continue as normal with a 1:1 pattern........great to be back ;)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    globegirl08 - I think what is important in all of this is to be cognizant of what we are eating and not to obsess over being perfect. Even though you ate "forbidden" foods, I suspect that you did not eat to excess and you were able to get yourself back on track. I think that is a great success. When I lost the 98 lbs a couple of years ago, the loss was not linear and there were times I deviated from the low-carb eating plan I was following. You are doing great.
  • mishtoit
    mishtoit Posts: 11 Member
    Hay Guys, I'm back on Dukan today! Going to need some support, so on attack phase now, looking forward to shifting this weight. You are all doing so well, I have read all your comments. Keep it up, have a great day, Mish x
  • Louisa1979
    Louisa1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome back! Hope your attack goes well and you what you lose gives you great encouragement!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I know we're not supposed to track calories, but I have been. i'm a little worried that i'm not getting 1200 cals. most days, i'm eating as much as I can. I tend to go over board on the weekends, so during the week I have more PP days. I started Dukan 4 Weeks ago today and so far i'm down 16 lbs. I lost 7 of them during my 5 day attack. not sure if this is normal, I don't want to screw up my metabolism.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I know we're not supposed to track calories, but I have been. i'm a little worried that i'm not getting 1200 cals. most days, i'm eating as much as I can. I tend to go over board on the weekends, so during the week I have more PP days. I started Dukan 4 Weeks ago today and so far i'm down 16 lbs. I lost 7 of them during my 5 day attack. not sure if this is normal, I don't want to screw up my metabolism.

    I tracked calories every step of the way since I adopted the dukan eating plan. I would say I lost 20 pounds the first 5 weeks, the next 16 over the next 2 months (right on schedule with what the predictor on line showed) and the last ten took 3 more months. I actually went below the original TW the Dukan on line calculator predicted when it was all said and done.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I know we're not supposed to track calories, but I have been. i'm a little worried that i'm not getting 1200 cals. most days, i'm eating as much as I can. I tend to go over board on the weekends, so during the week I have more PP days. I started Dukan 4 Weeks ago today and so far i'm down 16 lbs. I lost 7 of them during my 5 day attack. not sure if this is normal, I don't want to screw up my metabolism.

    I tracked calories every step of the way since I adopted the dukan eating plan. I would say I lost 20 pounds the first 5 weeks, the next 16 over the next 2 months (right on schedule with what the predictor on line showed) and the last ten took 3 more months. I actually went below the original TW the Dukan on line calculator predicted when it was all said and done.

    that's great and good to know.
    did you manage to eat at least 1200 cals. a day? i'm trying to figure out if I need to find a way to make myself eat more.
  • catherineash79
    catherineash79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello fellow Dukaners!
    I've just started attack phase and was wondering if any of you guys could share any recipe/meal ideas? I'm presently filling up on eggs (omelettes, boiled, muffins with fish etc), eating lots of fish (poached and smoked) and beef and chicken. I have recently discovered the wonderful world of Quark cheese which helps with fillings and sauces and frequently raid the spice rack for flavour changes.
    I am doing Dukan to get myself in a better dietary frame of mind and lose a few before my wedding next April. I'm 5'7" weigh 11st6lbs but would like to get to 10st10lbs. I have done Dukan before, but found it very hard as my fiancée eats bucket loads of food AND it's all the wrong type for doing this diet, so I need all the help and motivation from fellow dieters that I can get!
    C x