Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Hi all,

    Today is the 4th day of my week 5 reset, 4 of my week 1. I got fitbit and I have found out that my average TDEE Fitbit show me 200-300 kcal higher than the scooby's site show me, so I have to redo the reset all over again. :sad:

    Currently I have gain another inch around my waist, pants and jeans are getting tighter, and I have gained 0.5 lb more-very nerve wrecking. I have been eating quite bad lately. I tried to eat clean but most of the stores where I lives are mom and pop's type of shops and none of them provided nutritional data so sometimes I have to rely on frozen food and fast food instead. I can't wait for this 8 weeks of reset to be over. My goal so far is to maintain, yet if after this 8 weeks I have gained weight I would have to do the cut too. :ohwell:
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Ok, Day 3 of my reset and I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. 3 days in and up 3 pounds. The same 3 pounds it's taken me 6 months to lose. I took a deep breath and told my husband to hide the scale for 4 weeks. I expected this, but actually seeing the number on the scale is so scary! I am hitting my TDEE of 2230 pretty well, but struggling to get all the protein. I have yet to find a protein powder I can drink that doesn't make my tummy hurt. Tried all types/brands/etc. Anways, will keep working on hitting it and continue my deep breathing! :)

    I was never able to find a type of protein powder I could stomach, even the Vegan Brown Rice powder didn't work for me. However, I did discover that I like Brewer's Yeast. It has 16g of protein for 2T and you can add it to pancake/waffle batter, oatmeal, rice, quinoa, beans...and you usually won't notice! You CAN drink it too, but I wouldn't.

    Brewer's Yeast?? What is that and where do you find it? Does it have a taste to it? Thanks for the suggestion! I have given up on protein powder. It's just not worth it to me!

    My mom actually gave me a can when I went mostly vegan, so I'm not 100% sure where she got it from, but probably from Whole Foods. This is what it looks like:

    It does have a nutty taste, but it's not noticeable AT ALL in baked goods, quinoa/rice, and beans if you have other flavoring in there other than a slight nuttiness. Note that it is not active yeast, so it won't mess up your baking. You could probably add it to a sauce, but I don't eat sauces much so I haven't tried that.

    Interesting. I'll have to look for that... Thanks again for the suggestion!
  • mguzeta
    mguzeta Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all!
    I am joining the group and starting my reset this Monday (officially). After dieting down and too much cardio, my body retaliated by gaining 15lbs within a few months (with some help from a new BCP prescription too). So, I am trying another route and here I am. I hope to learn a lot from all of you. My TDEE is 2087, which seem like so much when I have been staying in the 1300-1500 range for so long. This will be interesting. :)
  • rettarick
    rettarick Posts: 2 Member
    ****you can cheat a little to keep your streak going...go back to the day your misses in diary and quick add the number of calls for the whole day :P
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I've been looking back through this thread and glad to see so many people mentioning fatigue. I haven't done anywhere near as much exercise as I should this week due to not having the energy and had to split my weight sessions into half sessions due to it too.

    Today I've been shattered but I think that may have more to do with the start of the football season last night. :wink: (being in the UK that means staying up til nearly 5am!)

    First 2 weeks I've felt I've had more energy and have noticed getting more done at work etc. This last week had been a bit nasty though. Everything else is ok, just the damn tiredness.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    After got a fitbit and adjust my TDEE again, I am on week 3 now. I have gained another pound and inch. I eat bad this week though-I have been eat over my TDEE for 3 days now and I am more active this week-have to take my cat to the vet daily. :cry:

    I know that it's OK to eat over my average TDEE but for 3 days with 2 days where I exercise more so that my calories intake would be lower than my daily TDEE. So I am not sure it will affect my reset or not. Hopefully it works out well for me though. And I can't wait for the cut, I just want to see my waistline gone down a bit, it's unnerving for me to measure my waist and saw the number. :frown:
  • mguzeta
    mguzeta Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, so eating at TDEE is actually quite hard. I'm feeling like I am force feeding myself and over the past couple of weeks, I have gained 2lbs, but seem to be staying where I am at. I also started to incorporate Jamie Eason's LiveFit program into all of this, starting with phase two since it had strength training and cardio. I have to say through I have not been as consistent as i would like with my workouts. :( When I am done with pahse two of the JE program, I will start my cut, so I still have some time to go. I am hoping that this all works out in the end because I don't think I can recall weighing this much or eating this much...except when I was prego with my kids!!
    I started mine a few weeks ago and have slowly been upping my calories from 800. I have a Bodymedia Fit and my average TDEE is 2600. My highest day so far alas been 2400. It is really tough. But I'm starting to get hungry for breakfast in the morning which is something I have not felt in a long, long time. I also have tons of energy, more than I've had in a long time, too. I usually feel a lot more moody and anxious and that has abated tons. There are a lot of positives I am seeing. I'm regular again. I can't run after my kids again. I actually feel like cleaning house. my SAD has not kicked in yet this Fall and usually it's full force by now (I live in Minnesota).

    Do I feel bloatd? Yes. Do I feel chubby? Yes. Are my clothes tight? Yes. I have to force myself to eat. I have to force myself not to restrict. It's like I get unhappy with my body and my first automatic thought is planning on skipping breakfast, eating 800 calories for a few weeks, etc, but I feel better mentally and hormonally. I keep trying to see the positives. Anyone else have positive things coming out of your reset?
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Do I feel bloatd? Yes. Do I feel chubby? Yes. Are my clothes tight? Yes. I have to force myself to eat. I have to force myself not to restrict. It's like I get unhappy with my body and my first automatic thought is planning on skipping breakfast, eating 800 calories for a few weeks, etc, but I feel better mentally and hormonally. I keep trying to see the positives. Anyone else have positive things coming out of your reset?

    Funny, I was just telling my hubby how squishy I feel now. He reminded me that it was just my body freaking out because I am finally feeding it something other than lettuce and water (an exaggeration, but still, my eating was pretty sad before reset). As far as something positive coming out of reset, here's mine: I have been hovering at a 3 lb. weight gain since starting my reset 4 weeks ago. This morning, I weighed myself and am up another 2 pounds. HOWEVER, I did not throw the scale or slam the door or yell at my family or cry or let it ruin my day as I would have in the past. Instead, I just smiled and thought "ok". Not much, but I'll take it as a sign that I'm starting to have a much healthier relationship with the scale. I'm almost ready to break up with it...:tongue:
  • bellabrite
    bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
    Yea!! So happy for people who have spouses that are understanding throughout this process!
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
    Good Day. I've been reading a lot on the EM2WL, watching the vids, etc. and finally got my diaries & profile set up. After all I've read, and done, I think I'm ready for the reset. I must say, it makes sense, but has gone contrary to everything I've done for a lot of years. I just realized today though, I've been on a perpetual diet for 20 years! I am 48, currently 135 lbs, 5'3 & a moderate exerciser. According to Scooby, my TDEE is 1991. So am going to try this! Not sure how the macros really work as I am used to eating servings of veg/meats/dairy/starches for some time. Not sure how to convert these to the macros, or even what macros to use. It's the beginning of another journey for me.......hopefully this one leads in the direction I want to go! Would love some support, and welcome all advice. This is going to be more mental for me than perhaps I'm ready for, but here goes nothing!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Good Morning. I am on Day 5 of Rest and I feel so fat. I am eating at 1750 and I am actually supposed to go up to about 1900 the end of this week, but I am so scared. I have already gained 3 pounds. But Im going to do it.

    I would love to have some friends that are also resetting. Please add me :)
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    hi All,

    well...I think I'm finally ready. I've been on this low calorie road virtually my entire life. I've battled an ED for much of that time, and I seriously, aside from inpatient care for ED, don't think I've EVER eaten my TDEE. It's time.

    I know this is going to be painful. I've been pushing my calories up from about 700 a month ago to about 1400 this week. I need to get to my TDEE of 1850 ( per FitBit). I'm already feeling fat and bloated and like I'm constantly stuffing my face. But I'm committed to getting all the way there.

    Here are my stats:
    41 yo female
    Last wt 2 weeks ago (too scared to look now) 105
    BF 20%

    I've been lifting heavy 3x per week and run or walk 3 days. 1 rest day.

    I'm soooo hooping this reset will get me out of the chronically low calories and allow me to gain some muscle, eventually lose some fat, and generally feel and be healthier. I haven't had regular periods in several years down (sorry if TMI), so hoping to get that back to normal as well.

    I'd love to have some like-minded, supportive friends 'cause I KNOW this is going to be rough!!!

    Here we go....

  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all! I thought I'd pop in to say hi! :flowerforyou:

    I'm halfway through week 9 of my reset :drinker: and am shooting for 10 or 11 weeks. I guess I'll see when I get there. Before full metab reset, I tried 8 weeks at a 10% cut but wasn't going anywhere (except up!) so I switched. Full weight gain (since starting both 10% and full reset) is 35 pounds. :sad: Yep. I'm highly looking forward to getting this weight off. My old "fat weight" now is like a dream weight! :laugh: lol

    But, other than that, things are going well. See ya on the other side! :bigsmile:
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone. Well... joining in. Same as countless others. Years of "dieting" - since I was 16!!! That's 34 years of counting points/calories/eating cardboard meals/lettuce. Hypothyroid (diagnosed last week) Meh. Poo.

    The Scooby thing said 2328 for TDEE but my Bodymedia said maintenance is 2120? So I'm not sure which one to go with.

    Age: 40
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 167.2 (not after today, lolz!)

    Just bought the New Rules book, reading it. I have a Planet Fitness Zuma home gym. Buying some dumbells this week. Kind of lost, and wish there was a step by step EMWL for dummies thread, haha. I set my macros up - diary is open to my friends.

    Admittedly, the thought of putting on weight is freaking FREAKING me out. BUT, I'm going to ask my husband to hide the scale. I also plan on keeping track of my burn and making sure that I don't go lower than my BMR (1502) when working out.

    My gosh this is scary. Like SCARY. I want to be fit for LIFE - no more yo-yo'ing and stomach growling at night!!!

    --- oh... HI!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I'm on my 3rd week right now. How do I know when I'm ready? I haven't gained any weight, except the normal fluctuation form carbs and poop. I noticed after the first week I got HUNGIER and kept wanting to eat, as opposed to before when I could eat 1200 and be totally fine.

    I'm still good eating at my TDEE, and I think I'll miss all the noms. :(

    But is 4 weeks too short? Just curious.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    There is not a EM2WL thread for dummies. If you visit the website EM2WL there is an ebook you can download. I just got it after trying this since July and eating at TDEE-20% cut. I haven't lost so I thought I'd try following instructions. Anyway off to a full reset I go. My fitbit say 2325. Scooby says 2356. On the positive side of EM2WL without weight loss, I sleep better, have more energy and am less grouchy. I have been doing the NRL4W since August too and definitely have some more strength and muscle.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Do you exercise as normal during this reset?

    We have been pretty inactive since the weather has turned cold. I miss hiking and plan to join a gym, finally, over winter because I am going to start lifting!!! I am worried that starting to exercise again now is going to mess up my reset. But my brain tells me it will help my metabolism.

    What do you all do when eating at TDEE or during reset?
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member

    I don't think exercising will mess with the reset as long as you select the correct activity level to calculate your TDEE.

    I am in week three of reset and have been exercising as normal (moderately). I think for people who do crazy amounts of cardio they are told to tone it down a bit. Lifting is kind of the cornerstone of this program with an emphasis on building fat-burning muscle and cardio is a side dish. (Mixing metaphors!)
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    OK- I've been eating at TDEE (1800) for a month now, and I have to say, it's going better than I expected. I've gone up 2-3 pounds (depending on the day), but my measurements are basically the same, so I am attributing most of that weight to water/bloating. I based my TDEE off of my Fitbit, but after looking at all the calculators, I have decided to bump up to 1900 for the second half of my reset and see what happens. According to scooby, I fall into the "strenuous" category, which should have me at 2100, and since I haven't gained a ton at 1800, I thought I'd push my luck and see if my body will accept 1900 as my TDEE.

    Has anyone else tried pushing the limits of their TDEE? Meaning, continuing to push the calories until you see weight gain and then back off a bit? I'm just curious if my FitBit might be underestimating my burn and my body has just acclimated to a number that isn't quite my full TDEE. And yes, I do manually put in my weight lifting calories b/c I know the FitBit doesn't track that well.

    Thoughts? Experience?