30 Day Shred Level 1

Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
Oh.my.gosh....I guess I didn't realize how this whole Shred thing was going to go. I borrowed the Dvd from a friend, didn't pre-view it and jumped in head first this morning !:tongue:

I set up my exercise mat, got out my 3 lb. weights and got down to business. The cardio portion wasn't that difficult for me, I struggled more so with the arms & abs section as I now know those are my weaker areas. I wasn't dying ...but I was following "Anita" (the girl on the right in the Dvd!).

Only 9 more of days of Level 1 !! But who is counting...ME ! :bigsmile:


  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Well done on completing Day 1! It was the first day today for me too. I really struggled with the side lunges with anterior raises and the bicycle crunches - ouch! I'm really going to feel this tomorrow!:wink:
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Wow! I was hating Jillian! I had to take several 5 second breaks so I have no idea how I'm going t obe ready for level 2 after 10 of these!
  • jtrousehouse
    Congrats ladies! I just started yesterday as well.. and tho I'm a workout junkie I am sore as well!! I just love JIllian.. she knows how to do that circuit training to burn that fat!! =) Today is for sure going to be more difficult doing the push-ups.. I didn't even do full push-ups either! I did them from the knee! My upper body is my weakest link!! Hopefully this 30 day challenge will get my upper body back to being strong! =) Good luck ladies and I love reading your updates! Even tho we all aren't working out together it makes it seem less of a lone sport! :flowerforyou:
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    Nice one MIHooper! I jumped head first too when I first did it a few months ago. This is my second attempt at completing the 30DS. Last time I stopped after day 4 of Level 2 because of some holiday and never got back on it. This time, I WILL be shredded in 30! My boyfriend's doing it with me so that's double motivation. And this time, since I've been running for 2 months, level 1 was so much more do-able. I struggled, was huffing and puffing, but I could stick with Anita the entire way through! Woop woop! only 29 more to go!
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    *gasp, gasp* Someone call 911....seriously....dying here.

    OK - how the hell did I get this bad outta shape? At first, I was like, ok...I got this...then I pressed play and I was DONE!

    It can only get better from here.......right? oy-vey.....

    I am glad we are all doing this together or I'd never turn that damn video on again - great job everyone!
  • aliciamda
    I just finished day 1. I've done the Shred before but I didn't have a scale or tape measure to see if I was making progress - this time I do.

    After finishing today, I realized that I have an odd love for the burn...when it's in my thighs. I love knowing that I'm strengthening them, for some reason. :blushing:
  • lucy9962
    lucy9962 Posts: 17 Member
    I did day 2 of level 1 last night. I started to do the shred 2 wks ago and stopped after 4 days due to having company and not making time for it. I decided to start over and really commit to it no matter what's going on. This time around I'm not as sore. We will see what happens as time goes by. I think its a great workout for the amount of time spent. I have previously done 2 rounds of p90x and started insanity but my schedule is getting hectic so I don't want to spend too much time working out. This seems like a great alternative.
  • Evasavealot1
    Evasavealot1 Posts: 76 Member
    I just did DAY 1 level one. I burned 221 cal in 27 min. This workout is better then me walking. I'm glad I started 30ds. I hope everyone has a great workout.
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    Question for you all....how do we count it in our exercise tracker? Does anyone know?
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Question for you all....how do we count it in our exercise tracker? Does anyone know?
    bumping, would really love input on this!
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    I just finished Day 2 and it was a little easier. I was sore from Day one, but it seem to wear off when I got warmed up and into the jumping jacks. I still could go the whole time without stopping every now and then during the cardio and lowering my arms a few reps during the press. Jillian would have so been yelling at me if she was in my living room. :)
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    I was just looking at Amazon today and saw your thread. I will start this tomorrow. I am new and honestly very out of shape. Did kick boxing today as wlel as Zumba and thought I was going to pass out but finally made it through. Does anyone know what weights she is using. Thanks.
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    Just did Day 1. It got easier as I went along and by the end I was keeping up, though if I was forced to do any more push-ups I probably would faint. Great start, everyone!
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Well done on completing Day 1!

    ^^ Gah, Marjorie Dawes! Best screen name EVER!

    I did Day 1, Level 1. I'm never finished the 30DS but I was surprised (and relieved) to find that it was easier this time than the first time I'd done it. Only trouble is, I left my weights at my university house so for the next two weeks I'm stuck with full bottles of Robinsons squash! Whoops. They still weight just over a kilo though!

    Took some awful 'before' shots too (or more correctly, my poor sister took them for me!). Let's hope all this work pays off :)
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    BTW, I counted it as 'circuit training' but if you look in the exercise someone has also helpfully input '30 Day Shred'. The only way you can work it out accurately for you would be with a HRM. I'm really thinking of investing in one after this!
  • jtrousehouse
    =) I know! Having everyone on here for support is so motivating! Who woulda thunk?
  • KLPlatinum
    I put the 30DS as circuit training, general, but didn't go off the calories listed. I am using a HRM, which showed I burned way more than the generic calories that come up in the exercise tracker. HRM is the best investment I have made!
  • nhernan6
    nhernan6 Posts: 21
    I just finished day 1 - OMG!!! I thought I was going to die but as we went on it did get a little easier - I like the way Jillian pushes you through to stick it out. It helped that my 17yr old who has a killer body decided she wanted to do this with me - I took one 5 second break and she made sure it was only 5 seconds!

    Day 1 down 29 more to go!

    We totally GOT THIS Ladies!
  • nhernan6
    nhernan6 Posts: 21
    I was just looking at Amazon today and saw your thread. I will start this tomorrow. I am new and honestly very out of shape. Did kick boxing today as wlel as Zumba and thought I was going to pass out but finally made it through. Does anyone know what weights she is using. Thanks.

    I didnt have any weights so I used the little over 1 lb jalapeno cans and that gave me a good burn! My daughter used the corn cans LOL
  • Evasavealot1
    Evasavealot1 Posts: 76 Member
    I was just looking at Amazon today and saw your thread. I will start this tomorrow. I am new and honestly very out of shape. Did kick boxing today as wlel as Zumba and thought I was going to pass out but finally made it through. Does anyone know what weights she is using. Thanks.

    I didnt have any weights so I used the little over 1 lb jalapeno cans and that gave me a good burn! My daughter used the corn cans LOL

    That's funny.