Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • sarahwitnh
    sarahwitnh Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Ok here we go. I have been on MFP since about January. I also started training for a half marathon in January. So as most can imagine I was doing A Lot of running. But I wasn't losing. I lost 13lbs from Jan to April and then hit a plateau. Not a suprise I eventually gave up and gained 10lbs back. I found this group a few months ago and decided to up my calories, not knowing about the reset. After a while I found out about it but was to scared to actually do it since I am pretty much back to where I started. I'm furstrated and not sure where to begin. I think what scares me the most is FOOD! I don't think I really know what to eat and what is healthy. But Today I am going to start a reset.

    I am not quite sure what I should say for my exercise. Some weeks I think it is 1-3 hrs and others over 3 hours.?? I am doing NROL4W and try to take my dog for a walk/run a couple times a week

    3-5 hrs at 15% calorie reduction (
    BMR= 1613
    TDEE= 2500
    Daily calories=2125

    1-3hrs at 15%
    Daily calories=1885

    This is what I came up with. How long do I do a reset?

    Any help with food ideas or the reset would be awesome. Thanks
  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
  • Thank you Bethad5! That makes me feel so much better. I walked away from reading post and blogging for about a week but still logged in my food everyday and I feel great! I haven't got on the scale but feel like I haven't gained anything so why worry? Day 1 I thought how am I going to get that much! Now I'm thinking hmm what else can I add to my list of what to eat today :) Never will I starve again!!!
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    An update on my part.

    Enter Week 3 :

    2 weeks has passed and this is the start of week 3 for me to do the reset. So far my weight and measurement has stayed the same for the whole 2nd week. My weight has been fluctuating on the first week though, from:

    99.4 lb (end of July)
    101lb (Aug 3rd-day 3 of the reset)
    99.8 (Aug 6th)
    103 lb (Aug 9) Argh!!!

    Then after that day it level off to 101.6 lb currently.

    Hopefully it won't go up further, or it supposed to be gone up? I am trying to make it consistent everyday yet I am quite afraid that I'd over eat or undereat all the time. Last night I binged on cherries and went over my calories limit to 98kcal, luckily nothing changed today.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    It feels like it's been a while since I popped in. Many new faces here :flowerforyou:

    I'll be starting my cut on Sept 1. Since starting the reset I gained 7 lbs, 2 inches on each thigh, 2 inches on the booty and my double chin is back. I decided not to measure the rest. The last few weeks have been the hardest "diet" I ever tried :laugh:. I went way over my TDEE several times and lost myself in binges (very rarely had them before the reset. ), gave up on tracking several days because I knew I went over TDEE and was feeling guilty and ashamed. I'm now hoping the binges didn't mess up my reset. I guess we shall see it soon.

    Some other changes I noticed. I wake up in the morning and am starving. Seriously....I never felt such hunger before (or at least I forgot). I HAVE to eat something at least every 3-4 hours or I'm starving and get moody. My skin now looks horrible. I'm very hot.

    Anyways...I'm excited about my cut date coming closer. I'm feeling better emotionally and will be back here on a regular basis.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Hi MeDoula,
    Thanks for sharing your experience, I have noticed that I feel hungry more often too, sometimes in the morning. I have never felt hungry in the morning before, even before I started trying to lose my weight. Usually breakfast turned me off. Strange indeed.

    Now just after I posted that my weight has been stable for a week, today it gone up to....102.5lb. :noway: :brokenheart: I suppose all those fat, carb and sugar have been slowly accumulate for a week before inside my body then. :indifferent:

    BTW, I am forget to add this but ever since I start to do a reset, my waist has gain a few inches back. :cry: *sighs* I am quite afraid to meet people now. A week before I start eating more, I just got told by people that I looked different and now I start gaining again in a short time.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    It seems like this thread is dying out now that I came back :tongue:
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Hi MeDoula,
    Thanks for sharing your experience, I have noticed that I feel hungry more often too, sometimes in the morning. I have never felt hungry in the morning before, even before I started trying to lose my weight. Usually breakfast turned me off. Strange indeed.

    Now just after I posted that my weight has been stable for a week, today it gone up to....102.5lb. :noway: :brokenheart: I suppose all those fat, carb and sugar have been slowly accumulate for a week before inside my body then. :indifferent:

    BTW, I am forget to add this but ever since I start to do a reset, my waist has gain a few inches back. :cry: *sighs* I am quite afraid to meet people now. A week before I start eating more, I just got told by people that I looked different and now I start gaining again in a short time.

    How are you doing?
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    I am heading into week 3 of my reset. I have not gained or lost any weight (well, technically I have been gaining/losing the same 2 lbs, but I weigh every day so i can fluctuate 4 lbs easily so I don't consider it a loss/gain). I am having a hard time getting in 2100 calories day in and day out on the foods I eat (a lot of chicken, veggies, etc) but I'm learning to balance out my meals more and eating more calories at breakfast when I didn't do that before. Still working out - walking 5-7 miles per day and doing some kind of other workout (30DS, Bodyrock, etc) for some strength. I plan on hopefully joining a gym this winter and starting NROL then when I can dedicate to it fully. Still too deep into dog show season, so I am away a lot of 3 day weekends.

    I planned on doing 3 weeks of reset then do a 15% cut. I have a huge Mexico vacation at the beginning of October, so hoping the month of September will be a good one! Does 3 weeks sound like enough? I wasn't on VLC before and was doing the same types of workouts. Here is my info: (per scooby/accurate calorie calculator and K-M calculation)

    age 41
    23.6% Body Fat tested 7/21/12
    150 lbs
    BMR 1445
    TDEE 2180 at moderate / 1934 at light
    Intake 1853 for 15% cut
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I am heading into week 3 of my reset. I have not gained or lost any weight (well, technically I have been gaining/losing the same 2 lbs, but I weigh every day so i can fluctuate 4 lbs easily so I don't consider it a loss/gain). I am having a hard time getting in 2100 calories day in and day out on the foods I eat (a lot of chicken, veggies, etc) but I'm learning to balance out my meals more and eating more calories at breakfast when I didn't do that before. Still working out - walking 5-7 miles per day and doing some kind of other workout (30DS, Bodyrock, etc) for some strength. I plan on hopefully joining a gym this winter and starting NROL then when I can dedicate to it fully. Still too deep into dog show season, so I am away a lot of 3 day weekends.

    I planned on doing 3 weeks of reset then do a 15% cut. I have a huge Mexico vacation at the beginning of October, so hoping the month of September will be a good one! Does 3 weeks sound like enough? I wasn't on VLC before and was doing the same types of workouts. Here is my info: (per scooby/accurate calorie calculator and K-M calculation)

    age 41
    23.6% Body Fat tested 7/21/12
    150 lbs
    BMR 1445
    TDEE 2180 at moderate / 1934 at light
    Intake 1853 for 15% cut

    No, three weeks does not sound like enough! I'm on my last week of an 8 week reset. (I did 4 weeks at BMR + exercise cals before that.) I believe 6-8 weeks is the recommended time for a reset. Don't rush your body! It feels so good to let it settle into being fed properly.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member

    How are you doing?

    Hi, I am in on the day 3 of my 4th week now. Since Sunday my weight dropped a bit for about a pound. My measurement is the same since I start the reset though-my waist is 3" bigger and my hip is 1" bigger, and I still fat and squishy every time I looked down on my belly. :( Yet I got hungry more often, today I downed 2 sets of breakfast already.

    I'm not sure about that me losing weight this week though, I am more active this week and I ate out often, which means I'm not sure I eat consistently enough or not. I tried though.

    I also got to use Fitbit this week, and it give me 200kcal higher than the result scooby sites shows. Then again, I have gained 4-5lb since the reset, so the TDEE is surely going to be higher as usual. I don't know should I switch to use the TDEE number from Fitbit or not, and if I should stick with the TDEE that Scooby's sites give me.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Can someone please help me? I am considering doing a reset but trying to figure out if I'm doing this right

    height 65 inches
    weight 132
    age 32
    activity: moderate category

    Using Scooby calculator, my TDEE is 2135 so I eat this for 8 weeks (still working out since that's the activity multiplier I accounted for?). And this is total calories consumed (not NET)? Do I not worry about net calories anymore (unless my NET is below BMR?)

    Then after 8 weeks, I cut 15% (which based on scooby was 1815. And again, this is total cals? Not NET? The whole calories in vs NET calories always confuses the heck outta me. :grumble:

    Sounds like you got it! You go by TOTAL cals, unless your NET drops below BMR due to exercise.

    There is a post around here somewhere regarding when you know you're body is ready to finally "cut" when doing a reset, because it can be longer or shorter than the 8 weeks, depending on the person...let me see if I can find it...

    Ah-ha! Found it...

    Note: From Kiki: "4-6 weeks is minimum, 8-12 is even better. I did take 3+ months, because most research that I'd done showed that it could take up 6 months, and I didn't wanna chance it, & quit early. It's personal, which is why there is no definite time given. The whole point of the reset is for the individual to get in touch with their own body and understand it better. Most people will rush the process, which is fine, because, they feel overly bloated and full (& again, it's personal) The only thing to consider with that is that there is a high probability that if you're still feeling stuffed, you haven't fully reset. So as far as signs to look for, that was mine. When I went to cut, I had completely "plateaued." Meaning, I was no longer gaining and did not feel overly stuffed. I didn't have any more bloating, & was completely comfortable eating that amount of food. When people are feeling "relieved" at the thought of cutting, because they are looking forward to less food, it's kind of a red flag for me, that things aren't *completely* fixed. But, at the very least, they've eaten at higher cals long enough to give the metabolism a little boost, & if they take diet breaks every 6-10 wks, it can typically still work out fine."

    Hope this helps! And welcome to the party! :drinker:

    Do you have a link to the thread for this? I'd like to read up a bit more. I've been resetting for 3 weeks and feel great!
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey hey fellow resetters :)

    So I'm over halfway through my FINAL week of my 8-week reset. Getting very excited about cutting, although seeing 300 cals go bye-bye is definitely sad.

    Before I started my reset (and any strength training) I weighed 77.8kg - at the moment my weight has been holding pretty steady around the 79 - 79.5kg mark. It's stayed there for the past 4 weeks which makes me think my metabolism is pretty happy with me.

    Frankly I'm thrilled that I can more or less maintain at almost 2500 calories a day. I'm also pretty sure I've built some muscle over the past 8 weeks as I'm seeing some very exciting definition in my shoulders and arms, as well as my thighs. Still plenty of wobble covering it all up though :laugh:

    I'll check in with full before/after reset results in the CUT Progress thread on Monday next week, aka my first day of cut! Hooray!

    Hope the rest of you are hanging in there :)
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    1st post here. Sole purpose for joining MFP was for this group after finding it following a link when searching info on google.

    31 year old male. Weighing 298lbs. BMR 2550.

    Started at 360lbs just over a year ago and lost down to my current weight initially on 2500 calories a day and was recently on 1900 a day. I was very close to cutting them again, not due to any stalling but because I was finding myself eating at night to hit 1900 calories and feeling like I was eating just to make the numbers up and not actually needing it. I would have been down to around 1600 calories a day.

    After reading the many great posts in this group I know that the only "good" thing that was happening was a number going down on the scales, but I was destroying my body and losing the wrong weight.

    Been on reset now for nearly a week (3300 calories)

    Wow, what a difference a week can make! Mentally I'm still finding it very hard writing my meal plans and it still seems an obscene amount of food when written down, especially when not wanting to add "crap" just to bulk the calorie figure. But the first few days I was feeling stuffed midday and was dreading the prospect of eating the remaining food. Already now the past two days I've been feeling hungry very often and today even felt disappointed that I only had one meal left by 6pm and felt that wouldn't keep me going.

    Hopefully the mental side will change with time too and I'll be able to look at my meal plans and have them seem like a healthy amount of food to be eating.
  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
    I've been **lurking**, asking a few questions since around May. Raised my calories to 1600 for a while, 1800 for a while, then 2000 (but only for a week). Yesterday I went all in. I'm using 2270 calories (average TDEE between strenuous & moderate--doing P90X, in phase 2). I ate all the calories yesterday and felt great (not guilty is I guess what I mean).

    My husband is going out of town soon, so I have a few weeks on my own to see how this goes. I'm going to try not to weigh myself in Sept, so I'll have to do measurements.

    I could use some support! I'm 46, 5'3, 151. Been holding that weight now for several weeks, +/- 1 lb or so.

    I've been reading the boards and it's kind of scary to see the gains, but I guess I need to try it for the 8 weeks and see what happens. Nothing has been happening before now.

    Wish me luck!! :bigsmile:
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)
  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)

    I am going to try "About Time" next. It only has 4 ingredients and they have many different flavors. Probably get to it in a couple of months when I finish my humongous can of GNC protein.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)

    I was never able to find a type of protein powder I could stomach, even the Vegan Brown Rice powder didn't work for me. However, I did discover that I like Brewer's Yeast. It has 16g of protein for 2T and you can add it to pancake/waffle batter, oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans...and you usually won't notice! You CAN drink it too, but I wouldn't.
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)

    I was never able to find a type of protein powder I could stomach, even the Vegan Brown Rice powder didn't work for me. However, I did discover that I like Brewer's Yeast. It has 16g of protein for 2T and you can add it to pancake/waffle batter, oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans...and you usually won't notice! You CAN drink it too, but I wouldn't.

    Brewer's Yeast?? What is that and where do you find it? Does it have a taste to it? Thanks for the suggestion! I have given up on protein powder. It's just not worth it to me!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)

    I was never able to find a type of protein powder I could stomach, even the Vegan Brown Rice powder didn't work for me. However, I did discover that I like Brewer's Yeast. It has 16g of protein for 2T and you can add it to pancake/waffle batter, oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans...and you usually won't notice! You CAN drink it too, but I wouldn't.

    Brewer's Yeast?? What is that and where do you find it? Does it have a taste to it? Thanks for the suggestion! I have given up on protein powder. It's just not worth it to me!

    My mom actually gave me a can when I went mostly vegan, so I'm not 100% sure where she got it from, but probably from Whole Foods. This is what it looks like:

    It does have a nutty taste, but it's not noticeable AT ALL in baked goods, quinoa/rice, and beans if you have other flavoring in there other than a slight nuttiness. Note that it is not active yeast, so it won't mess up your baking. You could probably add it to a sauce, but I don't eat sauces much so I haven't tried that.