8-14-12-Tuesday Get up and go!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good luck with the puter hook ups TA - I swear I think the reason my cell phone and puter are so old is because I don't want to have to figure out how to work new ones LOL.. at which time I'll have to get a teenager in to do it I think!

    Well Bis..Cheryl.... How'd we do?? I did 70 minutes in total; split between the waterfront and the marina trail; was slightly disappointed to find out I couldnt seem to keep up the brisk pace the whole time, but I know I had just got up to longer at brisk pace right before being put on restrictions, so I know it won't be long before my stamina increases. It was gorgeous there though, and the water was sooo calm.. I kept saying "wait up Bis and wait for me Cheryl" as I tried to pick up the pace LOL..

    Tonight I am going to start looking at the resistance band exercises my doc gave me (right now the band has been hanging on a door knob for a month LOL.. I tied it in a pretty bow to make it look like a decoration.. hahahaha.. she gave me a photo card with 12 different beginner exercises but a lot of them are designed for being in a sitting position, so I'll have to try to modify them a bit and maybe search the net for some ideas, but I'd like to start doing a set number of exercises with them a couple of days a week to at least get started.

    I also need some ideas for dinner.. I am totally bored with the usual stuff of a protein and veg on the side; and since I hate cooking.. I'm not likely to spend any time looking up recipes lol.. but I wanna try upping my veg thru the day other than raw ones.. so anyone with a general suggestion please feel free to offer one up... or invite me for dinner at your house LOLOLOL!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi hatters...the elusive Lisa here :blushing: ....I've been away with the pixies for a bit....my life tends to be a bit like this....I get very enthusiastic about something for a nanosecond and then I drift off.....but I've now been on MFP since last October, probably some sort of record for me.... so I think I'm going to stay for the long haul...I might just get sidetracked every now and then....but as old arnie said "I'll be back" :laugh:

    I'm in the middle of chaos at the moment....just had our floors sanded, about to get new carpet....trying to paint....all the chaos is making me sort STUFF out.....why do I have soooo much stuff :sad: luckily we have a big council cleanup this weekend so I am shedding!

    I love some of the comments about wearing the crazy pants....isn't being 50ish so liberating...I too wish I had the confidence I have now back when I was in my twenties....why was I always so worried about what other people thought....oh well, better late than never I guess. I've also been shedding old clothes and ill fitting ones....I'm not going to keep any "just in case".... I quite like having less in my wardrobe too ....I always had sooo many clothes but never liked any of them...actually I think it was just that I didn't like any of them on me.....now that I am feeling better about myself everything seems to look better....yay!

    I love the idea of the hatters walking together....not sure if i could manage it being on the dark side....although from the time on the posts its looked like if I was probably an hour before you last night...I'll be running again tonight so I'll think of you all!

    Snooze, re dinner ideas.... my favourite thing at the moment because it is soooo easy is just to bung a whole lot of veggies into a baking tray with a bit of olive oil and roast and then slice up haloumi over the top and turn the grill on....I then have a bowl for dinner and another as a warm veggie salad the next day... and if I really want meat i just put some chicken pieces on top and cover with foil and cook....put it on when i'm about to go for a run or to the gym and come home to the wonderful wafting smell of dinner...too easy ...and healthy! My favourite veggies at the moment are pumpkin, beetroot, fennel, cauliflower, zucchini, button squash, parsnip....sometimes eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms....basically anything I have lying around....yumm!

    Have a great day hatters....happy birthday, unbirthday, get well, back to work....:flowerforyou: :heart:

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lisa.. lovely to see you!!! And once I'm back on my regular shifts, I'll be around at all hours of the day and night, no matter where ya are... I have to say though.. I just about fainted when I read your list ofveggies...well not at the veg, but at the line about "whatever I have laying around" veggie wise.. please tell me you don't actually have ALL those veggies hanging around???? LOL.. I am just picturing my grocery store in your living room - basically because since it's just me in the house..... I buy "a" veggie at a time.. like ONE CARROT... (oh sorry Janet.. didnt mean to use that word in front of u!) LOLOLOLOLOLOL.... so you can just imagine the head spins I had picturing all those veg actually being in someones kitchen lol! I actually love roasted veggies and I keep seeing that haloumi cheese on TV shows (mainly from Britain) but I'd never heard of it til then... and a great idea to add to the veg.. so I'm definitely gonna try it (i love all the veggies you mentioned btw.. i could be a vegetarian if it wasnt for those carnivore cravings lol)but ... i just laugh at the thought of me buying them all.. i'd be eating them for a week strait! Its actually one of the problems of cooking for one.. you either have to eat the same thing for a week (like you cant buy a 1/2 head of lettuce, or 1/2 a squash) and some stuff just doesnt freeze well... but i love the idea and will try it for sure!

    ouch on the carpets and flooring and painting and shedding lol.... actually i may do that on my days off too.. i have kept a lot of old clothes that arent actually too big.. but .... they were pricey at the time (im nto gonna say how old they are.. but they could prolly hit a vintage shop by now) and i dont know why im hanging on to them.. i will never wear them since I don't need them for work.. and some stuff i bot while obviouosly i was having a mental midget moment (you know. .the things you buy and then never wear and wonder what made you get them?) i should make some room in my closet... so i can buy something new when I hit my first 10lbs loss !! thanks for the idea!!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Snooozie & Cheryl, thank you for joining me we got it in before the rain & I enjoyed the company. I did my 40 min walk, but have been too busy to post. I allways walk or jog early, by 6:30 AM at the latest on work days. While Lisa's days are getting longer, mine are noticably shorter. I regret the day it will be too dark to get my exercise in out doors & have to go back to the tread mill. I so enjoy the fresh air & sunshine. It just feels like it destresses (is that a word) me for the entire day.

    cbm, oooo sounds like your over endulgence of champagne got to you. Hope you drank lots of water, it will help. Sounds like you had a good b-day.

    TA, sounds like you are ready to role with the school year. What grade is it you teach?

    Lisa, glad to hear all is well. I just checked & if you are on the same time Zone as Sydney you are 14 hours ahead of me. So if you run in the evening I think I am likely running a bit behind you. I will try harder to catch up with you tomorrow. Maybe I can catch you at the park & we can check out the famers market before taking the loop back towards home. I want to see if they still have blueberries. Snooozie & Cheryl want to join us?.. lol.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I just got back from a walk that was longer than expected, my daughter dropped me off at the park for a concert but it was moved indoors. I am having a patriotic week, naval academy concert band on Monday and the army field band and chorus tonight, sorry to let my navy veteran family members know, but the army concert was way better! They did every thing from a country medley, highlights from les mis to Chicago hits to Sousa. Worth the extra walk. And I needed the movement.
    Count me in for the hatter walk tomorrow.
    Lisa, good on you for finding the clothes that make you feel confident, feeling confident at 20 would have been wasted, here's to the fabulous 50's
    Snoozie what is it you do at all hours.?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I'm in, Bis!! I don't set an alarm on my days off, but I hop in the car as soon as I'm up and head to the lake to get my walk in first thing, so I'll be hoofing it along side ya! I actually did pretend in my head that you 2 were alongside... and sounds like we'll have Janet in tomorrow too! woo hoo!! Like you Bis, I'm dreading winter when it's back to the treadmill; and sunset is coming earlier every day here now so after dinner walks will be in jeopardy too!

    HSH: I love all those concerts; I'm a complete wuss when it comes to anything military and concerts like that... I always love to watch the 4th of July ones they broadcast on the US channels we get here as well; and have always admired the patriotism of our neighbours; wish we were more so! so glad you enjoyed the concerts even with the extra steps! And YAY on jolining us tomorow.. love the Hatter Walk name lol.. as far as the shifts, I work for one of the city departments that are open 24/7 ,,,,, we're like the 7-11 stores; always open lol. I'm just stuck working days for a month filling in for the day people who are on vacation; but can't wait to get back to my own sched soon!

    Well, I guess I better hit the sack.. tomorrow I'm going to do my walk then take my senior lady out for chores and lunch and a litlte drive in the country; will check in after walkies to see how everyone is doing!!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Hatter walkers I am enjoying our morning walks. Sure does make the time fly when you have someone along with you.

    Lisa glad you got to check in today.
    HSH glad you enjoyed your concert.

    See all of you on the Hatter Walk bright and early.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member

    Lisa when we moved from our apartment to our last house I sent 10 van loads to a local charity so I totally relate to having to much stuff. 2 years later we moved from WA to LA and I again sent van loads. Just do a little bit by bit.

    Snoozie if you look at my recordings you will see we have pork loin about 4 out of 7 days. So if you're in the mood for the other white meat you are welcome her any time. As for the veggies I keep bowls on the counter and table with the weeks pickings from our garden.

    Bis this year I am teaching Social Studies, grades 6th, 7th, and 8th. with this I will be taught every grade except kindergarten. My favorite is 3rd but have found I like teaching different grades for different reasons.

    Time sounds like good music to me. I played clarinet in band and still have a sweet spot in my memories.

    Well its bedtime here and have an early day tomorrow with a full day of meetings. Everyone enjoy the walk and I will be walking just not at the same time
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    All this talk about taking a walk has me inspired....

    Packing the gym clothes now for tomorrow's dreadmill - 30 - 45 mins at 3.5 ... might be brave enough for an incline - say 1 or 1.5...

    Friday is a zumbathon at Fort Dix - 2 hrs / will be home about 9pm...looking forward to it....

    See you all later....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Heading down to the lake for my walk... .. am picturing Bis CMB and Janet putting on the sneakers in their own homes... see ya down there!! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    PS I'll even buy the coffees! (cept for Janet lol but I'll get you a tea!)
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ harispray - love the Army... lol... work at Ft Dix as a civilian - retired Army Reserve / Army Nat'l Guard...

    Plus hubby is in the IRR and works as a contractor for the Army on Ft Dix too....


  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    and jr loves his call of duty....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I'm backkkk (like Arnold lol)

    So enjoyed my walk with the Hatters this morning; loved chatting with you guys as we walked (ok, the conversation was in my head.. but at least I didn't have it out loud this morning, so nobody looked at me funny LOL...

    MY IPOM: I walked 4.8 kilometers this morning!!

    I used the distance markers this morning (but I still set my phone to time for an hour as usual) just to try to get an idea of how far I was going.. only 1/2 of the trail has the distance marked, so I just kept doing that 1/2 and figured out the time it took me to do 3 rounds, then equalled the same time and speed around the rest of the park... and who knew.. I actually completed 4.8km.. which in my little head.. is almost 5km... I am still in a little shock, I never really looked at the distance travelled, and hearing our Hatters like Bis who have done distance walks had me thinking I might try one maybe next year.. but now I'm thinking.. maybe.. I will try to set a goal for THIS year to do a 5km walk.. an official one that is lol.. im sure there's gotta be one going somewhere in the city.. I havent decided for sure but after this morning, I'm thinking its completely doable this year... so I'm claiming my IPOM because I AM proud of me today... (last night I did a dive bomb into a complete emotional binge.. and was completely conscious of it because I had to get in the car and DRIVE to the store to get it... sigh.. I actually ate the stuff before I could talk myself out of it because I was having a bad moment emotionally... it was hard admitting an old habit still hasnt been broken, but I know that it's happening less often, and I'm conscious of making the decision, even though I'm disappointed in myself for giving in. But, that was yesterday and I hopefully learned from it, so it's off the radar and not even in my sight line today so it's all good!!

    Hoping all the hatters have a wonderful day... I'm off shortly after the last eyedrop (still on the routine for another 10 days til the next procedure) and keep forgetting to sched the 40 min needed to get em all in ... lol
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Sorry I've been off the radar lately. Been real busy, but hanging in there! The foods I cannot get myself to eat are tomatoes (they make me gag just mentioning them!) and fish. However, I do love shellfish. Go figure. Scallops are my all time favorite dinner!

    I'd love to join you on your walks but 6:15am is 3:15 am here in Oregon! That's a little too early for me! So I'll be tagging behind quite a way bringing up the rear. I try to get in early am (for me) around 8 or 9am pacific time. It's been way to hot much later than that lately!

    Sounds like all is well in Hatterville!

    Have a great day all!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Another food aversion bites the dust. I had fruit salad and I ate the cantaloupe! I am not going to start eating it by itself. But I am not going to pick it out or reject a fruit salad because it is in there. For a long time, I wouldn’t even eat a fruit salad if the fruit had been contaminated by contact with the cantaloupe. Major step for me.
    Cantaloupe memory. When my youngest was about 10 (old enough to know better), she was horrified when her father was eating cantaloupe at dinner. She asked how he could possibly eat that. I was worried she had picked up my aversion to a perfectly good fruit. She had definitely eaten cantaloupe before. When we asked her to explain what her problem was, she asked “didn’t you see how beautiful they were today?” Still puzzled we asked where she had seen cantaloupe. She said, “you know when we were on the safari at Animal Kingdom.” We finally realized that she thought my husband had ordered antelope. 11 yrs. later we still tease her about it.
    I was out walking at lunch time, but I must have just missed the Hatter expedition, I didn’t find any of you.
    In another MFP group someone was talking about the “deprivation” of tracking healthy food. I think the key is not to think of the unhealthy foods that you are not eating and think instead about all the marvelous foods that you had been ignoring.
    Walking back with a bag containing my chopped salad and my fruit salad inclusive of cantaloupe, I had two separate conversations with two people who worked in my building who were getting burgers at the burger truck. Neither of these people had commented on my weight loss, I don’t really talk to them that much. I didn’t mention food. But both people asked me what I was having for lunch and where I had bought it, because separately they each said “I am sure it is healthier than the burger and fries I am getting.”
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    so trying to stay strong... work is work.... ugh... must stay away from the chocolate.... luckily doing the dreadmill and will have 982 cals avail...ugh ugh ugh
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ hairspray - going for a walk on the dreadmill at 5:00 EST - country, rock, or christian - or shuffle - your choice on the ipod:wink:

    and amazing about the cantelope - we have so many - would you like me to share....:laugh:
    or could just send the reeses... or mickey ice cream bar - your choice....:glasses:
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Friends,

    I have been in a bit of a rut...picked up a head cold . Have not been able to work out due to many different reasons and some Iof them would not call a good excuse. Just plain dont feel good. I am a little disappointed in myself as my weight loss has come to a standstill. I am going on vacation starting Saturday and I will try to watch my calorie intake dispite the fudge shop and yummy bakery shop. I know this is temporary, so I will keep on keepin on.

    Snoozie, a favorite thing for me to eat some nights is to take some Italian seasoned turkey sausage and start throwin in veggies and spices. Garlic, tomatoes, black olives, green peppers, italian seasonings, a dash of wine, and serve over some whole wheat penne pasta. yummy serve it with a salad! Another favorite ground turkey and taco seasons, fat free sour cream and lettuce tomato and black olives...throw it in a whole wheat tortilla yum Linda
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: @ HSH and the "contaminated".. I actually did laugh out loud when I read that.. TOO funny on the antelope.. I'll share my duck pie story one day! My dad used to eat canteloupe in cottage chesee and the smell alone would make me gag.. never ate it until a few years ago and now I love it..

    cbm hang in there petal..... just think of all the yummy GOOD for you food you can eat with 982 calories!!!! Hide the choc and dive into something yummy and satisfying (yeah I know.. choc is both those LOL).. but you can eat a lot MORE of something else.. does that work?? LOL

    Linda... lovely to see you, but feel so bad for you feeling under the weather; doing anything when you're sick sucks.. let alone working out!! Don't stress too much about it while on vacation (stress adds fat to your belly area!); just aim for the 80/20 rule maybe and if you're feeling up to it, get a little extra walking in while you're gone and you'll have a great time without worrying about the weight! Feel better soon! and thanks for the lovely suggestion.. I DID laugh tho when reading the first one... once I get past 2 or 3 ingreds I'm lost.. (I hate cooking...) and as I was reading it I was thinking omg...omg... and then I'd have to cook the pasta...!! Too funny, but very much appreciate the idea; have never tried turkey sausage so about time I venture into the unknown!