Check in and intros



  • PythagorasStorm
    PythagorasStorm Posts: 10 Member
    I am from Wellington, and I work shift work as a weather forecaster. I have just got back on this site after a break. I am 178cm, currently weight 87kg, hoping to get down to 70kg and get really fit. I would be nice to talk to some people on here about weight loss, eating healthy, (or loosing weight while working shift work - might be pushing it a bit there!), so it would be great if you wanted to add me (what is this whole friend thing on here?! Didn't even know it existed until recently!).
  • kiwispots
    kiwispots Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Sandi,have join MFP to see if I can get my fitness level back and get my weight under control. I am 1.79 and 90kg my new doctor told me I need to join weight watchers (which I can't afford). I need to drop 20kg. I have had a number of accidents some more serious than others but they have all have taken there toll on my fitness and me being capable of exercising. I walk my two dogs every day for approximately an hour a day some times twice a day (during daylight saving), I help a friend who breeds horses with her herd( trim feet and handle young horses but not as often as I use to). I have always had horses but circumstances changed and I had to sell mine that was two years ago and I miss the physical work that went with them(sometimes) I joined the pool complex and did aqua jog classes and spin, pump & pilates but the wallet was unable to keep up with the fees so I went back to walking the dogs. We walk along the river and around the streets of hillcrest. I use to be a slim fit active person and now I am told by my doctor that I am obese and should be doing something about it but have yet to be able to drop any weight.
  • georgie_lou
    georgie_lou Posts: 225 Member

    I'm Georgie, I have about 25 more kilos to lose. Be really good to talk to people who use kilograms and not pounds! Can't wrap my head around it haha.

    I'm 166cm and my goal is about 65 (although I'll be really happy with 70!). I snowboard, read and have just discovered a love for running. I've just signed up for my first 5k run in Christchurch in October!
  • kiwikat132
    kiwikat132 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathleen and I'm from Huntly. I've just joined MFP and its great to find other Kiwi's! I've got a lot of weight to lose, I'm 5ft 3in and 92kg, hoping to get down to 80kg by Xmas and by end of next year be down to 65kg-70kg.
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all . . just joined on Monday and am enjoying sussing out this site - it's great!!!

    I'm in West Auckland =)
  • Chelseamousy
    Chelseamousy Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I am Selina, I live in Hamilton, like Jesse I am a vet nurse. I am currently studying while working to try move onto the human field in anaesthetics. I am a keen triathlete well I used to be. I am trying to get a bit on track now. If only I had more time in the day. I have entered Karapiro Half Ironman. Is anyone else doing it? or would like to bike with me???

    I love this app and this site. :) I don't need to lose to much just eat better thats why I am on here. I am addicted to sugar and I have had a few stomach issues. :smile:
  • jenhnz12
    jenhnz12 Posts: 3 Member
    HI all - I'm Jen.

    Just heard about this site tonight at the gym so joined as soon as I got home. Currently signed up to do the 12 week transformation challenge at Club physical but know this will only be the beginning of a longer journey.

    Originally from the UK but been living here for akmost 10 years now. Living in Auckland.

    Currently 122kg and about 176cm tall (5ft 10)
    Initial goals include getting below 100kg, and running the Round the Bays race next March in Auckland.
  • tazzywinkle87
    tazzywinkle87 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Natasha from little old Taumarunui! I'm 25 years old and just recently engaged(Last weekend!) and I'm a mummy of a gorgeous 8 month old boy.

    I'm obviously trying to lose my baby weight and be healthy for my family but I also have a new goal of looking good for my wedding, when ever it may be!

    It's great to finally talk to people in the same language! lbs confuse me, I have to have an online converter open all the time! :smile:

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • AmberRiche4
    AmberRiche4 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi and not sure where to start! Am 57 married with 2 children, 2 grandies and a lot of excess weight to shed. We live in Tauranga but originally from Rhodiesia (now Zimbabwe). Have packed on the weight since I had Radioactive Iodine for Hyperthyrodism some years ago now. Really want to get on top of it now but would appreciate weightloss buddies who are in the same situation. Good luck and best wishes to all :smile:
  • Dilite2
    Dilite2 Posts: 25
    Hi, I'm from Levin, and joined last week - loving the motivation :smile:
  • Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome Dilite, yell out if you have any questions, funny stories or just feel like saying "Hi". I was born in Levin, we may have gone to school together!!
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am a brand new newbie, I have logged into this site every now and again for the last 15 months! So now it is time to actually knuckle down and start doing it. I figure if I had have done anything useful over the last 15 months, I would be close to goal by now!
    I am 30 kg overweight, and 10 of that has gone on after my two children. Stopping breastfeeding added 5 kg in around 2 months! I need to do something now before I am 35 kg overweight...
    My biggest challenges are food portion sizes and too much bread.
    My first day today is all logged, onwards and upwards :)
  • Hey! I'm Kel. Just found this site tonight......
    I live in Christchurch.
    164cm tall, 70.5kg - wanting to get down to 64kg as my first goal....... then possibly down to 60kg.
    Have a massive sweet tooth so that will be a huge challenge.
    About to start the couch to 5km programme (again!) so will see how that goes......
    So, hi everyone!
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    Hey! I'm Kel. Just found this site tonight......
    I live in Christchurch.
    164cm tall, 70.5kg - wanting to get down to 64kg as my first goal....... then possibly down to 60kg.
    Have a massive sweet tooth so that will be a huge challenge.
    About to start the couch to 5km programme (again!) so will see how that goes......
    So, hi everyone!
    Hey kel, did you see that there is a personal trainer running a c25K program in CHCH? I found the website for it and was very jealous, it looks like a good way to get started with it ;)
  • Hey sallysuze =)
    Thanks, yes I did - but hubby works lots of hours and don't think I could fit it in with DD!!
    Looks awesome though doesn't it??
    Kel xx
  • hi guys. i've posted in here before. but incase anyone wants to add me feel free.

    i'm 161cms tall and would like to get to around 70kg, and if my skin looks okay at that weight id like to get down further to 60kgs. I have a long way to go.. but keeping positive
  • StudyMum
    StudyMum Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there
    I'm 33 years old, mum to 3 kids, part time student, part time worker. I joined MFP in Jan, but stopped after a couple of weeks (& 3kg lost).
    Now I've put on a kg/month since then & I'd love to lose it all and some.
    Height is 1.78, start weight is 78kg. First goal is to get back to 72, with final goal anywhere in the 60s - probably 68.
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here!
  • SHillier1983
    SHillier1983 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi All,
    My name is Sarah and i live in Auckland, I travel alot for my job and have let the weight creep on again after having lost alot for my wedding last year.
    My hubby and I have been told I need to get down to 88kg so we can have fertility treatment so thats why I am here.
    This site has been incredible for helping me control my food intake and keeping me in line.
    So watch this space :-)

    SW: 102Kg
    CW: 97kg
    GW 88 (70kg)
  • mds81
    mds81 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay NZ group!
    I'm in Lower Hutt - just moved from Christchurch after gaining lots of 'quake-weight'!

    I've kinda been muddling through with exercise and nutrition over the last year and need to make a final push at getting rid of my beer gut :o

    Weakness: alcohol!
    SW: 84kg -- 41" wasit
    CW: 78kg -- 38" wasit
    GW: 72kg -- 34" waist

    Feel free to add me :)