8-14-12-Tuesday Get up and go!

hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
Good morning ladies! At 5:20 when I hit the alarm, I thought I just NEED to sleep. But when the 5:25 back up alarm rang, I was able to drag myself out of bed because I didn't want to report to all my Hatter friends that I just couldn't get to my body pump class. So again thanks for being here,
I am wearing the craziest pants today, they are unlike anything I have ever worn, they are black and white with a patterned design. They were originally from Talbots but I got them at my consignment shop and for some strange reason I just had to have them. Part of me feels like I am walking around in my PJ's but no big meetings today and they make me happy, so I am wearing the crazy pants today. I think it is no accident that I am wearing the crazy pants while my hubby is away. I can hear him now "Is that what you are wearing to work?!" Being the almost boss has its privileges, none of them will be brave enough to say-what were you thinking when you bought those crazy pants! And being over 50 has its privileges, including not caring as much about what people are thinking about my clothes.
My NSV yesterday was that I ate carrots and didn't faint or choke or throw up. I have had an aversion to carrots as long as I can remember, when my mom would tell me to eat carrots they would make me see better, I always answered that my sister loved carrots and she was the only person I knew with stronger glasses than mine. My carrot aversion is so well known that when I finished my salad at lunch yesterday, I asked my friends if they noticed anything. They noticed right away and asked what I did with the carrots. I am really hoping that I will soon be over my aversion to any fish except processed tuna. When I was 5 I almost choked to death on a fish bone and I gag whenever I try to eat it. A step at a time, today carrots, one day fish.
Are there any foods that make you gag?


  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hey Janet -

    Wearing a crazy green paisly top today with light green pants - from my favorite store - "Talbots" - Mad Hatters do think alike - just won't show hubby the bill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And turned 49 - yikes - young today... :noway:

    Have a great day with smart choices!

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hoping for champagne with my tuna / fritos dinner tonight

    And 100 calorie strawberry / chocolate cupcakes....

  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Janet - I DON'T like green peas. YUCK!!!!I I am not going to try to get over them.
    I also have some black & white printed shorts. My husband said the look like grandma shorts. I politely told him I was a Grandma. So wear what you want to.

    Carol - ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ Happy Birthday to you.. ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫
    ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to yoooouu!!♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
    ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Happy Birthday dear Carol!! ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
    ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to yoooou!! ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
    .. .˜”*°•.˜”*°•.˜”*°★★°*”˜.•°*”˜.•...

    To all Hatters I hope you all have a great day. !!!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Carol- A HaHa! Living large! Enjoy!!
    Janet - Congrats for getting out of bed for a workout. Showing up is half 'the battle.
    I'm going to buy some clothes from Talbots when I hit my goal. My girls are already laughing. I'm NOT known for spending money. My theory is that I'll keep the weight off if I'm wearing an investment every day. What do you think?
    Cheryl F
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I had a post with lots of lovely replies all done, but I did it on the REPLY instead of a word doc and i lost it all.. insert very bad words here!!!

    I have to get moving as my laundry room flooded last nite (no biggie jsu a hose i think) but took eons to clean up and move the waher (i have a stacked unit in a condo) and eyeball doc this afternoon, so a quick readers digest version of replies......:sad:

    HSH: Huge congrats on getting up and DOING IT!! i've had to push myself a few times and also used the thought of the Hatters to kick me into gear lol.. so big congrats.. and YOU GO GIRL on the outfit!! There is absolutely the joy of getting to this age and really so not caring what the rest of the world thinks anymore.. if only I had had that confidence 20 yrs ago! And for me its just liver... sadly I will eat everything else (which may be how i ended up at this size lol).. but I can't eat raw carrots.. they stick in my throat!

    Carol: Happy birthday.. am so glad someone else sang to you because I like you too much to have to listen to me sing.. I' mliving proof if you can't sing well, sing loud.. no one will sit beside me at Christmas Eve church services lol) Hope you have a great day sweetie.. many happy regards!

    Cheryl lovely to see you!!!

    KML I'm with you on the clothes thing.. when I lost the first batch of weight I forced myself to throw out a few things that i still shlepped around in.... and hoped it would keep me from gaining it back if I had nothing to wear.. so far so good lol!!

    K.. gotta head out and get cracking.. hope all the Hatters have a good day.... be good to yourselves, aim for good choices and conscious decisions and celebrate how far you've come.. and how far we'll go together!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    If it doesn't fit or flatter it goes......

    And I LOVE Talbots - have both the smaller and larger sizes..... consignment is my friend..... out with the old in with the new....

    Thanks for all the b-day wishes....
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Carol HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you
    and to the rest of the Hatters, a VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY to all.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member


    Hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy every second. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Well, I'm back. I had that robot procedure on my kidney and I've been good for almost a week. I haven't exercised in about 2+ so I was worried that the lbs would find their way back, but I am soooo happy to say that they didn't. I didn't loose any weight last week but I didn't gain any either so as far as I am concerned IT'S A WIN!! :bigsmile:

    I hope to be on more, but I have to divide my time between the computer, a cross stitch/quilt I'm workning on for Christmas and our youngest's Scouting scrapbook albums I need to have done for when he makes Eagle - which I was hoping would be after Christmas but now looks like around Oct or Nov!! :huh: Oh, and work...

    Gotta go - you guys keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Flipflop: so glad to hear it all went well.. and huge congrats on the no gain!! I have been thinking the same thing as I've only been allowed to do "leiusurely stroll" for the past 3 weeks.. but got the all clear today from the doc to go back to normal for a couple of weeks (have 1 more procedure on the 29th but just a little thing apparently) so like you, up til now I've just been hoping NOT to gain!! Are you bionic now (robot procedure lol). I'm so glad you got a chance to pop in, no worries on having lots on your plate right now.. and now that I know what an Eagle is.. big congrats there too (altho sorry its coming before xmas lol).. :bigsmile:
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I agree with Carol about the peas & am well known about it. As a kid my Dad had an aversion to all veggies except peas. We had them every dinner. I swore as an adult I would never eat them & never have.

    Happy Birthday Carol. Hope you enjoy your day.

    Hatters do seem to think alike. Talbots clasics are great. I can not afford them off the rack, but do have a couple of items I picked up at the church thrift shop. Well made & allways in style if you ask me.

    Flipflops, great news on the kidney stone & future Eagle. Did you get your analysis back yet? They usually test it to let you know what it was made off & what foods to avoid to much off.

    Hoping to get Sooozie to join me on a walk in the AM, anyone want to join us?
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Bis - I want to join you. What time are you starting? I will do mine from Oklahoma

    Flip - glad you are doing good. Good luck on the scrapbook.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I leave my house 6:15 AM eastern time.:yawn: tomorrow a non run day. 2.4 mile brisk walk, a lovely route along the river, we will go thru the marina along the way.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: The marina is on the other side of the bridge from the waterfront trail along Lake Ontario that I take, but there's a path through the marina as well so I'll do both :bigsmile: I don't know how far it is distance wise though; I've only ever used time so I'll aim for at least an hour of brisk.. although I realized tonight it's going to take me a while to work back up to being able to stay at brisk again for a longer time.. sigh.. it was a tough go tonite kicking it back up.. but I'll get there.. and knowing you and Cheryl and hoofing along beside me will help me keep the speed going (yay Cheryl for joining in... l)

    Gotta check the time diff between the three of us LOL.. :bigsmile:

    Any other Hatters wanna play?? :laugh:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    All in all a very nice / happy birthday.....

    At work they gave me a cake and plan on enjoying it - corner piece is my favorite:wink:

    For my fellow Talbots friends - they usually have a sale a few times a year and you can get great deals.... worked my way down from the "18 w" to a 16 misses.....:blushing: rockin the size 16 misses white jeans....

    Hubby did treat to champagne:love: hopefully tonight's champagne won't follow me to work:blushing:

    Have a great night hatters.....

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So good to read so many positive post !!! Snoozie sorry but you made me laugh with losing your post, I can't count the times I have done that myself. It felt good to not be alone in my destruction.

    Well I haven't been measuring my walking but worked on again today getting the classroom ready. Put up three more bulletin boards today, wired up the computers, prepared the white board for listing daily objectives, OH and two most IMPORTANT missions: First: purchased a new STAPLER since the 3 I have tried to use these two days have me wanting to throw said items. Second I brought in my microwave so that I can stay focused while at work.

    I am feeling tired, will be glad when I am back in my routine. Thursday and Friday will be all day professional development days. Monday will be students first day. If all goes as planned I hope to make Tuesday and Thursday's gym days for the first couple of weeks or so and then move forward to three days a week. I have always stayed late (as long as needed sometimes until 8 or 9 the first year, 5 last year for the most part) So my goal this year is 4 except on gym days and I will be shooting for 3:15.

    I haven't really thought about it in the past but I can see where this could have been a contributor to my battle since I often also do not eat at school so by the time I get home I would feel like I was starving there by preparing fast and eating lots. Then snacks followed by bed time. I did do better last year and made use of the crock pot a good bit of the year. Now that I think about it that may be why I did lose some weight during last school term without trying which b/c the motivation to joining mfp and trying when the school year ended.

    You girls are so good for the mind and soul !!! It still amazes me how something becomes more clear as I am just sharing some thoughts. Everyone have a wonderful HUMP day.

    I have never shopped at Talbots so maybe that will become a reward somewhere down the road
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Carol; so glad you had such a lovely birthday.. and hope the champers doesn't follow you to work either LOL!! Yumm on the corner piece... me too!

    TA: I had NO idea school started this early for you??? Yikes.. here they don't go back til after Labour Day in September!! It sounds like you burned a lot of calories with all the prep work, and kudos on the stapler.. I SO hear ya on that one.. the smallest things are the most important, eh? (like our small changes towards health every day!) I joke at work sometimes that we can put a man on the moon with computers,and everything has become so electronic, yet one of our most important pieces of equipment we use STILL has a handwritten sign on a string hanging from it, saying USE THIS SIDE... lol

    I think that's an AWESOME goal for yourself this year.. about making sure you don't stay so late anymore, especially on gym days!! I think its a generational thing; people our age just stay til the work gets done, no matter if everyone else bails. I think thats part of our woman makeup too.. we're just used to being the one to take care of stuff to the fault of putting ourselves last (I know some men do too.. but this ain't their room.. its ours lol).... and I am trying to do the same this year.. when my work is done, I'm outta there.. but it isnt easy so I can appreciate how hard that goal will be to meet... but you can do it!! And great idea about the microwave.. because we start so early in the morning we're usually done by 2pm on days, and like you I wouldnt eat and suddenly be starved by around 3:30 or 4.. and no way could I wait til dinner so I would dive into crap. I have learned that for me, taking finger food to eat even in the car on the way home, or just before I leave work is the best defense.. i even quarter my sandwiches sometimes (like when we were kids LOL) so that I can eat one on the run; or a handful of nuts, crackers and cheese - it just cant be anything that requires a fork or I just wont bother and then I'm in trouble... so excellent planning on your part!! You are so going to rock it this year!!!!

    And i find the same thing.. sometimes just talking it out.. its kinda like when I get together with my two best g/friends for what we call "wine therapy"... we arent looking for answers or solutions... we just wanna vent or think outloud til we figure it out ourselves...but get a lot of laughs in while doing so.. just like our Hatters!

    I fell asleep in the chair so am heading for bed lol... hope all the hatters get a good sleep; and are looking forward to another day of learning, changing and growing! Hm mm.. makes us sound like plants... LOL nite nite ..... got my runners by the door Bis and Cheryl... so see ya in the morning!!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    up, dressed, having my coffee. Will be out the door in 10 min ladies. Got to get his in before the rain.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie - the champagne followed me to work... lol...:laugh: :yawn:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie, yep we have started in August as long as I remember. When I was small I always saw things on tv about other school starting after Labor day but didn't really think about it. When I moved to WA the first year they started after Labor day then the next year changed LOLOL go figure. Anyway we start mid-August and get out the third week in May. I do like getting out then as to the third week of June which was when we got out in WA.

    My girls started today since we live in a different parish than I teach. Stephanie graduates this year so we may or may not move after that before next school term. We are pretty loyal and limited in which locations we will consider moving into by school selection and we like to keep the children begin at. I would actually like to keep Madison at her current school until she graduates but that is 11 more years and homes here are two times as much 15 miles away so with our age we are looking at other locations. The final decision will depend mostly on the areas school so we shall see.

    Well I need to get out the door and finish up work in my room. The hubby is coming by at lunch and try and get my computers wired up in my classroom. I thank God every day that he blessed me with such a supportive mate that doesn't make me feel like I am imposing on his time when I ask him for help this time around.

    Everyone enjoy the day, make good choices, and be good to yourself.