1st Trimester



  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    Hi ladies, I had a somewhat interesting weekend where I have been having some cramps in my right lower abdomen on and off for a while and on Friday it got soooo much worse. After taking paracetamols and trying to rest it just didn't improve I called the early pregnancy unit and they advised me to to go to A&E and since my husband is away I had to take a taxi to the hospital and felt so sorry for myself. After getting there a nurse saw me and sent me to the urgent care centre where I waited around for an hour then I finally saw a Dr. I did a urine test and as they suspected I had a (severe) urine infection (UTI). They gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way. I felt rubbish for the last 2 days but I feel much much better Today with some energy to do things. I have to admit I was happy when they said it was a UTI not a miscarriage :)

    How are you ladies doing ??
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Hope everything is going well for all of you! :flowerforyou: I had a fun morning, went on a 5km "fun run" in Alaska, where I am working this month. Not a great 5km time for me at 40:07, but I focussed on listening to my body and keeping my HR under 160, which is the guideline my doctor set for me. It usually got to 170-175 during my long runs, and he didn't want me pushing myself that hard anymore. Took some walking breaks, snapped some pictures of wildflowers on the way and really enjoyed myself. It was a nice break from the treadmill. ~10 weeks along now, and impatiently waiting on my ultrasound on August 1!.

    wow, i really admire you, i wish i could run.........too scared. I am not a good runner though, found it hard running when i was not pregnant, talk less of now. Keep it up!!!!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi ladies, i have been having abdominal cramps, on and off, lasts about 5 seconds, not too severe. Is this normal? The books say it happens, dont know if any of you guys experienced same in the early days of your pregancy
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Hi ladies, i have been having abdominal cramps, on and off, lasts about 5 seconds, not too severe. Is this normal? The books say it happens, dont know if any of you guys experienced same in the early days of your pregancy

    Yeah I had that around 5 weeks for a few days but haven't had it since. I don't think you need to worry unless theres bleeding and even then it might be nothing.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I have just spent a week at the snow with my husband, cousin and her little boy. My plan was to snowboard most days but I just couldn't do it :( I was OK on the first day, but was just feeling really vulnerable. I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen if I fell, which made me second guess myself and as a result I was snowboarding really badly. On day two I had only done a couple of runs when I caught an edge and fell face down. I instinctively put my elbows down to make sure I didn't land on my tummy and as a result smashed my face into the ice. I ended up with a grazed chin and bleeding nose :( That was the end of my snowboarding for the trip. I wasn't having any fun because I was stressing out too much, it just wasn't worth it.

    I have my first scan tomorrow morning, I am about 8 weeks along so should confirm that its a single pregnancy, everything is where it should be, get a more accurate due date and the all important heartbeat. I am excited but nervous!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Nataliaho - Ah well, at least you gave the snowboarding a go! I was really looking forward to snowboarding this year, for the first time both my kids are up to being able to ski, and so I thought hubby and I could do a bit of snowboarding together, but I found out I was pregnant the weekend before we were planning to head to the mountain ... so ... we went to the beach instead! LOL!

    Ramitta - BIg hugs I bet that was a tough day for you :-( pleased it was a UTI and that you're feeling better. Are you prone to getting UTIs? Or were you not drinking enough? Did they suggest anything?

    Aeriel - Well done completing your run! I bet the other runners thought you were crazy stopping to take pictures! Love it. I wish I could still run, I do miss it, but there's plenty of time for that later.

    I'm doing good, feeling really tired and nauseous, but that's kind of part of the parcel, and in many ways it's very reassuring. Eating rubbish, but I'm hoping that will pass.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Hey all, just coming in here :) Got a BFP on Saturday, so I'm five weeks as of yesterday. This is #2 for me, and I'm glad that my weeks with both start on Sunday! Much easier to remember that way. I re-strained my back, so it already feels like I'm 38 weeks pregnant. :( Hopefully I'll be feeling back to speed soon so I can move around more.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Wow was just hungry thru out yesterday and changed for indomie. Rounded up at about 2300 calories for te day and then ha some more at night. Lower abdominal pain still on and off.

    Welcome and congrats funbetty
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    well yesterday was HELL! I was sick all day long! i did manage to keep down my dinner but that was the only thing that stayed down. got on the scale this am---8 weeks and 1 day up 2 lbs so far. not sure if thats good or bad.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Hey ladies, finallly getting to check in! Had my appt on Friday then left EARLY Saturday for HI! My husband had ot go for work and I tagged along for vacation :) He's taking a few extra days too so we can enjoy ourselves since neither of us have been there. Would've posted this sooner, but the internet in the room we're staying at wasn't working until they replaced the modem last night. So now I can get on the forums and let ya'll know how my appt went!

    So Friday, at 11 weeks 4 days, they did a physical and checked my uterus, and all that "fun stuff" and everything looked good, no issues. They reviewed my labwork from the previous appt and all good, again no issues! Then we moved on to the u/s.... This is what I've been waiting for to make this pregnancy (our first!) seem more real since I really haven't had any morning sickness symptoms other than the occasional nausea and lightheadedness if standing too long. And there he/she was, on the screen moving around very actively. So much so that the certified nurse midwife had a heck of a time getting a heartbeat lol! But everything looked great and I'd managed to maintain weight so I'm on track for healthy weight gain (we'll see how that changes w/HI haha). They confirmed my expected delivery date of 6 Feb 2013, and my next appt is at 16 weeks. For now, we're enjoying HI, and doing plenty of walking and swimming which helps get my exercise in and (hopefully!) keep my weight gain minimal.

    Congrats to all the ladies that have chimed in with pos tests, especially those expecting their first!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I had my dating scan yeterday morning. Everything looks fine, not that I could really work out what she was looking at. I seem to be getting every symptom like clockwork. I subrcribe to those whattoexpect.com emails and it seems like whatever is in the email that day is spot-on for me, the nipples, the boobs, the hunger, the sickness, the sense of smell etc etc. To be honest even though some of those things aren't that pleasant, there's definately some comfort in knowing you are "normal".
  • ansa0503
    ansa0503 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everybody we just found out we are expecting our first child im six weeks but im over weight i started loseing weight in april so all this is new to me im trying to eat clean and every once in a while a sweet snack
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    Hello everyone i just found out that im pregnant with my 3rd child (i already have 2 sons and 1 stepson) so am assuming im going to have a house of 4 boys running around in 8 months time!! :noway:

    would love some support this pregnancy to try and stay healthy and fit (which didnt happen at all the last twice and i gained a heap of weight) am due April 2 by my calculations!!! so excited and would love some friends on here going through the same stuff :flowerforyou:
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 11 weeks today. I still have a "toddler palate". I just want breads and dairy. Coffee, super sweet foods, vegetables, and fruit make me sick. I told my husband it feels like the food has "too much flavor." I've been drinking low sodium V8 and eating simple salads to at least get some nutrition. My husband made broccoli with dinner (one of my favorite veggies) and I nearly passed out it smelled so gross. Pregnancy is so weird.
  • Maridelsol82
    Name: Mari
    Hubby/Partner: Ty (fiancee)
    How many kids do you have: This will be our first :)
    Due Date: March 31st
    How far along: 4 weeks 3 days
    Do you know the gender: Note yet
    Have you picked out the baby's name: Girl Chloe/ Boy Tiernan
    Where do you live: California
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Yoga, Zumba, walking, biking, running-so far I've been able to keep up the same activity level but its early so we shall see.
    Pounds gained: 2 but I dont think I should have gained any :(
    How are you girls feeling? This is my 1st pregnancy & Im really scared of miscarrying so havent really told many ppl. Will see what happens at my 1st apptoinment on Aug 7th. Hopefully everything looks good
    What symptoms do you have at this stage? Some breast tenderness, heart burn & fatigue
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Hello! Got my BFP this morning at only 3 weeks 5 days. Had a D&C in May for a missed miscarriage. I had stillborn mono mono identical twin girls last September. We also have a brilliant 3 year old boy. He's amazing and the love of my life! I am really looking forward to a normal healthy textbook pregnancy like I had with my son. I'm hoping to distract myself with good health and fitness. Congrats to all you ladies! I wish you a happy & healthy 9 months!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member

    Congrats I think :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    Congrats I think :)

    BFP = big fat positive??? Maybe... I think...
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Today is my last day in Week 12. Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks pregnant! YAY!!! Good bye first trimester!
    Wishing all of you first trimesters the best of luck and health! - I'm glad this trimester is over - let the second trimester begin!
    Less nausea, more baby bump and more excitement and less anxiety over the possibilities of miscarriage!

    Good luck everyone and congrats!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    10 weeks tomorrow...I feel like I have been craving different things every week. Last week I wanted dairy - cream cheese, sour cream, ice cream. This week its tomatoes - fresh ones, soup, and watermelon etc. I used to eat a salad every day with dinner - made them for the whole family every day - I can't make them or choke them down for the past few weeks. It totally grosses me out - ick! I can't even seem to eat cooked vegetables. The other day, I did eat some salad at my MIL's house - only because we haven't told her yet and I am such a salad person usually...I had to put 3X as much dressing on it to mask the flavor. It is the lettuce that really puts me over the edge. I am usually a coffee person too - haven't been able to drink it for 4 weeks now...I did manage a few sips of hubby's over the weekend, and had some this morning. I have been getting such horrible headaches...I think caffeine withdrawal.