C25K - August, 2012



  • 1. What Week/Day are you on? W6D2 (forgot to post after W6D1)

    2. How do you feel? Good!

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? The longer stretches are definitely becoming easier the more I do them... I am a little nervous about the 22 minutes I'll do on Wednesday, but am also absolutely sure I can do it :)!
  • wendrobn
    wendrobn Posts: 13 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W5 D2
    2. How do you feel? Proud!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I feel like I might have more energy, but also think it may be too soon to tell.
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3 D2
    2. How do you feel? Pleased with myself and my body for not being sore
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I run for last minute of final two-minute walk
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? That I look forward to going on my next run the moment it's over
  • i start Thursday ... cant wait! .. ill let you know how it goes!
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my second time doing this program. I completed it back in April just in time to do my first 5k. It was great! But... I didn't keep up the running and here I am, square 1!

    1. What Week/Day are you on? Week 3, day 1
    2. How do you feel? Tired, ready for bed.
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? I think I'm supposed to be on week 5, but I stopped working out for a couple weeks because I strained my back doing another workout. Yikes. This is my first full week back in the workout swing!
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Nope. I always walk at the end to round up to the next 5 minutes.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? My legs and feet don't hurt the second time around! I guess 25 lbs lost will help with that ;)
  • 1)week 2 day2
    3)this is my second week on week 2
    4)in my first round of the 2nd week I walked for 3.5 min and jogged for 1.5. This week I am completing the 3 min walk and 2 min jog.
    5)I started having some knee pain after my first night of the 3 min walk and 2 min jog. I felt better the next day.
    I am going to try to start doing the program in the morning instead of after work. I am extremely out of shape, very winded during the jogging, but seem to be recovering faster. I am very proud of myself for starting this. I have never really commited to an exercise program like this. Hope I can complete it.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W6D2
    2. How do you feel? Tired
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? This morning was ok. I was ready to walk after the second 10 min jog but am excited that I completed it. I really wished I liked to jog.
  • tajour
    tajour Posts: 134 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D2

    2. How do you feel? Awesome!!!

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Yes, I got sick with bronchitis after finishing Week 2 and starting the first day of Week 3. Have tried twice in the last two weeks to get back to Week 3, but my lungs wouldn't let me. Last night I finally made it through without stopping! Go ME!

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I am just so happy! I am LOVING the jogging, which I never would have thought before doing this.
  • 1. What Week/Day are you on? W6D3 just completed!

    2. How do you feel? TIRED!!

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No, this 22 minute run was pretty tough on me. Had to talk myself out of stopping a few times (didn't even slow down though... I was able to push through anyway)

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I need to remind myself sometimes to just enjoy the moment instead of focusing on 'how much longer'... Once I get into that mindset, the time flies :)!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on?

    2. How do you feel?
    I feel a bit tired.

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day?
    Not yet
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs?
    I had to stop a few min earlier in my cool down, cause it was so hot outside.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet?
    Nothing yet....

    Today was so hot out- I need to get in my runs at night or earlier in the morning.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? Week 7 day 1

    2. How do you feel? My stamina was really good today and after I got my back adjusted last week my knee pain went away. *yea!*

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? I have repeated every week at least once. I got bronchitis a few weeks ago on week 2 and couldn't run for a week so I just started over. After that I did every week twice. Last week I threw my back out so I repeated week 6 a third time.

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No I am doing it by time not by distance.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I can actually run! I have noticed my legs look nicer too. I have lost 22 lbs since starting.

  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Yes, I got sick with bronchitis after finishing Week 2 and starting the first day of Week 3. Have tried twice in the last two weeks to get back to Week 3, but my lungs wouldn't let me. Last night I finally made it through without stopping! Go ME!

    I had it at the same week. I did a double take reading this :glasses: Do you have an inhaler? I have one because I have asthma and it helped tremendously in my recovery from bronchitis.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W7D2
    2. How do you feel? Still on top of the world!!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not in week 7
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yes - Added 7 minutes to the run today.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I ran for 32 min straight again this morning and it felt... AWESOME!! WooHoo... Another run in the bag. Bring on W7 D3.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W6D3
    2. How do you feel? Amazing
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? This morning I jogged for 22 minutes straight!!! I had a friend jog with me today and it made it lots easier. Yes, I am so slow and a sweaty mess when I finish but my face isn't so red anymore. I think having a running buddy will keep me motivated. She made sure I stretched out afterwards so that will keep me on the right track. Oh and I started doing yoga classes on Tue/Thu. I was pretty sore after last nights class but there was no way I was going to miss my morning "run" (although it is more of a slow jog). ;-)
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    1. What Week/Day are you on?
    W4 D2 (tonight)

    2. How do you feel?
    Anxious! But I managed to finish W4D1 so I know I have it in me. =)

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day?
    I had to repeat W1D1... but I haven't missed a single day since then! I can't believe I'm already on Week 4!

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs?
    I have added time to Week 3 because I was listening to such a great song & had to finish running to it, haha.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet?
    Not in my physique, but definitely in my attitude! It's simply not an option to me to miss a day anymore and I look forward to the challenge. I know that it's possible and I surprise myself every time I finish a C25K workout. I never thought I had it in me! =)
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W7D3
    2. How do you feel? Still on top of the world!!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not in week 7... Moving on to week 8.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yes - Added 17 minutes to the run today. (Forgot to tell my legs to stop moving :happy: )
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I ran for 42 min straight this morning and it felt... AWESOME!! WooHoo... Another run in the bag. Bring on Week 8.
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W4, D1

    2. How do you feel? Great, because I managed it, but stupidly disappointed that I actually was slower on average per km, than when I was walking 2, jogging 2 last week. Need to stop craving the approval of my Nike + Running app telling me I am breaking my own records...

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Instead of jogging 5, walking 3 at the end, I kept jogging for 8 mins because I felt quite good and wanted to see if I could.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? That I can go further if I make a really concerted effort to slow right down whilst jogging, and that I look forward to my runs all week.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W8D1
    2. How do you feel? Still on top of the world!! (Right leg was sore again today... need to work on that)
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yes - Added 7 minutes to the run today.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Another run in the bag. Bring on Week 8 D2.
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D2
    2. How do you feel? Excited! I feel like maybe I've finally found my "thing" when it comes to exercise.
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not yet, and I don't intend to.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yes, I have a 5k coming up quicker than the 8 week program. I've been adding on intervals (whatever running interval I'm at) until I've neared my 5k run. So far I'm at 44:13, can't wait to get stronger and shave time off that number.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I am not fearing the increases to the run times. Never thought I'd be that person.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W7D1
    2. How do you feel? Great
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Just walking dogs on cool down
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Well, I know that I'm capable of completing each run but I don't willing run extra. I'm ready to stop at the end of each run. BUT I am having fun doing this!!