Men on a Mission thread



  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    On the mend.

    LWW 237 lbs.
    CWW 236 lbs.

    Have a great weekend guys.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in at 190.4.

    That's after four hours of sweating doing yard work - but I'll take. Next week may end up being higher.

    I think my current goal is just going to be to check in 2 weeks in a row.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 230.2
    CW: 226.2
    Loss: 4.0

    Sweet, I almost got rid of all my B'day parties/Vegas buffets/drinking weight from the last 2 weeks! :drinker:
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Good Morning Captain,

    I have a LOSS ...:smile: Guess how.... Water Weight... :grumble:

    Still trying to reduce the food and start excercise...

    LW: 175.267
    CW: 173.945
    LOSS: 1.3

    Best of Luck to all our Friends...
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    Last week: 380
    Current: 378
    Lost: 2.0

    Back on a roll.

    Great job Whorehey!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Been MIA vacationing in San Diego for most of July. I returned recently so sorry to the other guys for my lack of participation. I am up 3.
    LW: 312
    TW 315
    I just need to get back on it again.
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    hi all,

    I'm at 212 again, up 1 #.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hello Men,
    Well, we had a better turnout and better results this week than the last couple of weeks. Great job to whoreheyR1 on a fantastic 4 pound loss. Also want to congratulate dbw1976, gpbaldwin03, shabbarshaikh and trelm249 on having an outstanding week too.

    I have no excuse for my gain. I'll see if I can reverse that this next week.

    Here are this weeks results.

  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    LWW 236
    CWW 236

    No change to report. Last week I was sick and this week work has been crazy, so I haven't been in the gym. Glad to see the scale is stable.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    On vacation through Tues and don't have a scale available, so going to skip the check-in this week. Haven't done a great job though on this trip so far. Will have to pay for it on the treadmill when I get home. Hope everyone has a great week.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LWW= 190.4 CW = 190.5 Gain:0.1

    This was actually a good week, as last week I reported my weight after working hard in the sun for 4.5 hours and skipping lunch - so it was just all water loss from sweating.

    Hopefully next week I'll be able to continue this week's pattern and be below 190.

    Hope you all have a great week.
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Good Morning Captain:flowerforyou: ,

    Again a GAIN.... I could not able to control food during this month of Ramadan.... Trying, Trying & trying to reduce the food and excercise may be only after Ramadan...

    LW: 173.945
    CW: 174.047
    GAIN: 1.1

    Best of Luck to all our Friends... :flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    LW: 315
    TW 318
    gained 3

    bleh. I think it's sodium and retaining water. I need to crack down on this. T.T
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning all. I am taking the day off work today so will not be posting till tomorrow. As some of you know, my daughter will be getting married in a few weeks. The room with my treadmill and scale is getting temporarily remodeled, repainted, etc... for visiting family. The room is completely torn apart and I have no idea where my scale disappeared to. So, no update this week from me. Working and sweating my butt off but I'm sure I packed on a couple more pounds this week.
    Keep the updates coming in and I'll post them up tomorrow. Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    dbw1976, you are creaping up on that 190 milestone. Keep after it.

    shabbar, it is hard enough to maintain momentum under normal circumstances. After ramadan, I am sure you will come back with renewed vigor and focus.

    Stay on target guys. It's your life, we can be responsible for how we react and deal with things.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm sorry for the late post Tim, I was also on vacation since last Thursday and just got back home late last night... anyway I jumped on the scale this morning and here are my numbers...

    LW: 226.2 (07/28/12)
    CW: 228.0 (08/07/12)
    Gained: 1.8

    Good thing that's my last vacation until our cruise in December because this roller coaster ride is getting annoying... time to focus and get back into it! :smokin:
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    same for me..

    have a good week all!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Wow, it was definately a tough week for us. This weeks big winner was Trelm who mainitained from last week. Sorry I didn't get this posted up yesterday but time just got away from me. Another busy day, so here you go guys.

  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    LWW 236 lbs.
    CWW 234 lbs.

    Off to visit family. Have a good weekend.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 228.0 (08/07/12)
    CW: 225.6 (08/11/12)
    Lost: 2.4... :huh: crAzy roller coaster!