


  • rsgabu
    rsgabu Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Robbie. I am 35 and live in Belfast, Ireland. I am starting insanity on 14th August 12 and I would just like to use this forum to give me some much needed motivation to keep going. Typically I have started to use this and then I lose interest in logging my performance and then stop training.

    This time I am going to complete the 60 dys of insanity and log all my food and exercise each day. My main goal is to become toned and fit again as I was in my 20's.

    I would love to hear from others who are doing this program and hopefully we can help each other out.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Thanks and happy training

  • Hello everyone, my name is Shamika. I am 22 years old and I currently reside in Texas. I started Insanity on Sunday, August 12, 2012 against the recommended plan in order to give myself Saturdays off versus Sundays. I have lost 31 pounds on my own and now I am seeking to drop an additional 10 pounds while toning and building muscle and strength. With the exceptions of a few cheat indulgences on the weekend, my eating habits are pretty clean. I look forward to collaborating with others during this adventure as well as suggestions on good meal choices. DIG DEEPER!!!
  • Hi, My name is Bianca. I started insanity today. I look forward to getting through it. I would like to lose a few pounds and some inches :) (which I'm sure we all do) I am dedicated to sticking to the plan, for once I would love to finish a routine that I start. If anyone would like to add me for motivation and support that would be great. I hope you all make it to the end with a healthier body and mind :) Good Luck
  • Hey all! I'm Christina from florida:) started the insanity workouts a week ago and omg talk about intense...anyway i love the challenge so i am completely addicted now:) anyway would love to meet new fitness buddies so feel free to add me!
  • Hi Everyone!

    My name is Erica. I actually just finished Insanity this past Sunday. However, I am not really "finished" with the program until I meet several goals:

    1. Do a warm up without stopping and hit all the moves within a session
    2. Hit that 1000-calorie burn
    3. HIt my first weight loss goal of 20 pounds

    All of this is to be achieved by September 1. So I am re-working the three toughest sets from month two to reach my goals. Then I am moving on to ChaLean Extreme. P90x after that.

    I have had amazing results with Insanity and following the nutrition plan religiously. I've also had knee injuries since the second week and had to restart week two over and then had to take a 5 day break a couple of weeks ago. Uggghhhhh!

    Please feel free to add me!

    Remember: DIG DEEPER YALL!!!!!!

  • bmhaas92
    bmhaas92 Posts: 5 Member

    My name is Brittanie and I just finished day 8 of Insanity. I've never been able to stick with a work out plan. The most I did was almost 2 weeks of p90x. This time it feels different! I really push myself with insanity, and I'm trying so hard with eating cleaner and smarter. I just would LOVE some friend requests for encouragement with insanity, or dieting, just this journey in general. I lost 13 lbs last year with weight watchers and some zumba, but this year it's time to shed the rest of my extra poundage and get more toned where i want it (stomach, legs, buttocks).

    Thanks in advance for your encouragement, let's be fitness pals!

    Brittanie :)
  • Hmwarren84
    Hmwarren84 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, My name is Heidi. I am 27 years old and a mother of 2. Just made it to my first rest day, so officially one week down! I am not following the meal plan, but am doing my best to keep it healthy and stick with my calorie goal. I am looking to lose inches (and hopefully pounds) off my belly and lower body. Also would be nice to have other Insane pals for encouragement. Good luck on your weight loss and fitness journeys!
  • Hi, I'm Alex Fittin. I am 22 years old and just got married in June. I started INSANITY to look better in my wedding dress a few months ago and have gained everything back post-wedding :(. I am starting over with attempts to drop 32 pounds and 2 sizes. I'm not interested in being a sickly-looking skinny girl, but am VERY interested in getting FIT! I am not following the meal plan exactly because I am weird and don't like very many vegitables but I am cooking mainly healthy meals that I can find calorie counts on and trying to be dedicated to balancing my diet. Good luck out there!
  • Manj80
    Manj80 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Manj. I started Insanity yesterda (20th August) and the fit test wiped me out.

    I havn't exercised in what seems like ages and seeing as my baby boy is now 13 months think its way past time. I did start with a personal trainer after he was born but once i got back to work i couldn't get the time together to go to the gym. Hoping exercising at home will help.

    Looking forward to day 2 but at the same time very apprehensive... would be great to buddy up with someone who started this week too :-)
  • Hi everyone, my name is Rindi. My best friend, Brooke and I started Insanity two days ago, and let me tell you...we LOVE it! It is very intense, and by know means can we make it through the whole workout. We barely made it through the fit test, but I am bound and determined to lose 15 pounds or more.

    I am 28, from Oklahoma, a wife, and mother to two beautiful daughters. I have gained about 20 pounds since I have had them, and I am miserable. I hate that when I put something on in the morning, I always second guess myself. But I am turning over a new leaf with My FitnessPal and Insanity! I am so excited to finally be where I want to be.

    I would love to make new friends! So friend me so we can keep track of each other's progress and encourage each other to keep it up!
  • munty76
    munty76 Posts: 47
    Hi all,

    My name is Munty and I joined MFP back in June when I finally took the decision to get fit. Been trying to eat as clean as I can since then and exercising but now want to take it to the next step. Losing weight with diet is fine, but being fit and healthy is completey different in my opinion.

    I started Insanity on Monday 20th August and today ill be doing Day 5. I can feel the difference already!

    Be great to have liked minded friends on here to support and encourage so feel free to add me.

    For all those doing insanity - well done and those that are thinking of starting! just do it! its awesome!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Eliana and I am nearing the end of my first week of month 2 of Insanity. I haven't had great success with it on the scale, however, my body has definitely gotten smaller.. yay! I hope to complete 2 rounds of Insanity, followed by one round of Brazil Butt Lift and then continue on with a hybrid of Insanity and P90X. I know it doesn't seem like I want to lose a lot but a few lbs are a lot on a small frame.

    Anyhow, good luck to all!!
  • crazyjewl521
    crazyjewl521 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Julie - a 31yr old Mass girl. Starting day 1 of insanity tomorrow and am completely out of shape. My boyfriend and an old gf of mine are starting it all together. Wish us luck!! Not gonna lie... I'm def a little scared, haha! :tongue:
  • Hi, my name is Crystal and my husband and I have started the Insanity workout our fit test out of the way. I started the workout about 3 months ago and got half way through when I just fell off completely. I started off by skipping one day, then two then just stopped all together. I have been on fitness pal for about a year now but I really want to take advantage of it this time around and get all the support I can get! I'm not very good at sticking to something for more than a month, I get bored easily! So, please feel free to friend me and we can help each other out :) The first month that I did finish, I did not lose too much weight but I did go down 2 pant sizes so I lost inches...I think I just got comfortable with that and that's another reason I stopped but I am not where I want to be yet. So here I go again, but this time hoping and being confident that I can finish the program this time- I know it will be a great help having a support team on here and having a workout buddy also. Thanks!! Good luck everyone :)
  • Hey! Im shelby. Im 20 and im from Shreveport, Louisiana. Im doing insanity hoping to get in really good shape before i graduate college in May. Im in the first week and I start day four tomorrow. This stuff is rough! But im really excited to see how it turns out, and I would love to know how well its worked for other people. Add me and we will do this thing together :D
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    This is my 2nd round. I miss Insanity and the high I get from the work out so I'm going to do month 1 again.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name's Alexander, I'm 33 y.o
    I started INSANITY 2 days ago...
    The reason is that I gain weight after my surgery last December and I want to get back in shape. THE HARD WAY!
    I also do martial arts (hapkido) twice a week. (around 3 hours in total)

    Feel free to add me as an insanity friend :)

    Take care
  • Hi Everyone , My name is Danielle I am 33 from Long Island NY , and I'm on day 5 of Insanity . My finance and I are doing this to get in better shape for our upcoming wedding. I don't think I could do this without him and I commend those who are doing this alone. That's dedication. We have been trying to follow the meal plan the best we can . What is everyone putting in for the exercise log ? I looked up insanity and nothing comes up. Should we start Shakeology ? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Tonight is our first day of Pure Cardio and I'm scared LOL . Wish us luck !!! :love:
  • Hello! My name is Michele and I currently live in Albany, NY. My roommate and I decided to start Insanity after I saw a fbook friend of mine post a before and after picture and she looks great!! We just got it in the mail today and are going to start it tomorrow. We also bought the Shakeology after speaking with other people, so we are splitting a months supply and if we like it, we will buy more from there. I figured with the 30 day money back guarentee why not? I hope that we can help each other stay motivated and get through the next 2 months!!
  • Shakeology is a great product. It might be expensive but I have yet to find another protein shake that compares in taste. I have a shake in the morning and it keeps me full through to lunch. It's improved my body's ability to process foods and I can rely on it when I have a "bad" day the previous day. Two shakes the next day and I feel back on track.