Hi Everyone, please introduce yourself!



  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I'd like to try kickboxing too!
    What's your name? Cara, 5'8, 126 lbs
    Where do you live? Ohio
    What are your food vices/ cheats? bread!
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Laziness - I come up with every excuse to not go to the gym
    What's your favorite exercise? I LOVED bikram yoga when I used to do it... Now it's a bit too expensive for my teacher's salary
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I love kickboxing and I'd like to get into that
    What is your biggest trouble spot? thighs ;(
    What part of your body do you like the most? my stomach!! It's always been pretty nice :)
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? I want to weigh 120 pounds and shed all that squishy fat. Six pounds to go!
  • Where do you live? London
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Sushi & Mexican Food.
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Nothing :)
    What's your favorite exercise? I'm digging the 30 Day Shred/ Insanity & Pilates.
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Barre.
    What is your biggest trouble spot? My tummy.
    What part of your body do you like the most? My bum
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To be body confident!
  • maycando
    maycando Posts: 3 Member
    What's your name? May
    Where do you live? Oahu
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Chocolates, frappes
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? LAZINESSSSS
    What's your favorite exercise? swimming
    What exercise would you like to try this year? trail running
    What is your biggest trouble spot? belly
    What part of your body do you like the most? hands
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Be able to run 10 miles (right now 2 is hard!)
  • gracia124
    gracia124 Posts: 41 Member
    What's your name? Grace
    Where do you live? Virginia
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Wine and anything cheesy
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Eating out with others and school work
    What's your favorite exercise? Walking
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Running
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Stomach and upper arms
    What part of your body do you like the most? Legs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To have a flat stomach and run longer/faster
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    What's your name? Renae
    Where do you live? Florida
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Creamy dips, chips and salsa, or anything salty
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I don't want it bad enough to cut out the food that is bad
    What's your favorite exercise? Insanity and Running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Both Insanity and Running are new. 2 half marathons down, 3 more to go
    What is your biggest trouble spot? The love handles
    What part of your body do you like the most? My eyes
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Get down to my pre-marriage weight (9 pounds left)
  • 97Pearl
    97Pearl Posts: 1 Member
    What's your name? Megan
    Where do you live? Connecticut
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Ice cream
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? lack of motivation
    What's your favorite exercise? yoga
    What exercise would you like to try this year? ab-exercises
    What is your biggest trouble spot? not a good runner. need more muscle in my stomach
    What part of your body do you like the most? legs- could shed some fat, but are muscular
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? to be happy with a new fit body
  • Wellnes1
    Wellnes1 Posts: 1
    What's your name? Brittany
    Where do you live? Maine
    What your food vices/cheats? pizza and sweets
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? not committing 100% to an exercise routine - giving into my own mental excuses and then giving up all together
    What's your favorite exercise? walking/running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? more martial arts/kickboxing
    What is your biggest trouble spot? thighs, lower abs
    What part of you body to you like the most? stomach, butt
    What's your #1 fitness/health goal in 2012? to be toned
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    What's your name? Ana

    Where do you live? Florida

    What are your food vices/ cheats? Alcohol, bread and butter, cheese, and too much salt

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Portion control and late night snacking

    What's your favorite exercise? Running

    What exercise would you like to try this year? Lifting

    What is your biggest trouble spot? Thighs!! They don't want to go.

    What part of your body do you like the most? Face

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To shrink the thighs and flatten the stomach further, dropping from my original weight of 147 to my current of 131 to my goal of 120.
  • What's your name? Amy

    Where do you live? Pittsburgh

    What are your food vices/ cheats? Carbs, IPA/good beer, ice cream, sugar

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Effort and portion control, I get close and then cheat a little...then I blow it instead of stopping I keep going all out because I figured I already messed up-bad habit!!!

    What's your favorite exercise? I'm going to try crossfit this Saturday, I love running, mtn biking, climbing, lifting

    What exercise would you like to try this year? crossfit

    What is your biggest trouble spot? My stomach and my hamstrings/cellulite

    What part of your body do you like the most? My smile and my hair

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Get back into shape like I was in college, 120/confident/strong!!
  • SME1976
    SME1976 Posts: 73 Member
    What's your name? Susan
    Where do you live? PA
    What are your food vices/ cheats? desserts
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Cheats, making excuses why i can find time to exercise
    What's your favorite exercise? crunches, weights
    What exercise would you like to try this year? rope climbing
    What is your biggest trouble spot? stomach and thighs
    What part of your body do you like the most? my arms
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? get to my goal, get fit, get strong, so i am ready to complete my 2013 goal- the Spartan Trifecta
  • StevenJColquitt
    StevenJColquitt Posts: 10 Member
    What's your name?
    My name is Steve Colquitt

    Where do you live? Los Angeles,CA

    What are your food vices/ cheats?
    My vices are homebaked chocolate chip cookies and whatever desert my wife leaves in the house

    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape?
    Only thing holding me back from top shape is money for new running shoes and getting an hour a day or 2 to work out. Also my pet peeve of being at the gym during "Happy Hour"( after work when all the talkers are there hogging machines.)

    What's your favorite exercise?
    Running and alternating biceps curls

    What exercise would you like to try this year?
    I'd like to try "Insanity" and something called "Pure Barre" that a guy told me about last winter.

    What is your biggest trouble spot?
    My Alfred Hitchcock belly
    What part of your body do you like the most?
    Tie between arms(bi's and tri's) and my entire lower half.

    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012?
    Get ready to be a beast in 2013.
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone!

    What's your name? Lindsey
    Where do you live? Chicago
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Fast food/junk food/portion control
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? See previous question, also exercise is the devil
    What's your favorite exercise? I like group exercise like zumba and stuff that doesnt' bore me
    What exercise would you like to try this year? i'd love to be able to run
    What is your biggest trouble spot? tummy waist innertube area
    What part of your body do you like the most? boobs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? lose the flab and tone up so I feel comfortable in my own skin
  • Hi! :)

    My name is Beyza and I live in Turkey. I usually can`t help grabbing the second or third plate. I started exercising so late and I`m not doing it so regularly, that`s what holding me back. I like pilates, especially the ones working out butt and arms. I began doing aikido last season, I`d like to keep doing it. I`d really like to change how my thighs and weak arms look. I generally like my body but don`t have a favourite part. My goal is to strengthen my muscles and get rid of those cellulites.
  • ChangeYourPace
    ChangeYourPace Posts: 127 Member
    What's your name? Jim
    Where do you live? Ohio
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Anything sweet
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Making the time to make it happen.
    What's your favorite exercise? Running
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I'd like to be able to swim laps.
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Arms and shoulders
    What part of your body do you like the most? Chest
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Find a consistent routine at the gym and finish another 5k.
  • ddrshine
    ddrshine Posts: 6
    What's your name? Jair
    Where do you live? Mexico city
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Pizza
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Lazyness
    What's your favorite exercise? Yoga ,Swim
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Lift weights (again) maybe
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Flex
    What part of your body do you like the most? I don't know yet
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Running , and have a SIX PACK
  • What's your name? Jolande (Jo for friends!)
    Where do you live? Breda, The Netherlands!
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Movie Popcorn and Doritos
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Patience. I always want to see results NOW.
    What's your favorite exercise? Running interval, although I'm not very good at it and I hate when I'm doing it. I feel awesome though when I'm done!
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Lifting heavy weights
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Thighs, inner and outer! Also my butt and tummy (I'm a pear-shape)
    What part of your body do you like the most? I love my skin ;). Does that count too?
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To tone up!! No more jiggles when I run or wave!
  • Camilletherealdeal
    Camilletherealdeal Posts: 26 Member
    What's your name? Camille.
    Where do you live? Grand Junction, Colorado. (on the other side of the hill from Denver)
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Alcohol. I love wine and hard cider...I've cut down, but sometimes after a hard day they are necessary, and my job SUCKS. Plus my fiancee and I like to go out on weekends and have a few.
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Eating too many calories, even though I usually make up for them by exercise. And too much alcohol/sugar. Also not pushing myself physically as hard as I can.
    What's your favorite exercise? Running, I'm getting pretty good. Think I can do a half-marathon by October. I used to love swimming also, and will get back in to it when my body looks a little better in a swimsuit.
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Zumba. Maybe cross-fit.
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Butt, thighs, and love-handles. I fear they will never be the size I want or be free of cellulite (no cellulite on the love handles though).
    What part of your body do you like the most? My arms are getting really nice. Not too bulky, but pretty cut. I can see the lines in my delts now, and my bis and tris are getting nicely defined!
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To get my BMI to 19 and get rid of my jiggly butt and thighs.
  • mrswlkerest08
    mrswlkerest08 Posts: 2 Member
    What's your name?Krystal
    Where do you live?New Orleans,LA
    What are your food vices/ cheats? Soda and dessert
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Poor eating habits
    What's your favorite exercise? Pilates
    What exercise would you like to try this year? Just started Jillian Michaels 30 DayShred
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Pouch
    What part of your body do you like the most? Arms
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? Im pretty small but after having two kids I just want to be able to wear shirts without my belly poking through or having a muffin top
  • What's your name? MaryAnn
    Where do you live? British Columbia, Canada
    What are your food vices/ cheats? I'm a total sucker for twizzlers and cookies.
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I tend to keep on track really well for a few weeks, and then tend to fall off the wagon, be it with an exercise routine or a clean eating plan.
    What's your favorite exercise? Jump rope and anything to do with heavy dumbbells.
    What exercise would you like to try this year? I really want to build up my strength to be able to do pull ups.
    What is your biggest trouble spot? Like most women, I don't like my lower belly.
    What part of your body do you like the most? My upper chest and arms.
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To get hardcore abs, be able to do 3 sets of 10 pull ups, and to do 1000 jump rope skips and still have the energy for my strength routine.
  • Augustgal12
    Augustgal12 Posts: 10 Member
    What's your name? Eve
    Where do you live? Alberta, Canada
    What are your food vices/ cheats? pizza
    What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I do good for awhile on exercises then weeks later I lose my motivation and slip
    What's your favorite exercise? squats and dumbbells
    What exercise would you like to try this year? pull ups
    What is your biggest trouble spot? lower stomach
    What part of your body do you like the most? arms and legs
    What's your #1 fitness/ health goal in 2012? To do pull ups and have a tone stomach